POLL: Political Rhetoric and the Role of Government

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

  • 1. Yes. Most economies are mixed and the question is where along the continuum they exist.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • 2. No. A country is either capitalist or Socialist/Marxist/Communist, etc.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
They have a vast motivation to tinker with the income tax because they can reward individual special interest groups. But how do they reward or penalize individuals with the FAIR tax? It's imposed on businesses, not individuals.

Government shouldn't be allowed to reward or penalize individuals. None of our elected officials are qualified to guide our economy. By providing tax advantages to certain sectors politicians are simply rewarding their campaign donors or other special interest groups.

Personally I don't like the concept of a "FAIR" tax system because the idea of fair can be used to manipulate and increase taxation as soon as the party in power wants more revenue. A flat tax is clear and easily calculated and most importantly requires government to adhere to a greater level of fiscal responsibility.

A flat tax imposed on personal income in other countries has been shown to promote economic activity and to allow individuals to increase their savings. The same is true for businesses.

Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?
Seems simple to me. The military is communist. Infrastructure is socialist. The rest is capitalist.
Government shouldn't be allowed to reward or penalize individuals. None of our elected officials are qualified to guide our economy. By providing tax advantages to certain sectors politicians are simply rewarding their campaign donors or other special interest groups.

Personally I don't like the concept of a "FAIR" tax system because the idea of fair can be used to manipulate and increase taxation as soon as the party in power wants more revenue. A flat tax is clear and easily calculated and most importantly requires government to adhere to a greater level of fiscal responsibility.

A flat tax imposed on personal income in other countries has been shown to promote economic activity and to allow individuals to increase their savings. The same is true for businesses.

The FAIR tax is a flat tax.
More from this guy....


Wow. At least we know where you stand. You are really living in the wrong country. You need to move to a Socialists country. I am not bashing you for it, just saying that you clearly have a proclivity towards that form of government. That is not what the US should become.

If you held a fair, popular vote referendum, that's exactly what America would become.

The thing is, I use Amazon all the time, and Amazon uses the Postal Service (a government entity) to deliver packages... Paying the people who do the work a fair wage instead of dick rockets for the boss would actually improve the quality of service.

Yeah, he should listen to folks like yourself that has managed to reach the pinnacle of average in their careers.

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, cheating my relatives out of their inheritance like Trump has. Trump's ideas were all stupid... and most of them vindictive. SALT being a great example. Let's burn those rich people from NY for never accepting him.

Boy, you really are behind aren’t you? You need to inform yourself and get off of MSNBC. Before you start slamming the source of the link, notice that the image of the letter below was from
I could care less. As a lawyer once told me, you can't cross examine a document. Documents can be faked. The Hunter Laptop was bullshit from the very beginning, no matter how many times the NY Post regurgitates the big lie.

No, they are 20 years out of date, but don’t let that get in the way of a good tantrum, right? Yeah, the fact is that most won’t collect what they put into SS. That throws a huge monkey wrench in your white people welfare nonsensical argument.
Actually, most will collect what they put in within 7 years. Right now, I am putting in $4800 a year (6% of 80K). Most years, like the 11 I was in the army or the years of Bush-41 Recession, I was making a lot less than that and put a lot less in. But if I get an average payment of $1500 a month, I will collect $18000 a year. By the time I am 72, I will have collected $126,000 from SS. That is more than I've put in over the years.

And that's social security. Medicare becomes a lot trickier because it isn't a fixed amount. I am putting in 1% of my income. Using 80K as a baseline... that's $800 a year for the 40 years or so I've been working real jobs. So let's say $32,000 for the sake of argument.

The minute I get a cancer diagnosis (nearly everyone in my family tree has died of cancer) I'll have cleaned that out. Unlike Cigna, Medicare won't be thinking of ways to cheat me after I have paid in.

White People Welfare.

The reality is that if you put 100 people in a room with 100 black people odds are that more black people in that room being will be on welfare. You can’t have it both ways. On one hand you insistently rat about racism and lack of opportunity and how white people are priviledged but on the other you talk about how white people are the ones sucking the welfare system dry. You are void of logic.

Those aren't mutally exclusive positions. Most black people have jobs. Most people on welfare are white. That still doesn't mean that we are a racist as shit country.

The simple fact that you spew the 95% of climate scientists crap that Obama claimed is proof that you have done no rearearch other than reading left-wing rags that further bolster your brainwashing. You are right it isn’t complicated. Greenies, many scientists included, have you and your kind by the you know what and they are laughing all the way to the bank. Don’t fret. They will continue to move the extinction timeline forward as needed for their agenda.

Funny, I'd agree with you, people like Al Gore who use too much alarmism are part of the problem. Then again, you tell Cleetus the Redneck that in 100 years the planet will be uninhabitable, he won't care because he'll be dead by then.

No, his “science “ as all over the map and extremely political. You can’t blame the guy for protecting his own butt since his department played a role the funding of the lab from which it escaped. Yeah, I know, that blows your 5 brain cells, but try to keep up. Much of the rest of the world also used HCQ, Ivermectin and other therapeutics that Fauci and big pharma poo pooed. Follow the money little lemming.
I have followed the money... Trump lied about how serious it was because he didn't want to spook the markets.

Other countries did better because they went into shutdown quickly, not because they listened to some asshole who told them to take horse dewormer or fish-tank cleaner.

We have several very good engineering universities in our area. We don’t have a problem finding educated people. Educated people are coming here because they recognize they can live much better. Granted, in many cases their indoctrination doesn’t allow them to put 2 and 2 together to figure out exactly WHY they can live better here, but that is another topic. My hope is that they becoming wiser as they get older and are away from the indoctrination centers in blue states.

