poll of Americans: 58% say rich pay too little taxes

Why not deal with FACTS rather the guesses, hyperbole, hysteria???

In 2008 Source: IRS Analysis of Tax returns for 2008
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

4.345 million tax returns PAID 22% of all the taxes paid in 2008.

They paid this on taxable income of $2.053 trillion.

So if the Federal government takes ALL their income which is what evidently 58% wants to happen that will be another $1.818 trillion. That year.
Great for that tax year.

BUT THE NEXT year what will happen?
It will NOT be $1.818 trillion I guarantee 100%!
Why? Because many of those 4.345 million WILL HAVE in all likelihood do the following:
1) Move some of those assets that they can OFF SHORE!
2) Sell some of those assets (probably at a fire sale since others will be selling their assets) so they can pay their next year tax bill.
3) Renounce their US citizenship.. see this web site:460 people renounced their U.S. citizenship in first quarter of year | Fox News

The latest list of 460 citizens who have chosen to expatriate, published on April 30, 2012, included several well known figures. Denise Rich, songwriter, socialite and the former wife of a pardoned billionaire, has given up her U.S. citizenship, and will reportedly thus save millions in U.S. taxes as well. Rich appeared under her maiden name, Denise Eisenberg.

And Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, who made billions off the worlds most popular social network, has also chosen to renounce his U.S. citizenship in favor or residence in Singapore, where there is no capital gains tax.

what shitty Americans they are for not wanting to pay taxes

tell that you your 47% non federal income tax paying group
Jeeebus, Pub dupes are dum. THE POOREST pay as much %wise as the richest in all taxes and fees, and the middle class MORE. The rich ACTUALLY pay about 17%, and corporations 12%- you are totally duped tools of the greedy rich, shytteheads....Ay caramba.

At the state and local level, the lowest income earners pay double to four times the percentage of taxes compared to the highest income earners.

That's because low income earners spend a larger percentage of their income on things that are hit with "sin taxes", Auditor. Taxes on beer and cigarettes are essentially a tax on the poor because they consume so much more of them than than high income earners. So is the lottery. You want low income earners to have more money in their pockets? Get rid of the lottery...get rid of taxes on beer and cigarettes and see how those numbers work out.
Some wealthy people want this country to fail

The only people that want this country to fail are those that think we can continue to spend way more than we take in and not have it destroy us in the end.

That would be YOU, TM...

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