POLL: Should America's President "Rule with an Iron Fist"?

Should America's President "Rule with an Iron Fist"?

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4 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jonathan Turley

President Joe Biden’s speech in Philadelphia has produced sharply different responses from the media. On CNN, it was praised as a rallying cry for patriots. On conservatives sites, it was denounced as hateful and divisive. For many of us, however, the optics was a glaring distraction with the intense red background and prominently placed Marines framing the President. The use of the Marines and the Marine band raised concerns given the clearly political purpose of the speech. Indeed, the networks did not view the speech as an address to the nation and refused to give the White House primetime slots.
While White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured the media that “it’s not a political speech,” it was unabashedly political from calls to get the vote out to direct attacks on “MAGA Republicans” and Donald Trump. That again raised the legal questions over the use of the Marines in such a speech. Even CNN flagged the concern over the use of the Marines and CNN chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins stated the obvious that “it was a very political speech.”
The optics of the speech instantly became a source of Internet chatter with the weird red background that made the President look like he was giving a stump speech from Dante’s Inferno. Indeed, it almost had that High Chancellor Adam Sutler look from V for Vendetta. (The comparison ultimately did not end with just the optics. Sutler warned his inner circle that “every day…brings us closer to November” and “I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos…to remember why they need us!”).
Alice Hunt Friend, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told the Post that the use of the band was a “big violation” since “Americans who see uniformed military personnel at partisan political functions may assume the military has a partisan identity. Presidents running for reelection always have to take extra care to keep their military aides out of their campaign activities.”
Those voices are, thus far, silent in President Biden’s use of these Marines for a highly partisan and divisive speech.
Winston Churchill once said that it is “always dangerous” for military to find themselves mixing with politics because “they enter a sphere in which the values are quite different from those to which they have hitherto been accustomed.” That was never more evident as two young Marines stood at attention as their president accused millions of their fellow citizens of being enemies of the constitutional Republic. They deserved better from the President.

Once again Jonathan Turley lays it out cogently and logically as to the desperate lies and machinations that Biden is using. Even WAPO has been crital of Biden's use of Marines in his political speech.
Biden has once more been proven a liar and opportunist. He and his co-conspirators in the Maoist DSA, DNC filth are the true enemies of this country, its people, humanity and the heaven too.
Federal policies, the Constitution, mean nothing to a megalomaniacal traitor and his Maoist Demonicrat kakistocracy as they seek to destroy the United States.
I grant you, the lazy self serving cucks in the House and Senate have not been worth a crap at doing their job for the good of the country, at least since the 70s.
they don't work for us W6


This is the OP title.

Should America's President "Rule with an Iron Fist"?​

Now is that question asking should all American Presidents rule with an iron fist or just the current one? Now keep in mind no President during my lifetime has ruled with a so called iron fist not even those I didn't vote for or support given this one has to wonder is this a serious question or just partisan trolling seems like the second to me.
Notice he said “That’s smart.”, not “That’s good.”

I’m not sure where Trump was coming from but I don’t think it’s quite enough to say he wants to rule with an iron fist.

Anyway, to answer the question: No, the President should not rule with an iron fist.
In context, when Trump was discussing Xi ruling with an iron fist, he went on to explain that this is the reason China does not have a drug problem - because they swiftly execute drug dealers.

Trump went on to state that he would like the American legislature to pass a law allowing for the death penalty for drug dealers.

That's highly controversial and debatable, even if some drug dealers are undoubtedly responsible for the deaths of lots of people, but it is what he said.

(timestamped to provide full context)

Funny, but I noticed that Trump pronounced Fentanyl properly. Almost no one does that! The man is a genius. :)

Notably, much of Trump's speech addressed the current admin's rule with an iron fist, and how unAmerican it is. Trump stated that one of the reasons they are out to get him is that everyone knows that if he comes back to power, he's going to clean it all up again.

President Donald J. Trump’s late-night commutation of a 10-year prison sentence being served by a drug smuggler named Jonathan Braun made the action sound almost routine. The White House said only that upon his release, Mr. Braun would “seek employment to support his wife and children.”

What the White House did not mention is that Mr. Braun, a New Yorker from Staten Island who had pleaded guilty in 2011 to leading a large-scale marijuana smuggling ring, still faces both criminal and civil investigations in an entirely separate matter, and has a history of violence and threatening people.
To give the former President full credit for his words, this one really struck me from his rally last night:

"He rules with an iron fist. I'd say that's smart".

Trump supporters, it appears that this is what you want. Is Trump correct?

I want Trump to get reelected just so you kill yourself. That would be all the reason I need.
President Donald J. Trump’s late-night commutation of a 10-year prison sentence being served by a drug smuggler named Jonathan Braun made the action sound almost routine. The White House said only that upon his release, Mr. Braun would “seek employment to support his wife and children.”

What the White House did not mention is that Mr. Braun, a New Yorker from Staten Island who had pleaded guilty in 2011 to leading a large-scale marijuana smuggling ring, still faces both criminal and civil investigations in an entirely separate matter, and has a history of violence and threatening people.
Mostly true....

