POLL: Is it time to separate?

Is it time to separate the country officially?

  • Total voters
Why can't everyone just love the impeached president trump? His devoted fanatics do. They know their orange-tinted hero has more brains in his little finger than he has in his entire head. This is now more true than ever after his several mini-strokes.

I like 2 things about Trump; he makes progressives go into hysterics constantly, (and I think that's just funnier than shit), and he loves this country.
He doesn't think it's founded on evil, he doesn't think Americans are deplorable racists, and he doesn't believe we must fundamentally change ourselves in order to keep mentally retarded progressives from calling us all names; fuck those losers, anyway.
The people you all support hate this country, hate traditional Americans, and would put us all in gulags or mass graves if they could, and you know it. It's why when Trump was first elected, there was all that ridiculous talk of concentration camps for gays and such..... that was ya'll projecting your own fantasies of what you would do to your opposition, first chance you got.
Trump only loves himself.
The opposition hates themselves, hates us, and hate this country, and they want to destroy it. And no, that's not hyperbole, that's their actual plan.
Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?
Is that what you are wishing for?
Nope! I just keep seeing Trumpsters bring it up.

And look - so far 19 have voted YES.

Well, it is frustrating to see such a seperation from American values that we are seeing now forced upon us by the Democrat 'brown shirts' known as BLM, and AntiFa....

So, when someone like you, a well known leftest sympathizer, and mouthpiece of MSM indoctrination, poses a question like this, it is easy to say 'Hell yeah, seperate them and be done with them'....

But, that is NOT what this country is, or has demonstrated how we handle unrest situations like this...
Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?
Is that what you are wishing for?
Nope! I just keep seeing Trumpsters bring it up.

And look - so far 19 have voted YES.

Well, it is frustrating to see such a seperation from American values that we are seeing now forced upon us by the Democrat 'brown shirts' known as BLM, and AntiFa....

So, when someone like you, a well known leftest sympathizer, and mouthpiece of MSM indoctrination, poses a question like this, it is easy to say 'Hell yeah, seperate them and be done with them'....

But, that is NOT what this country is, or has demonstrated how we handle unrest situations like this...
Ah, so the people who have voted YES are just victims. They didn't mean it. Someone made them say it.

Well, I do know that's the standard Trumpster excuse. I notice you don't have the balls to criticize THEM.

And that's why I now always include response #3 in my polls.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!
No I think you should stop dividing us in a simulate to a western cultures and values.. Before it’s too late
Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?
Is that what you are wishing for?
Nope! I just keep seeing Trumpsters bring it up.

And look - so far 19 have voted YES.

Well, it is frustrating to see such a seperation from American values that we are seeing now forced upon us by the Democrat 'brown shirts' known as BLM, and AntiFa....

So, when someone like you, a well known leftest sympathizer, and mouthpiece of MSM indoctrination, poses a question like this, it is easy to say 'Hell yeah, seperate them and be done with them'....

But, that is NOT what this country is, or has demonstrated how we handle unrest situations like this...
Ah, so the people who have voted YES are just victims. They didn't mean it. Someone made them say it.

Well, I do know that's the standard Trumpster excuse. I notice you don't have the balls to criticize THEM.

And that's why I now always include response #3 in my polls.

Nah, you include response #3 because you're a little snowflake that is pathetic enough to care what anonymous people, on a message board think of you....In that, in my short time here, I can tell you that most think you're a clown...So, there...

And No, I did not call the respondants to question #1, "victims" as you adpetly lie about....And I don't need your snowflake wordsmithing twisting my words....That only shows that you are not interested in conversation...But rather, asking loaded questions designed to troll people that disagree with your outlook....

So, when did you stop beating your wife?
Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?
Is that what you are wishing for?
Nope! I just keep seeing Trumpsters bring it up.

And look - so far 19 have voted YES.

Well, it is frustrating to see such a seperation from American values that we are seeing now forced upon us by the Democrat 'brown shirts' known as BLM, and AntiFa....

