Poll for USMB conservatives: The social safety net

Do you support the social safety net?

  • Total voters
daveman does not control who participated on the Board: never has, never will.

I, who am not considered a 'conservative' by many of the far right, voted in "favor."

The Rabbi, who is in fact far beyond conservative and is in fact a rabid reactionary, wrote "I'd be in favor of dismantling every federal program that deals with providing whatever to people. That role properly belongs to: the family, the community, the municipality, and the state, in that order." Simply not true.

Conservatives would be far better off by paring off the reactionaries. This is why they have such a bad name in American politics.
Yes, but like most progressives, you want a permanent underclass to exploit. .

Not at all. In fact, a reactionary such as you many others here wish to keep such classes without any form of support or opportunity to better themselve so you can exploit them economically: you know, child and adult labor and all that at less than the necessary wage to live. That way you get the whole family.
If I had my dream plan, it would be someothing like this..

Those who are deemed "needy" enough to be on a Federal Program and physically and mentally able to be working, they would be required to:

1 - Move into a Federal Living Facility such as former Military base that has been closed down.

2 - Their meals would be served at a centralized spot, caferteria style. Think School Lunches or Military Chow Hall.

3 - They would be required to adhere to a dress code, including hair cuts.. Again think Military style. ( Not Marines.. No need for the High and tight look )

4 - They would be reguired to attend Vocational Education training as wll as High School Level classes in English, basic math, and reading. Failure to progress results in expulsion from the program.

5 - Two years would be the max, depending upon the Vactional training they were taking.

6 - They would not be eligable to vote during this time frame.

7 - Any pregnancies would result in the immediate expulsion from the program for both mother and father.

8 - Any one expelled from the program would not be eligable for re-consideration for 5 years, nor would be they be eligable for any Federal Assistance of any kind for 5 years.

You blew your chance to get a "free" education when you were young. If you want more access to the Tax Payer's dollars for assistance and training, it's you are going to have to show that you want it and are willing to work for it.
daveman does not control who participated on the Board: never has, never will.

I, who am not considered a 'conservative' by many of the far right, voted in "favor."

The Rabbi, who is in fact far beyond conservative and is in fact a rabid reactionary, wrote "I'd be in favor of dismantling every federal program that deals with providing whatever to people. That role properly belongs to: the family, the community, the municipality, and the state, in that order." Simply not true.

Conservatives would be far better off by paring off the reactionaries. This is why they have such a bad name in American politics.
Yes, but like most progressives, you want a permanent underclass to exploit. .

Not at all. In fact, a reactionary such as you many others here wish to keep such classes without any form of support or opportunity to better themselve so you can exploit them economically: you know, child and adult labor and all that at less than the necessary wage to live. That way you get the whole family.
If all you're going to do is lie, just go away, boy.
If I had my dream plan, it would be someothing like this..

Those who are deemed "needy" enough to be on a Federal Program and physically and mentally able to be working, they would be required to:

1 - Move into a Federal Living Facility such as former Military base that has been closed down.

2 - Their meals would be served at a centralized spot, caferteria style. Think School Lunches or Military Chow Hall.

3 - They would be required to adhere to a dress code, including hair cuts.. Again think Military style. ( Not Marines.. No need for the High and tight look )

4 - They would be reguired to attend Vocational Education training as wll as High School Level classes in English, basic math, and reading. Failure to progress results in expulsion from the program.

5 - Two years would be the max, depending upon the Vactional training they were taking.

6 - They would not be eligable to vote during this time frame.

7 - Any pregnancies would result in the immediate expulsion from the program for both mother and father.

8 - Any one expelled from the program would not be eligable for re-consideration for 5 years, nor would be they be eligable for any Federal Assistance of any kind for 5 years.

You blew your chance to get a "free" education when you were young. If you want more access to the Tax Payer's dollars for assistance and training, it's you are going to have to show that you want it and are willing to work for it.

I'll second that.

If all you're going to do is lie, just go away, boy.

Kid, your lack of smarts is showing again. Reactionaries like you are simply mentally and emotionally damaged wares.
USMB conservatives only, please. The poll will show who's voted, so any progs trying to game it will be exposed.


Do you support the social safety net? Programs that allow people to get back on their feet and off public assistance. A hand up, not a hand out.

This is in contrast to the professional, Nth-generation welfare recipients.

The government has no business and no right to determine welfare nor give money or goods to any entity, be it a person or corporation or organization or foreign country.
I as an individual, determine what charities are worthy to me. Charity should not be a democratic process, ever. Charity is an individual choice. Not one single cent of my taxes should be spent on charity to others.
Davy Crockett vs. Welfare
Get rid of it all. We are a welfare nation, more money is spent on education/SS/MC/MC and soon Obamacare than was ever intentionally planned. These programs have turned education, healthcare and peoples upward mobility to near the lowest levels or unaffordable levels worldwide.

