CDZ POLL: The "Is It Racist" Quiz

Which comments are racist?

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Excellent, thank you.

The reason for the thread, right there.

That you are full of yourself? Yes, we get that.

Most other people, saw how a large section of the country completely lost it when Obama got elected.

Now, here's the thing. This is the second time I've seen that in my lifetime.

In 1983, Chicago elected a black man, Harold Washington, to be Mayor, and the folks in the White Neighborhoods completely lost their minds!

Including most of the folks I grew up with.

These same people lost their minds again when Obama got elected.
Thank you for choosing to post on this thread.
Everybody practices nepotism. But when white people do it, you call it racism. That makes you the racist.

I think there's a difference between nepotism and racism.

Sorry, if you pick Greg's resume out of the pile because his name is Greg and don't pick Jamal's resume, that isn't nepotism. Neither one of those guys is related to you.

The thing is, you are making a value judgement based on nothing but his name and perceived race.
Started in the CDZ in an effort to keep name-calling to a minimum. I'm sure we can all do that.

Quick background: I'm of mixed race (half Hispanic half European), my wife is also of mixed race, as are (obviously) our beautiful children. Our Christmastime family photos put any Celebrate Diversity! poster to shame, from Spanish & Mexican to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full-bloody whitey amongst us.

Perhaps as a result, I take the terms "racist" and "racism" very seriously, and it saddens me to see the way the terms have been diluted and trivialized by people who feel they gain advantage by spraying them around like water.

So let's see where we stand. Please identify all terms you would normally feel are racist, and please comment, thanks.

For the record, I picked #6 and #7. I think #5 is borderline, and would depend on the situation.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think ANY of it matters . Racism is just a matter of OPINION .
Which comments are racist?
Generally speaking, people are racist; comments aren't racist. Remarks can indicate a person has racist leanings or is a racist, but no single comment is, by itself, a probative indicator of one's being thus. Some remarks are more probative in that regard than are others.

At the end of the day, I doubt that many folks in the U.S. will attest to being racist; consequently, in determining whether any given individual is a racist, observers must use one's statements -- what one has said, how one said them, the circumstances in which one said them, what be the foreseeable implications of the statements, etc. -- to determine the nature and extent to which one is a racist. That said, slightly racist and overwhelmingly racist are both racist.
That is why I think intent plays an important role.
I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean by that.

Words are just words without intent of the person that makes a comment racist.

There is always a lot of yelling over books written in another era suddenly being declared racist. Like Tom Sawyer. But that wasn’t the authors intent. It was the way it was then.
There is always a lot of yelling over books written in another era suddenly being declared racist. Like Tom Sawyer. But that wasn’t the authors intent. It was the way it was then.

In those bygone eras, the overwhelming majority of everyone who was not a member of a group that was the object of racism was racist, regardless of whether they intended to be, knew better, didn't know better, whatever. Intent is somewhat important, and I "get" what you're saying, but there is also an objective reality that is racism.

My ancestors had slaves, a few of whom they treated quite well, as well as they'd have treated anybody, but that they did does not take away from the fact they were nonetheless racists.

A couple years ago, I went to the wedding of my best friend's daughter. At the reception, I went to speak with my friend's mother. She was there because she wasn't given an option of not being there, and let me tell ya, she was not at all pleased that her granddaughter had wed a Latino. Does she think herself a racist or intend to be one? I'm sure she doesn't; she thinks her views and reasons for being pissed that there's a Latino in her family are perfectly justified. She isn't intending to be a racist, she just is. I suspect people from those bygone years were much the same.

If you aren't a racist, you are something of a monster.

Look, race is just a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.
If I am met with better arguments I don’t have a problem with changing my mind so I changed my vote. Believing in birther crap isn’t in and of itself racist nor is that statement racist. The fact that it likely attracts a dispraportionate amount of racists doesn’t make it racist.
And bingo, thank you.

It would be nice if more people thought that clearly - but the higher priority is political opportunism, not healing race relations.
Everybody practices nepotism. But when white people do it, you call it racism. That makes you the racist.

I think there's a difference between nepotism and racism.

Sorry, if you pick Greg's resume out of the pile because his name is Greg and don't pick Jamal's resume, that isn't nepotism. Neither one of those guys is related to you.

The thing is, you are making a value judgement based on nothing but his name and perceived race.
Race is just a big extended family, so it is nepotism.
And bingo, thank you.

It would be nice if more people thought that clearly - but the higher priority is political opportunism, not healing race relations.

