Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

She should be believed because she provided evidence that what she said was true. Because witnesses also confirmed that Pompeo inappropriated screamed at her after the interview ended. That instead of calling her a "lying gash", she should be believed because she has evidencce, and Pompeo does not.

She provided the email evidence that she did, in fact, discuss the Ukrainian questions with Pompeo's staff prior to asking these questions, and that Pompeo LIED when he said she "blindsided" him with questions he wasn't expecting.
She didn't discuss shit.

She was told what to stick to, and she responded that she was not going to stick to what they told her to. She disobeyed orders.

She should have her D.C. press credentials revoked, but as this entire thing is a sham? They won't be.
She has an email chain proving otherwise.
No she doesn't. All she has is an email chain proving that she didn't want to honor the wishes of the state dept. and she was being a disrespectful bitch.

Pompeo told her what to stick to, he said they had an, "understanding," and then on the last email. . . .she said, um. . maybe not. She was rebellious and insolent in the email chain right before the interview. . . . not sure he paid it close attention. This whole thing is a set-up for consumer attention. She needs to be fired or banned from D.C. for insubordinate behavior.

This is a manufactured controversy. None of this is real. It is all to keep folks in the matrix distracted.

IDGAF If you do? Good for you.

It continues to demonstrate that this administration is a danger to America, and that their tactics and their actions are those of bullying criminals, not men of character and strong morals.

This administration’s default response is to bully others and to falsely claim they’re the victims of some vast conspiracy when decent people call them on their inappropriate behaviour.

The entire world is watching this shit play out. You either get rid of these thugs or decent nations will stop trading with the USA the same way we’ve stopped trading with other criminal rogue nations.

When you folks in the British empire, spell with the Queen's English rather than American English?

You tip us off to the fact that you do not give a shit about what is in the best interest of America, but only care about the British Empire and the common wealth of nations.

Thanks five-eyes spook.

"behaviour" :auiqs.jpg:\
Because of the way she spells?

Where you got that from?

How about you proof there was abusive behavior before you say there was?

Or should we just "believe women" because they're women...

Pompeo does not dispute that part of the, he does not deny yelling at her and using profanity.

I dispute that yelling profanity at a reporter, is "abuse". IMO, it is "coddling". When it is the press.
Unprofessional behavior

The reporter treated him with respect, Pompeo took her aside and bullied her

No she didn't

Pompeo told her what topics to stick to, she replied back with, she will talk about anything she pleases. Not sure he got the reply though. . .
She has emails to back what she said

All Pompeo has is lies about Bangladesh
Bolton has Team Trump's liars on edge, but really Team Trump differs in style as the ape their leader's bullying boorishness, but in substance …. reporters tend to annoy, and some are avoided.
They all lie as poorly as their master
Where you got that from?

How about you proof there was abusive behavior before you say there was?

Or should we just "believe women" because they're women...

Pompeo does not dispute that part of the, he does not deny yelling at her and using profanity.

I dispute that yelling profanity at a reporter, is "abuse". IMO, it is "coddling". When it is the press.
Unprofessional behavior

The reporter treated him with respect, Pompeo took her aside and bullied her

No she didn't

Pompeo told her what topics to stick to, she replied back with, she will talk about anything she pleases. Not sure he got the reply though. . .
She has emails to back what she said

All Pompeo has is lies about Bangladesh

That lie alone should be enough for anyone to know that Pompeo is full of crap.
She has emails to back what she said

All Pompeo has is lies about Bangladesh
Journalism is synonymous with lying, if ya can't do it so it is undetectable to the masses then you are an amateur and end up working for NPR, so I would say without any further evidence than her employment that she is probably an aspiring journalist who may have unwittingly told the truth...a pro like Acostas could physically assault someone on film if he wanted to and get away with it, proving Pompeo to be the ultimate amateur in both assault and lying.
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Where is Bangladesh?

Trump is applauding how Pompeo acted

Shows how repulsive it was

Filthy liars like you, don't get shit any more.

