Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
"Jan. 6th was the left's doing,"
Prove it. Don't just complain about it. Prove it.
Quit being a whiner. Be a man of resolve, of action, of results.

The door were not locked.......
...getting to the other side would have changed nothing.
.....no one in the House anymore.

..... absolutely no reason to deny Ashli or anyone access to the House lobby or even the House itself any more.
  • "Not locked"....ummm, how do you know? Source?
  • "Changed nothing".....how do you know? Gotta a source other than your opinion?
  • "No one in the House"......how do you know that? Got a credible source?

    "no reason to deny access"........despite multiple video proof of the vandalism, destruction and assault on officers....per the good poster 'Rigby', he advocates that MORE of those types of people should have been in to do more damage, smear more feces on the walls.
    I respectfully demur.
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"The occupation of Congress should become an annual event."
And the savage beating of officers to go with it?
The Mace-in-the-Face maneuver? The lost fingers? The lost eye?
The vandalism?
The claims to kill our officials?

As long as you are supporting such, do this poster Rigby........go down to your local Post Office, or even the County USDA office.....and start your training there. Start small, poster Rigby, and work yourself up to be skilled in assaulting our police and occupying the people's property. Go get 'em, sic 'em.

You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know as "fact" that the people who rioted at the capital building were Trump supporters, duh.

And to emphasize poser" kyzer's" affirmation of the crowd being 'Trump Supporters'......well, one of our prolific contributors here is claiming that all of those rioters on January 6th were........gay.

Are you in on that claim too, poster 'kyzer'?
Republicans were not the rioters at the capital, it was Antifa...and now, Trumpers are claiming it was an inside job of the FBI....and deep state.
We can thank our lucky stars...God Bless America!.......that all those gay Oathkeepers weren't armed with Jewish Space Lasers.

I love today's version of RWNJobbery.
It's kinda sorta like a contest to out-crazy each other.
Hitler's Nazi party had won an election a month before the Reichstag fire which gave him the Chancellorship.

He already had power but used that event to consolidate that power into a Dictatorship.

Your analogy couldn't be more wrong

... Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
If one were to design the ideal theoretical cult leader as politician it would probably not be a crass, failed casino-operator and faded reality-tv entertainer with a fixer to pay hush money to bimbos with whom he ruts behind the backs of trophy wives (an insipid self-indulgence that attracted the mindless devotion of fanatical bible-humpers), a pathetic, pathologically insecure liar far too morally impotent to ever admit to loss or failure with a desperate need to lash out and demonize all who fail to exhibit abject devotion.

If one were to hypothesize that this repulsive entity were to win a presidential election despite millions more Americans voting for his opponent, maintain relentlessly negative public approval numbers throughout his four years, lose his Party the House, Executive, and Senate in his single term during which he failed miserably in his featured campaign promises to build a big, beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it, repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it with "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!", rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure, resurrect coal mining, revive the steel industry, and restore manufacturing, his obsessive focus upon his divisive, grievance-driven diversions that demonize others, one would not even have to acknowledge his singular accomplishment: scoffing that he had an incipient pandemic concerning which public health experts were issuing dire warnings "under control!" as "everybody's getting better!" as his policies led the nation to global preeminence in death.

His goons violently attacking democracy and savaging America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of powers because he persisted in lying about his absurdly-delusional "Landslide!" should not have been needed to instill near-universal loathing, yet some inexplicably cry out for more.

History will be utterly baffled.

"violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21"
You mean insurrection.
Insurrection? When was there an insurrection?
In another post you said the Democrats planned and executed the whole job and called them filth...

Then you are saying that an officer who shot this woman... By your own admission she is Democrat filth...

You need to get your conspiracy theories straight...

I think he's in the minority on this one.


... Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
If one were to design the ideal theoretical cult leader as politician it would probably not be a crass, failed casino-operator and faded reality-tv entertainer with a fixer to pay hush money to bimbos with whom he ruts behind the backs of trophy wives (an insipid self-indulgence that attracted the mindless devotion of fanatical bible-humpers), a pathetic, pathologically insecure liar far too morally impotent to ever admit to loss or failure with a desperate need to lash out and demonize all who fail to exhibit abject devotion.

If one were to hypothesize that this repulsive entity were to win a presidential election despite millions more Americans voting for his opponent, maintain relentlessly negative public approval numbers throughout his four years, lose his Party the House, Executive, and Senate in his single term during which he failed miserably in his featured campaign promises to build a big, beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it, repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it with "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!", rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure, resurrect coal mining, revive the steel industry, and restore manufacturing, his obsessive focus upon his divisive, grievance-driven diversions that demonize others, one would not even have to acknowledge his singular accomplishment: scoffing that he had an incipient pandemic concerning which public health experts were issuing dire warnings "under control!" as "everybody's getting better!" as his policies led the nation to global preeminence in death.

