Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

You have to read the text too.

Put out a little.effort guys.

You referred to audio as some kind of proof, when it wasn't.

What's in the text is what "she said", and I wouldn't give much to it, without his side of story, and "he said" she broke the agreement for the interview.

In other words, when a woman makes allegations against a powerful man, she is not to be believed. I would think that she is the more believable of the two. Especially since she has text messages which show that she discussed the these questions with his staff.

Instead, your side has called her "gash" and other demeaning slanders because she DARED to call this powerful man a liar and to castigate him for screaming at her.

The bald fact is that when Trump and his minions are caught and cornered, they become nasty, vindictive and hostile. And dangerous.

Pompeo could go to jail for his part in this fiasco. Every else around Trump and willing to do his bidding, has ended up in jail. Pompeo is in this conspiracy up to his neck and he knows it.

Are you saying she is to be believed "because she's woman"?

I am not defending Pompeo here, my question is, what has she done, beside being a woman, to have my trust?

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She should be believed because she provided evidence that what she said was true. Because witnesses also confirmed that Pompeo inappropriated screamed at her after the interview ended. That instead of calling her a "lying gash", she should be believed because she has evidencce, and Pompeo does not.

She provided the email evidence that she did, in fact, discuss the Ukrainian questions with Pompeo's staff prior to asking these questions, and that Pompeo LIED when he said she "blindsided" him with questions he wasn't expecting.
She didn't discuss shit.

She was told what to stick to, and she responded that she was not going to stick to what they told her to. She disobeyed orders.

She should have her D.C. press credentials revoked, but as this entire thing is a sham? They won't be.

You know, the people in the government are not our overlords...they work for us...not the other way around.
Typical Trump

Applauding abusive and unprofessional behavior
It makes him look good

You are wasting your time. These are the same people that would be getting mad at you for accusing Jim Jones of putting something in the Kool aide. They could no more say a bad thing about Trump than they could cut off a finger.

RW, just parroted a lie, that has been repeatedly refuted on this very site. One that the media told the American people over and over again.

Why are you letting that pass?

Trump did applaud how Pompeo acted. Even if you think that Kelly was in the wrong, how does that justify the SOS going off in a profanity laden tirade?

RW just repeated the lie that TRump said white supremacists and nazis were very fine people.

That is a huge lie, that tens of millions of people still believe. Tens of millions of people, are, because of a lie that RW is still spreading, living in a world, believing that a white supremacist sympathizer won the election, because that is how racist America is.

Shit like that is tearing this country apart. Why are you giving him a pass on shit like that?
He equated them to people who protest nazis and white supremacists

Your revisionist history doesn’t work

He clearly condemned nazis and white supremacists, and made the completely valid point that there were people on both sides of the issue of historical statues, who were very fine people.

WHile explicitly stating that he was not talking about nazis. I have proved this to you, many times.

What a Secretary of State with class looks like

View attachment 303049
You definitely have a type

Hillary treated the Office of Secretary of State with respect

Trump has destroyed the State Department
Hillary did her job well.

She was a masterful lying ass pawn, meant to make so many people hate her they would be desperate enough to vote for a demagogue like Trump.

. .. it worked!
Where you got that from?

How about you proof there was abusive behavior before you say there was?

Or should we just "believe women" because they're women...

Pompeo does not dispute that part of the, he does not deny yelling at her and using profanity.

I dispute that yelling profanity at a reporter, is "abuse". IMO, it is "coddling". When it is the press.
Unprofessional behavior

The reporter treated him with respect, Pompeo took her aside and bullied her

How do I know that you really believe that? Maybe you are just being a filthy liar again.

YOu could very well know that reporters are filthy liars, like yourself, who deserve nothing but contempt, like you do,

and you could be lying, like you do, to support them.

Because you are a filthy liar too.
You have it backwards. Politicians who lie for their own benefit are the enemy of the people. A President who invites foreign government to help in his election bid isn’t doing it for YOU.

Anyone who seeks power for his own benefit is the enemy of the people.

The media lied and said that TRump said that nazis are very fine people. That lie poisoned the race relations of this country and inflamed the already bitter partisan divide.

The media, the liberal mainstream media, are beneath contempt by their own actions. Trump is irrelevant to this fact.