"Mr. Braun has served 5 years of a 10-year sentence for conspiracy to import marijuana and to commit money laundering. Upon his release, Mr. Braun will seek employment to support his wife and children."

But can you please post proof that he has history of violence as you stated? Proof, not accusations, and not words, violence. Seems like you pasted that from CNN without checking for any actual proof.
Mostly true....

"Mr. Braun has served 5 years of a 10-year sentence for conspiracy to import marijuana and to commit money laundering. Upon his release, Mr. Braun will seek employment to support his wife and children."

But can you please post proof that he has history of violence as you stated? Proof, not accusations, and not words, violence. Seems like you pasted that from CNN without checking for any actual proof.
The proof will come out in court, which hasn't happened yet.

January 22 2021
Mr. Braun helped start and worked as a de facto enforcer for an operation that made predatory loans to small-business owners, threatening them with violence if they refused to pay up.

Federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan also have a continuing investigation into that operation, a person with knowledge of the investigation said Friday.

“Jonathan Braun has threatened small-business owners with violence, death and even kidnapping,” Ms. James said. “A federal commutation will not protect Mr. Braun from being held accountable in New York for the civil charges against him.”

As recently as two and a half years ago, Mr. Braun was accused of throwing a man off a deck at an engagement party. Federal prosecutors said in a court proceeding that he threatened to beat a rabbi who borrowed money to renovate a preschool at his synagogue. “I am going to make you bleed,” he told the rabbi, according to court documents, adding, “I will make you suffer for every penny.”

Interviews and court documents paint a portrait of Mr. Braun as a major drug smuggler who once beat one of his underlings so badly with a belt that Mr. Braun told others he had left the victim “black and blue.” In another instance, he threatened violence against a woman who worked for him who was threatening to cooperate with prosecutors.

Mr. Braun is accused in the suit of telling another business owner: “Be thankful you’re not in New York, because your family would find you floating in the Hudson.”

Mr. Braun was indicted in 2010 and entered a plea deal in the drug case the next year after initially fleeing the country for Canada and Israel before turning himself in. He was not sentenced until 2019 and did not have to report to prison until last January.
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President Trump wasn't referring to the office of POTUS, he was referring to the Leader of Red China. And of course ANY Communist leader should rule with an iron fist unless they want to be deposed.

As far as America, we are under the iron fist of Brandon, and it is definitely un-American when he gets on TV and denounces half the country. I'd love to see Sleepy Joe rule in a more bipartisan way and reach across the aisle- although I really don't see it.
Funny how that changed after Trump lost.
To give the former President full credit for his words, this one really struck me from his rally last night:

"He rules with an iron fist. I'd say that's smart".

Trump supporters, it appears that this is what you want. Is Trump correct?

4. I loved Bidens pitch perfect Hitler imitation and it triggered my TDS
Funny how that changed after Trump lost.
true…trump losing has ushered in the demafasict and their agenda…they are attempting greatly to rule with a iron fist…from xiden fascist rally cry speech last thursday, to their stalinist tactics against political rivals, attempting to assassinate judges…downto telling african americans they ain’t really even black if they don’t fall in line…dark times
true…trump losing has ushered in the demafasict and their agenda…they are attempting greatly to rule with a iron fist
....and ushered out the I am above the Law administration and the racist, right wing agenda.
…from xiden fascist rally cry speech last thursday, to their stalinist tactics against political rivals, attempting to assassinate judges…downto telling african americans they ain’t really even black if they don’t fall in line…dark times
As compared to the Lindsay Graham violence rhetoric, I remember the Judge who signed the warrant for the Trump raid receiving death threats from Trump Humpers right along with the violence of 1/6.
....and ushered out the I am above the Law administration and the racist, right wing agenda.

As compared to the Lindsay Graham violence rhetoric, I remember the Judge who signed the warrant for the Trump raid receiving death threats from Trump Humpers right along with the violence of 1/6.
1) haha! xiden is the most racist president we’ve had in my life…as far as above the law? he’s had his fbi protect hunter
2) Graham said nothing close to xiden, nor is he president

plantation boy right on que…we know you are scared of freedom
1) haha! xiden is the most racist president we’ve had in my life…
You even had to laugh at that bullshit.
as far as above the law? he’s had his fbi protect hunter
What political office does Hunter hold?
2) Graham said nothing close to xiden, nor is he president
It was worse, Hunter isn't the president either. Funny that you right wing, Trump Humpers love to focus on him though.
[quite]plantation boy right on que…we know you are scared of freedom.
Thats funny, a boot licking, House Negro talking about freedom. It was Aunt Jemimas like you that were scared to run from the plantation.
To give the former President full credit for his words, this one really struck me from his rally last night:

"He rules with an iron fist. I'd say that's smart".

Trump supporters, it appears that this is what you want. Is Trump correct?

You didn't include the obvious answer commie, our system of checks and balances are suppose to prevent things like that. But when you have two of the three branches working in concert to subvert the Constitution like the xiden regime is, then it's left to the courts to check them both.


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