POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

Yup. And that was the plan. Hey knew Hillary just was not going to happen. Zero chance as all her buddy's friends hate her.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

It doesn't require vote tampering to validate Americans anger about Russian tampering in our elections.

It is a well know fact that Russia sponsored the propagation of fake news which influenced the votes of millions of moronic Americans.

These are OUR morons and Russia better keep their hands off!
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.
No crimes have been detected nor alleged yet.

So why in the fokk would a "special prosecutor" be relevant.

Schumer is such a dipsh!t when it comes to national issues.
You can make any claim you want. There should be an independent investigation with subpoena power into Russian interference, period. Why are you afraid of that?

it's not a question of fear, it's a question of allowing a political witch hunt. If you people weren't such partisan hacks such a request would be more palatable. The simple fact is most of you morons have already reached a "conclusion" so anything short of full vindication of your moronic ideas would be seen as "hurr durr part of the coverup hurr durr".

Somehow I doubt that you felt that the Benghazi and Clinton email investigations were not political witch hunts....

Yet, despite an extraordinary amount of highly suspicious contacts between Trump Campaign personnel and Russians, the unusual demands to remove anti-Russian policies from the Republican platform,, a president that refuses to release his tax returns, and the firing of everyone that was investigating this issue does not make you think that an independent investigation is warranted.

Then you accuse other people of being 'partisan hacks'?

You gotta be kidding!

Benghazi involved actual American Deaths, and the Clinton Email thing actually happened, its not a question of if, but of how bad.

Right now all the Russian angle has maybe could should might supposedly.

Shouldn't the press be able to handle the investigation?

Despite all the investigations of Clinton. None has turned up any evidence of wrong doing. Both lead no where. That alone is evidence that they were political witch hunts.

The Clintons have been investigated so many times its amazing, yet no investigation has found a damn thing. Oh sorry - Bill Clinton got a blow job and had the decency to not tell the public about it - a truly 'high' crime - right?

You are right about the fact that as of now the Trump/Russia investigation is based on speculation - speculation which is based on very hard facts.

If it were any more than that it wouldn't be an investigation, it would be a prosecution.

Or that the Clinton's are great at hiding their own tracks, or the people investigating just don't have their hearts into it.

What hard facts?

Saying that all the people who investigated the Clinton's 'didn't have their hearts in it', is just plain stupid. Ken Starr was hell bent on impeaching Bill CLinton. The GOP congress did everything they could to find reason to blame Hillary for the Benghazi attack.

The 'Hard Facts' in the Russia investigation is that Trump campaign personnel had an ridiculously high number of contacts with Russia officials. That Trump person failed to report their Russian contacts when questioned. That Trump personnel failed to register as agents of a foreign power. That Trump refuses to release his tax returns. That Trump has fired everyone investigating this matter. Those are the hard facts that justify this investigation.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

It doesn't require vote tampering to validate Americans anger about Russian tampering in our elections.

It is a well know fact that Russia sponsored the propagation of fake news which influenced the votes of millions of moronic Americans.

These are OUR morons and Russia better keep their hands off!

Okay, so no one involved will say there was collusion, many have said their flat out was none, so that is settled hash. What you are all saying and inadvertently or deliberately lying about is that Trump is under investigation for collision
For one thing. This is false. It is also a fact that all these investigations have either fallen apart or are coming apart. This is why we hear less and less from those folks doing the investigations. In about three weeks the Russian thing will run out of gas and they will investigate allegations that Trump cannablised the kids who came to the Easter party at the whitehouse. Comey got fired because he was incompetent and liked to watch him selfn on TV. Accept that and move on to the nect conspiracy theory please.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Come on this is just silly.

Someone drinks from a well and gets poisoned and then the question is "Should someone else drink from the well?"

Trump fired the only person investigating him. To think that he will hire a special prosecutor is like whistling past the graveyard. And to think that he wont fire the Special Prosecutor at any time when they get close is even sillier to believe.

Trump has now said "Nice job you got there, shame if something happened to it" and you're asking if someone would be fair in the job with their neck in the Guillotine?

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

False, Comey was investigating. If the only defense you have is to lie then you're on shaky ground

You KNOW that your lying, yet do so anyway - FASCIST!

Comey told Trump 3 times he was NOT under investigation.

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

Yup. And that was the plan. Hey knew Hillary just was not going to happen. Zero chance as all her buddy's friends hate her.

Your post makes no sense at all.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?

It's called political hackery.

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.
No, Trump should not...the Speaker of the House or the AG should. (Although we know the AG is tainted)
He is? Was he caught meeting the husband of a person under investigation on a tarmac at some remote airport?
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

It doesn't require vote tampering to validate Americans anger about Russian tampering in our elections.

It is a well know fact that Russia sponsored the propagation of fake news which influenced the votes of millions of moronic Americans.

These are OUR morons and Russia better keep their hands off!

Thank you.
That was my point. The effects are clear. The disinformation operation was highly effective in creating distrust and division.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Come on this is just silly.

Someone drinks from a well and gets poisoned and then the question is "Should someone else drink from the well?"

Trump fired the only person investigating him. To think that he will hire a special prosecutor is like whistling past the graveyard. And to think that he wont fire the Special Prosecutor at any time when they get close is even sillier to believe.

Trump has now said "Nice job you got there, shame if something happened to it" and you're asking if someone would be fair in the job with their neck in the Guillotine?

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

False, Comey was investigating. If the only defense you have is to lie then you're on shaky ground

You KNOW that your lying, yet do so anyway - FASCIST!

Comey told Trump 3 times he was NOT under investigation.

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

How about a quote from an FBI employee or official stating Donald J Trump is and was under investigation for colliding with the Russians to cheat Hillary out of winning the election. I won't wait because you can't. Plenty of opinions, but no official documents. The investigation is about his staffers (and it's coming undone as we speak) and the effect the Russian shananagins had on them. Not one even entimated that Hillary even had a chance at winning or that anything the Russians did and any more influence then Hillary just being a slimy whore and losing for it.
I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?

It's called political hackery.

It's called political hackery.

Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.
The FBI investigations will continue, nothing has changed.

I don't agree. A new FBI head will look at the complete and utter lack of any evidence, and close them down. Comey was appeasing the fascist democrats, nothing more.

You mean the guy who violated all FBI protocols by announcing the finding of new Clinton emails and reopening that investigation just before the election is a tool of the Democrats?

Can really you be that stupid?
I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

It doesn't require vote tampering to validate Americans anger about Russian tampering in our elections.

It is a well know fact that Russia sponsored the propagation of fake news which influenced the votes of millions of moronic Americans.

These are OUR morons and Russia better keep their hands off!

Thank you.
That was my point. The effects are clear. The disinformation operation was highly effective in creating distrust and division.

Hillary inspired that on her own. Even the democrat party hates the bitch and only let her come to parties if she brings Bill.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?

It's called political hackery.

It's called political hackery.

Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.

Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.

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