So, when someone like you, a well known leftest sympathizer, and mouthpiece of MSM indoctrination, poses a question like this, it is easy to say 'Hell yeah, seperate them and be done with them'....

But, that is NOT what this country is, or has demonstrated how we handle unrest situations like this...
Ah, so the people who have voted YES are just victims. They didn't mean it. Someone made them say it.

Well, I do know that's the standard Trumpster excuse. I notice you don't have the balls to criticize THEM.

And that's why I now always include response #3 in my polls.

Nah, you include response #3 because you're a little snowflake that is pathetic enough to care what anonymous people, on a message board think of you....In that, in my short time here, I can tell you that most think you're a clown...So, there...

And No, I did not call the respondants to question #1, "victims" as you adpetly lie about....And I don't need your snowflake wordsmithing twisting my words....That only shows that you are not interested in conversation...But rather, asking loaded questions designed to troll people that disagree with your outlook....

So, when did you stop beating your wife?
Aw, now you're getting all nasty & personal.

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?
Is that what you are wishing for?
Nope! I just keep seeing Trumpsters bring it up.

And look - so far 19 have voted YES.

Well, it is frustrating to see such a seperation from American values that we are seeing now forced upon us by the Democrat 'brown shirts' known as BLM, and AntiFa....

So, when someone like you, a well known leftest sympathizer, and mouthpiece of MSM indoctrination, poses a question like this, it is easy to say 'Hell yeah, seperate them and be done with them'....

But, that is NOT what this country is, or has demonstrated how we handle unrest situations like this...
Ah, so the people who have voted YES are just victims. They didn't mean it. Someone made them say it.

Well, I do know that's the standard Trumpster excuse. I notice you don't have the balls to criticize THEM.

And that's why I now always include response #3 in my polls.

Nah, you include response #3 because you're a little snowflake that is pathetic enough to care what anonymous people, on a message board think of you....In that, in my short time here, I can tell you that most think you're a clown...So, there...

And No, I did not call the respondants to question #1, "victims" as you adpetly lie about....And I don't need your snowflake wordsmithing twisting my words....That only shows that you are not interested in conversation...But rather, asking loaded questions designed to troll people that disagree with your outlook....

So, when did you stop beating your wife?
Aw, now you're getting all nasty & personal.


You bring out the best in me.....lol
Yep. The U.S. government is too powerful and the two sides taking turn to lord it over each other has created too much bitterness. Let's be good neighbors instead of bad roommates.

The bitterness is the left keeps creating new lines to cross. Did you see what they just did in CA? They are reducing sentences for adults who have sex with children as long as they're within 10 years of each other. That means nothing really happens to a 20 year old who has sex with an 11 year old.

All you have to do is look around the country at these strong Democrat areas and take note of the things they do, then realize there is no middle ground with them.
Ok? So it sounds like a good idea to maybe not have any political affiliation with them.

How can you when their policies and politics is so opposite of ours?

At one time, it used to be said that the left and right both want what's best for the country, they just have different means on how to get there. I don't think we can say that any longer.

How can it be best for the country to support riots coast to coast destroying businesses and public property alike? How is it best for the country to defund police departments? How is it best for the country to eliminate ICE and allow poor third worlders to in invade our country? Don't we have enough of our own poor people to take care of? Now that we are not only energy independent, but a major exporter of energy, how is it best for the country to bring that to a halt?

I'm sorry, but I don't believe the left wants what's best for the country. I believe their concepts are what will destroy it, which is why I'm all for dividing our country so we can at least save half of it, instead of taking the risk of losing it entirely.
Why can't everyone just love the impeached president trump? His devoted fanatics do. They know their orange-tinted hero has more brains in his little finger than he has in his entire head. This is now more true than ever after his several mini-strokes.

