POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

Vote tampering is not the claim, Captain Non Sequitur. Clapped was unaware of the FBI investigation.

Not even a criminal one, still I get your point. They should go and look into exactly where I be uranium Hillary sold to Russia went.and while vote tampering wasn't the accusation, it has always been the allegation.
more correctly, she has only heard what she wanted to hear, truthful or not, real or not, accurate or not.

Yeah go with that "there's nothing to see here" like a good little party boy. Party over country!

Right back at ya, you progressive lemming.

Yeah, you're a "rebel", Marty...

Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation - CNNPolitics.com

As a Strict constructional federalist with libertarian leanings, many of my positions fall out of the Republican mainstream.

And you can spout any polls you want, but polls with questions as squishy as this one are about as reliable as a drunk on pay day.

Yes,we know what you think you are....but from this side you're just another Trumpbot cultist not concerned that a foreign government interfered in our election, potentially with the help of people from one candidates campaign.
Who cares about that...as long as you get a conservative SC.

And you imply vote tampering here to.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.


So you're really not concerned with Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections? I'm sure you'd be this unconcerned if it were Hillary the Russians tried to help, right?

In "Key Judgments," the report says, "We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Report: Putin, Russia tried to help Trump by 'discrediting' Clinton

My main concern is for the mental health of sudden "The Russians are coming" nutjobs like you.

The Russians aren't "coming", you good little Republican, they came. They interfered, successfully, in our election and we KNOW they did it to hurt Hillary and help Trump. Most Americans think there should be a special prosecutor, Republicans being the exception to that majority.


Russia did very little to hurt Clinton during the 2016 election and it was Clinton words, her staff, and the DNC along with Obama that hurt Clinton.

Oh, I voted yes on the poll before you proclaim I am some clueless partisan whore.


Let investigate and find anything let impeach and convict but if nothing is found those like you will claim it is all a sham and waste of money...
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.


So you're really not concerned with Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections? I'm sure you'd be this unconcerned if it were Hillary the Russians tried to help, right?

In "Key Judgments," the report says, "We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Report: Putin, Russia tried to help Trump by 'discrediting' Clinton

My main concern is for the mental health of sudden "The Russians are coming" nutjobs like you.

The Russians aren't "coming", you good little Republican, they came. They interfered, successfully, in our election and we KNOW they did it to hurt Hillary and help Trump. Most Americans think there should be a special prosecutor, Republicans being the exception to that majority.
you only know what you have HEARD.

Media be like. . .
more correctly, she has only heard what she wanted to hear, truthful or not, real or not, accurate or not.

Yeah go with that "there's nothing to see here" like a good little party boy. Party over country!

Right back at ya, you progressive lemming.

Yeah, you're a "rebel", Marty...

Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation - CNNPolitics.com

As a Strict constructional federalist with libertarian leanings, many of my positions fall out of the Republican mainstream.

And you can spout any polls you want, but polls with questions as squishy as this one are about as reliable as a drunk on pay day.

Yes,we know what you think you are....but from this side you're just another Trumpbot cultist not concerned that a foreign government interfered in our election, potentially with the help of people from one candidates campaign.
Who cares about that...as long as you get a conservative SC.

And you wouldn't give a rats ass if it was some other government gunning for Hillary to be elected, So methinks thou dost protest too much.

No evidence, no proof, no point.

And yes, thanks for the Conservative SC and lower court appointments.
Well, if Trump takes a lesson from Obama, he will stonewall and delay such that their is no true investigation. Then he will say that there have been no scandals under his watch.
Uh-Huh, if I had my way the federal budget would be less than the annual cost of running a 100 watt light bulb, so Congress Critters and the other varieties of dishonest, partisan dickweeds wouldn't be able to afford to "investigate" anything more complicated than where they left their car keys last night.

