Poll: GOP support for gun control dips since Parkland

It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
Frivouse gun control laws will not save a single soul… Commonsense says so
I'll bite..name me a non-frivolous gun control law? If they are all frivolous..then why make the distinction?
It ain’t broken so don’t fix it that’s what I’m saying, every retail sale Has to have a background check I run them every day.
It takes an average between two and four minutes to run a background check on somebody in my shop. Which is entirely too long, It should take seconds or less for them to walk out the door with their purchase.
As long as i can go out to the parking lot..and buy a gun..with no paperwork and no background check....it's broke. If the law that requires you to conduct a retail background check is constitutional..than one that applies to private sales would be also.
No, What about personal sales to family members and friends? Who pays for that? No one should have to pay for the right of firearm ownership whatsoever.
Heck Rustic, I figured you'd like that 2 to 4 minutes waiting time - your customer may end up buying something else. I know I peruse the other merchandise while I wait.
I’ve been self-employed for over 25 years I don’t need the money, I look at is a service that I can make a little money off of at this point in life.
That should be like a Visa card... seconds or less.
OK, I'm happy your set, that's always good (and no, I'm not being sarcastic). But, maybe your customer sees something they need. As an example, when I bought my shotgun I realized I needed sling for it. I realized that when I was looking at those items.

But, I can understand your desire that it should only take seconds. I just don't see a few minutes making much difference.
Are you saying our current gun laws are common sense? if they are why create more?

No, not necessarily. Take for instance the fact that an 18 year old can buy a long gun, but has to be 21 to buy a pistol. Is there some great gain in smarts from 18 to 21?

ADDED: If there is then make it 21 for both. If there isn't, then 18 for both.
An 18-year-old can vote, join the military, enter into a biding agreement such as marriage
I believe it is stupid to do what most adults can do but not have a firearm.
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
You better believe it there is no need for further rights restrictions if you want to restrict rights restrict the rights of the shooter and leave mine alone.
I was wondering when the usual suspects would show up..can 2aGuy be far behind?
Your dodge is noted
But I digress why do you want to restrict the rights of citizens for a program that has produce nothing but failure? Why don't you want to restrict the rights of the shooter instead?
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid. The courts have held that reasonable gun control is not infringing on anyone's rights. You disagree.. noted. But....until you are appointed to the SCOTUS..I'll go with the prevailing body of law.

As for the current programs failing..when they are full of NRA sponsored loopholes...how can they not fail? Unless universal background checks are...welll...universal..they are token at best.

Also..we never will know if such things really work..as there are no stats kept..of the guy who looked for a gun...and was turned down..and did NOT kill someone,now are there?
There you go An American principle that makes up our laws innocent until proven guilty.
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
You better believe it there is no need for further rights restrictions if you want to restrict rights restrict the rights of the shooter and leave mine alone.
I was wondering when the usual suspects would show up..can 2aGuy be far behind?
Your dodge is noted
But I digress why do you want to restrict the rights of citizens for a program that has produce nothing but failure? Why don't you want to restrict the rights of the shooter instead?
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid. The courts have held that reasonable gun control is not infringing on anyone's rights. You disagree.. noted. But....until you are appointed to the SCOTUS..I'll go with the prevailing body of law.

As for the current programs failing..when they are full of NRA sponsored loopholes...how can they not fail? Unless universal background checks are...welll...universal..they are token at best.

Also..we never will know if such things really work..s there are no stats kept..of he guy who looked for a gun...and was turned down..and did NOT kill someone,now are there?
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

If the vast majority of Americans supported it, there would be an outcry from someone besides the Democrats.

While true-

What the vast majority want to be law, already is law.
An 18-year-old can vote, join the military, enter into a biding agreement such as marriage
I believe it is stupid to do what most adults can do buy not have a firearm.

I have no argument with your comment. It's putting "sense" into common sense.
You don't restrict the rights of citizens because one idiot does something bad. Should we restrict the rights of women because one woman went through the stage of life that women go through and kill someone? OH and yes I'm married and my wife went through that cycle of life I made it through with a few scratches
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
Which is why there will be no AWB.
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
This is a repeating cycle...

There are more shootings in any given weekend in Baltimore and Chicago, individually, yet Democrats ignore them because they do not fit their Far Leftist anti-gun agenda.

When a shooting that DOES fit their agenda comes up they waste no time ramping up the propaganda and attacks to make the most of the initial wave of outrage, fanning the flames of emotion in hopes they will surpass any thought of the Constitution / Constitutional Rights. The bodies of the last shooting victims still remained where they dropped after being shot, and the Democrats were lobbing attacks at the President.
-- 'Never let a crisis go to waste.'

The Left's Hypocrisy was also on full display as they readily used the El Paso shooting to lob their attacks, claiming THAT shooting was the President's fault, while ignoring the ohio shooting.
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
You better believe it there is no need for further rights restrictions if you want to restrict rights restrict the rights of the shooter and leave mine alone.
I was wondering when the usual suspects would show up..can 2aGuy be far behind?
Your dodge is noted
But I digress why do you want to restrict the rights of citizens for a program that has produce nothing but failure? Why don't you want to restrict the rights of the shooter instead?
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid. The courts have held that reasonable gun control is not infringing on anyone's rights. You disagree.. noted. But....until you are appointed to the SCOTUS..I'll go with the prevailing body of law.

As for the current programs failing..when they are full of NRA sponsored loopholes...how can they not fail? Unless universal background checks are...welll...universal..they are token at best.

Also..we never will know if such things really work..as there are no stats kept..of the guy who looked for a gun...and was turned down..and did NOT kill someone,now are there?
There you go An American principle that makes up our laws innocent until proven guilty.
Not really an applicable concept here...but no matter..

