[POLL] If you had to choose between Capitalism and Socialism - Which would it be?

Would you prefer Capitalism or Socialism?

  • Capitalism

    Votes: 46 92.0%
  • Socialism

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
op asks us to familiarize ourselves with what the poll choices stand for.

what a pompous gasbag presenting a more than stupid poll.

people like the op represent what is wrong with political discourse.

There are many people that fully sympathize with one of the two choices I outlined.

Chances are you do as well, but don't like revealing your true colors publicly.

if you were familiar with your poll choices and their meaning you would not have presented such a moronic poll, bubbele.

troll on, retard.

One represents individual freedom while the other promotes the collective good.

It'd be nice if you could intelligently discuss both choices instead of name calling. If you cannot I'll just have to ignore your posts.
There are many people that fully sympathize with one of the two choices I outlined.

Chances are you do as well, but don't like revealing your true colors publicly.

if you were familiar with your poll choices and their meaning you would not have presented such a moronic poll, bubbele.

troll on, retard.

One represents individual freedom while the other promotes the collective good.

It'd be nice if you could intelligently discuss both choices instead of name calling. If you cannot I'll just have to ignore your posts.

men or women, which is better?

how is babby formed?
If you had to pick between Capitalism and Socialism, which would it be?

While there are other choices and some may wish to "stay in the middle," for the sake of this poll pick the option with which you'd feel more comfortable or have the most affinity towards.

I'm just curious to see what the modern-day feelings toward these two terms are. If you're not familiar with them I'd kindly ask that you familiarize with what they stand for before voting. Thank you. :redface:

Now vote away!

Depends on what country I'm in.
if you were familiar with your poll choices and their meaning you would not have presented such a moronic poll, bubbele.

troll on, retard.

One represents individual freedom while the other promotes the collective good.

It'd be nice if you could intelligently discuss both choices instead of name calling. If you cannot I'll just have to ignore your posts.

men or women, which is better?

how is babby formed?

And you call me a moron?
And you call me a moron?

please stay on topic, moron.

Men and women come together to form a another living being.

How on earth can you possibly compare men and women to capitalism and communism?


slipped there, huh?

a further communism=socialism moronity.

familiarize yourself, lol.

mr capitalism and mrs socialism are most of the times married in the real world.

now go fuck yourself.
please stay on topic, moron.

Men and women come together to form a another living being.

How on earth can you possibly compare men and women to capitalism and communism?


slipped there, huh?

a further communism=socialism moronity.

familiarize yourself, lol.

mr capitalism and mrs socialism are most of the times married in the real world.

now go fuck yourself.


I know you're a socialist.

Is there anyone else that would like to discuss this topic rationally?
Men and women come together to form a another living being.

How on earth can you possibly compare men and women to capitalism and communism?


slipped there, huh?

a further communism=socialism moronity.

familiarize yourself, lol.

mr capitalism and mrs socialism are most of the times married in the real world.

now go fuck yourself.


I know you're a socialist.

Is there anyone else that would like to discuss this topic rationally?

you are looking for morons who agree with your simpleton view.

that is not political discourse.

grow up
slipped there, huh?

a further communism=socialism moronity.

familiarize yourself, lol.

mr capitalism and mrs socialism are most of the times married in the real world.

now go fuck yourself.


I know you're a socialist.

Is there anyone else that would like to discuss this topic rationally?

you are looking for morons who agree with your simpleton view.

that is not political discourse.

grow up

I don't know about you, but I look for a woman that has similar views to mine.

Your idea that Capitalism and Socialism are married is preposterous. If you support capitalism then you want nothing to do with socialism.

If you do, well, you're not really a capitalist; or support socialism as long as you'll remain in charge.

I know you're a socialist.

Is there anyone else that would like to discuss this topic rationally?

you are looking for morons who agree with your simpleton view.

that is not political discourse.

grow up

I don't know about you, but I look for a woman that has similar views to mine.

Your idea that Capitalism and Socialism are married is preposterous. If you support capitalism then you want nothing to do with socialism.

