Poll: Majority Of Voters Say Jan. 6 Committee Is Biased

The fact is that Kinzinger and Cheney want to find out what happened. They see this for what it was. A attack on this country. Anyone who listens to what these officers went through and is not upset is a good little Nazi. There is no evidence that can be presented that changes anything. Trump supporters attacked the capitol. We don't need any crazy conspiracy theory.
What you "need" is a psychiatrist.
The root cause of those riots, is airheaded teachers from grade 1 to graduate school. who are clueless about guns & law enforcement. If they had taught the all-important subject of police confrontation, 1% as much as they teach hating America, 90% of the "unarmed black men" who were shot dead by cops, would still be alive today.

All they had to do was tell them to always keep their hands empty and visible to the police officer. Consequently, ignorant suspects got shot & killed by cops who had no alternative but to shoot to defend themselves from suspects with disappearing hands.

Just teaching this in the schools would have prevented 90% of the riots.

No one is teaching hate America. What you want to whitewash American history. There are a lot of bad things about America and teaching that is not wrong/ You want to pretend slavery never happened. Segregation never happened. You are hateful racists and sexists.

The fact is that police are not being held accountable. In many instances police officers protect bad cops. I would suggest you watch Dragnet or Adam-12. These are shows that were produced by Jack Webb who was hardly a hater of police officers. Two recurring themes on these shows were officers reaching out to minorities. Another was police being held accountable for misconduct. These are things that are sorely missed among police officers today.
"Defund the Police" is perhaps the stupidest political slogan I have ever witness. Combine it with "Hi I'm a Socialist" and 2022 is on the line.

She sent out a tweet as a candidate. She never bailed anyone out. Bail terms are set by a Judge not a political candidate or office holder.

In July 2020, the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) paid the bail of a man accused of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl, allowing him to get out of jail, according to court records obtained by the Daily Caller.

In every conceivable way, Democrats have tolerated, even condoned political violence. Whether it’s calling rioters and looters “peaceful protesters” or donating money to pay their bail, the message they sent to the rioters was simple: You’re all good, we have your back.

No one is teaching hate America. What you want to whitewash American history. There are a lot of bad things about America and teaching that is not wrong/ You want to pretend slavery never happened. Segregation never happened. You are hateful racists and sexists.

The fact is that police are not being held accountable. In many instances police officers protect bad cops. I would suggest you watch Dragnet or Adam-12. These are shows that were produced by Jack Webb who was hardly a hater of police officers. Two recurring themes on these shows were officers reaching out to minorities. Another was police being held accountable for misconduct. These are things that are sorely missed among police officers today.
Of course they're teaching hate America. It is in every filthy CRT curriculum in America. Accusations of America being an imperialist country right now, when not a single country is being imperialized by America, and America is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world, as it is done nowadays (by remittances)

It also accuses America of being racist against minorities, when the truth is exactly the opposite. America is racist, but against whites, with blacks being the beneficiaries of the racism (in Affirmative Action, ARP, CRT, etc)

No one pretends that slavery or jim crow never happened, but YOU pretend that AA and ARP hasn't happened (and still does NOW). That makes you complicit in it.

What you DODGE is the current trend of holding police OVERaccountable - ie, accusing them of some cases, cops are acquitted in court. In others they go to jail unjustly. Specific examples are >> Betty Shelby, Yanez Geronimo, Darren Wilson, Rusten Sheskey, Michael Slager, cops in the Rodney King arrest.

You also sidestep the fact that because of this exaggeration about police brutality, cops are reluctant to enforce the law against black criminals. The criminals know this and they are emboldened and commit crime blatantly, with crime skyrocketing as a result of it.

And the blame ? People like you who attack police, just for doing their jobs.
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You do realize that everybody in America knows this is just a political stunt , same as all the others. A silly embarrassment to the the USA.

You live in never-never land. Everyone knows Trump Republicans attacked the capitol and threatened the Vice President of the United States.

GOP was offered to partake and they first tried to scupper it and get rid of the bipartisan committee...

Then they sent members who had already showed grossly biased views and didn't obviously support the committee existence..

Pelosi rightfully said that two of them were just clowns and this is not a circus...