Typical Trump

Applauding abusive and unprofessional behavior
It makes him look good

You are wasting your time. These are the same people that would be getting mad at you for accusing Jim Jones of putting something in the Kool aide. They could no more say a bad thing about Trump than they could cut off a finger.
How does your koolaid taste?

you truly have the weakest comebacks I have ever seen...are you even old enough to drive?
My comment was not a comeback

you are the one who did not rise to the occasion
My comment was not a comeback

you are the one who did not rise to the occasion

Of course it was little man, do not be embarrassed by your weak ass comeback, I am sure it is the best you could muster.

Being a partisan drone your mind is not used to any sort of original thought.
The reporter pointed to Bangladesh.


The reporter did not point to Bangladesh, Pompeo lied.

There is no way someone with here background, education and experience in the region thought that the Ukraine was in Asia. The reporter is more well traveled in the region than Pompeo.

What happened is that slow Pompeo meant to say Belarus but was too stupid to know he got his countries wrong.
You referred to audio as some kind of proof, when it wasn't.

What's in the text is what "she said", and I wouldn't give much to it, without his side of story, and "he said" she broke the agreement for the interview.

In other words, when a woman makes allegations against a powerful man, she is not to be believed. I would think that she is the more believable of the two. Especially since she has text messages which show that she discussed the these questions with his staff.

Instead, your side has called her "gash" and other demeaning slanders because she DARED to call this powerful man a liar and to castigate him for screaming at her.

The bald fact is that when Trump and his minions are caught and cornered, they become nasty, vindictive and hostile. And dangerous.

Pompeo could go to jail for his part in this fiasco. Every else around Trump and willing to do his bidding, has ended up in jail. Pompeo is in this conspiracy up to his neck and he knows it.

Are you saying she is to be believed "because she's woman"?

I am not defending Pompeo here, my question is, what has she done, beside being a woman, to have my trust?

View attachment 303031

She should be believed because she provided evidence that what she said was true. Because witnesses also confirmed that Pompeo inappropriated screamed at her after the interview ended. That instead of calling her a "lying gash", she should be believed because she has evidencce, and Pompeo does not.

She provided the email evidence that she did, in fact, discuss the Ukrainian questions with Pompeo's staff prior to asking these questions, and that Pompeo LIED when he said she "blindsided" him with questions he wasn't expecting.
She didn't discuss shit.

She was told what to stick to, and she responded that she was not going to stick to what they told her to. She disobeyed orders.

She should have her D.C. press credentials revoked, but as this entire thing is a sham? They won't be.
She has an email chain proving otherwise.

Email chain proving what... that he "assaulted" her?
In other words, when a woman makes allegations against a powerful man, she is not to be believed. I would think that she is the more believable of the two. Especially since she has text messages which show that she discussed the these questions with his staff.

Instead, your side has called her "gash" and other demeaning slanders because she DARED to call this powerful man a liar and to castigate him for screaming at her.

The bald fact is that when Trump and his minions are caught and cornered, they become nasty, vindictive and hostile. And dangerous.

Pompeo could go to jail for his part in this fiasco. Every else around Trump and willing to do his bidding, has ended up in jail. Pompeo is in this conspiracy up to his neck and he knows it.

Are you saying she is to be believed "because she's woman"?

I am not defending Pompeo here, my question is, what has she done, beside being a woman, to have my trust?

View attachment 303031

She should be believed because she provided evidence that what she said was true. Because witnesses also confirmed that Pompeo inappropriated screamed at her after the interview ended. That instead of calling her a "lying gash", she should be believed because she has evidencce, and Pompeo does not.

She provided the email evidence that she did, in fact, discuss the Ukrainian questions with Pompeo's staff prior to asking these questions, and that Pompeo LIED when he said she "blindsided" him with questions he wasn't expecting.
She didn't discuss shit.

She was told what to stick to, and she responded that she was not going to stick to what they told her to. She disobeyed orders.

She should have her D.C. press credentials revoked, but as this entire thing is a sham? They won't be.
She has an email chain proving otherwise.

Email chain proving what... that he "assaulted" her?

He openly admits to yelling and using profanity. Trump gave him a pat on the head for doing so.
No she doesn't. All she has is an email chain proving that she didn't want to honor the wishes of the state dept. and she was being a disrespectful bitch.

Pompeo told her what to stick to, he said they had an, "understanding," and then on the last email. . . .she said, um. . maybe not. She was rebellious and insolent in the email chain right before the interview. . . . not sure he paid it close attention. This whole thing is a set-up for consumer attention. She needs to be fired or banned from D.C. for insubordinate behavior.

