POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

So you can find nothing at all suggesting that Trump is/was or EVER was under investigation?

Yes, we know the idiocy about election tampering, that no one has ever been able to support. THAT is not your claim though, you claimed TRUMP was under investigation. You lied, as you always do.
Trump is part of the Trump campaign. So he is one of the individuals being investigated just like all the rest. We won't know the outcome of that until the investigation is complete, which has just been delayed significantly by Trump firing the FBI director mid-investigation.

Even the Atlantic article with the openly dishonest headline admits;

{Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred.}

Of course the lying hacks buried this at the very end of the article and were careful NOT to provide the direct quote so as to not highlight the fact that their headline was a direct lie.

Also remember that there is no criminal investigation of any kind, and never was;

What Comey testified;

{I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed.

Read more at: No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI }

So this is counterintelligence? Damn, that's not the way the Atlantic and the rest of the DNC hack press is presenting it?

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

"Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred."

Now what? As usual you'll hallucinate up some other bullshit nonsense that has no basis in reality. :rolleyes:

Demurred does not mean "he said no"
No shit sherlock, in context it means he neither confirmed nor denied it which doesn't exactly meet the criteria for a "statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation" does it? Oh wait I forgot... in hyper-partisan lemming land it does since regardless of what the actual answer is you always transform it into whatever you think will support your idiotic partisan "cause" , confirmation bias taken to ludicrous extremes. :rolleyes:

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

So you can find nothing at all suggesting that Trump is/was or EVER was under investigation?

Yes, we know the idiocy about election tampering, that no one has ever been able to support. THAT is not your claim though, you claimed TRUMP was under investigation. You lied, as you always do.

Whyd you ask for a quote if you were just going to ignore it and claim in never happened? Your fig leaf has fallen.

There is the quote. If you want to ignore it then tell me why and how Russia being a silent partner in the US affairs is a good enough thing for you to do a lame job at defending.

I asked, because I knew you would lie - it is your nature as a fascist to lie.

You scored a double by using the Atlantic, which lied in their own headline and actually admitted that they were lying;

{Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred.}

Well yes, Comey demurred by saying flat out that Trump is not under investigation.

You don't care, nor does the leftist press. You think that if you lie you can create the impression of wrong doing and never have to produce any evidence.

So to recap, you have not and can not provide ANY statement by Comey that Donald Trump was ever the subject of any FBI investigation. Your own link stated that Trump was not.
Perhaps a special prosecutor is needed to find how Comey came to list scores of crimes but then dismissed them because he could find intent.

If you didn't intend to run over kid that taunted you - only to keep him from crossing the street.....would that lack of intent work as well for you as it did for Hillary?

You'd better Comey was in charge of THAT investigation!
I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?

It's called political hackery.

It's called political hackery.

Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.

Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.
Really? Which ?

The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff.
What else is an election campaign except for "saying stuff?" That is what the Russians did, alright. They said LOTS of stuff--fake news from Eastern European teenagers' fevered imaginations and paid posters on social media sites like USMB. Not to mention the leaked emails. They said stuff, alright. You want them back again doing that in 2020 when they don't like Trump so much and are backing the other horse?
The investigation isn't over until it's over. Let it come to its conclusions in its own time. You and I and everyone else are just guessing. Some of you are guessing the way you WANT it to go, but it may come out differently.

The fact that you can't say. Mm, happened right here when Bammer ran and Boooosh before him. Did Trump do that to ?
If you want a response to that, you need to explain a little more where you're coming from. I don't understand....

Russia did nothing during this election that they haven't done in every American election. As far as what I'm talking about, it's the paired posters on usmb and media in general. Bammer, booosh all of them did the same shit that they are accusing Russia of doing.
That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

It doesn't require vote tampering to validate Americans anger about Russian tampering in our elections.

It is a well know fact that Russia sponsored the propagation of fake news which influenced the votes of millions of moronic Americans.

These are OUR morons and Russia better keep their hands off!

Thank you.
That was my point. The effects are clear. The disinformation operation was highly effective in creating distrust and division.

Hillary inspired that on her own. Even the democrat party hates the bitch and only let her come to parties if she brings Bill.

Sure buddy. She released all of those emails herself and created numerous narratives disparaging herself.

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

"Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred."

Now what? As usual you'll hallucinate up some other bullshit nonsense that has no basis in reality. :rolleyes:

Demurred does not mean "he said no"

Are you claiming it means he said "yes?" :eek:
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?

It's called political hackery.

It's called political hackery.

Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.

Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.
Really? Which ?

The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.
Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.

It doesn't require vote tampering to validate Americans anger about Russian tampering in our elections.

It is a well know fact that Russia sponsored the propagation of fake news which influenced the votes of millions of moronic Americans.

These are OUR morons and Russia better keep their hands off!

Thank you.
That was my point. The effects are clear. The disinformation operation was highly effective in creating distrust and division.

Hillary inspired that on her own. Even the democrat party hates the bitch and only let her come to parties if she brings Bill.

Sure buddy. She released all of those emails herself and created numerous narratives disparaging herself.

Well no silly she didn't or her fat ass would be in jail where it belongs if she did that. Still nothing from the FBI clearly stating Trump him self is or was under investigation for clouding with Russia. Got it.
So it's a conspiracy involving the entire Intel community, the Congress and the FBI?
Why would they all swear allegiance to Obama?

It's called political hackery.

It's called political hackery.

Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.

Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.
Really? Which ?

The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.

Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?
It's called political hackery.

It's called political hackery.

Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.

Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.
Really? Which ?

The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.

Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?

Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

"Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred."

Now what? As usual you'll hallucinate up some other bullshit nonsense that has no basis in reality. :rolleyes:

Demurred does not mean "he said no"

Are you claiming it means he said "yes?" :eek:

It means he didn't answer.

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

So you can find nothing at all suggesting that Trump is/was or EVER was under investigation?

Yes, we know the idiocy about election tampering, that no one has ever been able to support. THAT is not your claim though, you claimed TRUMP was under investigation. You lied, as you always do.
Trump is part of the Trump campaign. So he is one of the individuals being investigated just like all the rest. We won't know the outcome of that until the investigation is complete, which has just been delayed significantly by Trump firing the FBI director mid-investigation.

Even the Atlantic article with the openly dishonest headline admits;

{Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred.}

So lets understand the logic here. You claimed that Trump wasn't under investigation despite Comey saying he is. And to prove that Trump is not under investigation you cite that Comey was reluctant to answer in public?

So that means he never said the quotes before that?

How does that work?
Says the hack who can't explain his own conspiracy theory.

Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.
Really? Which ?

The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.

Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?

Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.
Really? Which ? Bet if we put my post next to yours and asked which one everybody thought worshipped Alex Jones, I'm guessing they would point to you. So far you have posted emotion and what sutra be as you, a slave sees it. No quotes of anyone democrat or republican who will say on the record in front of the world that Russia gave trump the election. It did not happen no matter how much you want it to have.
Really? Which ?

The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.
Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.

Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?

Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.
The one that's nested above that I responded to obviously.
Since you're unable to follow a conversation, I'll leave it below.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.

Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?

Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.

Still not one document indicting Trump of works by with Russia. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, nada. I accept your concession without any gloating and a shit ton of good will.

Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?

Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.


Which was ? Produce. You can't. Not even after going all the way back in the thread you can't. I specifically said there is NO investigation of Donald Trump. Never was and isn't now. You said there was and that he was under investigation. When asked to produce where you got this from you ran off into your Alex Jones crap. So just put up or stop flailing. It looks bad on you.

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