McCarthy then pulls what he has left... So is it a bit biased. maybe but it will be all transparent and the US public can decide..
"Offer" ? If I offer to invite you to a blanket party, with you as the victim, do you say thank you, and show up in a tuxedo ? Liberals are out of their minds.
Of course they're teaching hate America. It is in every filthy CRT curriculum in America. Accusations of America being an imperialist country right now, when not a single country is being imperialized by America, and America is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world, as it is done nowadays (by remittances)

It also accuses America of being racist against minorities, when the truth is exactly the opposite. America is racist, but against whites, with blacks being the beneficiaries of the racism (in Affirmative Action, ARP, CRT, etc)

No one pretends that slavery or jim crow never happened, but YOU pretend that AA and ARP hasn't happened (and still does NOW). That makes you complicit in it.

What you DODGE is the current trend of holding police OVERaccountable - ie, accusing them of some cases, cops are acquitted in court. In others they go to jail unjustly. Specific examples are >> Betty Shelby, Yanez Geronimo, Darren Wilson, Rusten Sheskey, Michael Slager, cops in the Rodney King arrest.

You also sidestep the fact that because of this exaggeration about police brutality, cops are reluctant to enforce the law against black criminals. The criminals know this and they are emboldened and commit crime blatantly, with crime skyrocketing as a result of it.

And the blame ? People like you who attack police, just for doing their jobs.

You have no clue what you are talking about. I am not afraid of hearing new ideas. General Milley spanked your butt. He is not afraid to hear differing views and he wants to know where they are coming from. You on the other hand are a racist. I am not afraid to hear new ideas and make up my mind. You fear new ideas.

Police are not held OVERaccountable. If they go to jail then it is because a jury agreed that these officers were wrong. You apparently refuse to hold the police accountable. The Breanna Taylor murder was another example of the police not being held accountable. Clear racism. A cop was indicted for firing a bullet into a white family's apartment while these murderers killed Breanna Taylor and got away with it. Thanks to a racist Republican AG who lied to the grand jury.
You live in never-never land. Everyone knows Trump Republicans attacked the capitol and threatened the Vice President of the United States.
That what YOU live in. Everyone knows Trump encouraged peaceful protesting, (except information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media) and threatened nobody.

And specifically what was OMITTED was Trump's words >> "PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY" (by CNN who cut off the video just before those words) - and you are apparently one of the DUPES who got DUPED by it.
They're simply a couple of groveling shmucks who want to be popular with the media. They certainly aren't making themselves popular with their constituents or their fellow Republicans.

Their fellow Republicans and constituents are enemies of the state. They are Nazis who want to take over this country. Tucker Carlson's broadcasting from Hungary shows what plans the right wing fascists want to turn this country into.
"Offer" ? If I offer to invite you to a blanket party, with you as the victim, do you say thank you, and show up in a tuxedo ? Liberals are out of their minds.

They were offered equal representation and a veto over subpoenas. Republicans cannot whitewash the fact their constituents attacked the capitol.
You have no clue what you are talking about. I am not afraid of hearing new ideas. General Milley spanked your butt. He is not afraid to hear differing views and he wants to know where they are coming from. You on the other hand are a racist. I am not afraid to hear new ideas and make up my mind. You fear new ideas.

Police are not held OVERaccountable. If they go to jail then it is because a jury agreed that these officers were wrong. You apparently refuse to hold the police accountable. The Breanna Taylor murder was another example of the police not being held accountable. Clear racism. A cop was indicted for firing a bullet into a white family's apartment while these murderers killed Breanna Taylor and got away with it. Thanks to a racist Republican AG who lied to the grand jury.
It is OBVIOUS that YOU have no clue what YOU are talking about. Milly is an opportunist and a Biden lap dog, joke.

YOU are a racist. Let me hear you denounce AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and Biden's American Rescue Plan. No, you wont do that, even after some states have banned AA, and the courts have repeatedly struck down Biden's ARP, due to its racism. And some states have banned CRT. You are one of the racists who approve of these racisms.

NO, it is NOT because the officers were wrong. It's because the city fathers want to avoid riots, which come from ignorance of standard police operating procedure, and that ignorance is caused by liberal education system run by liberals, who are clueless about guns & law enforcement, and thus do not teach police confrontation, or even basics of criminal law,

I'm not so familiar with the Breonna Taylor case, as I am with the other cases I mentioned (which you DODGE), but I will review it, and comment later. So what do you say about Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher ? Or Yanez Geronimo & Philando Castille ? Or Micheal Slager & Walter Scott ?

