Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
How is the 1619 Project "bogus history"? Point out the part that is bogus.
I haven't read it. But slavery European style, which was an institution in Europe since the Roman Empire, came to the Americas in 1492. So I guess I'll have to read it now to see what all the hubbub is about.
it will just confuse you-----wat da hell is "slavery european style as instituted by ROME"?
Rome did not invent slavery
I am a REPENTANT registered democrat. In my life---it was the REPUBLICANS who
were fascists----I grew up in WASP LAND. Some things do change. As to rage and
Paranoia----I came of age in the 60s when the utter FILTH of the BLM people was gaining
momentum -----not just starting but gaining based on sophist justification by some very
OTHERWISE intelligent people-----in some cases, an unintended consquence

day one of BLM I asked why they neglect the black neighborhoods. Still crickets today. That's the truth pthhhhhhhhhhh
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.

Looks like you already got people who answered "Other" but in their post they support the "violence and law breaking".
The test is for GOP voters to decide. "Other" means we're still tracking favorably and lawfully.
No, you should have stated conservatives, that'd give the more fringier in your group a chance to answer.
I'm not a conservative, I'm a Trump "America First Populist". Conservatism is dead. Its also a lie.
You're a magaturd. There's no use for you. At all.
Even worse, it has poisoned our democracy, eroded faith in our elections, which is so detrimental to the future faith people need to have in this democracy
Hey you want the democratic process respected. Don't cheat. That simple.
Who cheated? We simply voted.

Yet you accuse us of cheating and fraud, all because us Americans went out to vote for someone other than your Orange tinted god.

It's a shame you are so easily deluded by him....
4 states ILLEGALLY changed the requirements for voting and guess who won those states?

Which requirements for voting were illegally changed?

The Texas Governor extended the dates for mail in voting, and other rule changes, without the Legislatures approval, was that one of the four example you have?
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?
I am a REPENTANT registered democrat. In my life---it was the REPUBLICANS who
were fascists----I grew up in WASP LAND. Some things do change. As to rage and
Paranoia----I came of age in the 60s when the utter FILTH of the BLM people was gaining
momentum -----not just starting but gaining based on sophist justification by some very
OTHERWISE intelligent people-----in some cases, an unintended consquence
Many who wallow in trumpery tacitly acknowledge that it is indefensible by lashing out at others, instead.

Hundreds of the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol in a failed attempt to prevent the democratic process have been identified, arrested, and are being prosecuted. Their white-supremacist affiliations wreak havoc with the Trumpy lie that is was "antifa!" impersonating Trump goons.
Hitler's Nazi party had won an election a month before the Reichstag fire which gave him the Chancellorship.

He already had power but used that event to consolidate that power into a Dictatorship.

Your analogy couldn't be more wrong

It was a back room deal that led to Hitlers appointment as Chancellor.
After the fire he used intimidation to get emergency powers. Which he used to consolidate his absolute dictatorship.
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
How is the 1619 Project "bogus history"? Point out the part that is bogus.
I haven't read it. But slavery European style, which was an institution in Europe since the Roman Empire, came to the Americas in 1492. So I guess I'll have to read it now to see what all the hubbub is about.
it will just confuse you-----wat da hell is "slavery european style as instituted by ROME"?
Rome did not invent slavery
Say, that was some nice word salad you've made up there there. Who said anything about inventing slavery? European style as opposed the Native American style of slavery which already existed before Columbus and well before 1619.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

They don't mind. They're at "war". Against "evil".
Last edited:
Hundreds of the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol in a failed attempt to prevent the democratic process have been identified, arrested, and are being prosecuted. Their white-supremacist affiliations wreak havoc with the Trumpy lie that is was "antifa!" impersonating Trump goons.
Tell us all you know about the hundreds of people who were arrested and their "white supremacist affiliations".

That should be as illuminating as time spent in a cave at the bottom of the sea.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
Talk radio and the fear politics that the right has been using to gin up support for decades
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
who "tapped" into what? Who evinces profound rage and paranoia?

Trump TAPPED or Trump evinces profound rage and paranoia?
He tapped into it. As I said.

Or, to quote another poster, Trump took one look at the talk radio base and said, "this is gonna be easy".

You asked, I answered.
More accurately he said “I can use this” and he did
Tell us all you know about the hundreds of people who were arrested and their "white supremacist affiliations".

150 days after Capitol attack, more than 465 arrested as FBI seeks tips on hundreds more​

Members Of Right-Wing Militias, Extremist Groups Are Latest Charged In Capitol Siege​

[Members Of Right-Wing Militias, Extremist Groups Are Latest Charged In Capitol Siege]

Prosecutors in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday evening released a slew of communications
indicating that three para-military militia groups had formed a coordinated “alliance”
in the weeks ahead of the Jan. 6 Capitol siege — discussing strategy and use of
force tactics as they prepared to “get shit kicked off” following the “Save the Steal” rally.

[‘Wait for the 6th When We Are All in DC to Insurrection’: New Communications Indicate Coordination Between Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and Three-Percenters]

More Than a Dozen Extremist Groups Took Part in Capitol Riots​

[Researchers: More Than a Dozen Extremist Groups Took Part in Capitol Riots]

Trump goons are being brought to justice after the self-proclaimed "Trumpiest Congressman"'s desperate attempt to blame others fizzled:​

Gaetz claims MAGA mob was Antifa 'masquerading as Trump supporters'​

[Gaetz claims MAGA mob was Antifa 'masquerading as Trump supporters']

Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 11.01.13 AM.png

Would you believe, 'BLM in whiteface'?"

Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 10.59.21 AM.png

A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.
I'm very much looking forward to 10, 15 years down the road. I want to see what the psychological studies say about this period.

These people literally -- literally -- believe that if you're not fully on board the Trump Train™, then you must be evil. Actually evil.

Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Of all the people on the planet that they could fall for. How in the world does this happen?
Dumbfuck malcontents can’t abide whites as a minority so they hitched themselves to the one guy that may just create the conditions for them to force some sort of war that they believe will somehow set things right. For them it’s better to burn it all down rather than evolve beyond their own dumbfuckery.
Watch The Handmaid’s Tale. The parallels are chilling. They literally want to establish a totalitarian white Christian patriarchy like Gilead.
In the big picture, I think he tapped into and leverage a profound rage and paranoia that had been building for decades, due primarily to talk radio. Combining that rage and paranoia with his profound emotional issues has been absolutely toxic.
Talk radio and the fear politics that the right has been using to gin up support for decades
It's easy to lead conservatives around by the nose. That's why hate-talk radio flourished for conservatives. That's why Trump ran as a Republican.
A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
Tell that to the DoJ. They've got well over 500 of Trump's storm troopers facing jail time.
A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
Tell that to the DoJ. They've got well over 500 of Trump's storm troopers facing jail time.
Yup, the age of political persecution has begun, thanks Biden.

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