[POLL] If you had to choose between Capitalism and Socialism - Which would it be?

Would you prefer Capitalism or Socialism?

  • Capitalism

    Votes: 46 92.0%
  • Socialism

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
I wonder which side Obama would choose?
The same as all the global elites silly. The same as Bush I, the same as Clinton, the Same as Bush II. . . .



It's very reassuring to see a 30 to 3 disparity in favor of capitalism.
That's because people with a basic education in political science aren't bothering to vote in such an absurd poll. Maybe they a just stopping by to watch the lunacy.
Capitalism is the best economic system yet devised, but capitalism has some problems. The first major problem is keeping capitalism, capitalistic. A good capitalist wants to make money and often in that endeavor he makes a better mousetrap and makes it cheaper. That's the best part of capitalism, but if his competition can no longer compete the mousetrap maker now owns the mousetrap market. And the competititon part of capitalism is dead. With competition dead the capitalists now can achieve their more-money goal.
Capitalism is great for the consumer and the businessman, but not for all citizens. The goal of capitalism is not helping the poor, and disabled it is money. For the poor and disabled we have social programs, Our political parties describe these social programs with good or bad labels depending on their like or dislike of the programs.
While there are some fundamental things I'd change about the status quo (particularly regarding limited liability), I definitely favor a 'wall of separation' between economic power and state power. It's a least as important as the separation of church and state - maybe more so.
That's because they are primarily capitalist states.

Sweeden, Norway, Switzerland, etc are primarily capitalist?

So what exactly do you consider socialist?

They have a mixed economy like we do; just quite a bit further down the left.

Is it better? I don't know. I don't hear of many Americans migrating to enjoy Europe's "socialism."

Perhaps that's because you're not listening.

Quite a few members of the military stay in Europe when they ETS or retire.
If you had to pick between Capitalism and Socialism, which would it be?

While there are other choices and some may wish to "stay in the middle," for the sake of this poll pick the option with which you'd feel more comfortable or have the most affinity towards.

I'm just curious to see what the modern-day feelings toward these two terms are. If you're not familiar with them I'd kindly ask that you familiarize with what they stand for before voting. Thank you. :redface:

Now vote away!

I think within free enterprise, you can choose to set up your own socialistic programs and structure, but not necessarily vice versa.

I believe the proper way to check corporate and business development is for businesses and even nonprofit institutions, any large collective organization, that registers or licenses itself under the govt to be required to follow the same Bill of Rights and Constitutional laws and ethics as govt to prevent from abusing collective resources/authority to deny due process or equal protections to individuals who should have access to some sort of grievance process directly with the institution in order to address conflicts or abuses.

I don't consider that socialism to have self-governing regulation by businesses under the same laws they are invoking in order to operate, that is just common sense.

I believe the autonomy begins with the individual and the government policies are a reflection of the collective public consent, so that equates to free enterprise first and then the social structures are developed from there, not the other way around where govt imposes structure or regulations. the people own the resources and manage them along with govt policies that represent them. when this is set up and run by the consent of the public, it will achieve the same goals as socialism attempts to, but through free enterprise and cooperative economics not by govt-mandated redistribution or regulation of resources.
You mean savage capitalism or capitalism with reasonable regulation and justice and a good safety net- then I'll take socialism, because I know what it means. NOT communism, as socialism is ALWAYS democratic.
You are one confused libtard. Socialism is one step from communism. Capitalism is always best.
Capitalism is the best economic system yet devised, but capitalism has some problems. The first major problem is keeping capitalism, capitalistic. A good capitalist wants to make money and often in that endeavor he makes a better mousetrap and makes it cheaper. That's the best part of capitalism, but if his competition can no longer compete the mousetrap maker now owns the mousetrap market. And the competititon part of capitalism is dead. With competition dead the capitalists now can achieve their more-money goal.
Capitalism is great for the consumer and the businessman, but not for all citizens. The goal of capitalism is not helping the poor, and disabled it is money. For the poor and disabled we have social programs, Our political parties describe these social programs with good or bad labels depending on their like or dislike of the programs.

I disagree Regent, because many people have used Capitalism to build schools or even teaching hospitals where education and public services can be provided while profits are invested in sustainable development and jobs that help people of all class levels.
Every other modern country is socialist- so are we, but now getting to be a fair. They say social democrat so as to not set off the cold war dinosaur loudmouth ugly American Pub dupes. Hoping for your recovery.

Socialist doesn't go communist and NEVER has without violent revolution, and certainly isn't now. Duh.
Stupid is...as you always are.
Sweeden, Norway, Switzerland, etc are primarily capitalist?

So what exactly do you consider socialist?

Cuba, North Korea - places where they don't allow private businesses.

That is dictatorial socialism.

There is no other kind of socialism. Eliminating private business means expropriating private property. Any state that attempts such a thing is by its very nature totalitarian.

Socialism is an economic policy, dictaorship (or democracy) is a political policy.

