Poll: U.S. Voters (Overwhelmingly) Want Their Old Election System Back

Can you explain how ballot harvesting causes illegal votes?

Someone collects legal sealed ballots and drops them off at the polling place
Ballot harvesting tends to create fake votes instead of legit votes.
Going out and gathering ballots is an easy why to cheat. Who knows if the ballots are from the actual voter or a voter that has properly identified himself for herself.
The only way to have a fair and honest election is all vote in one day and in person.
No legit chain of custody.

The "voter" can be coached and/or coerced.

No positive ID on the "voter".

Those are just off the top of my head.
Chain of custody? From a drop box?

All voters are coached by ads and other BS

Signature match is what?

Not enough.
Ballot harvesting tends to create fake votes instead of legit votes.
Going out and gathering ballots is an easy why to cheat. Who knows if the ballots are from the actual voter or a voter that has properly identified himself for herself.
The only way to have a fair and honest election is all vote in one day and in person.
Easy Peasy

You know they are legitimate because they are bar coded for a legitimate voter with a verifiable signature
Democrats are winning elections now because they've managed to institute COVID-era rules in the right places, and are taking advantage of mass mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting. But it turns out that a *large* majority of US voters don't want this system, and want it changed back.

U.S. Voters (Overwhelmingly) Want Their Old Election System Back: I&I/TIPP Poll

As 2022 nears an end, another election season has also come to a close. Time for second thoughts, and ideas about what to do to fix an election system that many Americans believe is irretrievably broken. As it turns out, voters have some very strong opinions about that very topic, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

The recent midterm elections were once again marked by claims of voter fraud and possible ballot manipulation behind the scenes by partisan actors, including even election officials. So we asked Americans of all political stripes and demographic backgrounds what rules and practices would they support to make our electoral system more fair?

More specifically, in our online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from Dec. 7-9, we asked 1,094 registered voters to select among three possible reforms or rule changes: “Requiring voters to show a photo I.D. to vote,” “Stricter mail-in voting,” and “Banning ballot harvesting.”

The answers showed an overwhelming sentiment in favor of change.
Yeah I know it's a TIPP poll but I figure it's pretty accurate, at least amongst the sane.

Read the full article at the link for the results of the poll; but TL;DR is that in all three cases, voters - even Democrats - want the rules changed back, and want more election security after the past 2 elections.

But we're in a catch 22. In order to change the rules back, we'd need to win elections to put people in place who would enact those changes. But we can't win those elections because of the rules.

When people talk about a rigged election system, this is what they're talking about. Our elections have been hijacked, and there doesn't appear to be a realistic path to unfucking the situation.
1,094 voters surveyed. OK. I don't know about elections being rigged, but I believe that this poll is.~
The difference between caring and not, is evident. So is winning and losing.
Caring about a falsehood makes you stupid.

Caring about just winning and losing makes you accept lying and deception.
Easy Peasy

You know they are legitimate because they are bar coded for a legitimate voter with a verifiable signature
Nope. The bar code doesn't matter.
Nobody can prove who actually filled out the ballot.
It could have been anyone.
The only way to know for sure is if the person shows up and delivers the ballot themselves while producing a valid I.D. and signing on the register, IN PERSON.
Can you explain how ballot harvesting causes illegal votes?

Someone collects legal sealed ballots and drops them off at the polling place
What makes you think those ballots are signed and sealed by the actual voter?
The last couple of elections tons of people in various states where mail-in voting is big are going to the polls on election day only to find out they've already voted. This happens alot in CA and CO.
Nope. The bar code doesn't matter.
Nobody can prove who actually filled out the ballot.
It could have been anyone.
The only way to know for sure is if the person shows up and delivers the ballot themselves while producing a valid I.D. and signing on the register, IN PERSON.

A ballot comes with YOUR name on it and a specific bar code.
You open it up, vote, seal the envelope and sign it.

At that point, it does not matter how it gets to the polling place
It is a legitimate vote
Chain of custody? From a drop box?

All voters are coached by ads and other BS

Signature match is what?

Not enough.
The question was about ballot harvesting, not drop boxes, fool.

Quit playing stupid, stupid.
The question was about ballot harvesting, not drop boxes, fool.