If you do, well, you're not really a capitalist; or support socialism as long as you'll remain in charge.

i am not exactly surprised that you have to look for a woman.

good luck
Depending on the definitions accepted America has never been pure capitalism or pure socialism. Can anyone name a nation today that is pure capitalism or pure socialism? When Marx was devising his communism he realized that it might be difficult for a population to change from whatever to pure communism so he created a stepping stone, there were so many other types of socialism but he went ahead and called his transition economy Scientific Socialism. I don't know how much time the USSR spent on scientific socialism but they quickly threw it out in favor of a new economic system, NEP. That too was a failure so they ended up with Staliinism. Some economists have called Stalinism, State Capitalism.
In any case the scientific socialism name gave the Republicans their greatest gift ever, call something socialism and it meant soon-to-be communism. The Republican's first biggie came with Social Security. Social Security was socialism and the beginning of communism.
All the evidence indicates that capitalism can exist in its pure form. The closer we get to it, the more the population thrives. Socialism, on the other hand, produces death, starvation and mass poverty.

I'm not sure nothern Europe and Scandinavia are starving, but if it makes you happy to make believe they are, then knock yourself out.

That's because they are primarily capitalist states.

You said Sweden was a "fascist welfare state."

Wouldn't Sweden be more like social democracy?

Sweden is a fascist welfare state, just like the United States. Sweden recently privatized its Social Security system. This is the country the commies in the Democrat Party hold up to us as a model to emulate.

I know you're a socialist.

Is there anyone else that would like to discuss this topic rationally?

you are looking for morons who agree with your simpleton view.

that is not political discourse.

grow up

I don't know about you, but I look for a woman that has similar views to mine.

Your idea that Capitalism and Socialism are married is preposterous. If you support capitalism then you want nothing to do with socialism.

If you do, well, you're not really a capitalist; or support socialism as long as you'll remain in charge.

Every single nation state in the western world is a mixed economy state.

The mutually exclusive delineation between capitalism and socialism exists only in the minds of first year political science students.
It's very reassuring to see a 30 to 3 disparity in favor of capitalism.
Depending on the definitions accepted America has never been pure capitalism or pure socialism. Can anyone name a nation today that is pure capitalism or pure socialism? When Marx was devising his communism he realized that it might be difficult for a population to change from whatever to pure communism so he created a stepping stone, there were so many other types of socialism but he went ahead and called his transition economy Scientific Socialism. I don't know how much time the USSR spent on scientific socialism but they quickly threw it out in favor of a new economic system, NEP. That too was a failure so they ended up with Staliinism. Some economists have called Stalinism, State Capitalism.
In any case the scientific socialism name gave the Republicans their greatest gift ever, call something socialism and it meant soon-to-be communism. The Republican's first biggie came with Social Security. Social Security was socialism and the beginning of communism.

"created a stepping stone", more like a millstone but let the cloud dwellers dream among those puffy white clouds, right?
The Global Competitiveness Index (2012–2013 rankings)
1. Switzerland 5.72 (—)
2. Singapore 5.67 (—)
3. Finland 5.55 (+1)
4. Sweden 5.53 (-1)
5. Netherlands 5.50 (+2)
6. Germany 5.48 (—)
7. United States 5.47 (-2)
8. United Kingdom 5.45 (+2)
9. Hong Kong 5.41 (+2)
10. Japan 5.40 (-1)


2013 World Press Freedom Index

Rank - Country - Note
1. Finland 6,38
2. Netherlands 6,48
3. Norway 6,52
4. Luxembourg 6,68
5. Andorra 6,82
6. Denmark 7,08
7. Liechtenstein 7,35
8. New Zealand 8,38
9. Iceland 8,49
10. Sweden 9,23


It's very reassuring to see a 30 to 3 disparity in favor of capitalism.

With all due respect - Finland, Netherlands and Sweden are the only nations that rank in the top 10 in 2012-13 for both "The Global Competitiveness Index" and "The World Press Freedom Index."

All 3 would be considered "socialist" by American standards - there is no evidence that socialism, economic competitiveness and freedom have to be incompatible!
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