Socialism is an economic policy that requires a dictatorship to implement. Only a dictatorship can eliminate private property.
You mean savage capitalism or capitalism with reasonable regulation and justice and a good safety net- then I'll take socialism, because I know what it means. NOT communism, as socialism is ALWAYS democratic.
You are one confused libtard. Socialism is one step from communism. Capitalism is always best.

Dear FrancoHFW: I thought I was living on a different planet from everyone else:
in case you didn't notice
with every single institution that serves enough people to require a hierarchy of
representation, there is loss of accountability and not perfect democratic protection
of all people in that group.

It does not matter if the group is religious or political, communistic or capitalistic, etc.
People are people and can barely represent themselves to form a consensus
much less involve a committee or a whole organization of people
and expect to represent all interests democratically.

So the same problems of abuse of power and decision making to exclude or
discriminate against people that occur in capitalistic structures or orgs
happen in ANY group, no matter how grassroots or consensus based they strive to be

The Greens have a policy of consensus based decision making
and they run into problems all the time with this, where someone will block
a consensus but not offer a solution to resolve it, so they can't make a decision
that will represent the group. Occupy ran into the same problems trying to
be a grassroots democracy.

So good luck with that.
I'd rather have a Constitutionalist group made up of diverse independents who
all believe in respecting the equal input and interests of others, and let
EVERYONE run and fund their OWN programs and policies using
whatever system they like: socialist, Christian, feminist etc.

If socialism represents you, fine, but any structure with more people in
it than decision-making positions of authority is going to run into the
SAME issues with democratic representation. Every group goes through this!!!
Cuba, North Korea - places where they don't allow private businesses.

That is dictatorial socialism.

There is no other kind of socialism. Eliminating private business means expropriating private property. Any state that attempts such a thing is by its very nature totalitarian.

Socialism is an economic policy, dictaorship (or democracy) is a political policy.

Socialism is an economic policy that requires a dictatorship to implement. Only a dictatorship can eliminate private property.

Where I find people talking past each other:
if socialism is property/production/business owned/controlled by "government"
well if you believe the "people are the government"
then this could go either way -- depending if you believe the
government is representing the people or is imposing outside control on them.

If you mean people democratically control their own property/production/business
and they act as their own government, that sounds like the ideal of either
socialism or capitalism, where people are in control democratically.

Currently by giving up control of regulation to a govt that is influenced by campaign contributions from corporate interests, then you have both socialists and capitalists
complaining that the people are not democratically in charge of their own resources (although they disagree on the blame, with both sides citing the other for abuses of govt)
Cuba, North Korea - places where they don't allow private businesses.

That is dictatorial socialism.

There is no other kind of socialism. Eliminating private business means expropriating private property. Any state that attempts such a thing is by its very nature totalitarian.

Socialism is an economic policy, dictaorship (or democracy) is a political policy.

Socialism is an economic policy that requires a dictatorship to implement. Only a dictatorship can eliminate private property.

There are plenty of democratic soclialist nations.

Amazingly, some people actually chose socialistic policies.


Supported by a strong democracy to keep it in check. Sort of like what we'd have if corporations and politicians stayed out of each other's bed.
I don't think anyone understood my previous post. What we have today is corportism. This is just a polite term for FASCISM.

Fascism understood in the economic sense, is when the government picks winners and losers. It is when the government forces the population to purchase products from cartels that are enforced by law. This is a neo-liberal concept that is brought on by Keynesian economics. It is the ultimate failure of government meddling in the market to bring about desired outcomes by the political, cultural and financial elites. How many choices do you have to purchase your energy from? Who "owns" the patents in perpetuity? People know so little about how Big oil has bought up free energy technologies. What about your water bill, and your education? It won't be long till all education is privatized. Most people aren't aware that much of our military is privatized. Do I need to comment on health care? And who do you then suppose fund most of the political machine, the people, or the industries the government tells will provide services to the people? If you want to provide goods and services, what do you think your chances are at competing in the market place? What should happen if you create a brand new way of supplying cheap, clean, unlimited energy, do you suppose the government sanctioned cartel that has Senators with connections to the CIA and the patent office would ever allow a major restructuring of society for that? Do you really? What do you suppose would be the answer from a scientist named Tesla who died broke and alone about that. . .

Haven't any of you wondered why the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would side with the liberal wing of the Supreme court to rule that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional? It had nothing to do with "Social Justice." It had everything to do with making Fascism legal in the United States. I am sure all those who died in the United States fighting the Fascists during WWII were rolling over in their graves, knowing that their children and grandchildren had betrayed the principles of this once great republic. The people of the land no longer matter. It is the banks and the corporations that the Constitution and the laws now represent. Don't fool yourselves into believing the we having anything resembling a "free market" any longer. The financial and governmental institutions are mired in corruption and decay.

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ”
― Thomas Jefferson

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency"
― Vladimir Lenin

"Fascism is capitalism in decay
― Vladimir Lenin

For those of you who believe that we are headed toward "socialism," you may not be far from the truth. International socialism, national socialism, it makes no difference, the elites have studied the best way to bring a free nation to it's knees, they have known it for a long time.