If college and high school were the answer to a great economy then the US should be surging 10x that of the 1920's. If Government involvement in HC actually created greater care at less of a cost then there would be no discussion on HC like there is today. If SS was so awesome then people wouldn't be bitching that 1 it does not cover jack shit for bills and 2 that most people alive today will never even see their SS because Government spent it (like Clinton) already and the model never took into context people living so long or passing it on to their children.

In every respect welfare has failed. Yet it will always be the less Government people like me that take the blame... despite Government always growing.
What do you mean by "the social safety net"? That might be key here.
I'd be in favor of dismantling every federal program that deals with providing whatever to people. That role properly belongs to: the family, the community, the municipality, and the state, in that order.
Obviously people experience various hardships from time to time and need a hand temporarily. No one is saying they shouldn't have it. Nor is anyone saying people who genuinely are disabled and cannot work should not get any help. But too many people become "disabled" meaning they can't move furniture or roof houses, while they could be doing something else. And if min wage laws didnt apply they could probably find something.

Can you flesh out a scenario of how this works?

This sounds so reasonable: "That role properly belongs to: the family, the community, the municipality, and the state, in that order" doesn't it? But fails in practicality. So I must be missing something, but let me try:

John Doe incurs a hardship. So Plan A, he goes to his family. Ooops, they can't help him, they are living paycheck to paycheck, as are many Americans five years into the recession.

So John Doe now goes to "the community". Can you tell me what that looks like and where it is? Is that a food bank or a homeless shelter? Or the Community theater?

John Doe next goes to his "municipality". Again, what is that? In my town the municipal building houses the police department and the local township tax office.

You see, you people are just full of rhetorical shit. That's the conservative way. Pretty words with no fucking substance.

Carry on.

Yo, dingleberry. Putting every post in bold makes you look like an arrogant fool. If your post is worthy of reading, it will be read. If its bullshit, it won't be read no matter what kind of font you use.
daveman does not control who participated on the Board: never has, never will.

I, who am not considered a 'conservative' by many of the far right, voted in "favor."


Fakey is recognized as the far left wing Democrat Parody hack he is.

This is why nothing he posts is of any value.
I have no problem with a very minimal social safety net in place. The problem is that so many people use it as a way of life, and continue to breed more people who will follow in their footsteps. Imo, welfare dollars should be spent on education and work skills to enable people to contribute, rather than becoming a lifestyle.
Currently, the count is 10 for a hand up, and 4 against.

Of course, Jake's vote doesn't count, since he's not a conservative.

What inspired this poll was a discussion I was having with [MENTION=26072]DaGoose[/MENTION]:

The vast majority of conservatives have no opposition to a societal safety net, despite what progressives tell each other.

(Really? Prove it.)
...his reply in red.

I'd say it's been proved.
USMB conservatives only, please. The poll will show who's voted, so any progs trying to game it will be exposed.


Do you support the social safety net? Programs that allow people to get back on their feet and off public assistance. A hand up, not a hand out.

This is in contrast to the professional, Nth-generation welfare recipients.

I've had to turn to FS and UEC in the past.
These are things that my own tax dollars have paid for so I feel no guilt for taking advantage of it.

Now, if you'd like to lower my taxes so that I can better save and prepare for myself, I'm all for going it alone
"Social Safety Net" = Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, tax deductions, tax credits, corporate and farm subsidies, GSEs, bailouts, public transportation, price supports, public works, ObamaCare...ad infinitum.

Let he who is without a government tit in his mouth cast the first stone.
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"Social Safety Net" = Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, tax deductions, tax credits, corporate and farm subsidies, GSEs, bailouts, public transportation, price supports, public works, ObamaCare...ad infinitum.

Let he who is without a government tit in his mouth cast the first stone.

Start your own poll if you want prog horseshit included.
"Social Safety Net" = Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, tax deductions, tax credits, corporate and farm subsidies, GSEs, bailouts, public transportation, price supports, public works, ObamaCare...ad infinitum.

Let he who is without a government tit in his mouth cast the first stone.

Start your own poll if you want prog horseshit included.

Every one of those things I listed are government crutches which force other people to pay higher taxes or the government to borrow more money. Just threaten to remove any one of them, and watch someone howl like a welfare queen to protect it.

Let he who is without a government tit in his mouth cast the first stone.
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"Social Safety Net" = Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, tax deductions, tax credits, corporate and farm subsidies, GSEs, bailouts, public transportation, price supports, public works, ObamaCare...ad infinitum.

Let he who is without a government tit in his mouth cast the first stone.

Start your own poll if you want prog horseshit included.

You are bound by the forum rules the same as always, nothing different.
When people are pointing at a welfare recipient, it annoys them to discover they are also takers. They can't handle the truth.
USMB conservatives only, please. The poll will show who's voted, so any progs trying to game it will be exposed.


Do you support the social safety net? Programs that allow people to get back on their feet and off public assistance. A hand up, not a hand out.

This is in contrast to the professional, Nth-generation welfare recipients.

People don't understand money. If they did and stopped blowing their money on junk there would be no need for a safety net. My folks had a social safety net: A paid for house and car, money in the bank, no debts. When my dad got laid off he wouldn't even take unemployment compensation because that was a 'handout.' We learn what we live.

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