Poll: Will Trump leave office early for ANY reason or not?

Poll: Will Trump leave office early for ANY reason or not?

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President Trump will NOT leave office early and he will serve TWO FULL terms! :banana: :clap2: :2up:
Not sure if Trump is going to leave early or not, but I don't think that he's got much of a shot at being reelected if he keeps going like he has been.

Still waiting for those campaign promises........................
------------------------------------------------------ i think that TRUMP is working for his people [like ME] and i don't think that YOU are one of his people BSailor !!

If he's only working for "his" people, he has zero chance of being reelected.

This latest stunt with Obamacare will be the end of him. It will cut millions off their health insurance. Added to the damage and job losses due to the hurricanes and his economic numbers are sliding badly.

With hurricanes, the initial damage is what people see but it's the rebuild that determines the recovery.

Trump's abandonment of Puerto Rico being a case in point. He blames the Puerto Rico Government for the bankruptcy of his golf course and resort property there because nothing bad is ever Trump's fault.

The Puerto Rican government is owed $33 million for building infrastructure for that resort. Of course since Trump was bankrupt that $33 million which they paid out for materials and labour, was never recovered. Trump claims the island infrastructure was in bad shape before the hurricane which is probably true but the government economy would've been a lot better off had Trump paid the $33 million he owes them.

Now as president he gets to stick it to the island government that he blames for his bankruptcy. They can't vote for or against him so no risk there.

People aren't as stupid as Republicans give them credit for. A lot of Democrats stayed home last time and didn't vote. That won't happen a second time. Just as the Tea Party gained ground after the 2008 election, Democrats are organizing a get out and vote campaign for 2018, to take back the Senate, and using the Supreme Court decision on gerrymandering, congressional districts all over the US will be redrawn before 2020.

Moderates everywhere are disgusted with the politics of white supremacy. Republicans and Democrats alike. Trump is hemorrhaging voters with his policies.

The people who lost insurance were Democrats anyway. No great loss!

It's "get out the vote", not "get out and vote", dumbass!

What Supreme Court decision on gerrymandering? You mean the one where states can do away with districts that were gerrymandered so that a minority would be elected? Now Dems will never stand a chance of getting a minority elected. The only minorities to get elected will be Republicans.
The Russian Collusion Conspiracy is just more proof that the Left is batcrapcrazy.
At this point Mueller's investigation is just pure political harassment.
President Trump still going strong despite despicable Democrats acting like domineering BULLIES!

Roger Stone re-assured everyone on Laura Ingraham's show yesterday that Russia/Trump collusion is a DELUSION!!
Yup, Mueller driving ahead, a strong and vibrant investigation resulting in indictments and guilty pleas and resignations, and the alt right going "nuh uh."
Yup, Mueller driving ahead, a strong and vibrant investigation resulting in indictments and guilty pleas and resignations, and the alt right going "nuh uh."

NONE of those charges involve the Trump campaign! Even Pelosi & Feinstein said there is NO evidence of collusion otherwise they would've filed impeachment charges!
Yup, Mueller driving ahead, a strong and vibrant investigation resulting in indictments and guilty pleas and resignations, and the alt right going "nuh uh."

NONE of those charges involve the Trump campaign! Even Pelosi & Feinstein said there is NO evidence of collusion otherwise they would've filed impeachment charges!

Yes they do. The Papagorgio charged relate DIRECTLY to the Trump Campaign, and the House Intel Committee didn’t even interview him. Nunes wouldn’t sign the subpoena.

You also forget that Mueller is also looking at obstruction of justice charges related to the Russia enquiry, and I’m guessing money laundering since there is so much of it going on in Trumpland.
Yup, Mueller driving ahead, a strong and vibrant investigation resulting in indictments and guilty pleas and resignations, and the alt right going "nuh uh."

NONE of those charges involve the Trump campaign! Even Pelosi & Feinstein said there is NO evidence of collusion otherwise they would've filed impeachment charges!
I don't know how you tards got it into your heads that this investigation is limited to collusion. Explain!

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