Poll: Espionage defendants are typically denied bail, so Trump could be detained pending trial

Will Trump be denied bail?

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It wasn't marked -- key distinction. How is someone going to know what's classified and what isn't unless it's marked?

I'm on record as saying Clinton's judgment was shit. She should have consulted with DOS' security/IT team and apparently she did not, so that's on her. But she didn't knowingly mishandle classified info.

It's way different than Trump.
Hillary’s staff removed the markings. Cut and paste works well

Plus Hillary claims she had no idea what portion markings were. To me having worked with classified information that is hard to belIeve. Perhaps she wasn’t briefed on classified information and markings. I handled lower classified information than Hillary and was briefed and instructed and warned of consequences numerous times.

Hillary’s staff removed the markings. Cut and paste works well

Plus Hillary claims she had no idea what portion markings were. To me having worked with classified information that is hard to belIeve. Perhaps she wasn’t briefed on classified information and markings. I handled lower classified information than Hillary and was briefed and instructed and warned of consequences numerous times.

It's still plausible that she didn't know what the 'c' stood for and that she relied on others to filter for appropriate classification. That being said, she was clearly negligent in setting up the private server to conduct business and if she didn't know what the 'c' stood for, she could have asked - won't deny that. But it's still a world away from what we're dealing with in Trump's case.

Moreover, in spite of there being no criminal charges brought against Clinton, her actions had consequences. She lost the election in no small part because of the negative coverage, which was fair game IMO. I'm also going to hazard a guess that she had a substantial legal bill to boot. So her poor judgment wasn't without personal repercussions.

Considering the judge in this case, Aileen Cannon, I doubt Trump will be denied bail. However, I think he should be denied bail - and it would likely speed up the trial. What do you think?
Since he has a secret service detail around him at all times, he will be given bail.

That whore bitch judge is a completely different matter.
It's still plausible that she didn't know what the 'c' stood for and that she relied on others to filter for appropriate classification. That being said, she was clearly negligent in setting up the private server to conduct business and if she didn't know what the 'c' stood for, she could have asked - won't deny that. But it's still a world away from what we're dealing with in Trump's case.

Moreover, in spite of there being no criminal charges brought against Clinton, her actions had consequences. She lost the election in no small part because of the negative coverage, which was fair game IMO. I'm also going to hazard a guess that she had a substantial legal bill to boot. So her poor judgment wasn't without personal repercussions.
Some of our nation’s most highly classified information was on Hillary’s server. This link comes from CBS which is not a conservative outlet. The article mentions that Hillary did not write the email but she did allow it to exist on an unauthorized and improperly secured server.

Now I firmly believe if Trump seriously violated the laws involving the handling of classified information he should he charged and prosecuted.

However I also believe Hillary should also face charges. When people are not held accountable it is not surprising they don’t follow the rules. It’s like posting speed limits on a freeway without cops.

We should have in our nation just one rule of law that applies equally and fairly to all. Otherwise our nation is no better than many other corrupt governments in this world.
Some of our nation’s most highly classified information was on Hillary’s server. This link comes from CBS which is not a conservative outlet. The article mentions that Hillary did not write the email but she did allow it to exist on an unauthorized and improperly secured server.

I don't dispute that she had some classified material on her server; I dispute that she knowingly possessed in violation of the law. That's the difference between Clinton, Biden, and Pence's situation on one hand, and Trump's on the other.

Clinton's is more serious than Biden or Pence's, IMO, because her conduct defied proper protocol and she really should have been a little more curious to find out whether what she was doing was appropriate. Bad judgment all up and down and I have never disputed that.

And in both Biden and Pence's cases, the fact that they both ended up with classified docs, even if it was an accident, doesn't give me a lot of confidence in their administrative capacity.

Now I firmly believe if Trump seriously violated the laws involving the handling of classified information he should he charged and prosecuted.


However I also believe Hillary should also face charges. When people are not held accountable it is not surprising they don’t follow the rules. It’s like posting speed limits on a freeway without cops.

Respectfully disagree - I think the intent and conduct is different, though of the three (Pence, Biden, and her), I think hers is the worst and comes closest to being potentially criminal. I agreed then and do now with James Comey's take on the matter. Sloppy, negligent, but short of criminal. Or maybe more accurately stated, there's just not enough evidence to support a criminal prosecution.
He won't be denied bail. He's innocent. The charges are bogus. If they do try to hold him, I'd like to see the jail overrun by patriots to free him like the Alamo was overrun by nasty greasy. wet

Convicted serial rapist, twice impeached, fraudster, thief, traitor that organized overthrowing our government, attempted stealing the elections...
yeah, should go to jail right now!!!

Not just any white underwear;

Tighty Whitey underwear. ;)

Apparently you're not man enough to; Soy Boy.

Real men wear tighty whiteys and know how to tie a Double Windsor.

Prove me wrong! :aargh:
Black Veggie has an issue wiith skid marks.
And what do all those "departments" function at, retard?

You'll probably never figure it out so I gotta tell you: It's at the whim of the president.

I don't dispute that she had some classified material on her server; I dispute that she knowingly possessed in violation of the law.

??? SHe's the one that set up the server in her basement to avoid FOIA requests and Congressional inquiries. How can you say it wasn't knowingly?

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