Naaaaahhhh. The birther thing was always racist. People were looking for a loophole as to why Obama's election by a landslide wasn't legitimate.
I bet you are one of those guys who supported Obama to demonstrate how non-racist you are and excoriated any white person who opposed him as a racist.
Race is just a big extended family, so it is nepotism.

Not really. Frankly, I've never been screwed over by a minority in my life.

All the people who've done that to me have been white... who clearly did not think of me a "family". (Although one of them actually had the nerve to use that exact word. To which I responded, "Yeah, the Corleon family!" )

I bet you are one of those guys who supported Obama to demonstrate how non-racist you are and excoriated any white person who opposed him as a racist.

Not at all. I voted for McCain in 2008 because McCain had a lot more experience and I was still a lot more conservative in 2008 than I am now. But it wasn't an easy choice.

I voted for Obama in 2012 because Mitt Romney was everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. Putting the rich over the working man and religious crazy.
RACISM charge is BS . There used to be a commercial where a black guy gets on an elevator with a white woman and the woman clutches her purse . Supposed to make the point that the white woman was racist . I simply say that the woman was FREE to do as she liked in the USA . ----------------------- Just a comment on racism .
RACISM charge is BS . There used to be a commercial where a black guy gets on an elevator with a white woman and the woman clutches her purse . Supposed to make the point that the white woman was racist . I simply say that the woman was FREE to do as she liked in the USA . ----------------------- Just a comment on racism .

That we still have too much of it?

Look at that situation from the black guy's point of view. Imagine going through life with everyone having an irrational fear of you.
Started in the CDZ in an effort to keep name-calling to a minimum. I'm sure we can all do that.

Quick background: I'm of mixed race (half Hispanic half European), my wife is also of mixed race, as are (obviously) our beautiful children. Our Christmastime family photos put any Celebrate Diversity! poster to shame, from Spanish & Mexican to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full-bloody whitey amongst us.

Perhaps as a result, I take the terms "racist" and "racism" very seriously, and it saddens me to see the way the terms have been diluted and trivialized by people who feel they gain advantage by spraying them around like water.

So let's see where we stand. Please identify all terms you would normally feel are racist, and please comment, thanks.

For the record, I picked #6 and #7. I think #5 is borderline, and would depend on the situation.

5,6,7 are racist.......the other ones are not. And the main what? This is a free country and you can think and feel anything you long as you don't violate the Rights of others you are free to be a racist.....and free to not be racist.
Started in the CDZ in an effort to keep name-calling to a minimum. I'm sure we can all do that.

Quick background: I'm of mixed race (half Hispanic half European), my wife is also of mixed race, as are (obviously) our beautiful children. Our Christmastime family photos put any Celebrate Diversity! poster to shame, from Spanish & Mexican to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full-bloody whitey amongst us.

Perhaps as a result, I take the terms "racist" and "racism" very seriously, and it saddens me to see the way the terms have been diluted and trivialized by people who feel they gain advantage by spraying them around like water.

So let's see where we stand. Please identify all terms you would normally feel are racist, and please comment, thanks.

For the record, I picked #6 and #7. I think #5 is borderline, and would depend on the situation.

5,6,7 are racist.......the other ones are not. And the main what? This is a free country and you can think and feel anything you long as you don't violate the Rights of others you are free to be a racist.....and free to not be racist.
Simply curiosity on my part.
Started in the CDZ in an effort to keep name-calling to a minimum. I'm sure we can all do that.

Quick background: I'm of mixed race (half Hispanic half European), my wife is also of mixed race, as are (obviously) our beautiful children. Our Christmastime family photos put any Celebrate Diversity! poster to shame, from Spanish & Mexican to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full-bloody whitey amongst us.

Perhaps as a result, I take the terms "racist" and "racism" very seriously, and it saddens me to see the way the terms have been diluted and trivialized by people who feel they gain advantage by spraying them around like water.

So let's see where we stand. Please identify all terms you would normally feel are racist, and please comment, thanks.

For the record, I picked #6 and #7. I think #5 is borderline, and would depend on the situation.

5,6,7 are racist.......the other ones are not. And the main what? This is a free country and you can think and feel anything you long as you don't violate the Rights of others you are free to be a racist.....and free to not be racist.
Simply curiosity on my part.
. problem there.....I understand, and didn't mean my post to be an attack...simply pointing out some truths to our left wing friends.......that is what actual freedom is......not making people make a cake....... problem there.....I understand, and didn't mean my post to be an attack...simply pointing out some truths to our left wing friends.......that is what actual freedom is......not making people make a cake.......