What you need to know is what I posted in Post # 102, that your clueless liberal teachers never taught you.
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They were offered equal representation and a veto over subpoenas. Republicans cannot whitewash the fact their constituents attacked the capitol.
Leftists attacked the capitol. Republicans know what all these Democrat stunts are.
Of course they're teaching hate America. It is in every filthy CRT curriculum in America. Accusations of America being an imperialist country right now, when not a single country is being imperialized by America, and America is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world, as it is done nowadays (by remittances)

It also accuses America of being racist against minorities, when the truth is exactly the opposite. America is racist, but against whites, with blacks being the beneficiaries of the racism (in Affirmative Action, ARP, CRT, etc)

No one pretends that slavery or jim crow never happened, but YOU pretend that AA and ARP hasn't happened (and still does NOW). That makes you complicit in it.

What you DODGE is the current trend of holding police OVERaccountable - ie, accusing them of some cases, cops are acquitted in court. In others they go to jail unjustly. Specific examples are >> Betty Shelby, Yanez Geronimo, Darren Wilson, Rusten Sheskey, Michael Slager, cops in the Rodney King arrest.

You also sidestep the fact that because of this exaggeration about police brutality, cops are reluctant to enforce the law against black criminals. The criminals know this and they are emboldened and commit crime blatantly, with crime skyrocketing as a result of it.

And the blame ? People like you who attack police, just for doing their jobs.

Again you show what a lunatic you are. The US has backed many corrupt leaders who kept power by force. The Shah of Iran is a example. There are many countries in Latin America where the United States did it as well. You want to ignore that instead of facing the truth.

Whites are not victims of racism. White supremacists are overwhelmingly white. There is nothing racist about Affirmative action or any other 3 letter word you can come up with.

You are nothing but a liar. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Police brutality is a serious and real issue in America. You apparently don't believe that people have rights. Worth noting that crime is skyrocketing in red states as well. You can't arrest your way out of this.

You are the ones to blame. You refuse to hold the police accountable.
That what YOU live in. Everyone knows Trump encouraged peaceful protesting, (except information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media) and threatened nobody.

And specifically what was OMITTED was Trump's words >> "PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY" (by CNN who cut off the video just before those words) - and you are apparently one of the DUPES who got DUPED by it.

Trump did not encourage peaceful protests. His cabinet knows he incited the Jan 6 attack on our capitol and they resigned citing what Trump did. When Trump was put on trial in the Senate, Republicans didn't argue he didn't do it. They used a technicality to acquit him.
It is OBVIOUS that YOU have no clue what YOU are talking about. Milly is an opportunist and a Biden lap dog, joke.

YOU are a racist. Let me hear you denounce AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and Biden's American Rescue Plan. No, you wont do that, even after some states have banned AA, and the courts have repeatedly struck down Biden's ARP, due to its racism. And some states have banned CRT. You are one of the racists who approve of these racisms.

NO, it is NOT because the officers were wrong. It's because the city fathers want to avoid riots, which come from ignorance of standard police operating procedure, and that ignorance is caused by liberal education system run by liberals, who are clueless about guns & law enforcement, and thus do not teach police confrontation, or even basics of criminal law,

I'm not so familiar with the Breonna Taylor case, as I am with the other cases I mentioned (which you DODGE), but I will review it, and comment later. So what do you say about Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher ? Or Yanez Geronimo & Philando Castille ? Or Micheal Slager & Walter Scott ?

What you need to know is what I posted in Post # 102, that your clueless liberal teachers never taught you.

It is obvious that you have no clue what you are talking about. All you are doing is repeating talking points. General Milley is a great leader while you are a small, spoiled brat and a racist.

YOU are the racist. I support AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and the AMERICAN RESC UE PLAN. These states are racists. The ARP is not racist. They just found a racist judge. YOU ARE THE RACIST.

Yes it is because the officers were wrong. Racist thugs like you refuse to admit the police are ever wrong. They are wrong and when they are, they should be held accountable. Protecting a bad cop makes all cops bad.

They were held accountable by a jury.

You are the one who is clueless. You have been brainwashed by right wing fascist thugs.

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