I like 2 things about Trump; he makes progressives go into hysterics constantly, (and I think that's just funnier than shit), and he loves this country.
He doesn't think it's founded on evil, he doesn't think Americans are deplorable racists, and he doesn't believe we must fundamentally change ourselves in order to keep mentally retarded progressives from calling us all names; fuck those losers, anyway.
The people you all support hate this country, hate traditional Americans, and would put us all in gulags or mass graves if they could, and you know it. It's why when Trump was first elected, there was all that ridiculous talk of concentration camps for gays and such..... that was ya'll projecting your own fantasies of what you would do to your opposition, first chance you got.
Trump only loves himself.
The opposition hates themselves, hates us, and hate this country, and they want to destroy it. And no, that's not hyperbole, that's their actual plan.

You don't seem to grasp the obvious; the country is already wrecked.

Debt exceeds GDP.

25% of worldwide covid deaths have happened here.

Political power is concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchs.

Corporations took the stimulus money that was handed to them to keep people employed, and they bought back their own stock on the cheap instead.

Police departments are run by thrill-kill gangs, who tattoo commemoration of kills onto their bodies, even as the Federal government hands them more heavy weaponry to use against the citizens. "

"Major" political parties fight over the same 35-40% of the voting age population, and ignore everyone else.

People in other countries ask "did the protestors tear up that street?" No, that is just what the streets look like here! This country has been wrecked. And the people that wrecked it need to be held accountable by every means available.
Yep. The U.S. government is too powerful and the two sides taking turn to lord it over each other has created too much bitterness. Let's be good neighbors instead of bad roommates.

The bitterness is the left keeps creating new lines to cross. Did you see what they just did in CA? They are reducing sentences for adults who have sex with children as long as they're within 10 years of each other. That means nothing really happens to a 20 year old who has sex with an 11 year old.

All you have to do is look around the country at these strong Democrat areas and take note of the things they do, then realize there is no middle ground with them.
Ok? So it sounds like a good idea to maybe not have any political affiliation with them.

How can you when their policies and politics is so opposite of ours?

At one time, it used to be said that the left and right both want what's best for the country, they just have different means on how to get there. I don't think we can say that any longer.

How can it be best for the country to support riots coast to coast destroying businesses and public property alike? How is it best for the country to defund police departments? How is it best for the country to eliminate ICE and allow poor third worlders to in invade our country? Don't we have enough of our own poor people to take care of? Now that we are not only energy independent, but a major exporter of energy, how is it best for the country to bring that to a halt?

I'm sorry, but I don't believe the left wants what's best for the country. I believe their concepts are what will destroy it, which is why I'm all for dividing our country so we can at least save half of it, instead of taking the risk of losing it entirely.

The left certainly does not concern itself with what is best for the country. They only care about "winning", even if it means governing the ruins.

The separation will come, people just aren't that interested in going back to a pre-civilized world.
Yep. The U.S. government is too powerful and the two sides taking turn to lord it over each other has created too much bitterness. Let's be good neighbors instead of bad roommates.

The bitterness is the left keeps creating new lines to cross. Did you see what they just did in CA? They are reducing sentences for adults who have sex with children as long as they're within 10 years of each other. That means nothing really happens to a 20 year old who has sex with an 11 year old.

All you have to do is look around the country at these strong Democrat areas and take note of the things they do, then realize there is no middle ground with them.
Ok? So it sounds like a good idea to maybe not have any political affiliation with them.

How can you when their policies and politics is so opposite of ours?

At one time, it used to be said that the left and right both want what's best for the country, they just have different means on how to get there. I don't think we can say that any longer.

How can it be best for the country to support riots coast to coast destroying businesses and public property alike? How is it best for the country to defund police departments? How is it best for the country to eliminate ICE and allow poor third worlders to in invade our country? Don't we have enough of our own poor people to take care of? Now that we are not only energy independent, but a major exporter of energy, how is it best for the country to bring that to a halt?

I'm sorry, but I don't believe the left wants what's best for the country. I believe their concepts are what will destroy it, which is why I'm all for dividing our country so we can at least save half of it, instead of taking the risk of losing it entirely.

