POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Simple shit bud....you Black folk weren't built to be leaders...look around the globe.
I know, I know, you're not Black.
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

I don’t advocate it. But I enjoyed your knee jerk reaction. You know welll the damage to liberals that would result in setting standards for voting so you see that threat everywhere.
How about we all take an IQ test and if I score higher my vote counts more than yours?
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

I don’t advocate it. But I enjoyed your knee jerk reaction. You know welll the damage to liberals that would result in setting standards for voting so you see that threat everywhere.
It is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Most Americans are underinformed and it doesn't really matter does it? Because I look at my surroundings in my state and in my city and I decide if the current party is going a good job. Then I either vote them out or re elect them. You act like they are stupid for not agreeing with you so they are too stupid to vote? That's such an arrogant and ignorant attitude.

Im not sure if you are too stupid or simply too corrupt to vote. But that wasn’t the point. The guy implied blacks would tend to lose the vote if intelligence was required.
Democrats believe that as well. So he can rest assured it will not be considered since Democrats rely on less intelligent and informed votes.
I remember Florida when Democrats said the ballot was difficult and so only whites could use it. No shame or embarrassment. Just a fact to them. The more thought a vote takes the more black votes the democrats don’t get is their working theory.
I may or may not agree with your party’s position on black intelligence being a barrier to their voting. I haven’t weighed in on it.
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

I don’t advocate it. But I enjoyed your knee jerk reaction. You know welll the damage to liberals that would result in setting standards for voting so you see that threat everywhere.
How about we all take an IQ test and if I score higher my vote counts more than yours?

Make it a logic ability test

An IQ test measures part logic and memory like a parrot

A high IQ can be because of a high memory intellect

This is what has fooled low logic educators Today's education goes sgainst science and history and not with

Educators are too low logic to know how much harm they are causing with their stupidity
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

I don’t advocate it. But I enjoyed your knee jerk reaction. You know welll the damage to liberals that would result in setting standards for voting so you see that threat everywhere.
How about we all take an IQ test and if I score higher my vote counts more than yours?

You can wish the Democrat party out of existence if you like. But they don’t even think their voters can handle registration much less IQ tests.
No. Our political dysfunction and the increasing suicide rate are manifestations of a deeper problem.
I would agree with that.

I think this is an indication of an overall culture in decay.

Your government is backwards. It is no longer "for the people" or "by the people". It is government by special interests to the benefit of the wealthy. There is little being done which benefits your people. This is the greatest difference between the American system of government and the rest of the first world. Corporate interests and the interests of the wealthy take precedence over the needs of the people.
It's always been the governemnt of special interests.

There is a big difference in the special interests of an agricultural society and what we have witnessed as a result of becoming an industrial society.

Not really.

Those with money have been pulling political strings since the inception of politics

All governments are governemnt of special interests.

There was a time when citizens were one of those interests.
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

I don’t advocate it. But I enjoyed your knee jerk reaction. You know welll the damage to liberals that would result in setting standards for voting so you see that threat everywhere.
It is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Most Americans are underinformed and it doesn't really matter does it? Because I look at my surroundings in my state and in my city and I decide if the current party is going a good job. Then I either vote them out or re elect them. You act like they are stupid for not agreeing with you so they are too stupid to vote? That's such an arrogant and ignorant attitude.

Not even close. You look around and say “who will pay my brother to go to college while I buy a boat”
Your own words convict you.
Blacks care when 99% are white. You don’t get it?

Simple shit bud....you Black folk weren't built to be leaders...look around the globe.
I know, I know, you're not Black.
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows

The country is overrun with drugs, Leftists, and human secularists.

Just look at the volume of hate against Trump and Jews spewing out of the DNC as the applaud third trimester abortions.

We have no hope, just fear and hate cuz the world is going to end in 12 years because of the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide, so what the hell, just jump off a bridge.

The country was a much better place without them, but then, that would be called being "regressive".
Simple shit bud....you Black folk weren't built to be leaders...look around the globe.
I know, I know, you're not Black.
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.
If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

STFU with that whiny, paranoid bullshit already. Don’t pretend to speak for all white men, and then whimper like a cowardly fucking weakling. No spineless pussy like that speaks for white men (or any men for that matter).
Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

STFU with that whiny, paranoid bullshit already. Don’t pretend to speak for all white men, and then whimper like a cowardly fucking weakling. No spineless pussy like that speaks for white men (or any men for that matter).

I don't claim to speak for all white men but I do recognize the root cause of the much-hyped rise in so called "white supremacy" or whatever other term the media chooses to call it. You can call me a pussy all you like but that won't stop me from noticing what is as plain as the nose on my face.
Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

STFU with that whiny, paranoid bullshit already. Don’t pretend to speak for all white men, and then whimper like a cowardly fucking weakling. No spineless pussy like that speaks for white men (or any men for that matter).
He's one of yours unky
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

STFU with that whiny, paranoid bullshit already. Don’t pretend to speak for all white men, and then whimper like a cowardly fucking weakling. No spineless pussy like that speaks for white men (or any men for that matter).

I don't claim to speak for all white men but I do recognize the root cause of the much-hyped rise in so called "white supremacy" or whatever other term the media chooses to call it. You can call me a pussy all you like but that won't stop me from noticing what is as plain as the nose on my face.

If you don't like it being called white supremacy what do you like to call it?
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Most certainly you can ask me a question. But you have to be willing to listen to the answer.
The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

STFU with that whiny, paranoid bullshit already. Don’t pretend to speak for all white men, and then whimper like a cowardly fucking weakling. No spineless pussy like that speaks for white men (or any men for that matter).

I don't claim to speak for all white men but I do recognize the root cause of the much-hyped rise in so called "white supremacy" or whatever other term the media chooses to call it. You can call me a pussy all you like but that won't stop me from noticing what is as plain as the nose on my face.

If you don't like it being called white supremacy what do you like to call it?

I dunno, how about "inevitable"?
If black people can pass a high logic ability test then they should vote

But history and science tells us who will be able to pass that test

Whether that is true or not true Democrats perceive it to be true. Even the simple act of providing an ID is considered beyond the ability of blacks much less any form of informed voter initiative.
And you have to remember that any system which weeds out less informed or qualified voters will be a huge blow to democrats.
How do we weed out the misinformed and under informed? That's you.

The Democrats say a butterfly ballot once worked wonders dont they? Asking for ID also works according to them.

Can I ask you a question? Why are white American men so angry and fucked up in the head?

New Data Show The State Of Hate In Texas | HuffPost

People searching online for violent extremist content in Texas are mostly young, white, male and neo-Nazi-inclined.

People searching Google in Texas for violent extremist content overwhelmingly favored neo-Nazi terms, with “Sieg Heil” the top search result, according to data collected since the end of 2017 by Moonshot CVE, a London-based company focused on data-driven solutions to violent extremism.

Texans Googled “Sieg Heil” 7,085 times in that period, followed by 6,220 searches for “1488,” a reference to a 14-word white power slogan and “Heil Hitler” (since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet). The third-most-popular search term was simply “Heil Hitler,” with 4,630 searches.

And the searches happened all over Texas, regardless of the type of community. Limestone, Borden and Blanco counties had the most per capita searches for violent extremist content. These are rural, sparsely populated and deeply red counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump in 2016 and supported Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

People in Texas looking for violent extremist content tended to be young and male. Nearly half were age 18 to 34. And 75 percent were male

Why are white men angry? Maybe it's because we're finally noticing that we're being targeted for systematic destruction.

You only speak for yourself.

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