Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

Trump TAPPED or Trump evinces profound rage and paranoia?
Just ask Kamala, Biden, the MSM and the rest of the D.C. swamp rats.
Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, responded on Monday to recent incidents of violence in which at least three people have died during clashes between the president's supporters and anti-racism protester.

"Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple."

"Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really? I want a safe America, safe from COVID, safe from crime and looting, safe from racially motivated violence, safe from bad cops."

naw, the demofks said protests are protests.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

Trump TAPPED or Trump evinces profound rage and paranoia?
He tapped into it. As I said.

Or, to quote another poster, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said, "this is gonna be easy".

You asked, I answered.
Jan 6th was Xi and Nancy's Reichstag Fire. To our uneducated Progressive brothers and sistas, the Reichstag Fire was a false flag that brought Hitler to power same way the Stolen election put Xi's puppets in the American White House

"Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany only four weeks previously, on 30 January 1933, when he was invited by President von Hindenburg to lead a coalition government. Hitler's government had urged von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and to call elections for 5 March."

On the evening of 27 February 1933—six days before the parliamentary election—fire broke out in the Reichstag chambers.
Reichstag Fire Decree - Wikipedia

"The Reichstag Fire Decree (German: Reichstagsbrandverordnung) is the common name of the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State (German: Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat) issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg on the advice of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 28 February 1933 in immediate response to the Reichstag fire. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. The decree is considered by historians as one of the key steps in the establishment of a one-party Nazi state in Germany."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to support democrats
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
Exactly. Look at Flynn’s rhetoric and the other players. All the anti-govt militia and racist types.
I’m just thankful that most of those types are too dumbfuck and incompetent to be effective. If the Capitol insurrection was a test. They failed miserably.
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
More "semantics"? Its LAW BREAKING when the right demonstrates and the left plant token VICTIMS.....but the left can burn the country to the ground (murdering many US CITIZENS) while actually acting in a treasonous manner in capturing a north western city? Where is the outcry for those murderous and treasonous acts? How think does the left stupid we the people are? POMPOUS ELITE socialists.
"violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21"
You mean insurrection.
Insurrection? When was there an insurrection?
In another post you said the Democrats planned and executed the whole job and called them filth...

Then you are saying that an officer who shot this woman... By your own admission she is Democrat filth...

You need to get your conspiracy theories straight...

I think he's in the minority on this one.

It already cost them the Senate.
How do you not?
60 affidavits is how I know.

And not one audit. that's what some people call insanity. And why the appearance of a cheat. Obi One raised his hand and waved it all clear.
60 affidavits is how I know.

And not one audit. that's what some people call insanity. And why the appearance of a cheat
It only appears that way to dumbfucks who don’t know any better.
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
How is the 1619 Project "bogus history"? Point out the part that is bogus.
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
Well math may be racist because it takes some effort and application to master it and that’s just too hard thus unfair thus racist to a certain segment
Those with double digit IQs
Just ask Kamala, Biden, the MSM and the rest of the D.C. swamp rats.
Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, responded on Monday to recent incidents of violence in which at least three people have died during clashes between the president's supporters and anti-racism protester.

"Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple."

"Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really? I want a safe America, safe from COVID, safe from crime and looting, safe from racially motivated violence, safe from bad cops."

You guys were silent during the summer riots now political power causes you to do an about face. I call bullshit.

They weren't silent. They condemned the violence.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

Trump TAPPED or Trump evinces profound rage and paranoia?
He tapped into it. As I said.

Or, to quote another poster, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said, "this is gonna be easy".

You asked, I answered.
"IT" is not an answer----"IT" is a pronoun. If you are TRYING to say that Trump tapped
into rage and paranoia as a PARTISAN issue. I got news. Nothing PARTISAN
about it. Rage and paranoia over PERCEIVED "racism" has been an issue for more than
100 years in the USA------and is and has been VERY BIPARTISAN
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
How is the 1619 Project "bogus history"? Point out the part that is bogus.
who fought to free slaves? That's your answer.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

Trump TAPPED or Trump evinces profound rage and paranoia?
He tapped into it. As I said.

Or, to quote another poster, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said, "this is gonna be easy".

You asked, I answered.
"IT" is not an answer----"IT" is a pronoun. If you are TRYING to say that Trump tapped
into rage and paranoia as a PARTISAN issue. I got news. Nothing PARTISAN
about it. Rage and paranoia over PERCEIVED "racism" has been an issue for more than
100 years in the USA------and is and has been VERY BIPARTISAN
demofks are still the kkk remember. The most racist group on earth outside Al Queda.
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
How is the 1619 Project "bogus history"? Point out the part that is bogus.
I haven't read it. But slavery European style, which was an institution in Europe since the Roman Empire, came to the Americas in 1492. So I guess I'll have to read it now to see what all the hubbub is about.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

Trump TAPPED or Trump evinces profound rage and paranoia?
He tapped into it. As I said.

Or, to quote another poster, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said, "this is gonna be easy".

You asked, I answered.
"IT" is not an answer----"IT" is a pronoun. If you are TRYING to say that Trump tapped
into rage and paranoia as a PARTISAN issue. I got news. Nothing PARTISAN
about it. Rage and paranoia over PERCEIVED "racism" has been an issue for more than
100 years in the USA------and is and has been VERY BIPARTISAN
demofks are still the kkk remember. The most racist group on earth outside Al Queda.
I am a REPENTANT registered democrat. In my life---it was the REPUBLICANS who
were fascists----I grew up in WASP LAND. Some things do change. As to rage and
Paranoia----I came of age in the 60s when the utter FILTH of the BLM people was gaining
momentum -----not just starting but gaining based on sophist justification by some very
OTHERWISE intelligent people-----in some cases, an unintended consquence

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