POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters
You can make any claim you want. There should be an independent investigation with subpoena power into Russian interference, period. Why are you afraid of that?

Yes, making outrageous claims is the specialty of you Stalinists. Providing FACTS is a far different story. You of the Khmer Rouge have been digging at this WITH the full weight of the party controlled MSM since October of 2016, but not even a HINT of evidence has been found. Why? Well there isn't any, as we ALL know. You are just vile demagogues, nothing more. You will pimp this to smear the hated enemies of your fascist party. You don't give a FUCK about facts, you only want to smear the enemy.

This is just what democrats have become, a rotted cesspool of scum.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Come on this is just silly.

Someone drinks from a well and gets poisoned and then the question is "Should someone else drink from the well?"

Trump fired the only person investigating him. To think that he will hire a special prosecutor is like whistling past the graveyard. And to think that he wont fire the Special Prosecutor at any time when they get close is even sillier to believe.

Trump has now said "Nice job you got there, shame if something happened to it" and you're asking if someone would be fair in the job with their neck in the Guillotine?

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.
To investigate what exactly?

Why the press has been unable to pin anything buy innuendo on Trump.

This is a CRISIS, the left has pulled out all the stops, with nightly hate fests on all the DNC controlled networks, unending demagoguery from the DNC controlled media, and STILL they don't have a damned thing. Something MUST be done to destroy Trump.

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

If Trump fired every person at the NY Times, CNN, ANBCBS, and all the Soros hate sites, there would STILL be an army of tens of thousands pursuing the witch hunt that the demagogues are prosecuting.
And you wouldn't give a rats ass if it was some other government gunning for Hillary to be elected, So methinks thou dost protest too much.

No evidence, no proof, no point.

And yes, thanks for the Conservative SC and lower court appointments.

Yes, actually I would. I would want an independent investigation into it and go where it leads. Why don't you?


You can make any claim you want. There should be an independent investigation with subpoena power into Russian interference, period. Why are you afraid of that?

it's not a question of fear, it's a question of allowing a political witch hunt. If you people weren't such partisan hacks such a request would be more palatable. The simple fact is most of you morons have already reached a "conclusion" so anything short of full vindication of your moronic ideas would be seen as "hurr durr part of the coverup hurr durr".

Somehow I doubt that you felt that the Benghazi and Clinton email investigations were not political witch hunts....

Yet, despite an extraordinary amount of highly suspicious contacts between Trump Campaign personnel and Russians, the unusual demands to remove anti-Russian policies from the Republican platform,, a president that refuses to release his tax returns, and the firing of everyone that was investigating this issue does not make you think that an independent investigation is warranted.

Then you accuse other people of being 'partisan hacks'?

You gotta be kidding!

Benghazi involved actual American Deaths, and the Clinton Email thing actually happened, its not a question of if, but of how bad.

Right now all the Russian angle has maybe could should might supposedly.

Shouldn't the press be able to handle the investigation?
That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

If Trump fired every person at the NY Times, CNN, ANBCBS, and all the Soros hate sites, there would STILL be an army of tens of thousands pursuing the witch hunt that the demagogues are prosecuting.

Pretty much. Shit, 99% of everyone fighting over this are political hacks that if they just slowed down a bit and listened they would see all this for what it is . Then they can ask important questions like why, if the democrats are fighting for all this stuff since the 60's why the hell it ain't fixed yet.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Come on this is just silly.

Someone drinks from a well and gets poisoned and then the question is "Should someone else drink from the well?"

Trump fired the only person investigating him. To think that he will hire a special prosecutor is like whistling past the graveyard. And to think that he wont fire the Special Prosecutor at any time when they get close is even sillier to believe.

Trump has now said "Nice job you got there, shame if something happened to it" and you're asking if someone would be fair in the job with their neck in the Guillotine?

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

False, Comey was investigating. If the only defense you have is to lie then you're on shaky ground
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Come on this is just silly.

Someone drinks from a well and gets poisoned and then the question is "Should someone else drink from the well?"

Trump fired the only person investigating him. To think that he will hire a special prosecutor is like whistling past the graveyard. And to think that he wont fire the Special Prosecutor at any time when they get close is even sillier to believe.

Trump has now said "Nice job you got there, shame if something happened to it" and you're asking if someone would be fair in the job with their neck in the Guillotine?

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

False, Comey was investigating. If the only defense you have is to lie then you're on shaky ground

Lie. Trump is NOT under any investigation. To say so is 1,000, percent lie on your part and you only look like a hormonal woman flailing as you do. Trumps campaign people are under investigation. The fact that you drank that Koop-Aid and chant the mantra only shows what a slave you are.
Right back at ya, you progressive lemming.

Yeah, you're a "rebel", Marty...

Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation - CNNPolitics.com

As a Strict constructional federalist with libertarian leanings, many of my positions fall out of the Republican mainstream.

And you can spout any polls you want, but polls with questions as squishy as this one are about as reliable as a drunk on pay day.

Yes,we know what you think you are....but from this side you're just another Trumpbot cultist not concerned that a foreign government interfered in our election, potentially with the help of people from one candidates campaign.
Who cares about that...as long as you get a conservative SC.

And you wouldn't give a rats ass if it was some other government gunning for Hillary to be elected, So methinks thou dost protest too much.

No evidence, no proof, no point.

And yes, thanks for the Conservative SC and lower court appointments.

Yes, actually I would. I would want an independent investigation into it and go where it leads. Why don't you?
Because calling for a special prosecutor indicates a lack of trust in the FBI as well as other intel or investigatory agencies?
We don't even know if there is probable cause to investigate collusion, much less found any evidence. The only evidence that such a thing ever took place is in the active imaginations of Trumps political opposition. Nobody in the Obama Administration found any evidence of it. Nobody would even admit that an investigation is even underway until a couple of days ago. Why? What were they waiting for?
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

Come on this is just silly.