His goons violently attacking democracy and savaging America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of powers because he persisted in lying about his absurdly-delusional "Landslide!" should not have been needed to instill near-universal loathing, yet some inexplicably cry out for more.

History will be utterly baffled.

Pretty much anyone who thrusts themselves into that kind of situation would be a hugely flawed personality.

Trump was that in spades and he showed that given the right circumstances, those flaws can be simply ignored if the "message" surrounding that autocrat to be is resonant with enough people.

And typically such a flawed personality will generally be as incompetent an corrupt (and surrounded by incompetent corrupt types) as Trump showed himself to be.

The REAL problem occurs when such a person is NOT incompetent or finds enough ruthless people to surround himself with. THAT is when you get the kind of dictator that Hitler and Mussolini became.

What saved us with Trump was his lack of competence. We may not be so lucky next time. He may well have served as a learning tool for someone more dangerous to democracy than he
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I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
What murder? A criminal insurgent was shot attacking the seat of our government.
An UN ARMED AMERICAN CITIZEN was SHOT DEAD, and the KILLER is in HIDING. Why is that? Who shot her?

If it's so DESERVED, then why hide the murderer?

You're out to lunch.
What murderer? A capitol police officers did his/her duty.

Police only have authority to use deadly force in defense against deadly force.
Since Ashli was incapable of threatening anyone with deadly force, then shooting her was deliberate murder and a criminal offense.
Failing to prosecute the one guilty is complicity after the fact, and is also a crime.
her mission was to go through the broken door window, and do what?

open the doors to let the other rioters who smashed the windows in to the Speaker of the House lobby???

lead the way to Pelosi, Pence, and the rest of congress critters??

What did Ashli have planned to do, once she broke in to the House lobby?

I wish she had not crawled through that smashed window.

I wish she were still alive. I wish she was not shot.

it was reported that she was shot in the shoulder, not heart or head shot. One shot to the shoulder...where the bullet travelled from there, I dunno?

it was also reported that it was not capitol police that shot her, but a Secret Service agent.

I'm thinking if it was secret service, it was likely VP Mike Pence's secret service agent since he was in the House of Reps at the time.
I she was a black being shot while breaking a cop-car window, she'd be your fucking hero.
Well that's a lie.
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.

Why vote at all. We know it was republicans and it was disgraceful so why give them a chance to grovel back.
They said nothing at the time now they want forgiveness. Go away.
This thread happened when HappyJoy and I were arguing on another thread if the majority of Trump supporters approved or or rejected the riot at the capital building.
It looks like my position was correct, at least 80% of GOP voters opposed the DC riot, but do still support Trump's "America First" policies.
I'm not sure WTF your argument is? No one wants forgiveness, we'll vote again in 2022 and 2024, buckle-up.

I made my point and you didn't like it

You can vote a hundred times but if you don't convince the millions of republic and who changed their vote to oust trump, your wasting you time.
Everyone regretting the riots won't get votes. Joe won't need a seat belt for the ride he will enjoy again. You will.
If you are willing to do the time for the crime. If crimes are being committed, arrests should be made. Not complicated.

I am anti-Trump and very left wing, but I saw no crimes.
Breaking someone's else's window for no reason is destructive and a crime.
But if you break a window over something more important, like a fire or a political fraud, then it is not a crime, especially if it is actually your window.
in my neighborhood----if someone broke a window, climbed in and stole something and
then left-----the cops would not so much as write a report even if I had a picture of the event

... Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
If one were to design the ideal theoretical cult leader as politician it would probably not be a crass, failed casino-operator and faded reality-tv entertainer with a fixer to pay hush money to bimbos with whom he ruts behind the backs of trophy wives (an insipid self-indulgence that attracted the mindless devotion of fanatical bible-humpers), a pathetic, pathologically insecure liar far too morally impotent to ever admit to loss or failure with a desperate need to lash out and demonize all who fail to exhibit abject devotion.

If one were to hypothesize that this repulsive entity were to win a presidential election despite millions more Americans voting for his opponent, maintain relentlessly negative public approval numbers throughout his four years, lose his Party the House, Executive, and Senate in his single term during which he failed miserably in his featured campaign promises to build a big, beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it, repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it with "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!", rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure, resurrect coal mining, revive the steel industry, and restore manufacturing, his obsessive focus upon his divisive, grievance-driven diversions that demonize others, one would not even have to acknowledge his singular accomplishment: scoffing that he had an incipient pandemic concerning which public health experts were issuing dire warnings "under control!" as "everybody's getting better!" as his policies led the nation to global preeminence in death.

His goons violently attacking democracy and savaging America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of powers because he persisted in lying about his absurdly-delusional "Landslide!" should not have been needed to instill near-universal loathing, yet some inexplicably cry out for more.

History will be utterly baffled.