This is a manufactured controversy. None of this is real. It is all to keep folks in the matrix distracted.

IDGAF If you do? Good for you.

Of course it's manufactured. Every single leftist media is constantly trying to project how Trump and everyone in his administration are bad people. There is virtually no record of any of them reporting fairly on Trump, so how to expect that they're fair "this time", if they cried wolf every time before.

And who this "reporter" is? Just another leftist shill who's trying to take a shot at Trump. She worked for CNN and BBC, she wrote for WaPO, New York Times, The Atlantic, Newsweek, all leftist firing squads. How anyone can expect from her to be fair?
It continues to demonstrate that this administration is a danger to America, and that their tactics and their actions are those of bullying criminals, not men of character and strong morals.

This administration’s default response is to bully others and to falsely claim they’re the victims of some vast conspiracy when decent people call them on their inappropriate behaviour.

The entire world is watching this shit play out. You either get rid of these thugs or decent nations will stop trading with the USA the same way we’ve stopped trading with other criminal rogue nations.

Trump is a danger, not to American, bu to leftist view of America. I would say, and Canada.

There is an old saying "Dog doesn't bark for the sake of village, dog bark for the sake of dog."

I don't believe for a second that you want good for America. What bothers you is that Trump is dismantling leftist agenda in US and in Canada, making a chipmunk of your backstabbing faggot Castro Jr.

Look at the Canada groceries prices, healthcare going to the roof, unemployment on rise, all because of leftist policies. And you want that for us here? No thanks, stay in your faggotville.
He gets away with what? Few examples...

Press lies about Russian collusion. Mueller finds no proof of it. Who got away with the lies there, press or Trump?
Press lies about obstruction of justice, Mueller finds no proof of it. Who gets away with lies, press or Trump?
Where did you hear Mueller found no obstruction of justice?

Mueller specifically said he did not decide that issue one way or another?

Tell me what Mueller was investigating... obstruction or non-obstruction?
Obstruction among other things.

Mueller decided he could not make a decision on indictment because he can not prosecute the president. It is false to say he found no proof of obstruction because he never decided one way or the other.

Trump claimed Mueller exonerated him. It’s a lie.

This is ridiculous. Why do an investigation if you're going to claim you can't state definitively that the president broke the law or not?
It’s not a bad criticism. I understand Mueller’s point that he isn’t allowed to prosecute so declaring he should be indicted seems a bit odd. Ultimately his intent seemed to me that he wanted Congress to discuss whether they thought obstruction was impeachable.

You're clueless. Again, Mueller job was not to indict, since he can't do it. His job was to investigate "collusion" in between Trump campaign and Russia. He hasn't found anything, so his role was expended to investigate "obstruction of justice", and he found nothing. He wrote two reports on his finding, he also testified on his finding.

I just explained it to you again, so I am asking you again, for the third time:

What Mueller was investigating and trying to prove... collusion or non-collusion, obstruction or non-obstruction?
Where you got that from?

How about you proof there was abusive behavior before you say there was?

Or should we just "believe women" because they're women...

Pompeo does not dispute that part of the, he does not deny yelling at her and using profanity.

I dispute that yelling profanity at a reporter, is "abuse". IMO, it is "coddling". When it is the press.
Unprofessional behavior

The reporter treated him with respect, Pompeo took her aside and bullied her

No she didn't

Pompeo told her what topics to stick to, she replied back with, she will talk about anything she pleases. Not sure he got the reply though. . .
She has emails to back what she said

All Pompeo has is lies about Bangladesh

She said he verbally assaulted her. She has emails to prove it?
Pompeo does not dispute that part of the, he does not deny yelling at her and using profanity.

I dispute that yelling profanity at a reporter, is "abuse". IMO, it is "coddling". When it is the press.
Unprofessional behavior

The reporter treated him with respect, Pompeo took her aside and bullied her

No she didn't

Pompeo told her what topics to stick to, she replied back with, she will talk about anything she pleases. Not sure he got the reply though. . .
She has emails to back what she said

All Pompeo has is lies about Bangladesh

She said he verbally assaulted her. She has emails to prove it?

He does not deny it. Trump gave him a pat on the head for doing it.

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