POLL: Should America be a Sanctuary Country?

Should America be a Sanctuary Country?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Every time there's a thread about sanctuary cities and states, a consistent group of people jump in to mock and attack anyone who are against them.

Okay. Why just limit it to states and cities? What's the point?

So I'm sure many will vote "Yes" and proudly explain why.

My vote is No.
Many see white people as the main obstacle in creating a communist utopia and that's why they're so keen on open borders and ethnic displacement.
Up here, the cops cooperate with ICE; at least I think they do. The few times I worked with ICE on a case, the cops knew what was going on. But it took weeks sometimes for an ICE agent to get around to coming up here to look into a report of an illegal.
Have they arrested that Oakland mayor yet? She was out of bounds on that one.
I suppose that would be part of the DOJ investigation, wouldn't it? Hope it doesn't take as long as the rest of the investigations in Washington take, because this should really be squared away.

It's time our liberals came to have to swallow their own medicine. We with the means may well "vote with our feet" and move on, leaving all you lefties to wallow in your utopian shithole.
it depends on what you call sanctuary.

If your child was murdered and the only witness was an illegal alien. Would you want that person to come forward because they know that they will not be deported when they testify? Would you want them to hide from becoming a witness out of fear of being deported?

Also I don't think the illegal aliens should have to worry about reporting crimes against themselves or their families out of fear of being deported.

Those are a few situations I can think of where I would say yes to sanctuary nationwide.
Yes, maybe the United States of America should become a sanctuary country.

This would mean that millions and millions and millions of people from all over the world could just fly in and head for the nearest government office for their benefits: food, housing, health care, education, etc.

Within a few years, the current population of the United States would double or triple and the government would go bankrupt.

Millions would be unemployed, crime would reach unbelievable proportions, a hundred different languages would be heard, corruption would be the norm, and the infrastructure would collapse.

A few lucky people would be able to emigrate. (To Canada? Australia? Russia?)

Of course, those progressive people who had called for open borders would NOT leave, for they will surely want to live in the paradise that they have long dreamed of.

it depends on what you call sanctuary.

If your child was murdered and the only witness was an illegal alien. Would you want that person to come forward because they know that they will not be deported when they testify? Would you want them to hide from becoming a witness out of fear of being deported?

Also I don't think the illegal aliens should have to worry about reporting crimes against themselves or their families out of fear of being deported.

Those are a few situations I can think of where I would say yes to sanctuary nationwide.
No, I want them out of the fking country. that's such a bumper sticker for the left parrotted items on tv. it's truly stupid. STUPID! Now, would they come forward if it was another illegal?
it depends on what you call sanctuary.

If your child was murdered and the only witness was an illegal alien. Would you want that person to come forward because they know that they will not be deported when they testify? Would you want them to hide from becoming a witness out of fear of being deported?

Also I don't think the illegal aliens should have to worry about reporting crimes against themselves or their families out of fear of being deported.

Those are a few situations I can think of where I would say yes to sanctuary nationwide.
Would it really be that hard to do that? In the times I've seen people interviewed by police, citizenship is not a standard question. Are they just assuming we're all US citizens?
it depends on what you call sanctuary.

If your child was murdered and the only witness was an illegal alien. Would you want that person to come forward because they know that they will not be deported when they testify? Would you want them to hide from becoming a witness out of fear of being deported?

Also I don't think the illegal aliens should have to worry about reporting crimes against themselves or their families out of fear of being deported.

Those are a few situations I can think of where I would say yes to sanctuary nationwide.
No, I want them out of the fking country. that's such a bumper sticker for the left parrotted items on tv. it's truly stupid. STUPID! Now, would they come forward if it was another illegal?
Those people are "parroting" police chiefs all over the country. You and I aren't law enforcement; it's not up to us to say what helps them most in doing their job.
America became a sanctuary country in 1492.

Every time there's a thread about sanctuary cities and states, a consistent group of people jump in to mock and attack anyone who are against them.

Okay. Why just limit it to states and cities? What's the point?

So I'm sure many will vote "Yes" and proudly explain why.

My vote is No.
How many of the posters here are native Americans or African American? It seems to me that all the people who aren't and say no, forget that they are in the US because at some point in their past they or their forefathers needed the sanctuary that the United States provided. Be it sanctuary from religious persecution, escaping famine, wars or simply seeking a better economic future. The same reasons people come now.
How many of the posters here are native Americans or African American? It seems to me that all the people who aren't and say no, forget that they are in the US because at some point in their past they or their forefathers needed the sanctuary that the United States provided. Be it sanctuary from religious persecution, escaping famine, wars or simply seeking a better economic future.
Is that a "Yes"?
Every time there's a thread about sanctuary cities and states, a consistent group of people jump in to mock and attack anyone who are against them.

Okay. Why just limit it to states and cities? What's the point?

So I'm sure many will vote "Yes" and proudly explain why.

My vote is No.


Every country has immigration laws and the U.S. is no different. If a person come here lawfully then by all means welcome them, but if they come here illegally or stayed beyond their welcome with their visa expiring then show them the door and tell them to apply again and come legally.

As for those here and have been here for decades I say give them a five year visa as long as they have not committed a violent crime and pay penalties and let them get theor affairs in order and after the five years show them the door.

If caught after that they will be deported to Syria and hope they know how to swim if theu want to get back...

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