I'm hopeful we'll be able to explain (and hopefully learn) this from a psychological / sociological / cultural perspective one day.

From that specific perspective, looking at the mob and not at the individual in the middle of this, Europe of the 30's is the obvious parallel. We're seeing a clear & intense group pathology at work, but it's being -- "enabled" isn't a strong enough word -- driven by this binary, 24/7/365 propaganda machine.

But far worse than back then, when the mob ultimately realized what had happened and was largely repulsed, that propaganda machine remains, churning away. This entirely separate psychological (is that what this is?) ecosystem remains at essentially the same place and pace, if not even more intense.

Of all the concerns I have about this period, this may be the strongest. In this environment, it's not just where this mentality is, it's also what can come from it.
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I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.
What murder? A criminal insurgent was shot attacking the seat of our government.
An UN ARMED AMERICAN CITIZEN was SHOT DEAD, and the KILLER is in HIDING. Why is that? Who shot her?

If it's so DESERVED, then why hide the murderer?

You're out to lunch.
What murderer? A capitol police officers did his/her duty.

Police only have authority to use deadly force in defense against deadly force.
Since Ashli was incapable of threatening anyone with deadly force, then shooting her was deliberate murder and a criminal offense.
Failing to prosecute the one guilty is complicity after the fact, and is also a crime.
her mission was to go through the broken door window, and do what?

open the doors to let the other rioters who smashed the windows in to the Speaker of the House lobby???

lead the way to Pelosi, Pence, and the rest of congress critters??

What did Ashli have planned to do, once she broke in to the House lobby?

I wish she had not crawled through that smashed window.

I wish she were still alive. I wish she was not shot.

it was reported that she was shot in the shoulder, not heart or head shot. One shot to the shoulder...where the bullet travelled from there, I dunno?

it was also reported that it was not capitol police that shot her, but a Secret Service agent.

I'm thinking if it was secret service, it was likely VP Mike Pence's secret service agent since he was in the House of Reps at the time.
I she was a black being shot while breaking a cop-car window, she'd be your fucking hero.
Utter bull crap.

If she were black, and the mob was black, crushing and smashing widows and beating cops with flat polls, and 2x4s and being pepper sprayed, and defecating in the halls of congress,

How many dead by the hands of cops would we have?

The cops were gentle on your riotous ilk.

a cop car window is not the U.S. CAPITOL with a joint session of Congress in progress, and the vp in the room. A single girl breaking a car window is not a threat to the cop....

10,000 person mob outside the capitol with a thousand smashing their way inside, then smashing the windows through to the House of representatives lobby to get to the Congress critters and vice president of the USA, ....

and you try to compare that with a black girl trying to break a cop car window...is priceless...

the VP's secret service detail, shot her...in the shoulder.
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... Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
If one were to design the ideal theoretical cult leader as politician it would probably not be a crass, failed casino-operator and faded reality-tv entertainer with a fixer to pay hush money to bimbos with whom he ruts behind the backs of trophy wives (an insipid self-indulgence that attracted the mindless devotion of fanatical bible-humpers), a pathetic, pathologically insecure liar far too morally impotent to ever admit to loss or failure with a desperate need to lash out and demonize all who fail to exhibit abject devotion.

If one were to hypothesize that this repulsive entity were to win a presidential election despite millions more Americans voting for his opponent, maintain relentlessly negative public approval numbers throughout his four years, lose his Party the House, Executive, and Senate in his single term during which he failed miserably in his featured campaign promises to build a big, beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it, repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it with "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!", rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure, resurrect coal mining, revive the steel industry, and restore manufacturing, his obsessive focus upon his divisive, grievance-driven diversions that demonize others, one would not even have to acknowledge his singular accomplishment: scoffing that he had an incipient pandemic concerning which public health experts were issuing dire warnings "under control!" as "everybody's getting better!" as his policies led the nation to global preeminence in death.

His goons violently attacking democracy and savaging America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of powers because he persisted in lying about his absurdly-delusional "Landslide!" should not have been needed to instill near-universal loathing, yet some inexplicably cry out for more.

History will be utterly baffled.

Pretty much anyone who thrusts themselves into that kind of situation would be a hugely flawed personality.

Trump was that in spades and he showed that given the right circumstances, those flaws can be simply ignored if the "message" surrounding that autocrat to be is resonant with enough people.

And typically such a flawed personality will generally be as incompetent an corrupt (and surrounded by incompetent corrupt types) as Trump showed himself to be.

The REAL problem occurs when such a person is NOT incompetent or finds enough ruthless people to surround himself with. THAT is when you get the kind of dictator that Hitler and Mussolini became.

What saved us with Trump was his lack of competence. We may not be so lucky next time. He may well have served as a learning tool for someone more dangerous to democracy than he
Oh, I don't believe we're "saved" at all. This is its own living, breathing organism now.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
You’re not asking the right question.

my vote….