Trump looked at a white supremacy march and commented that some are good people

He tried to equate white supremacists with those who protest white supremacy

Trump did say there were fine people on both sides.

So did Biden. And?
No Biden did not.

So it's not Biden on this video defending KKK group and use of confederate flag.

You referred to audio as some kind of proof, when it wasn't.

What's in the text is what "she said", and I wouldn't give much to it, without his side of story, and "he said" she broke the agreement for the interview.

In other words, when a woman makes allegations against a powerful man, she is not to be believed. I would think that she is the more believable of the two. Especially since she has text messages which show that she discussed the these questions with his staff.

Instead, your side has called her "gash" and other demeaning slanders because she DARED to call this powerful man a liar and to castigate him for screaming at her.

The bald fact is that when Trump and his minions are caught and cornered, they become nasty, vindictive and hostile. And dangerous.

Pompeo could go to jail for his part in this fiasco. Every else around Trump and willing to do his bidding, has ended up in jail. Pompeo is in this conspiracy up to his neck and he knows it.

Are you saying she is to be believed "because she's woman"?

I am not defending Pompeo here, my question is, what has she done, beside being a woman, to have my trust?

View attachment 303031

She should be believed because she provided evidence that what she said was true. Because witnesses also confirmed that Pompeo inappropriated screamed at her after the interview ended. That instead of calling her a "lying gash", she should be believed because she has evidencce, and Pompeo does not.

She provided the email evidence that she did, in fact, discuss the Ukrainian questions with Pompeo's staff prior to asking these questions, and that Pompeo LIED when he said she "blindsided" him with questions he wasn't expecting.
She didn't discuss shit.

She was told what to stick to, and she responded that she was not going to stick to what they told her to. She disobeyed orders.

She should have her D.C. press credentials revoked, but as this entire thing is a sham? They won't be.

You know, the people in the government are not our overlords...they work for us...not the other way around.

Empirical facts and reality prove your fantasy BULLSHIT wrong gator. You live in a Saturday morning government propaganda cartoon for six year olds. :auiqs.jpg:


Yawn! Mueller could not indict the president based on DOJ policy, the report shows that the trump campaign had over 140 meetings with Russians and at least 10 examples of obstruction of justice.

This is the part where you point to page(s) in report to back your claim(s).

Without that, you're just full of shit troll.
In other words, when a woman makes allegations against a powerful man, she is not to be believed. I would think that she is the more believable of the two. Especially since she has text messages which show that she discussed the these questions with his staff.

Instead, your side has called her "gash" and other demeaning slanders because she DARED to call this powerful man a liar and to castigate him for screaming at her.

The bald fact is that when Trump and his minions are caught and cornered, they become nasty, vindictive and hostile. And dangerous.

Pompeo could go to jail for his part in this fiasco. Every else around Trump and willing to do his bidding, has ended up in jail. Pompeo is in this conspiracy up to his neck and he knows it.

Are you saying she is to be believed "because she's woman"?

I am not defending Pompeo here, my question is, what has she done, beside being a woman, to have my trust?

View attachment 303031

She should be believed because she provided evidence that what she said was true. Because witnesses also confirmed that Pompeo inappropriated screamed at her after the interview ended. That instead of calling her a "lying gash", she should be believed because she has evidencce, and Pompeo does not.

She provided the email evidence that she did, in fact, discuss the Ukrainian questions with Pompeo's staff prior to asking these questions, and that Pompeo LIED when he said she "blindsided" him with questions he wasn't expecting.
She didn't discuss shit.

She was told what to stick to, and she responded that she was not going to stick to what they told her to. She disobeyed orders.

She should have her D.C. press credentials revoked, but as this entire thing is a sham? They won't be.

You know, the people in the government are not our overlords...they work for us...not the other way around.

