POLL: Serious question for conservatives: Have you given up?

Is the ideological war over, or has it just begun?

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I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?
Wow, this thread didn't age well. The Democrats have literally self-destructed, and Conservative Republicans have never been stronger. Best wishes with that TDS affliction!

I've been asking this question everywhere, never got an answer and don't expect one here but just for S&Gs....

---- Where the hell do you people get this idea that everybody is either a "Democrat" or a "Republican"? How does that world even work?
And you have given up on the very concepts of communication and/or human empathy and/or logic.
Of course not. What a strange question.

What I have given up on is trying to have interesting or meaningful conversations with wingers on internet message boards. I stumble into one now and then, but I no longer put forth much effort there.

When you dismiss the idea that communication is possible despite difference perspectives, you are giving up on communication, logic and human empathy.
Okay, thanks.

It might be a helpful exercise for you, to try to express your view in a way that someone with a different perspective can appreciate.

Because you seem to becoming more and more close minded.

You don't want to end up like Rightwinger.

He used to engage in dialog, you know.

He is one of many who succumbed to TDS.
I realize that you folks are programmed to (1) scream TDS! at any criticism of Trump (just like the Regressives are programmed to scream RACIST! at any criticism of minorities, you folks really are peas in a pod, aren't you?), and (2) defend and spin for Trump no matter what (the obedient "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue" psychosis he predicted), but that doesn't make any of it true.

Another example of how trying to communicate with partisan zombies on internet message boards can be an abject waste of time.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

I dunno. I can't speak for "conservatives". And I'm not much good at predictions (I never thought we'd elect Trump). As a libertarian, I'll continue to speak up for limited government and individual freedom, even if conservatives don't.
Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. Was Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.

Depending upon where you view the policies from, they can run the gamut from moderate, to extreme.

Look at the far Left. If they are viewed from there, of course they seem extreme. But, truth be told, Democrats when they were moderate, believed in many of these same policies.

One day I will get the JFKs policies, and put them over Trumps. Not much difference at all. Of course, no Leftist will post in that thread, because if viewing their policies together as they overlap, would destroy their whole talking point.
Well, that's the sign of an ideologue: They are unable to understand simple perspective.

The predictable result is that "my" side is moderate and reasonable, and the "other" side is "extreme".

We see this here, constantly.

Well, I urge all that are interested, to look at the JFK policies, and then cross reference them with Trumps. They aren't exact as they were from different times in history, but they are pretty close. Even JFKs stance on illegal immigration (and Eisenhowers too) mirror Trumps. What Trump is doing, is not anything really new, he is just taking what worked for past Presidents of BOTH party's, and reinstituting it. The reason the far Left thinks it is so outlandish, is because THEY are the ones trying to institute new policies on many of these old questions. And to do that, they need to make everyone think Trump is off his rocker, and waaaaaaay out there.

Nothing could be further from the truth! Most all of these policies, were used by past Presidents, and rather successfully!

Rump obviously IS off his rocker and way out there ----- but that's got nothing to do with "conservative", "Liberal" or even "politics". Agent Orange has no politics beyond 'what will serve Numero Uno in this moment' and will change it like a shirt whenever that need changes (e.g. change "would" to "wouldn't" as soon as Putin leaves the room).

That's not a question of politics at all. It's all about character and mental illness. I know summa these Rumpbots like to hide behind labels of "leftists" and "Democrats" whatever, but that's the reality and always has been.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

I dunno. I can't speak for "conservatives". And I'm not much good at predictions (I never thought we'd elect Trump). As a libertarian, I'll continue to speak up for limited government and individual freedom, even if conservatives don't.

You consider conservatives and libertarians interchangeable? I don’t. In fact I think libertarians worked with liberals to defeat conservatives.
Of course not. What a strange question.

What I have given up on is trying to have interesting or meaningful conversations with wingers on internet message boards. I stumble into one now and then, but I no longer put forth much effort there.

When you dismiss the idea that communication is possible despite difference perspectives, you are giving up on communication, logic and human empathy.
Okay, thanks.

It might be a helpful exercise for you, to try to express your view in a way that someone with a different perspective can appreciate.

Because you seem to becoming more and more close minded.

You don't want to end up like Rightwinger.

He used to engage in dialog, you know.

He is one of many who succumbed to TDS.
I realize that you folks are programmed to (1) scream TDS! at any criticism of Trump (just like the Regressives are programmed to scream RACIST! at any criticism of minorities, you folks really are peas in a pod, aren't you?), and (2) defend and spin for Trump no matter what (the obedient "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue" psychosis he predicted), but that doesn't make any of it true.

Another example of how trying to communicate with partisan zombies on internet message boards can be an abject waste of time.