Someone drinks from a well and gets poisoned and then the question is "Should someone else drink from the well?"

Trump fired the only person investigating him. To think that he will hire a special prosecutor is like whistling past the graveyard. And to think that he wont fire the Special Prosecutor at any time when they get close is even sillier to believe.

Trump has now said "Nice job you got there, shame if something happened to it" and you're asking if someone would be fair in the job with their neck in the Guillotine?

That Trump fired the only person investigating him is flat out hyperbole of f the Nancy Pelozi type. TRUMP is NOT under any investigation at all, his campaign staffers however are. At least be honest about what's going on. And collusion was long ago and ruled out. That's a fact. So now, there is nothing left other then Russia saying Hillary sucks.

False, Comey was investigating. If the only defense you have is to lie then you're on shaky ground

You KNOW that your lying, yet do so anyway - FASCIST!

Comey told Trump 3 times he was NOT under investigation.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.
Not to mention, he's been a civilian since the end of December and is out of the loop.
I voted no simply because multiple people have said there is no connection. At this point, its just nonsense. Hell, they haven't even proved the Russian state did the hacking. They could have done it, but they haven't PROVEN shit.
If something was to actually come up concerning trump, they should go after him. If there is one thing I want from our federal government, it is accountability
I voted no simply because multiple people have said there is no connection. At this point, its just nonsense.
A simple change of punctuation makes the better point.

Multiple people have said there is no connection, at this point.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.
No doubt that anything even remotely attached to politics is now stained by our political environment. Stipulated. The best I can hope for is some measure of solid, actionable evidence along the way. If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

Whether people hang politically for it, I don't care.
If the Russians are having any real success with their meddling, I think that's pretty important to know.

I believe their success is evident in what's happening right now with our politics. It's tainted everything and it's gotten under everyone's skin causing great irritation.
Our institutions are completely disrupted and off balance.

Yup, that was the plan. It was set up and put into effect to protect Black Jesus from being remembered for more then being the presidant who lost almos all of his supreame court cases and only got one piece of legislation passed. I say fire all of them.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

The simple fact that they have Americans at odds over it is all the proof you need.
Yes, actually I would. I would want an independent investigation into it and go where it leads. Why don't you?


You can make any claim you want. There should be an independent investigation with subpoena power into Russian interference, period. Why are you afraid of that?

it's not a question of fear, it's a question of allowing a political witch hunt. If you people weren't such partisan hacks such a request would be more palatable. The simple fact is most of you morons have already reached a "conclusion" so anything short of full vindication of your moronic ideas would be seen as "hurr durr part of the coverup hurr durr".

Somehow I doubt that you felt that the Benghazi and Clinton email investigations were not political witch hunts....

Yet, despite an extraordinary amount of highly suspicious contacts between Trump Campaign personnel and Russians, the unusual demands to remove anti-Russian policies from the Republican platform,, a president that refuses to release his tax returns, and the firing of everyone that was investigating this issue does not make you think that an independent investigation is warranted.

Then you accuse other people of being 'partisan hacks'?

You gotta be kidding!

Benghazi involved actual American Deaths, and the Clinton Email thing actually happened, its not a question of if, but of how bad.

Right now all the Russian angle has maybe could should might supposedly.

Shouldn't the press be able to handle the investigation?

Despite all the investigations of Clinton. None has turned up any evidence of wrong doing. Both lead no where. That alone is evidence that they were political witch hunts.

The Clintons have been investigated so many times its amazing, yet no investigation has found a damn thing. Oh sorry - Bill Clinton got a blow job and had the decency to not tell the public about it - a truly 'high' crime - right?

You are right about the fact that as of now the Trump/Russia investigation is based on speculation - speculation which is based on very hard facts.

If it were any more than that it wouldn't be an investigation, it would be a prosecution.

You can make any claim you want. There should be an independent investigation with subpoena power into Russian interference, period. Why are you afraid of that?

it's not a question of fear, it's a question of allowing a political witch hunt. If you people weren't such partisan hacks such a request would be more palatable. The simple fact is most of you morons have already reached a "conclusion" so anything short of full vindication of your moronic ideas would be seen as "hurr durr part of the coverup hurr durr".

Somehow I doubt that you felt that the Benghazi and Clinton email investigations were not political witch hunts....

Yet, despite an extraordinary amount of highly suspicious contacts between Trump Campaign personnel and Russians, the unusual demands to remove anti-Russian policies from the Republican platform,, a president that refuses to release his tax returns, and the firing of everyone that was investigating this issue does not make you think that an independent investigation is warranted.

Then you accuse other people of being 'partisan hacks'?

You gotta be kidding!

Benghazi involved actual American Deaths, and the Clinton Email thing actually happened, its not a question of if, but of how bad.

Right now all the Russian angle has maybe could should might supposedly.

Shouldn't the press be able to handle the investigation?

Despite all the investigations of Clinton. None has turned up any evidence of wrong doing. Both lead no where. That alone is evidence that they were political witch hunts.

The Clintons have been investigated so many times its amazing, yet no investigation has found a damn thing. Oh sorry - Bill Clinton got a blow job and had the decency to not tell the public about it - a truly 'high' crime - right?

You are right about the fact that as of now the Trump/Russia investigation is based on speculation - speculation which is based on very hard facts.

If it were any more than that it wouldn't be an investigation, it would be a prosecution.

Or that the Clinton's are great at hiding their own tracks, or the people investigating just don't have their hearts into it.

What hard facts?

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