The left certainly does not concern itself with what is best for the country. They only care about "winning", even if it means governing the ruins.
The Communist Democrats will all be living in the Northeast Republic or West Coast Republic after the Civil War fractures this country for good.:smoke:
Why can't everyone just love the impeached president trump? His devoted fanatics do. They know their orange-tinted hero has more brains in his little finger than he has in his entire head. This is now more true than ever after his several mini-strokes.

I like 2 things about Trump; he makes progressives go into hysterics constantly, (and I think that's just funnier than shit), and he loves this country.
He doesn't think it's founded on evil, he doesn't think Americans are deplorable racists, and he doesn't believe we must fundamentally change ourselves in order to keep mentally retarded progressives from calling us all names; fuck those losers, anyway.
The people you all support hate this country, hate traditional Americans, and would put us all in gulags or mass graves if they could, and you know it. It's why when Trump was first elected, there was all that ridiculous talk of concentration camps for gays and such..... that was ya'll projecting your own fantasies of what you would do to your opposition, first chance you got.
Trump only loves himself.
The opposition hates themselves, hates us, and hate this country, and they want to destroy it. And no, that's not hyperbole, that's their actual plan.

You don't seem to grasp the obvious; the country is already wrecked.

Debt exceeds GDP.

25% of worldwide covid deaths have happened here.

Political power is concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchs.

Corporations took the stimulus money that was handed to them to keep people employed, and they bought back their own stock on the cheap instead.

Police departments are run by thrill-kill gangs, who tattoo commemoration of kills onto their bodies, even as the Federal government hands them more heavy weaponry to use against the citizens. "

"Major" political parties fight over the same 35-40% of the voting age population, and ignore everyone else.

People in other countries ask "did the protestors tear up that street?" No, that is just what the streets look like here! This country has been wrecked. And the people that wrecked it need to be held accountable by every means available.

Some assembly required.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

Political differences are as old as time itself. The differences are now between sound policy and the Archie Bunker type solutions on the right.

The “sound policies” of the Left are rooted in class envy. History has shown those policies are simply tools of the liberal elite to eliminate a middle class.
Liberals are a minor % of the population we should just encourage them to relocate. I hear Canada is nice.

""Liberals are a minor % of the population...""

Say what?
Try data next time.
I think the real definition of TDS is Trump DELUSIONAL Syndrome.

JULY 16, 2020
U.S. Party Preferences Have Swung Sharply Toward Democrats
  • Democrats now hold 11-point advantage in party affiliation
  • Republicans held a two-point edge in January
  • Democratic lead similar to what it was in 2018"""


US preferences have not swung anywhere. Rather the effects of the anti-American imports of the democrats are now clear to everyone. They hate the country and Americans will soon rise up to defend ourselves.

I prefer data.
You prefer to be a drama queen.
Looks like most the yes votes are the righties. The Russian trolls are doing a great job.

I'll tell you why that is.....it's because most conservatives are self sufficient and unafraid to start a new frontier......most lefties are dependent on somebody up-line from them for their survival and so they are scared to death at the thought of separation. The up-line more often than not is a conservative.

Yeah try building a military with taxes from the right states. Good luck. The right is owned by Russian trolls trying to destroy our great country.

It's not that simple spunky....without the industry of the conservative sector the banking and finance industries of the blue states wouldn't have a goddamned penny same thing goes for wall street. Additionally its the blue states that are bankrupt...California, New York, Massachusetts......they are all in over their heads financially. The tax money you refer to originates with labor and so do all the six figure Wall Street banking sector jobs....they just happen to be standing on the shoulders of the red states dude....sorry to burst your bubble so once they don't have the red states anymore to make money from they won't have any money either. Building an army? No problem....with most of the manufacturing in this country located in the Red areas....the new work force of high paid, skilled workers will thrive with tax paying paychecks that will absolutely outpace the false economy of the old Liberal bastions.....