It’s your time. Waste it how you like.
I certainly agree that several of these should be considered extreme...not sure why Mac wouldn't.
"Extreme" is an adjective and a purely subjective term.

I don't know why those facts would be difficult to grasp.

You seem to be saying that are perspectives are so far apart that we cannot engage in any form of dialog.

Which raises the question, why are you here then?
I come here for two reasons: (1) To belch out my opinions here and there and (2) to observe behaviors, motivations and tactics.

And you have given up on the very concepts of communication and/or human empathy and/or logic.
Of course not. What a strange question.

What I have given up on is trying to have interesting or meaningful conversations with wingers on internet message boards. I stumble into one now and then, but I no longer put forth much effort there.

So who is exhaulted enough to warrant communications with the Great and wonderful Mac?
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

I dunno. I can't speak for "conservatives". And I'm not much good at predictions (I never thought we'd elect Trump). As a libertarian, I'll continue to speak up for limited government and individual freedom, even if conservatives don't.

You consider conservatives and libertarians interchangeable? I don’t. In fact I think libertarians worked with liberals to defeat conservatives.

That is because you only view conservatives through a social lenses and not a fiscal one.
"Extreme" is an adjective and a purely subjective term.

I don't know why those facts would be difficult to grasp.

You seem to be saying that are perspectives are so far apart that we cannot engage in any form of dialog.

Which raises the question, why are you here then?
I come here for two reasons: (1) To belch out my opinions here and there and (2) to observe behaviors, motivations and tactics.

And you have given up on the very concepts of communication and/or human empathy and/or logic.
Of course not. What a strange question.

What I have given up on is trying to have interesting or meaningful conversations with wingers on internet message boards. I stumble into one now and then, but I no longer put forth much effort there.

So who is exhaulted enough to warrant communications with the Great and wonderful Mac?
Anyone who can be intellectually honest and think independently.

There are several here who can do that, don't worry.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.
Democrats tried the moderate path for 8 years under Obama. What they received in return was complete obstruction.

Merrick Garland is not a Liberal. He is as moderate as you get in a SCOTUS nominee. He was widely praised by Conservatives. It’s why Obama chose him. He appealed to both sides. Look what Republicans did when he was nominated.

So, we tried. Now you get a wave election of progressives in 2018 and an even bigger wave in 2020.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.
Putting children in unsanitary, cruel and dangerous detention camps.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

I dunno. I can't speak for "conservatives". And I'm not much good at predictions (I never thought we'd elect Trump). As a libertarian, I'll continue to speak up for limited government and individual freedom, even if conservatives don't.

You consider conservatives and libertarians interchangeable? I don’t. In fact I think libertarians worked with liberals to defeat conservatives.

That is because you only view conservatives through a social lenses and not a fiscal one.

I view them through their lens of defeat. As Ann Coulter said “they couldn’t even conserve little girls bathrooms”
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?
Trumpkins agent conservatives.

So what were you referring to? The complicit republicans in Congress?
You seem to be saying that are perspectives are so far apart that we cannot engage in any form of dialog.

Which raises the question, why are you here then?
I come here for two reasons: (1) To belch out my opinions here and there and (2) to observe behaviors, motivations and tactics.

And you have given up on the very concepts of communication and/or human empathy and/or logic.
Of course not. What a strange question.

What I have given up on is trying to have interesting or meaningful conversations with wingers on internet message boards. I stumble into one now and then, but I no longer put forth much effort there.

So who is exhaulted enough to warrant communications with the Great and wonderful Mac?
Anyone who can be intellectually honest and think independently.

There are several here who can do that, don't worry.

Yes but that excludes you and leaves them without communication.
This is you dumb ass tards main problem....
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

I dunno. I can't speak for "conservatives". And I'm not much good at predictions (I never thought we'd elect Trump). As a libertarian, I'll continue to speak up for limited government and individual freedom, even if conservatives don't.

You consider conservatives and libertarians interchangeable? I don’t. In fact I think libertarians worked with liberals to defeat conservatives.

Oh, I agree totally. But lots of conservatives make a pretense at supporting libertarian values: limited government, individual rights, etc... And those things are worth fighting for even if Trumpsters don't get it.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.
"they believe in individual liberty? What radical nut jobs! They are so anti-American believing in the whole concept of America and what-not"

their liberty stops at others' noses.

and no, I don't want to live in a world where I can't be served because some freak doesn't like jews.

You are doing your best to make everyone dislike Jews.
No, she’s doing a great job of exposing wingnuts who already don’t like Jews but attempt to hide it by supporting Israel. Which has nothing to do with supporting Jews.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.
Putting children in unsanitary, cruel and dangerous detention camps.
It is more dangerous to allow foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will like open border Democrats want.

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