Quit playing stupid, stupid.
What is your definition of ballot harvesting? Someone who gathers legal sealed ballots from say, Indian Reservations in rural Arizona which has intermittent mail service.
A ballot comes with YOUR name on it and a specific bar code.
You open it up, vote, seal the envelope and sign it.

At that point, it does not matter how it gets to the polling place
It is a legitimate vote
So you're saying that nobody has the technology to open a sealed envelope to change the vote on the ballot.....and nobody monkeys with zip codes so that thousands of legit ballots are never delivered to the voter...which are returned to the election committee and counted along with thousands of other legit ballots in central counting centers? This is how the down votes are not matching the votes cast for Democrats in important seats in congress and for governor. Thousands of ballots are being altered or not being delivered to the proper recipient. Down votes are the votes on the same ballot for state an local candidates. People usually cast down votes for the same party as the primary candidates...but for some reason, only the votes for US Congress and Governor are going Democrat while the rest are for GOP candidates on alot of these mail-in ballots. And then there's the possibility that they're not taking the time to completely fill out the ballots because they're filling out hundreds of them and stuffing them into collection boxes.

What matters is the person filling out the ballot is registered and voting for the candidates they want to vote for (ONLY ONE TIME)....not some leftist asshole that thinks they're doing the right thing by committing election fraud.
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So you're saying that nobody has the technology to open a sealed envelope to change the vote on the ballot.....and nobody monkeys with zip codes so that thousands of legit ballots are never delivered to the voter...which are returned to the election committee and counted along with thousands of other legit ballots in central counting centers? This is how the down votes are not matching the votes cast for Democrats in important seats in congress and for governor. Thousands of ballots are being altered or not being delivered to the proper recipient. Down votes are the votes on the same ballot for state an local candidates. People usually cast down votes for the same party as the primary candidates...but for some reason, only the votes for US Congress and Governor are going Democrat while the rest are for GOP candidates on alot of these mail-in ballots. And then there's the possibility that they're not taking the time to completely fill out the ballots because they're filling out hundreds of them and stuffing them into collection boxes.

What matters is the person filling out the ballot is registered and voting for the candidates they want to vote for (ONLY ONE TIME)....not some leftist asshole that thinks they're doing the right thing by committing election fraud.
Vote splitting is a sign of voter fraud?
Thats funny, considering during the late 80's and early 90's the Demonicrats were whining and complaining how easily corruptible mail in votes are, and tried to get it made illegal.
And they will do the same as soon as the Rs begin using the mail-in and ballot harvesting to their advantage. Well, if we still have a country left by then.
Democrats are winning elections now because they've managed to institute COVID-era rules in the right places, and are taking advantage of mass mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting. But it turns out that a *large* majority of US voters don't want this system, and want it changed back.

U.S. Voters (Overwhelmingly) Want Their Old Election System Back: I&I/TIPP Poll

As 2022 nears an end, another election season has also come to a close. Time for second thoughts, and ideas about what to do to fix an election system that many Americans believe is irretrievably broken. As it turns out, voters have some very strong opinions about that very topic, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

The recent midterm elections were once again marked by claims of voter fraud and possible ballot manipulation behind the scenes by partisan actors, including even election officials. So we asked Americans of all political stripes and demographic backgrounds what rules and practices would they support to make our electoral system more fair?

More specifically, in our online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from Dec. 7-9, we asked 1,094 registered voters to select among three possible reforms or rule changes: “Requiring voters to show a photo I.D. to vote,” “Stricter mail-in voting,” and “Banning ballot harvesting.”

The answers showed an overwhelming sentiment in favor of change.

Yeah I know it's a TIPP poll but I figure it's pretty accurate, at least amongst the sane.

Read the full article at the link for the results of the poll; but TL;DR is that in all three cases, voters - even Democrats - want the rules changed back, and want more election security after the past 2 elections.

But we're in a catch 22. In order to change the rules back, we'd need to win elections to put people in place who would enact those changes. But we can't win those elections because of the rules.

When people talk about a rigged election system, this is what they're talking about. Our elections have been hijacked, and there doesn't appear to be a realistic path to unfucking the situation.
Don't these voters know that they were already changed back and absentee voting was already made stricter by all republican states and their legislatures passing election reform laws???

I guess the voters don't know what has been done, nor do you??

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