POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters
Still can't explain your own conspiracy, huh?

Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.


Which was ? Produce. You can't. Not even after going all the way back in the thread you can't. I specifically said there is NO investigation of Donald Trump. Never was and isn't now. You said there was and that he was under investigation. When asked to produce where you got this from you ran off into your Alex Jones crap. So just put up or stop flailing. It looks bad on you.
You said there was
I didn't, dope.
This conversation started on page 13 with you responding to my post to another poster.
Okay now since you were spanked so badly over Trump being investigated, please point out where i declared " a conspiracy ". I didn't, you can't so again you get schooled by anUSMB nobody. How sad you must have been when they quit using rep.

I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.


Which was ? Produce. You can't. Not even after going all the way back in the thread you can't. I specifically said there is NO investigation of Donald Trump. Never was and isn't now. You said there was and that he was under investigation. When asked to produce where you got this from you ran off into your Alex Jones crap. So just put up or stop flailing. It looks bad on you.
You said there was
I didn't, dope.
This conversation started on page 13 with you responding to my post to another poster.

Ya, to the implication that Trump is somehow sand bagging an investigation you said he was under, which there is none.
I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.


Which was ? Produce. You can't. Not even after going all the way back in the thread you can't. I specifically said there is NO investigation of Donald Trump. Never was and isn't now. You said there was and that he was under investigation. When asked to produce where you got this from you ran off into your Alex Jones crap. So just put up or stop flailing. It looks bad on you.
You said there was
I didn't, dope.
This conversation started on page 13 with you responding to my post to another poster.

Ya, to the implication that Trump is somehow sand bagging an investigation you said he was under, which there is none.

Really, dope?

This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.


That must be ancient Greek for fool.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Ok sure, it's not like the federal government has anything better to blow tax payer money on, fuck it lets get two, in case the first one royally screws up. :cool:

Personally I think he should appoint you Mac since you might be the only non-partisan citizen left in the USA.

"and then the prosecutor started prosecuting on me, he gave me the first, second and third degree" -- Cheech & Chong, Up In Smoke
Oh, there are plenty people who aren't sucked in by transparent partisan ideology. The majority.

Part of this calculus is that, if they don't, it's going to look like "draining the swamp" is just a euphemism for "getting rid of anyone who challenges me", which most likely won't thrill a lot of Americans.

What I don't know is whether Trump & Co are into calculus. Not a lot of evidence of that so far.

You're talking about wasting money on optics; Comey got the axe because he pissed off both species of partisan pond scum and put himself in a position where he looked the fool.

Hiring an SP on an investigation that has thus far failed to produce any concrete evidence is nothing more than expensive window dressing for the pundit class to muse over for the next 6 months, personally I'm not interested in having (yet more) of my money wasted just so certain quarters can get a warm & fuzzy.

"Because your question searches for deep meaning, I shall explain in simple words." -- Dante Alighieri, Inferno
Yes, optics are important. If the Russians meddled in our elections, had contact with members of the President's group while they did so, may have had some kind of success on some level, and plan to keep doing it, I think that's pretty important. And yes, more important in the grand scheme of things that what happened at Benghazi.

If this were Hillary and the Chinese, the GOP would be ALL over it.

You're talking about wasting money on optics; Comey got the axe because he pissed off both species of partisan pond scum and put himself in a position where he looked the fool.

Hiring an SP on an investigation that has thus far failed to produce any concrete evidence is nothing more than expensive window dressing for the pundit class to muse over for the next 6 months, personally I'm not interested in having (yet more) of my money wasted just so certain quarters can get a warm & fuzzy.

So if there is nothing to find, why are you worried?

Maybe because it's not the action that gets you into trouble, it's the coverup.

Nixon could have survived watergate if he threw his underlings under the bus.

and Trump is nowhere as smart as Nixon.

No way, unless you people come up with something concrete, which you haven't. The FBI, NSA, and congress can handle this perfectly. Why? Because the reason the left wants a special-secy-secy squirrel is------------>to push the investigation past the midterm elections, lol. They already know what the answer is; they need innuendo to keep their fairy tale going, and with this investigation coming to an end soon, and also knowing they are going to be made to look like fools, they need to prolong it.

This is all going to end very badly for the Democrats, unless Trump does something extremely stupid. There is NO DOUBT that the investigations into everything those charming and delightful lefties are crowing about, are scheduled to be finished around next May; which is exactly why the Lefties need this, because they already know the outcome, and can't have it, lolol!

To sad. It really is. You people have propagandized your way into a corner, and now when it all comes to a head next April or May, your mid term chances of winning are going to look like a 3 legged mule in the Preakness-)

Yes! And Comey also told Trump he was the prettiest girl in all the land...because Trump said he said it! Except in every open forum he said the exact opposite and said Trump is under investigation.

This reminds me of Trumps pussy grabbing defense saying "But they LET ME!" as a defense for sexual assault

What the fuck are you yammering about, Brown Shirt?

You Stalinists have utterly lost your grip.

Show us ANY, I MEAN ONE statement by Comey that Trump was directly under investigation?

You won't, you can't, you're just lying - as always.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

It's Official: The FBI Is Investigating Trump's Links to Russia

Now what?

So you can find nothing at all suggesting that Trump is/was or EVER was under investigation?