Not a democrat. Oppose the attack
The right question is?
Something along the lines of, "I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans".

You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question. A lot of the GOP voters really believe the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong.
Look at the fucking poll before typing nonsense.
The vote is 16 to 4 of GOP voters opposed to the riot at the capital, not 0.0
Assuming the 4 votes are GOP and not dems.
Read the fucking post you're responding to.

Who committed the acts of violence at the capital?
OK, I re-read it. You said: "You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question." I showed you that the response was 16-4 (not 0.0)

Prove that "a lot of GOP voters believe "the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong." (you can't, the poll proves you wrong)

Here is my poll question, and your recommended poll question:
"I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans". (yours)

"I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building" (mine)

Call me illiterate, but I'm not seeing a major difference in those two questions, since the capital riot was obviously by Trump supporters, and FBI instigators.
Yeah shit brains; you didn't post the question I posited. Condemning the violence and explicitly listing the offenders as Trump supporters will get you nowhere with your fellow blobbers. You guys are not living in reality.

As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?
You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know as "fact" that the people who rioted at the capital building were Trump supporters, duh.

Proving my point about your illiteracy. Your last line:
"As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?" (look again, yes it is in yours, its assumed in mine)

I win. Give your mom her puter back.
that is what Trumpers are claiming now. Republicans were not the rioters at the capital, it was Antifa...and now, Trumpers are claiming it was an inside job of the FBI....and deep state.

EVEN threads and posts on it here on usmb with links to Trumper media....are claiming such utter nonsense

So, they could be saying they are against the 1/6 attack, because they believe it was Antifa, the deep state, or FBI and not republicans?
It's the same ol, same ol with cons...

It wasn't an insurrection, but if it was, it was Antifa. But if it wasn't, no one was armed. But if they were, they were just tourists. And if they're not, it was just a protest. And if it wasn't, Trump had nothing to do with it. But if he did, he was just trolling the left.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?
1. Stop lying. How stupid are you? I don't think abortion is murder, its perfectly legal.
2. Your convoluted argument is nonsense.
3. If no one is charged with insurrection, it wasn't an insurrection, period, duh.

One more time. I do not think abortion is murder. Let that sink in before you reply, if you reply.

Did you really think you could lie your way out of this??

You claim you don't think abortion is murder, yet YOU say it is...

Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

You claim you're "pro-choice," yet YOU say you're not...

Pro-choice means you want abortions on demand.
That is not what "pro-life" means anyway. Pro-life means against abortions on demand. Pro-choice means you want abortions on demand.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

Now that your lies are thoroughly decimated, tell the forum again how someone who believes abortion is murder even though no one is being charged with murder for a legal abortion -- also believes Insurrection Day wasn't an insurrection because no one's been charged with insurrection.

1. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with bullshit, but I'm pro-choice, at least for this debate. Abortion is legal. Kill all the little democrat larvae you want.
2. So for the record, at least for this debate. I'm pro-choice. Abortion is NOT murder. Deal with it. Your "abortion is murder" argument is hereby voided.
3. Sometimes when I debate pro-life hypocrites I take the other side, for the sake of the debate. Like, if you're pro-life, are you willing to raise a special needs baby?
4. Also, I'm always mystified by hypocrite Catholic bishops that ignore democrats who support abortion. Lately they are discussing prohibiting pro-choice democrats from receiving Holy Communion. I call that progress. If you are pro-choice deal with the religious implications.
You're lying. You're not pro-choice for any debate. That is not a fluid position that changes from one debate to another. Either you are or you're not and you very clearly said you're not.

1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

You're lying. You believe abortion is murder for any debate. That is not a fluid position that changes from one debate to another. Either you believe abortion is murder or you don't and you very clearly said you do...

Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

Now everyone here sees you stand for nothing as you alter your beliefs depending on what argument you're trying to win.
1. Don't presume to tell me WTF I believe.
2. I was pro-choice in several discussions, trying to show pro-lifers that caring for a newborn is a huge responsibility that some people just cannot begin to manage, is adoption an option, possibly, but another issue I have are the supposedly "good Catholics" in government, like Xiden, Pelosi, Cuomo, who are pro-choice against their Church policy. Now finally the Church is making them step up and make a decision. You're either Catholic or you're pro-choice, you can't be both. Its about fucking time.
3. In this debate abortion is NOT murder, abortion is perfectly legal. My pro-life arguments are on moral not legal grounds, so kill all the little democrat larvae you want with abortion.

For the record, I can argue the abortion issue from any side I want. The USMB does not tattoo policy positions on my ass, deal with it.
So drop the "abortion is murder" argument, its not. Try something else, or lose.
Going golfing, so my next reply will be delayed. <poof>
"I was pro-choice in several discussions"

1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice


Sadly, the lying never ends with you. What a shame.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?


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