POLL: What should the punishment be for protesting football players?

How should NFL players be punished?

  • No punishment

    Votes: 44 46.3%
  • Fine each time they do it

    Votes: 8 8.4%
  • Fine & Suspension

    Votes: 15 15.8%
  • You're Fired!

    Votes: 20 21.1%
  • Mango. Mango everywhere.

    Votes: 8 8.4%

  • Total voters
Actually, there are no rules in the NFL that say anything about what the players are supposed to be doing during the national anthem. Matter of fact, they didn't start having the players on the field for the anthem until 2009, and it was marketing to make them look more "patriotic".

There's the answer! Just go back to the old routine of keeping the players in the locker room until after the anthem.

That's it exactly. If the Pentagon hadn't been pimping for fake-patriotism in recent years, none of this would have existed to react to.

Funny how nobody wants to acknowledge who it was that originally injected politics into sports, yet all these wags want to jump on those who stood up to it in reaction.

If that ain't thought control I don't know what is.
You know, conservatives are always screaming that government needs to stay out of private business.

The NFL is a private business.

Donald Trump is the leader of the government.

Donald Trump (aka the president) told the NFL they should fire anyone who takes a knee during the national anthem.

Why are you conservatives now okay with the government telling private business what to do?

And.................last night on the Daily Show, they showed WHY Kaepernick takes a knee. Seems that at first, he was simply sitting down during the anthem, and then he was approached by another player who also happened to be a veteran. He told Kaepernick that kneeling before a fallen servicemember's rifle, boots and helmet was a respectful way to acknowledge them. Kaepernick then took that gesture as a way to protest but still be kinda respectful, which is why he now takes a knee.
Actually, there are no rules in the NFL that say anything about what the players are supposed to be doing during the national anthem. Matter of fact, they didn't start having the players on the field for the anthem until 2009, and it was marketing to make them look more "patriotic".

There's the answer! Just go back to the old routine of keeping the players in the locker room until after the anthem.

That's it exactly. If the Pentagon hadn't been pimping for fake-patriotism in recent years, none of this would have existed to react to.

Funny how nobody wants to acknowledge who it was that originally injected politics into sports, yet all these wags want to jump on those who stood up to it in reaction.

If that ain't thought control I don't know what is.

2009 isn't the first time an NFL team stood for the national anthem. From what I can gather, that's just when it became a requirement for teams to be on the field during the anthem. They weren't prevented from doing so before. FACT CHECK: Why Are NFL Players on the Sidelines for the National Anthem?

Also, it may not be so much that players weren't on the field or standing for the anthem, but that in the past, networks often did not broadcast the anthem. Here's an example: National anthem gets in the game That is from just after 9/11. The author indicates that broadcasting the anthem was not a regular thing for multiple leagues, including the NFL.

Here's one from last year, complaining about networks blacking out the anthem: Talk is cheap when networks play ads instead of airing anthem
Loss of all income from playing football.

My boycott has begun, I urge all patriotic Americans to join me.

Do you mean that they will have to refund the team all the money that they had made throughout their playing career?
The BUY TO BURN effort may not last long:

I don't solely blame Trump. But yesterday wouldn't have happened without him. There would be no headlines on this issue today without him. Just like NK, he ginned it up - he made it what it is right now.

Trump likes crisis, he likes confrontation. That's who he is, which is fine - but not when he's leading a nation. We have enough problems without the guy in charge creating new ones.

If Trump was a USMB Member, he would be spending most of his time in the FZ.
The BUY TO BURN effort may not last long:

I don't solely blame Trump. But yesterday wouldn't have happened without him. There would be no headlines on this issue today without him. Just like NK, he ginned it up - he made it what it is right now.

Trump likes crisis, he likes confrontation. That's who he is, which is fine - but not when he's leading a nation. We have enough problems without the guy in charge creating new ones.

If Trump was a USMB Member, he would be spending most of his time in the FZ.

Or Conspiracy Theories...
So people on this thread are deciding on how to punish black folks who havent broken any laws ?

Fine for first offense. Fine and suspension for 2nd offense. Firing for 3rd offense.

Most of these players are ignorant, uneducated and gullible pawns. A fine may be wake up call for them to understand the consequences of their decisions.
So people on this thread are deciding on how to punish black folks who havent broken any laws ?


Yeah, that's comparable to a private organization possibly punishing employees for their conduct on company time......

Also, every NFL protestor has not been black. ;)

This is taking hyperbole too far.
What should trump's punishment be for not living up to the oath he swore to?

For literally not doing his job.
So people on this thread are deciding on how to punish black folks who havent broken any laws ?


Yeah, that's comparable to a private organization possibly punishing employees for their conduct on company time......

Also, every NFL protestor has not been black. ;)

This is taking hyperbole too far.
The amount of bedwetting over this issue is taking things too far.
You will never get rid of the complaints and whining unless you find a way to get rid of blacks altogether. They are congenital complainers. You will NEVER make them love America and you cannot force them to be patriotic.
The only real solution is full separation of the races. Total segregation.

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