Nope, they aren't indoctrinated to bend over for rich people like you guys in the South are.

The same assholes in the South who were happy to catch bullets so rich people could keep owning slaves are the same assholes who let the rich screw them over at Amazon Distribution centers. You are happy having nearly nothing as long as the other guy has nothing.
Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

Why dont you post an argument (civil if possible) for one of the 3 choices instead of playing the school marm on test day?
If you held a fair, popular vote referendum, that's exactly what America would become.
Which is why the founders set up a republic with private property rights instead of a majority rule people’s socialist government

And thats the reason that leftists hate the Founding Fathers
The FAIR tax is a flat tax.

The "Fair Tax" is in fact progressive which means that everyone does not contribute the same percentage. It is a national sales tax that is similar to the value added tax (VAT) in Europe. What has been proposed in the US is that people under a certain income level would be given money by the government each month to help pay the sales tax (a "prebate"). The other problem with a national sales tax (and this is what happens in Europe) is that there are different tax rates for different categories of goods and services. This can quickly lead to higher rates on goods and services bought people with higher incomes - a progressive taxation system.

A flat tax is based on income and everybody pays the same rate, rich or poor.

"To prevent a national sales tax from negatively impacting low-income individuals, the FairTax would also give all households a “prebate,” or a monthly payment for the amount of tax a household spending a poverty-level income would pay."

Which is why the founders set up a republic with private property rights instead of a majority rule people’s socialist government

And thats the reason that leftists hate the Founding Fathers

That and they were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who encouraged genocide against Native Americans.
Lots of talk and controversy about communism and socialism nowadays. In an attempt to clarify definitions and positions, here is a very clear and simple question that will help us understand what others think about the role of government:

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

Simple as that. Please vote and comment.

The role of corruption is less with the definition of size reduced in nations that start after any distress with a new vision. And it still stinks. Well known people like Whoopi Goldberg has several abortions. Women who live lives austere are treated like shit compared to this pig.
The role of corruption is less with the definition of size reduced in nations that start after any distress with a new vision. And it still stinks. Well known people like Whoopi Goldberg has several abortions. Women who live lives austere are treated like shit compared to this pig.
That and they were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who encouraged genocide against Native Americans.
Not so

How many slaves did Adams or the other founders from New England own?

So your broad brush smear of the founding fathers breaks down with the first words out of your mouth

As for the men who were slave holders and the colonial treatment of the indians that was the norm all over the world in the 17th century

Dont judge the 17th century by 20th century standards
Conservatives have pushed the binary idea that a country is either capitalist or communist since the end of WWII - and socialism is the same as communism.

Yet, the U.S. has been a hybrid socialist/capitalist country since long before that.

They've tried to eliminate the true American principles (Democracy, equality and inalienable rights), and promoted the myth that to be American is to be capitalist and nothing else.

It seems that their true goal is to instantiate a super wealthy neo-royalty and eliminate all socio-economic mobility.
The "Fair Tax" is in fact progressive which means that everyone does not contribute the same percentage. It is a national sales tax that is similar to the value added tax (VAT) in Europe. What has been proposed in the US is that people under a certain income level would be given money by the government each month to help pay the sales tax (a "prebate"). The other problem with a national sales tax (and this is what happens in Europe) is that there are different tax rates for different categories of goods and services. This can quickly lead to higher rates on goods and services bought people with higher incomes - a progressive taxation system.

A flat tax is based on income and everybody pays the same rate, rich or poor.

"To prevent a national sales tax from negatively impacting low-income individuals, the FairTax would also give all households a “prebate,” or a monthly payment for the amount of tax a household spending a poverty-level income would pay."

What stops the government from tinkering with a flat tax and adding thousands of special rates and exemptions?
Not so

How many slaves did Adams or the other founders from New England own?

So your broad brush smear of the founding fathers breaks down with the first words out of your mouth

As for the men who were slave holders and the colonial treatment of the indians that was the norm all over the world in the 17th century

Dont judge the 17th century by 20th century standards

I don't... Although slavery and genocide are always wrong no matter what century you are in.

And contrary to the argument that treatment of Native Americans was the norm, one of the major arguments that the Founding Slave Rapists had with the crown was that the crown was restraining them from taking more land from the Native Americans. Mostly because such behavior dragged them into an unnecessary war with France and the First Nations.

by that logic, we shouldn't treat stuff written in the 18th century like Holy Writ, either. Just because the Founding Slave Rapists thought the Electoral College was a good idea doesn't mean we should.
Tell me: Is there anything bad about America that is not the direct or indirect result of the "progs"?
There are many good things in America. We gripe about the bad things. When we are taxed for social programs and defense and other things, it is not a crime to ask for accountability. We do not have that. Government that gets larger and larger has more people who game the system and more than that believe they are owed and get arrogant about it. On top of that there are massive amounts of lawsuits against government and private ways with many questionable. Progs control the direction of the nation. Repubs let them do this as it is seen as pure venom against "helping your fellow man" with social programs. The result is that everything is more and more expensive and we have to live off of foreign made products which keeps domestic products within reason. If you are in a union and a peasant, Progs massage you. Everyone else is depending on the group you are in.
The Founding Slave Rapists
Did you learn that hate speech in school?

If so the lib teachers did you, America and the Founding Fathers a disservice

Looking through history I dont see the treatment of weaker cultures any different in any land

Yet it was in America through the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution where the rights of men began to be expressed and acted on
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