Poll on Trump skipping the debate

Trump yellow or principled

  • Trump is yellow and afraid of a woman

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • Trump principled. Really

    Votes: 15 44.1%

  • Total voters
While I realize this is a message board, and people who generally start these polls are complete morons.

Do try not to be a complete moron....and actually put up options.

Unless you're just an attention whore...if so, carry on.
Frankly, I don't believe that Trump is "Coward" - he simply feels that "certain" questions are out of bounds (which is baloney). Just like Hillary lies (rather than tell the truth) - Trump feels that it is unfair to quote him and ask him about it.

These damned "politicians" act more like King's and Queen's everyday - HOW DARE YTOU ASK ME THAT!?!?!

Not that I had decided to vote for the fool - but this crap has sealed my decision. Cruz is my guy!
Very simple, Trump A coward, or principled.

Donald Trump is missing this debate because he is getting ready to drop out of this race. No candidate would miss a debate right before Super Tuesday--LOL

1. Bill Clinton called Trump right before he entered this race.
2. Trump goes balls out on Hispanics--knowing full well they were one of the reasons Romney lost in 2012.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
3. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with Hispanics when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him





Trump is playing his sheep just like he has this entire campaign. His supporters will rejoice over this and their support will become even more solidified. The Republican Party is burning.
While I realize this is a message board, and people who generally start these polls are complete morons.

Do try not to be a complete moron....and actually put up options.

Unless you're just an attention whore...if so, carry on.
What are other options? Show up or not?
I think hillary is satisfied. the trump people will stay hole now, and a large section or people will sulk in anger whoever the candidate is
IMHO, FNN looks like complete idiots. How dare they antagonize the leading GOP candidate with childish taunts? DId you read their bullshit press release?

Without Trump, their debate will be a total dud......He will raise a shit load of money for the Wounded Warriors, a very worthy charity. Good for him!

Meanwhile, all anyone can talk about is Trump. Trump. Trump.

That is called Winning!!
Trump has exposed Fox and other fake news and he realized it will be a witch hunt. With Trump, every knock is a boost. The more the neo cons in the corporate media trash him the more people like him. The liberal media has figured that out so now they are reporting with less bias towards him and see him for what he is and that is the Republican front runner and likely nomminee.
Trump would be happy to attend a real debate on real issues but he's done playing Fox News games. Fox showed their true intentions both before and after proving Trump made the right call. Here's what's going to happen...

Kasich will bloviate for the 150th time about Ohio

Rubio will spin lies about Christie

Christie will call Rubio a punk

Paul will expose the RINO's and school them on the Constitution WINNER!!

Carson will fall asleep, after the audience

Cruz will crack a few jokes then bore people to death with his SCOTUS presentation style

Bush will face the center viciously attacking Trump only to realize he's not on the stage.
Trump would be happy to attend a real debate on real issues but he's done playing Fox News games. Fox showed their true intentions both before and after proving Trump made the right call. Here's what's going to happen...

Kasich will bloviate for the 150th time about Ohio

Rubio will spin lies about Christie

Christie will call Rubio a punk

Paul will expose the RINO's and school them on the Constitution WINNER!!

Carson will fall asleep, after the audience

Cruz will crack a few jokes then bore people to death with his SCOTUS presentation style

Bush will face the center viciously attacking Trump only to realize he's not on the stage.


Maybe Bush will discuss family values?


Maybe not. LOL!
IMHO, FNN looks like complete idiots. How dare they antagonize the leading GOP candidate with childish taunts? DId you read their bullshit press release?

Without Trump, their debate will be a total dud......He will raise a shit load of money for the Wounded Warriors, a very worthy charity. Good for him!

Meanwhile, all anyone can talk about is Trump. Trump. Trump.

That is called Winning!!

If you're Hillary; it's precisely that.
Trump would be happy to attend a real debate on real issues but he's done playing Fox News games. Fox showed their true intentions both before and after proving Trump made the right call. Here's what's going to happen...

Kasich will bloviate for the 150th time about Ohio

Rubio will spin lies about Christie

Christie will call Rubio a punk

Paul will expose the RINO's and school them on the Constitution WINNER!!

Carson will fall asleep, after the audience

Cruz will crack a few jokes then bore people to death with his SCOTUS presentation style

Bush will face the center viciously attacking Trump only to realize he's not on the stage.

Basically Trump is there for entertainment value....not exactly what you're looking for in a President, is it?

Have you guys given up already?
Sometime in a negotiation, you just have to walk away and see what the other side does. If FOX capitulates, it's a huge win...if they don't, we'll see what Trump does on debate night.

If he has folks asking him tough questions at a townhall on a different station...and that blows up the Fox News Debate ratings...he still wins.

So, we'll see how this shakes out. Making this about "cowardly" is just dumb. Trump had no issues debating on liberal leaning and centrist stations where the slings and arrows are aimed at every candidate equally...he had no trouble with the Fox Business debate...he has had no issues with female moderators. Fox News has it in for him, and they are in the tank for the establishment. Anyone who watched the first Fox News Debate understands that.

I really never understood the lefts problem with Fox News until recently...but now I see.
absolutely the right thing to do. absolutely the right thing to do.

Sometime in a negotiation, you just have to walk away and see what the other side does. If FOX capitulates, it's a huge win...if they don't, we'll see what Trump does on debate night.

If he has folks asking him tough questions at a townhall on a different station...and that blows up the Fox News Debate ratings...he still wins.

So, we'll see how this shakes out. Making this about "cowardly" is just dumb. Trump had no issues debating on liberal leaning and centrist stations where the slings and arrows are aimed at every candidate equally...he had no trouble with the Fox Business debate...he has had no issues with female moderators. Fox News has it in for him, and they are in the tank for the establishment. Anyone who watched the first Fox News Debate understands that.

I really never understood the lefts problem with Fox News until recently...but now I see.
Trump made the right call. I am quite sure the bimbo Kelly was already preparing questions to humiliate Trump as a retaliation. I hope FOX ratings will fall on debate night.
Very simple, Trump A coward, or principled.
Fox was unprincipled to insist on Kelly hosting the debate while releasing childish back-biting comments about Trump yesterday, basically showing their bias. Trump was going to do the debate until they felt it would be funny to make fun of him and a possible Trump administration. It's like Democrats are running that network now.

I think after the dog-piling pukes that choose to comment on this run out of hot-air realize that not only didn't this latest attempt to torpedo the Trump campaign fail, but helped him, they'll throw their hands up in disgust, saying to themselves, "What do we have to do to get our hand-picked establishment Republican the nomination so he can lose to Hillary?"

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