I didn't ask about the budget, I asked if you expressed your concern about the umpteenth hearing on Benghazi.
You asked if I was concerned about the COST of that dog & puppet show and I told you exactly what my perspective is regarding the costs of all this sort of Washingtonian nonsense and exactly what I do about it if I had my way, got any other non-sequitur bullshit you want to throw into the mix?

If I searched your screen name and Benghazi, what would I find?
Knock yourself out princess.

Okay...And look, lots of comments about Hillary, nothing about cost. How weird...

After More Than 3 Years And Intense Questioning Of Hillary Benghazi Is Alive And Well

Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

LOL! I didn't even comment on the "investigation" at all genius, which doesn't indicate that I haven't been consistently concerned with the outrageous money wasting machine in Washington nor does it indicate that I wanted to waste EVEN MORE money expanding that particular "investigation".

You commented in many Benghazi threads but didn't once mention the cost of the investigations. That's so weird for someone concerned with cost. :lol:

I love when partisan hacks call others partisan hacks. The ultimate irony. At least I know I'm partisan. Try a little self reflection. :lol:

The only reason you want Trump investigated is because he is Republican and if he were Democrat you would write there is nothing to investigate.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.
It should be noted that appointing a special prosecutor will no more quell democrat complaints than Obama standing at the shore line would stop the seas from rising (yes, he actually said they would). They're going to complain, it's what they do.
No, Trump should not...the Speaker of the House or the AG should. (Although we know the AG is tainted)
Nope. She's gone. Loretta Lynch was definitely tainted, highly political, and given the boot from day-one.

And FYI; False allegations against a highly respected former Senator and current AG do not signify a taint. Only on the minds of folks with TDS (TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME)
Yes, get to more important priorities like if Trump is in Russia's pocket with business dealings and how many of his staff and Session's are as crooked as Nixon. If you want Hillary have at it. Those are the most important things at the moment. If you really want someone running your country that has deep ties to Russia then perhaps you should just move there.
There is absolutely NO evidence of that, all this "investigation" which has been conducted by the most sophisticated surveillance and data collection apparatus in the history of human kind has produced is speculation based on circumstantial supposition, which granted has produced a heck of a lot of partisan political chicanery for the suckers to lap up but nothing more. The fact of the matter is that given President Twitter's instability all this is likely to result in is him saying or doing something drastic to further destabilize the already tenuous US-Russian relations just to prove he isn't "Russia's pocket" which could very well lead to all sorts of unpleasant ramifications.

Heck if he were in "Russia's Pocket" I'd be a bit more confident about the President since at least the Russian government is more level-headed and competent than he's shown himself to be so far.

Now, how exactly do you know there is no evidence? If there was none, this would have not gone on as long as it has. There is something to this, but I don't have confidence it will ever be brought to light. Too many bodies entangled in all these allegation's from pubs to dems. Maybe Assange can get to the bottom of this lol or Snowden. In Russia bodies started falling for anyone who had been involved.

Someone just didn't start with a little white lie and it goes on this far.
I didn't ask about the budget, I asked if you expressed your concern about the umpteenth hearing on Benghazi.
You asked if I was concerned about the COST of that dog & puppet show and I told you exactly what my perspective is regarding the costs of all this sort of Washingtonian nonsense and exactly what I do about it if I had my way, got any other non-sequitur bullshit you want to throw into the mix?

If I searched your screen name and Benghazi, what would I find?
Knock yourself out princess.

Okay...And look, lots of comments about Hillary, nothing about cost. How weird...

After More Than 3 Years And Intense Questioning Of Hillary Benghazi Is Alive And Well

Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

LOL! I didn't even comment on the "investigation" at all genius, which doesn't indicate that I haven't been consistently concerned with the outrageous money wasting machine in Washington nor does it indicate that I wanted to waste EVEN MORE money expanding that particular "investigation".

You commented in many Benghazi threads but didn't once mention the cost of the investigations. That's so weird for someone concerned with cost. :lol:

I love when partisan hacks call others partisan hacks. The ultimate irony. At least I know I'm partisan. Try a little self reflection. :lol:

The only reason you want Trump investigated is because he is Republican and if he were Democrat you would write there is nothing to investigate.