Man you are waaaaaaay out in left field dude..... I mean not only are you not right......you're not even wrong.

Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

Political differences are as old as time itself. The differences are now between sound policy and the Archie Bunker type solutions on the right.

The “sound policies” of the Left are rooted in class envy. History has shown those policies are simply tools of the liberal elite to eliminate a middle class.

Yeah it blows my mind that the bottom tier lefties cling like glue to their horrifyingly inhumane lefty icons...the super wealthy pigs that let them languish on public assistance while they live in luxury.
If you want to live like a six figure lefty....you damn well better vote Republican.
Why can't everyone just love the impeached president trump? His devoted fanatics do. They know their orange-tinted hero has more brains in his little finger than he has in his entire head. This is now more true than ever after his several mini-strokes.

I like 2 things about Trump; he makes progressives go into hysterics constantly, (and I think that's just funnier than shit), and he loves this country.
He doesn't think it's founded on evil, he doesn't think Americans are deplorable racists, and he doesn't believe we must fundamentally change ourselves in order to keep mentally retarded progressives from calling us all names; fuck those losers, anyway.
The people you all support hate this country, hate traditional Americans, and would put us all in gulags or mass graves if they could, and you know it. It's why when Trump was first elected, there was all that ridiculous talk of concentration camps for gays and such..... that was ya'll projecting your own fantasies of what you would do to your opposition, first chance you got.
Trump only loves himself.
The opposition hates themselves, hates us, and hate this country, and they want to destroy it. And no, that's not hyperbole, that's their actual plan.

You don't seem to grasp the obvious; the country is already wrecked.

Debt exceeds GDP.

25% of worldwide covid deaths have happened here.

Political power is concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchs.

Corporations took the stimulus money that was handed to them to keep people employed, and they bought back their own stock on the cheap instead.

Police departments are run by thrill-kill gangs, who tattoo commemoration of kills onto their bodies, even as the Federal government hands them more heavy weaponry to use against the citizens. "

"Major" political parties fight over the same 35-40% of the voting age population, and ignore everyone else.

People in other countries ask "did the protestors tear up that street?" No, that is just what the streets look like here! This country has been wrecked. And the people that wrecked it need to be held accountable by every means available.

Sounds to me like Canada would be a better fit for you.
Why can't everyone just love the impeached president trump? His devoted fanatics do. They know their orange-tinted hero has more brains in his little finger than he has in his entire head. This is now more true than ever after his several mini-strokes.

I like 2 things about Trump; he makes progressives go into hysterics constantly, (and I think that's just funnier than shit), and he loves this country.
He doesn't think it's founded on evil, he doesn't think Americans are deplorable racists, and he doesn't believe we must fundamentally change ourselves in order to keep mentally retarded progressives from calling us all names; fuck those losers, anyway.
The people you all support hate this country, hate traditional Americans, and would put us all in gulags or mass graves if they could, and you know it. It's why when Trump was first elected, there was all that ridiculous talk of concentration camps for gays and such..... that was ya'll projecting your own fantasies of what you would do to your opposition, first chance you got.
Trump only loves himself.
The opposition hates themselves, hates us, and hate this country, and they want to destroy it. And no, that's not hyperbole, that's their actual plan.

You don't seem to grasp the obvious; the country is already wrecked.

Debt exceeds GDP.

25% of worldwide covid deaths have happened here.

Political power is concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchs.

Corporations took the stimulus money that was handed to them to keep people employed, and they bought back their own stock on the cheap instead.

Police departments are run by thrill-kill gangs, who tattoo commemoration of kills onto their bodies, even as the Federal government hands them more heavy weaponry to use against the citizens. "

"Major" political parties fight over the same 35-40% of the voting age population, and ignore everyone else.

People in other countries ask "did the protestors tear up that street?" No, that is just what the streets look like here! This country has been wrecked. And the people that wrecked it need to be held accountable by every means available.

Sounds to me like Canada would be a better fit for you.
Cuba would be a very good fit for him :smoke:

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