Yes, we know the idiocy about election tampering, that no one has ever been able to support. THAT is not your claim though, you claimed TRUMP was under investigation. You lied, as you always do.
Trump is part of the Trump campaign. So he is one of the individuals being investigated just like all the rest. We won't know the outcome of that until the investigation is complete, which has just been delayed significantly by Trump firing the FBI director mid-investigation.

Even the Atlantic article with the openly dishonest headline admits;

{Asked directly whether Trump himself was a target of the investigation, the FBI director demurred.}

Of course the lying hacks buried this at the very end of the article and were careful NOT to provide the direct quote so as to not highlight the fact that their headline was a direct lie.

Also remember that there is no criminal investigation of any kind, and never was;

What Comey testified;

{I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed.

Read more at: No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI }

So this is counterintelligence? Damn, that's not the way the Atlantic and the rest of the DNC hack press is presenting it?
So is your argument that, because it is not a CRIMINAL investigation, there is no investigation taking place? Yes, there is. Call it a counterintellilgence investigation or just an investigation, I don't care what you call it, but you can't go around saying there is no investigation going on. That makes you sound crazy.
I've responded to it twice already.
Just so you know, playing dumb doesn't work when everyone already knows you're dumb.

I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.


Which was ? Produce. You can't. Not even after going all the way back in the thread you can't. I specifically said there is NO investigation of Donald Trump. Never was and isn't now. You said there was and that he was under investigation. When asked to produce where you got this from you ran off into your Alex Jones crap. So just put up or stop flailing. It looks bad on you.
You said there was
I didn't, dope.
This conversation started on page 13 with you responding to my post to another poster.

Ya, to the implication that Trump is somehow sand bagging an investigation you said he was under, which there is none.
I have been looking. Nothing from Comeysaying the FBInwas investigating Donal J Trump. Only a few people in his administration, most of whom are gone now. Your beginning to not look like a gracious loser, you know, a bad sport.

Dude, that was never part of our conversation. A conversation that you started by responding to my post with your conspiracy.


Which was ? Produce. You can't. Not even after going all the way back in the thread you can't. I specifically said there is NO investigation of Donald Trump. Never was and isn't now. You said there was and that he was under investigation. When asked to produce where you got this from you ran off into your Alex Jones crap. So just put up or stop flailing. It looks bad on you.
You said there was
I didn't, dope.
This conversation started on page 13 with you responding to my post to another poster.

Ya, to the implication that Trump is somehow sand bagging an investigation you said he was under, which there is none.

Nope. Not unless something came out.

Investigation did not stop with firing of Comey. In fact, that was not Comey's investigation, it was FBI investigation that Comey was stonewalling for his own benefits. Investigation will continue and now leftists are freaking out, the same ones that were calling for Comey's head, because they know that whoever is placed in charge of FBI, is going to investigate all of their misdeeds, all of things that Barry makes them do illegally.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I wouldn't trust a "special prosecutor" that Trump appointed--LOL That's like letting the Fox in to guard the chicken shack.


A special prosecutor would have to be appointed by an equally numbered bi-partisan group in the Senate.

Trump has refused to release his income tax returns--they have refused to release documents related to their vetting process--they have refused to answer questions--and he has fired 3 people that knew too much. How could anyone trust a special prosecutor that Trump had chosen?--LOL

Trump has brought this upon himself. Any other President would have given up what was requested of them, and they certainly wouldn't have fired anyone, especially the lead investigator--that was in charge of the Russian investigation--something the Trump campaign is the SUBJECT of.
The point of appointing a special prosecutor is on the basis of incriminating evidence found. They have been digging at this for 8 months now and have found nothing to support it! All of this started over those hacked Podesta emails which revealed the efforts behind the scenes that Hillary's campaign and friends of hers had gone to in order to steal the election. People keep throwing up that Hillary won the popular vote ignoring that every election, democrats chronically always steal millions of untold votes through corruption, voter fraud and many other ways. They were even sneaking Hillary advanced notice of questions she would be asked on debates so she could better prepare. They even had that Bernie Sanders set up as a fall guy with no chance he could ever win the nomination.

The real investigation lays (and eventually will) on how Hillary tried many ways to steal the election. They assumed that she would win and all of this would get buried. Now that Trump won and Comey is out, you can bet your sweet bippy that the day will come when there IS an investigation and special prosecutor---- of the Democrats and the Clintons! Comey has already proven that Hillary is a felon about eleven times over. Just wait until they reexamine all of those findings.

My prediction: Next Director of the FBI: Trey Gowdy. Won't Hillary crap her pants then. Comin' for ya, bitch.
No, Trump should not...the Speaker of the House or the AG should. (Although we know the AG is tainted)
He is? Was he caught meeting the husband of a person under investigation on a tarmac at some remote airport?

No, he had to recuse himself from anything Trump/campaign or Hillary/anything investigations. Why? Because he's tainted.
He is not.

Ah, so he recused himself from any investigation into Trump/Russia or Hillary/anything because why?
No, that's just a side benefit. I listed the things I liked, but for some reason you deleted them, maybe to try a stupid "gotcha moment"?

No, I left in what is telling... that you are willing to do Harm to America to get back at people you dislike politically.

Which is all sorts of fucked up, when you think about it.

How is what I want harming America? It's actually trying to help it, pissing proto-fascist scum like you is just a side benefit.

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