POLL: Has Donald Trump Delivered On His First Supreme Court Nomination?

Has President Trump Delivered On His First Supreme Court Nomination

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So far according to this little poll, Trump supporters seem to be pleased with the pick. I'm still researching the man. I've been burned by Republican picks in the past. So i'm always skeptical.
Judges should be political centrists. They're there as umpires, not advocates for one team or the other.
Politics first, justice second. Ah, the American way. Someday the Court will be replaced by computers.
Judges should be political centrists.
Not even close.

Judges' actions should match the politics dictated by the laws themselves. Judges' personal politics can be whatever they want. But it's incumbent upon the judges to support and uphold the laws themselves, whether their personal politics agree or not.

BTW, "Upholding the law" includes striking down the law if they find there's a higher law that applies, that runs contrary to it.

For example, if the Democrats in, say, Georgia, pass a law OKing slavery in the state, and somebody sues on grounds that the law violates his rights, the courts should strike down the Georgia slavery law on grounds that a higher law (Constitution, Amendment 13) forbids it.
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So why the care in selecting the "right type" of political judges?.
Trump has delivered on ALL of his promises. First president in my lifetime to do so,

This is why I say, the next democrat president hasn't been born yet.

Reality: Had there been any such under construction it would have already been aborted so the point is mute.

President Donald Trump has named Neil Gorsuch as his first Supreme Court Nominee. He's being touted as a 'Constitutional Conservative.' So, has Trump delivered on his promise to appoint Conservative Judges to our Supreme Court?

What are your thoughts?

He is another Merrick Garland.

We have been deceived.

President Donald Trump has named Neil Gorsuch as his first Supreme Court Nominee. He's being touted as a 'Constitutional Conservative.' So, has Trump delivered on his promise to appoint Conservative Judges to our Supreme Court?

What are your thoughts?

He is another Merrick Garland.

We have been deceived.


Yeah, you're very wise to be skeptical. Republicans have screwed us before. George Bush immediately comes to mind. I'm gonna look into what you're saying. That's why i haven't voted in the poll yet.
President Donald Trump has named Neil Gorsuch as his first Supreme Court Nominee. He's being touted as a 'Constitutional Conservative.' So, has Trump delivered on his promise to appoint Conservative Judges to our Supreme Court?

What are your thoughts?

He is another Merrick Garland.

We have been deceived.


Yeah, you're very wise to be skeptical. Republicans have screwed us before. George Bush immediately comes to mind. I'm gonna look into what you're saying. That's why i haven't voted in the poll yet.

Didn't a "conservative with solid credentials" approved the abomination known as Obama Hellcare

President Donald Trump has named Neil Gorsuch as his first Supreme Court Nominee. He's being touted as a 'Constitutional Conservative.' So, has Trump delivered on his promise to appoint Conservative Judges to our Supreme Court?

What are your thoughts?

He is another Merrick Garland.

We have been deceived.


Yeah, you're very wise to be skeptical. Republicans have screwed us before. George Bush immediately comes to mind. I'm gonna look into what you're saying. That's why i haven't voted in the poll yet.

Didn't a "conservative with solid credentials" approved the abomination known as Obama Hellcare


Yes, he did. I view anything touched by George Bush, to be shite. I'm trying to give Trump the benefit of the doubt though. I'll look into Gorsuch a bit more.
Gorsuch has a solidly conservative record on the Federal Bench. Remember, he is the "Hobby Lobby" guy, proving that he is an advocate of the 1st Amendment and will stand against Ginsburg, Kagan, and her little dog Sotomayor as they seek to end it.

Even Butch Maddow admits that Gorsuch is a good choice.

Uh Oh, Democrats: Gorsuch is 'Mainstream' Says....Rachel Maddow?

Gorsuch is an excellent choice, and a strong constitutionalist;

This pretty much says it all

{Judges should instead strive (if humanly and so imperfectly) to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be — not to decide cases based on their own moral convictions or the policy consequences they believe might serve society best. As Justice Scalia put it, “if you’re going to be a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you’re not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the time, you’re probably doing something wrong.”}

HOME RUN: Meet Trump's Absolutely Stellar Supreme Court Selection

Trump hit another one out of the ballpark with this pick.

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