Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion

Your argument seems to be "nauh!" You can just say, it feels right to you and you wish they would.

Clearly you don't understand that this has been discussed before, and the church has already decided that communion should not be denied to politicians based on their political stance. Pope John Paul II went so far as to personally give communion to a pro-choice politician in 2001, at the height of the American debate about it.

And you seem to think the Pope is like Obama... unless he says it, it ain't so. That is bullshit. Regardless of who is the Pope, the Church's doctrine does not change. Catholics cannot belong to pro-abortion groups any more than we can belong to terrorist groups - both get their asses excommunicated. Regardless of what the Pope says or doesn't say - politicians are people and as such they should not receive communion if they are not in a state of grace and they cannot be in a state of grace if they facilitate or support abortion.

And that just is what it is. Regardless. The Pope is not Obama - he can't decide what is or isn't.

Just like signing a letter is support for the contents of said letter.


Again, you're argument is "nauh because I say so!"

If it was as black and white as you seem to think, Catholic Bishops wouldn't have argued over it during their last conference, and even they were divided on what to do, with the majority saying its wrong to deny Catholic politicians communion. In the end they decided it was a personal decision that should be made by the each priest on an individual basis.
Your argument seems to be "nauh!" You can just say, it feels right to you and you wish they would.

Clearly you don't understand that this has been discussed before, and the church has already decided that communion should not be denied to politicians based on their political stance. Pope John Paul II went so far as to personally give communion to a pro-choice politician in 2001, at the height of the American debate about it.

They why did the Pope deny communion to John Kerry based on his abortion stance?
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”
In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

(My bold)

I wonder if Pope Francis could have been referring to the Argy death squads that operated with impunity during Argentina's Dirty War. Union leaders, teachers, social workers, literacy & health workers, mayors & council members, professors, journalists, intellectuals, artists, priests & nuns - tortured, raped, mutilated, murdered, disappeared. But the Junta was paternalistic - if you were pregnant & fell into their clutches, they'd hold you until you delivered. Then they'd torture, rape, etc. & the child would be placed with one of the families of the murderers, praise God! See - God does work in mysterious ways (¿bueyes?) & 2007 is a pretty safe temporal distance from which to mention the injustice.

Suspects? Crimes? Nah, couldn't've happened. I mean, the Junta had its tentacles into every office, informers in every office building & residential block. How could that stuff have happened, & no one be the wiser? Hmm? "The dog never barked ... "
Pope John Paul II went so far as to personally give communion to a pro-choice politician in 2001, at the height of the American debate about it.

Perhaps the politician went to Confession and was in the state of grace to receive.

You're not asked by the Priest when receiving...

He doesn't say, "Body of Christ, Have You Been to Confession"

You have to be genuinely contrite. No one expects you to never sin again after confession, but the idea is that you will try to do better in the future.

I'm not sure that applies to pro-choice politicians. The man in question( he was the mayor of Rome) was personally opposed to abortion, but didnt feel it was his place to impose his religious feelings on others.

God did say, I shall NOT KILL. The pope is the head of his church, right?

God never said ANYTHING as he is a myth

And He also warned us many times in the Bible about FOOLS like you....

Psalm 14:
1: The fool[a] says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.

Strange how you christians quote what you call the old testament when it suits you, how about this gem from the buy bull: Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones:eek::eusa_whistle:
The left was convinced that Pope Francis was going to support same sex marriage. This is going to be wildly amusing.

A liberal member of the Catholic hierarchy in Argentina during the Dirty War? That would have - @ most - meant a clean death - say, a bullet to the head & done. As opposed to the miracle of electric torture, rape, mutilation, followed by interment @ sea - possibly live, weighed down with chains, cinderblocks, etc. & of course, the next of kin were never notified.

Where's the mystery in that?

No, Pope Francis was never a liberal, nor even - from what I see - a moderate. The order was expelled from the Americas & even suppressed for a generation (?) They may have drawn the wrong lessons from that. But even so, this Pope is v. unlikely to suddenly opt for the poor ...
This Pope has a history of helping the poor. But, they must really be poor. He is not the kind of man who will help some 250 pound six foot three ex-con because he doesn't want to work.
God never said ANYTHING as he is a myth

And He also warned us many times in the Bible about FOOLS like you....

Psalm 14:
1: The fool[a] says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.

Strange how you christians quote what you call the old testament when it suits you, how about this gem from the buy bull: Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones:eek::eusa_whistle:
The meaning is pretty obvious in context.

Ps 137 is a lament for Jerusalem after the Babylonians have invaded and destroyed it. Verses 7-9 make it explicit:

7 Remember, LORD, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell. “Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!” 8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. 9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

This is sheer gloating on the part of the psalmist. Whoever overthrows Babylon is someone really popular with the author. Whoever wrote this really hated the Babylonians, and would love to kill their children.