Empirical facts and reality prove your fantasy BULLSHIT wrong gator. You live in a Saturday morning government propaganda cartoon for six year olds. :auiqs.jpg:



Thanks to people like you that bow down to your overlords.
Bolton has Team Trump's liars on edge, but really Team Trump differs in style as the ape their leader's bullying boorishness, but in substance …. reporters tend to annoy, and some are avoided.
Bolton has Team Trump's liars on edge, but really Team Trump differs in style as the ape their leader's bullying boorishness, but in substance …. reporters tend to annoy, and some are avoided.
Bolton is an Evangelical War Monger in league with the Zionist war mongers. The only thing on his mind is WWIII.
Hillary treated the Office of Secretary of State with respect

She was right where Obama wanted her, out of his hair and under his watchful eye, she was the enemy and he corralled and hog tied her by burying her at state.

Trump has destroyed the State Department

what does that have to do with any of this?

On the contrary. Secretary of State is the top cabinet position, and the most powerful of all cabinet positions. SS is 3rd in line for the Presidency, after the VP and Speaker of the House, respectively.

SS is a key position for someone looking to become President after the Incumbant retires. Unlike VP which has no real function, SS is a power position and one that Clinton executed well. She left office with a more than 60% approval rating.
On the contrary. Secretary of State is the top cabinet position, and the most powerful of all cabinet positions. SS is 3rd in line for the Presidency, after the VP and Speaker of the House, respectively.

SS is a key position for someone looking to become President after the Incumbant retires. Unlike VP which has no real function, SS is a power position and one that Clinton executed well. She left office with a more than 60% approval rating.
And when liberals did far worse than this to conservative figures, such as when a bunch of liberals screamed at Sarah Sanders and her family in a restaurant and forced them to leave, did you post a thread complaining about such awful behavior?
I’m not a prize fight you trains to my physical best

that woman is a freak

but at her best she still gets beaten badly by even an average male fighter

And she would decimate the average male. You're not proving your point. You have given no evidence that men are superior to women or that women are not equal to men.
And the average male decimates the average female

your Amazon warrior only gets in the ring with other females

So physical strength is your only metric for equality? It’s a very base, regressive and illogical position. That makes millions of men “inferior” to some women and vice versa.
Take it any way you choose

did you mean females are intimidated by pompeo one-on-one because they cant match him mentally or physically?
Why should anyone be intimidated by the Secretary of State?
He is in one of the most influential positions in the country and is expected to meet professional standards.

The reporter met her professional standards......Pompeo did not
Sez you

I am reacting to what another lib said about women being intimidated by being alone with him
And she would decimate the average male. You're not proving your point. You have given no evidence that men are superior to women or that women are not equal to men.
And the average male decimates the average female

your Amazon warrior only gets in the ring with other females

So physical strength is your only metric for equality? It’s a very base, regressive and illogical position. That makes millions of men “inferior” to some women and vice versa.
Take it any way you choose

did you mean females are intimidated by pompeo one-on-one because they cant match him mentally or physically?
Why should anyone be intimidated by the Secretary of State?
He is in one of the most influential positions in the country and is expected to meet professional standards.

The reporter met her professional standards......Pompeo did not

Said the filthy liar.
He’s just repeating what he was told

the liars are further upstream
And she would decimate the average male. You're not proving your point. You have given no evidence that men are superior to women or that women are not equal to men.
And the average male decimates the average female

your Amazon warrior only gets in the ring with other females

So physical strength is your only metric for equality? It’s a very base, regressive and illogical position. That makes millions of men “inferior” to some women and vice versa.
Take it any way you choose

did you mean females are intimidated by pompeo one-on-one because they cant match him mentally or physically?
Why should anyone be intimidated by the Secretary of State?
He is in one of the most influential positions in the country and is expected to meet professional standards.

The reporter met her professional standards......Pompeo did not

If she went out of the agreement, she maybe met her standards, but that's far from professional.
Its possible that pompeo’s assistant botched the negotiation and didnt adequately brief him
And the average male decimates the average female

your Amazon warrior only gets in the ring with other females

So physical strength is your only metric for equality? It’s a very base, regressive and illogical position. That makes millions of men “inferior” to some women and vice versa.
Take it any way you choose

did you mean females are intimidated by pompeo one-on-one because they cant match him mentally or physically?
Why should anyone be intimidated by the Secretary of State?
He is in one of the most influential positions in the country and is expected to meet professional standards.

The reporter met her professional standards......Pompeo did not

If she went out of the agreement, she maybe met her standards, but that's far from professional.
From email traffic...she didn’t
You have seen the emails?

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