I want the Russian interference in our election investigated. That the investigation is leading to people in Trumps admin isn't my problem, it's his.

Let's play you're "if it were a Democrat" game. If this EXACT situation applied not to Trump's admin and Russia, but Hillary's admin and oh China or North Korea...what would Republicans be doing?

Here's a hint...

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton
No, Trump should not...the Speaker of the House or the AG should. (Although we know the AG is tainted)
Nope. She's gone. Loretta Lynch was definitely tainted, highly political, and given the boot from day-one.

And FYI; False allegations against a highly respected former Senator and current AG do not signify a taint. Only on the minds of folks with TDS (TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME)

Lynch was the name I was trying to think of earlier, hell yeah investigate her to. Both parties are on the take and hiding shitloads. This is a job for J Edgar in his dress.
Yeah go with that "there's nothing to see here" like a good little party boy. Party over country!

Right back at ya, you progressive lemming.

Yeah, you're a "rebel", Marty...

Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation - CNNPolitics.com

As a Strict constructional federalist with libertarian leanings, many of my positions fall out of the Republican mainstream.

And you can spout any polls you want, but polls with questions as squishy as this one are about as reliable as a drunk on pay day.

Yes,we know what you think you are....but from this side you're just another Trumpbot cultist not concerned that a foreign government interfered in our election, potentially with the help of people from one candidates campaign.
Who cares about that...as long as you get a conservative SC.

And you wouldn't give a rats ass if it was some other government gunning for Hillary to be elected, So methinks thou dost protest too much.

No evidence, no proof, no point.

And yes, thanks for the Conservative SC and lower court appointments.

Yes, actually I would. I would want an independent investigation into it and go where it leads. Why don't you?
You asked if I was concerned about the COST of that dog & puppet show and I told you exactly what my perspective is regarding the costs of all this sort of Washingtonian nonsense and exactly what I do about it if I had my way, got any other non-sequitur bullshit you want to throw into the mix?

Knock yourself out princess.

Okay...And look, lots of comments about Hillary, nothing about cost. How weird...

After More Than 3 Years And Intense Questioning Of Hillary Benghazi Is Alive And Well

Barack Benghazi Obama: Let’s make “Benghazi” his middle name and let’s make it stick.

Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

LOL! I didn't even comment on the "investigation" at all genius, which doesn't indicate that I haven't been consistently concerned with the outrageous money wasting machine in Washington nor does it indicate that I wanted to waste EVEN MORE money expanding that particular "investigation".

You commented in many Benghazi threads but didn't once mention the cost of the investigations. That's so weird for someone concerned with cost. :lol:

I love when partisan hacks call others partisan hacks. The ultimate irony. At least I know I'm partisan. Try a little self reflection. :lol:

The only reason you want Trump investigated is because he is Republican and if he were Democrat you would write there is nothing to investigate.

I want the Russian interference in our election investigated. That the investigation is leading to people in Trumps admin isn't my problem, it's his.

Let's play you're "if it were a Democrat" game. If this EXACT situation applied not to Trump's admin and Russia, but Hillary's admin and oh China or North Korea...what would Republicans be doing?

Here's a hint...

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton

Oh shit if it was reversed you'd see people outside the WH with a rope this morning calling for an old fashion lynching.

I do believe though, something is up that will eventually lead to both parties.

Anyone who doesn't want to see where this leads and possibly come close to the truth might as well move to another country.
Mango. There is no "Russia Connection", never was one, at least with Trump. I suggest the new FBI Director go after the Clinton Foundation connection to the Ivans...that's the real story, not this snowflake fantasy trying to blame somebody, anybody, for Trump handing the old hag her ass on a platter last November.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.

I vote it doesn't matter as anything done by either party will be dismissed by rabid partisan hacks on the opposite side. From President Barak Obama down to James Clapper said them selves there was no effective meddling by the Russians. None. No vote tampering nothing other then saying stuff. Best to get news guys back on real news like third world countries with H-bombs and shit. Political vendetta's are to expensive to toss around Willy nilly.