Again, whenever the right wing talks about "Freedom", it usually means for those with power to be able to abuse those without power and money.

If you don't want to bake a cake because it might offend an imaginary friend in the sky, then don't be in the cake baking industry.
I was told here, once, that I was racist for suggesting all people be treated the same and all held to the same standards. Therein lies the problem with the term in that to an increasing degree, anybody who does not show a complete deference to other races is now called racist by p.c. snowflakes. Any objection of the considerable degree of hatred blacks display towards whites is now racist. Rejecting bad behavior is now racist. Refusing to apologize for the accident of birth that resulted in pale skin is now racist.

As Joeb has shown, just about EVERYHING is racist if it falls even the slightest bit short of a system of beliefs that places blacks above reproach, and ascribes a race-based sense of original sin to whites. People have become so anti-racist that they have become completely racist by promoting these double standards.
I was told here, once, that I was racist for suggesting all people be treated the same and all held to the same standards. Therein lies the problem with the term in that to an increasing degree, anybody who does not show a complete deference to other races is now called racist by p.c. snowflakes. Any objection of the considerable degree of hatred blacks display towards whites is now racist. Rejecting bad behavior is now racist. Refusing to apologize for the accident of birth that resulted in pale skin is now racist.

As Joeb has shown, just about EVERYHING is racist if it falls even the slightest bit short of a system of beliefs that places blacks above reproach, and ascribes a race-based sense of original sin to whites. People have become so anti-racist that they have become completely racist by promoting these double standards.
Yep. It's such an important word, and such an important thing, that it's a shame it has been weaponized, trivialized and diluted in this way.

Another poster, earlier in this thread, flat-out denied that arguments like Joe's exist. And yet, right on cue, there they are, clear as day for all to see.
I was told here, once, that I was racist for suggesting all people be treated the same and all held to the same standards. Therein lies the problem with the term in that to an increasing degree, anybody who does not show a complete deference to other races is now called racist by p.c. snowflakes. Any objection of the considerable degree of hatred blacks display towards whites is now racist. Rejecting bad behavior is now racist. Refusing to apologize for the accident of birth that resulted in pale skin is now racist.

As Joeb has shown, just about EVERYHING is racist if it falls even the slightest bit short of a system of beliefs that places blacks above reproach, and ascribes a race-based sense of original sin to whites. People have become so anti-racist that they have become completely racist by promoting these double standards.
Yep. It's such an important word, and such an important thing, that it's a shame it has been weaponized, trivialized and diluted in this way.

Another poster, earlier in this thread, flat-out denied that arguments like Joe's exist. And yet, right on cue, there they are, clear as day for all to see.
The word has been weaponized to such a degree that it has created a group phobia. Some in this thread have pointed out that it's overuse has made it meaningless, but that is only for some. For the large portion of the left, it's use has resulted in a very rigid and self-reinforcing system where people will do just about anything to avoid being called racist. We see it in this forum on a daily basis, where very authoritarian people do not question the double standards they proffer, but merely take them as gospel.
I was told here, once, that I was racist for suggesting all people be treated the same and all held to the same standards. Therein lies the problem with the term in that to an increasing degree, anybody who does not show a complete deference to other races is now called racist by p.c. snowflakes. Any objection of the considerable degree of hatred blacks display towards whites is now racist. Rejecting bad behavior is now racist. Refusing to apologize for the accident of birth that resulted in pale skin is now racist.

As Joeb has shown, just about EVERYHING is racist if it falls even the slightest bit short of a system of beliefs that places blacks above reproach, and ascribes a race-based sense of original sin to whites. People have become so anti-racist that they have become completely racist by promoting these double standards.
Yep. It's such an important word, and such an important thing, that it's a shame it has been weaponized, trivialized and diluted in this way.

Another poster, earlier in this thread, flat-out denied that arguments like Joe's exist. And yet, right on cue, there they are, clear as day for all to see.
The word has been weaponized to such a degree that it has created a group phobia. Some in this thread have pointed out that it's overuse has made it meaningless, but that is only for some. For the large portion of the left, it's use has resulted in a very rigid and self-reinforcing system where people will do just about anything to avoid being called racist. We see it in this forum on a daily basis, where very authoritarian people do not question the double standards they proffer, but merely take them as gospel.
... all the while giving significant cover to the REAL racism that does still exist...

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