What I'd like to know..is how the Republican chances are hurt..or helped..by their anti-gun control stance? In the next election.
Heck Rustic, I figured you'd like that 2 to 4 minutes waiting time - your customer may end up buying something else. I know I peruse the other merchandise while I wait.
Good one. I thought something like " give me your money and get out"
You better believe it there is no need for further rights restrictions if you want to restrict rights restrict the rights of the shooter and leave mine alone.
I was wondering when the usual suspects would show up..can 2aGuy be far behind?
Your dodge is noted
But I digress why do you want to restrict the rights of citizens for a program that has produce nothing but failure? Why don't you want to restrict the rights of the shooter instead?
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid. The courts have held that reasonable gun control is not infringing on anyone's rights. You disagree.. noted. But....until you are appointed to the SCOTUS..I'll go with the prevailing body of law.

As for the current programs failing..when they are full of NRA sponsored loopholes...how can they not fail? Unless universal background checks are...welll...universal..they are token at best.

Also..we never will know if such things really work..as there are no stats kept..of the guy who looked for a gun...and was turned down..and did NOT kill someone,now are there?
There you go An American principle that makes up our laws innocent until proven guilty.
Not really an applicable concept here...but no matter..

What I'd like to know..is how the Republican chances are hurt..or helped..by their anti-gun control stance? In the next election.
My rights do not depend on your approval
Republicans will hurt their chances if they vote for any gun control Trump also
You better believe it there is no need for further rights restrictions if you want to restrict rights restrict the rights of the shooter and leave mine alone.
I was wondering when the usual suspects would show up..can 2aGuy be far behind?
Your dodge is noted
But I digress why do you want to restrict the rights of citizens for a program that has produce nothing but failure? Why don't you want to restrict the rights of the shooter instead?
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid. The courts have held that reasonable gun control is not infringing on anyone's rights. You disagree.. noted. But....until you are appointed to the SCOTUS..I'll go with the prevailing body of law.

As for the current programs failing..when they are full of NRA sponsored loopholes...how can they not fail? Unless universal background checks are...welll...universal..they are token at best.

Also..we never will know if such things really work..s there are no stats kept..of he guy who looked for a gun...and was turned down..and did NOT kill someone,now are there?
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
…while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

If the vast majority of Americans supported it, there would be an outcry from someone besides the Democrats.

In fact, if there was really anywhere near the public support that is often claimed, for various blatant violations of the Second Amendment, then there'd be enough support to get a new Amendment ratified to overturn the Second Amendment.

Where is the credible effort to ratify such a new Amendment? There isn't any. There isn't any, because nobody in a position to initiate the process of amending the Constitution believes that there is anywhere near enough public support to give any such effort a realistic chance of success. This puts the lie to all the claims that the vast majority of Americans support any violations of the Second Amendment.
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid.

Innocent until proven guilty. That's an essential foundation of our criminal justice system.

We don't get to punish someone as a criminal, until it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he actually has committed the crime for which he is being punished.

And it certainly stands to reason that punishing someone for a crime that we know he has not committed, but think he might commit in the future, is right out.
It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..will this negatively impact the upcoming election?

Republican support for gun control dips since Parkland massacre: poll

"Republican support for gun control legislation has dropped since the deadly 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.
GOP voters are now split on the issue, with 47 percent supporting stricter gun control laws and 45 percent opposing.
In the wake of the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 people dead, 53 percent of Republicans supported legislation while 43 percent opposed it. Another survey at the time found that 57 percent of Republicans supported tougher gun measures — a record-high for the Morning Consult poll.

Across all political parties, the new poll found that 2 in 3 voters support stricter gun control legislation. This includes the vast majority — 89 percent — of Democrats and 60 percent of independents.
Pollsters also found that 28 percent of Republicans say they are "strongly" opposed, up 5 percentage points from the post-Parkland time period. Twenty percent said they "strongly support" such measures, down 5 points.

The new Morning Consult/Politico poll was conducted August 9-11 among 1,993 registered voters and has a margin-of-error of 2 percentage points."
You better believe it there is no need for further rights restrictions if you want to restrict rights restrict the rights of the shooter and leave mine alone.
I was wondering when the usual suspects would show up..can 2aGuy be far behind?
Your dodge is noted
But I digress why do you want to restrict the rights of citizens for a program that has produce nothing but failure? Why don't you want to restrict the rights of the shooter instead?
One cannot 'restrict the rights of the shooter' until he BECOMES the shooter. This is what we are trying to avoid. The courts have held that reasonable gun control is not infringing on anyone's rights. You disagree.. noted. But....until you are appointed to the SCOTUS..I'll go with the prevailing body of law.

As for the current programs failing..when they are full of NRA sponsored loopholes...how can they not fail? Unless universal background checks are...welll...universal..they are token at best.

Also..we never will know if such things really work..as there are no stats kept..of the guy who looked for a gun...and was turned down..and did NOT kill someone,now are there?

So tell the class, how do you plan to enforce universal background checks on criminals? The fact is you can't, SCOTUS won't allow it, so now what?

You're not going to enforce any gun control laws against criminals until after the fact obviously. However, have you who are strict in your understanding of the 2nd Amendment ever bothered to read the SCOTUS decision in District of Columbia v Heller?

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose

It appears that GOP support for gun control laws..universal background checks, banning large capacity magazines, Red Flag laws, etc. is on the wane? I would guess that this is in response to the Dems calls--the party is circling their wagons..while the vast majority of Americans support such measures..
If this were true, all of those measures would be law, presently.

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