POLL: Trump indictment day for stealing classified documents?

What day will Trump be indicted?

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No evidence. Deal with it. Hunter might get dinged by the IRS for unpaid taxes and get fined. Cool, joins thousands of other Americans in the same boat.
Your boy's day has arrived. He will get his day in court and his due process.
I would start coming to terms with it.
Hiding documents from the FBI that have been sopeonaed is not cool. He will probably get prison time and the only thing that will save him is if a repub gets elected president. They will pardon the serial criminal.

This time, running the clock out is a desperate necessity for trump.
This guy who put the security of the entire country at risk is now trying to place himself back in a position to do it once again. THINK ABOUT IT.

But you won't hear chants at Dem rallies to "LOCK HIM UP!" Cause most Dems are not crazy like MAGA idiots.
Sadly, considering all the sideshows and appeals, some of us may not live long enough to see the end of the trial or Trump in prison. I'm 76, so I'll likely never see it. But I'm enjoying the hell out of right now!
During this whole incident, people forget the ramifications of trump's egotistical stupidity. He has endangered the security of every American by allowing classified information to be seen and available to anyone who visited his resort. We may never know the number of secrets he has shared with agents of adversaries.

Agents may die and our enemies now know many of our potential plans because trump wanted to be popular and thinks he is untouchable. And yet, repubs bow to him still. They want him to have a chance to do it again! Incredible

Trump faces up to 20 years in prison

The indictment comes with a whopping 37 counts against Trump himself. This includes 31 counts for the alleged willful retention of national defense documents, with a maximum imprisonment term of 10 years and a $100,000 fine. The counts also include conspiracy to corrupt justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal, and false statements and representation. None of the counts have a mandatory minimum sentence, but they have maximum sentences of five to 10 years, and maximum fines of $250,000 per count.

During this whole incident, people forget the ramifications of trump's egotistical stupidity. He has endangered the security of every American by allowing classified information to be seen and available to anyone who visited his resort. We may never know the number of secrets he has shared with agents of adversaries.

Agents may die and our enemies now know many of our potential plans because trump wanted to be popular and thinks he is untouchable. And yet, repubs bow to him still. They want him to have a chance to do it again! Incredible
Apparently Trump realized some of this information would be beneficial for some of our allies. Aren't we supposed to help our allies?
If trump walks, then there are dozens of people whose national security crimes were half as egregious who will deserve to be released. The precedent would free dozens.

Trump faces up to 20 years in prison

The indictment comes with a whopping 37 counts against Trump himself. This includes 31 counts for the alleged willful retention of national defense documents, with a maximum imprisonment term of 10 years and a $100,000 fine. The counts also include conspiracy to corrupt justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal, and false statements and representation. None of the counts have a mandatory minimum sentence, but they have maximum sentences of five to 10 years, and maximum fines of $250,000 per count.

He won't get 20 years because he got a crooked judge. She will slow down the process and Dent the admissibility of crucial evidence. She is a trumper.
Liberal loons are angry that Trump was not remanded into custody awaiting trial. The fact that he wasn’t is proof that the judge is a Ultra MAGA nut-job

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