That's not what Clapper said. “I don’t know what they have" is not the same as "I've seen everything and they have nothing". Clapper didn't know the FBI was investigating.

Please show me vote tamper by Russia then. Or show where Clapper said they did anything but say bad unflattering things about Hillary. They can't and have said as mush from black Jesus on down to the guy who just got fired on twitter.

You know Clappers memory is fuzzy, as close as the true numbers came out last night of how many people may have been unmasked and it's not even close to what Clapper said.
No, Trump should not...the Speaker of the House or the AG should. (Although we know the AG is tainted)
Nope. She's gone. Loretta Lynch was definitely tainted, highly political, and given the boot from day-one.

And FYI; False allegations against a highly respected former Senator and current AG do not signify a taint. Only on the minds of folks with TDS (TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME)

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions recused himself from all things Trump campaign or Hillary/anything. Why did he have to do that? How can he make recommendations if he's recused? Seems unethical doesn't it? Tainted even.

LOL! I didn't even comment on the "investigation" at all genius, which doesn't indicate that I haven't been consistently concerned with the outrageous money wasting machine in Washington nor does it indicate that I wanted to waste EVEN MORE money expanding that particular "investigation".

You commented in many Benghazi threads but didn't once mention the cost of the investigations. That's so weird for someone concerned with cost. :lol:

I love when partisan hacks call others partisan hacks. The ultimate irony. At least I know I'm partisan. Try a little self reflection. :lol:

The only reason you want Trump investigated is because he is Republican and if he were Democrat you would write there is nothing to investigate.

I want the Russian interference in our election investigated. That the investigation is leading to people in Trumps admin isn't my problem, it's his.

Let's play you're "if it were a Democrat" game. If this EXACT situation applied not to Trump's admin and Russia, but Hillary's admin and oh China or North Korea...what would Republicans be doing?

Here's a hint...

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton

Oh shit if it was reversed you'd see people outside the WH with a rope this morning calling for an old fashion lynching.

I do believe though, something is up that will eventually lead to both parties.

People had a rope wanting to lynch Obama?

Prove it!

Your race baiting nonsense is tiring and fucking stupid!

As I wrote let those like you investigate and when nothing come of it you will then proclaim that those that did the investigation were partisan hacks covering for Trump because you're the left version of the birthers!
LOL! I didn't even comment on the "investigation" at all genius, which doesn't indicate that I haven't been consistently concerned with the outrageous money wasting machine in Washington nor does it indicate that I wanted to waste EVEN MORE money expanding that particular "investigation".

You commented in many Benghazi threads but didn't once mention the cost of the investigations. That's so weird for someone concerned with cost. :lol:

I love when partisan hacks call others partisan hacks. The ultimate irony. At least I know I'm partisan. Try a little self reflection. :lol:

The only reason you want Trump investigated is because he is Republican and if he were Democrat you would write there is nothing to investigate.

I want the Russian interference in our election investigated. That the investigation is leading to people in Trumps admin isn't my problem, it's his.

Let's play you're "if it were a Democrat" game. If this EXACT situation applied not to Trump's admin and Russia, but Hillary's admin and oh China or North Korea...what would Republicans be doing?

Here's a hint...

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton

Oh shit if it was reversed you'd see people outside the WH with a rope this morning calling for an old fashion lynching.

I do believe though, something is up that will eventually lead to both parties.

People had a rope wanting to lynch Obama?

Prove it!

Your race baiting nonsense is tiring and fucking stupid!

As I wrote let those like you investigate and when nothing come of it you will then proclaim that those that did the investigation were partisan hacks covering for Trump because you're the left version of the birthers!

So you agree there should be an independent investigation with a special prosecutor, yeah? :cool:
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.
No. You have to be a fool to belueve a special prosecuter will quell anything.

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