Would a capitalist nation have as one of it's largest industries the defense industry to force others to it's will? Really? Yes, any true capitalist know the difference between capitalism and fascism.


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I don't think anyone understood my previous post. What we have today is corportism. This is just a polite term for FASCISM.

Fascism understood in the economic sense, is when the government picks winners and losers. It is when the government forces the population to purchase products from cartels that are enforced by law. This is a neo-liberal concept that is brought on by Keynesian economics. It is the ultimate failure of government meddling in the market to bring about desired outcomes by the political, cultural and financial elites. How many choices do you have to purchase your energy from? Who "owns" the patents in perpetuity? People know so little about how Big oil has bought up free energy technologies. What about your water bill, and your education? It won't be long till all education is privatized. Most people aren't aware that much of our military is privatized. Do I need to comment on health care? And who do you then suppose fund most of the political machine, the people, or the industries the government tells will provide services to the people? If you want to provide goods and services, what do you think your chances are at competing in the market place? What should happen if you create a brand new way of supplying cheap, clean, unlimited energy, do you suppose the government sanctioned cartel that has Senators with connections to the CIA and the patent office would ever allow a major restructuring of society for that? Do you really? What do you suppose would be the answer from a scientist named Tesla who died broke and alone about that. . .

Haven't any of you wondered why the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would side with the liberal wing of the Supreme court to rule that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional? It had nothing to do with "Social Justice." It had everything to do with making Fascism legal in the United States. I am sure all those who died in the United States fighting the Fascists during WWII were rolling over in their graves, knowing that their children and grandchildren had betrayed the principles of this once great republic. The people of the land no longer matter. It is the banks and the corporations that the Constitution and the laws now represent. Don't fool yourselves into believing the we having anything resembling a "free market" any longer. The financial and governmental institutions are mired in corruption and decay.

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ”
― Thomas Jefferson

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency"
― Vladimir Lenin

"Fascism is capitalism in decay
― Vladimir Lenin

For those of you who believe that we are headed toward "socialism," you may not be far from the truth. International socialism, national socialism, it makes no difference, the elites have studied the best way to bring a free nation to it's knees, they have known it for a long time.

Would a capitalist nation have as one of it's largest industries the defense industry to force others to it's will? Really? Yes, any true capitalist know the difference between capitalism and fascism.



Most, if not all, industrial nations are a mixture of capitalism and socialism.
In fact, can you name one pure capitalistic nation in the world today?
Can you name one pure socialistic nation in the world today?
I don't think anyone understood my previous post. What we have today is corportism. This is just a polite term for FASCISM.

Fascism understood in the economic sense, is when the government picks winners and losers. It is when the government forces the population to purchase products from cartels that are enforced by law. This is a neo-liberal concept that is brought on by Keynesian economics. It is the ultimate failure of government meddling in the market to bring about desired outcomes by the political, cultural and financial elites. How many choices do you have to purchase your energy from? Who "owns" the patents in perpetuity? People know so little about how Big oil has bought up free energy technologies. What about your water bill, and your education? It won't be long till all education is privatized. Most people aren't aware that much of our military is privatized. Do I need to comment on health care? And who do you then suppose fund most of the political machine, the people, or the industries the government tells will provide services to the people? If you want to provide goods and services, what do you think your chances are at competing in the market place? What should happen if you create a brand new way of supplying cheap, clean, unlimited energy, do you suppose the government sanctioned cartel that has Senators with connections to the CIA and the patent office would ever allow a major restructuring of society for that? Do you really? What do you suppose would be the answer from a scientist named Tesla who died broke and alone about that. . .

Haven't any of you wondered why the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would side with the liberal wing of the Supreme court to rule that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional? It had nothing to do with "Social Justice." It had everything to do with making Fascism legal in the United States. I am sure all those who died in the United States fighting the Fascists during WWII were rolling over in their graves, knowing that their children and grandchildren had betrayed the principles of this once great republic. The people of the land no longer matter. It is the banks and the corporations that the Constitution and the laws now represent. Don't fool yourselves into believing the we having anything resembling a "free market" any longer. The financial and governmental institutions are mired in corruption and decay.

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ”
― Thomas Jefferson

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency"
― Vladimir Lenin

"Fascism is capitalism in decay
― Vladimir Lenin

For those of you who believe that we are headed toward "socialism," you may not be far from the truth. International socialism, national socialism, it makes no difference, the elites have studied the best way to bring a free nation to it's knees, they have known it for a long time.

Would a capitalist nation have as one of it's largest industries the defense industry to force others to it's will? Really? Yes, any true capitalist know the difference between capitalism and fascism.



Most, if not all, industrial nations are a mixture of capitalism and socialism.
In fact, can you name one pure capitalistic nation in the world today? Can you name one pure socialistic nation in the world today?


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