POLL: Political Rhetoric and the Role of Government

Does the role, scope, cost and size of government exist along a continuum?

  • 1. Yes. Most economies are mixed and the question is where along the continuum they exist.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • 2. No. A country is either capitalist or Socialist/Marxist/Communist, etc.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
I don't... Although slavery and genocide are always wrong no matter what century you are in.

And contrary to the argument that treatment of Native Americans was the norm, one of the major arguments that the Founding Slave Rapists had with the crown was that the crown was restraining them from taking more land from the Native Americans. Mostly because such behavior dragged them into an unnecessary war with France and the First Nations.

by that logic, we shouldn't treat stuff written in the 18th century like Holy Writ, either. Just because the Founding Slave Rapists thought the Electoral College was a good idea doesn't mean we should.
That doesn't make it not the norm. England was doing the same thing in every other colony is controlled.
Did you learn that hate speech in school?

If so the lib teachers did you, America and the Founding Fathers a disservice

Looking through history I dont see the treatment of weaker cultures any different in any land

Yet it was in America through the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution where the rights of men began to be expressed and acted on

Oh, please. The Founding Slave Rapists saved us from the horror of being... Canadians.


Yes, there are a lot of lofty principles set out in the DOI and the COTUS.... then again, you could find equally lofty sentiments in the founding of most of the world's worst dictatorships.

there is also a lot of not so lofty stuff, like blacks being 3/5th of a white man and George III siding with Native Americans over colonists.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

Yup, how dare those Native Americans want to keep their land, those savages!!!!!
That doesn't make it not the norm. England was doing the same thing in every other colony is controlled.

Except the United Kingdom abolished slavery in England in 1804, and throughout the entire Empire by 1835. We didn't end it until 1865, and that required a civil war where the losers STILL think they were in the right.
Oh, please. The Founding Slave Rapists saved us from the horror of being... Canadians.

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Yes, there are a lot of lofty principles set out in the DOI and the COTUS.... then again, you could find equally lofty sentiments in the founding of most of the world's worst dictatorships.

there is also a lot of not so lofty stuff, like blacks being 3/5th of a white man and George III siding with Native Americans over colonists.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

Yup, how dare those Native Americans want to keep their land, those savages!!!!!
I’m getting tired of you slandering the Founding Fathers with your disgusting slave rapist bullshit

If you are doing it to piss me off you have succeeded

ungrateful libs need to open a history book and stop listening to the America haters
I’m getting tired of you slandering the Founding Fathers with your disgusting slave rapist bullshit

If you are doing it to piss me off you have succeeded

ungrateful libs need to open a history book and stop listening to the America haters

I have a degree in history, thanks.

Of course, it wasn't from a Christian University where Creation Science was an actual course, so there's that.

The Founding Slave Rapists didn't make this country great, it was the generations of progressives that followed like Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, MLK, etc. that made this country a little more fair.
Yeah sure

On the internet anything is possible

To hear libs tell it they all are rich, handsome, ect

University of Illinois at Chicago, 1985.

Matter of public record.... but I wouldn't want to give a stalker my real name.
Matter of public record.... but I wouldn't want to give a stalker my real name

Thats why the internet is such a boon for phonies

I cant say you are lying but I wont assume you are telling the truth either

After Vietnam America hating revisionist historians sprouted like weeds and they all sound and smell the same

The founders were not perfect individuals

but they were head and shoulders above any marxist asshole that floats lib boats

Thats why the internet is such a boon for phonies

I cant say you are lying but I wont assume you are telling the truth either
The fact I discuss historical subjects here kind of says otherwise... Of course, again, my degree didn't come from Talking Snake U... so there's that.

Tell you what, I'll PM you a copy of my degree with my last name obscured, would that be proof enough for you?

After Vietnam America hating revisionist historians sprouted like weeds and they all sound and smell the same

The founders were not perfect individuals

but they were head and shoulders above any marxist asshole that floats lib boats

After Vietnam, we took a long hard look at ourselves and didn't like what we saw.... So maybe we need to work on changing those things.
Tell you what, I'll PM you a copy of my degree with my last name obscured, would that be proof enough for you?
You can search the internet and find a degree in 2 minutes flat

As I said you have really pissed me off

Most revisionist historians do

And I dont like engaging in personal insults

But I am proud of my country and take it personally when people on the internet slander the US

So I’m going to end our conversation here and try to cool off

You can have the last word and tear down the goal posts if you wish
You can search the internet and find a degree in 2 minutes flat

As I said you have really pissed me off

Most revisionist historians do

Hey, funny thing about being a history... History is. It's not supposed to piss you off or make you feel "proud" of events that happened before you were born and had no part in... Real historians understand this. The study of history is understanding events, causes and effects. Period.

And I dont like engaging in personal insults

But I am proud of my country and take it personally when people on the internet slander the US

I can also show you my DD214, but you'd probably claim that was fake, too...

Again, it's not a slander if it's true. We've done some great things in our history, and we've done some pretty awful things.

If you are getting upset about history, then you have your priorities kind of screwed up.


So I’m going to end our conversation here and try to cool off

You can have the last word and tear down the goal posts if you wish

Again, if you are getting upset about what people who died centuries ago did or didn't do, then you are doing it wrong.
Hey, funny thing about being a history... History is. It's not supposed to piss you off or make you feel "proud" of events that happened before you were born and had no part in... Real historians understand this. The study of history is understanding events, causes and effects. Period.

I can also show you my DD214, but you'd probably claim that was fake, too...

Again, it's not a slander if it's true. We've done some great things in our history, and we've done some pretty awful things.

If you are getting upset about history, then you have your priorities kind of screwed up.

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Again, if you are getting upset about what people who died centuries ago did or didn't do, then you are doing it wrong.
You talk about having messed up priorties when you support Chineese genocide, and slavery.....That's some fucked up shit right there....
You talk about having messed up priorties when you support Chineese genocide, and slavery.....That's some fucked up shit right there....

When did I do that.

You mistake "can't get worked up about something happening in another country" with support...

Not that the Chinese are genociding anyone.... Mass murder, sure. Absolutely. Genocide...not really.
When did I do that.

You mistake "can't get worked up about something happening in another country" with support...

Not that the Chinese are genociding anyone.... Mass murder, sure. Absolutely. Genocide...not really.
There it is right there…pathetic.
Go troll someone else Joe...I am not interested.

Hey, you can't blame the Chinese for doing what we've been doing for the last 20 or so...

And they didn't even have to leave their own country to do it.
Hey, you can't blame the Chinese for doing what we've been doing for the last 20 or so...

And they didn't even have to leave their own country to do it.
Yes, keep defending the genocidal slave holders....That's a good look for you...Once again.

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