Is this "right?" Remember, this is a psalm - an ancient song of the Hebrews. I suspect many a future scholar will puzzle over, say, the misogynistic lyrics of Eminem or many like-minded rappers. Psalms honestly express the feelings of the writer, NOT THEOLOGICAL RULES FOR YOUR BEHAVIOR. (Although, it is often argued that the feelings reflected in the Psalms should be that of a mature Christian.)

Note also, there is nothing that says "You should bash a baby against a rock." Doesn't fit with the text or the nature of God. It would be a misreading of the text, which actually proves the point there are "rules" for reading the text.

So, why is it in Scripture?

Who knows. 'Could be that God desired to illustrate that the Exiles had learned their lesson about spurning God's good gifts in Jerusalem, could just be that people agreed with the sentiment.

For a person who doesn't believe the Bible is a "real" book, this verse is actually a pretty good arguement. If the Bible were merely the work of "men with an agenda," there doesn't seem to be a good reason to let such a genuine feeling in here.

The Bible can be literal but still express itself in the language of feeling.
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Only a sick fuck would want a mentally disabled woman, or a victim of rape, to be forced to carry the fetus to term. Francis is just as sick as the insane lifers who bomb abortion clinics.

Interesting that he has a problem with politicians supporting abortion. Refuse communion to them but he will still hand out communion and blessings to pedophile priests.
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Only a sick fuck would want a mentally disabled woman, or a victim of rape, to be forced to carry the fetus to term. Francis is just as sick as the insane lifers who bomb abortion clinics.

Interesting that he has a problem with politicians supporting abortion. Refuse communion to them but he will still hand out communion and blessings to pedophile priests.

Sick to carry a child to term?

No, you are the sick fuck who would rather butcher a baby in the womb rather than let the mother do the natural thing and give birth.

You are truly a twisted witch.
by Jim Hoft
March 14, 2013


Francis I – Jorge Bergoglio

The far left may be disappointed when they discover that the cardinals elected another pope pro-life social conservative as pope. Francis has previously condemned offering communion to those politicians who facilitate in abortion.

Breitbart.com reported:
New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

Read more:
Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit

Maybe ex-communication is in store for Marxists like Pelosi and Biden. Oops, I meant Democrats. Hehehe

Only a sick fuck would want a mentally disabled woman, or a victim of rape, to be forced to carry the fetus to term. Francis is just as sick as the insane lifers who bomb abortion clinics.

Interesting that he has a problem with politicians supporting abortion. Refuse communion to them but he will still hand out communion and blessings to pedophile priests.

Sick to carry a child to term?

No, you are the sick fuck who would rather butcher a baby in the womb rather than let the mother do the natural thing and give birth.

You are truly a twisted witch.

Rape is not natural, and a rape victim should never be forced to bear the result of that rape. A mentally disabled woman shouldn't be forced to endure something she barely understands, you sick piece of shit.

You want to force rape victims to have their rapist babies. How do you sleep at night?
does Nancy Pelosi still go to church....? i believe she claims to be Catholic...

according to the Decree from the Vatican she should be ex-communicated. There are no exceptions according to the RCC so why isn't the RCC withholding communion and moving forward with ex-communication for all Catholics who have voted for a communist and continue to make excuses for him? When can we expect that announcement to be made?

Are the molesting priests excommunicated? Are those in the church hierarchy who covering it up and moved them from unsuspecting church to unsuspecting church excommunicated?
Only a sick fuck would want a mentally disabled woman, or a victim of rape, to be forced to carry the fetus to term. Francis is just as sick as the insane lifers who bomb abortion clinics.

Interesting that he has a problem with politicians supporting abortion. Refuse communion to them but he will still hand out communion and blessings to pedophile priests.

Sick to carry a child to term?

No, you are the sick fuck who would rather butcher a baby in the womb rather than let the mother do the natural thing and give birth.

You are truly a twisted witch.

Rape is not natural, and a rape victim should never be forced to bear the result of that rape. A mentally disabled woman shouldn't be forced to endure something she barely understands, you sick piece of shit.

You want to force rape victims to have their rapist babies. How do you sleep at night?

It is hard to argue with your point about the suffering a rapist mother might have to endure if the law was for her to carry the baby to term. I also grant you the opposition to a mentally challenged mother. So let us be sure the law has leniancy there, agreed.

Are we also in agreement then, that all of these other abortions (99.99%) should be disallowed because of what is being done to an innocent and indefensible life?

*** I also grant you your disgust with the Church's coverup of crimes, that cannot really be defended either. But must I now accept that this Church is evil as a result? Must I tell the other 95%+ priests and missionaries that we have no use for your work and charity? Must I also now conclude these teachings about some God have no value, evidence or meaning? Is this what you consider the antidote to a suffering world and a selfish and confused world?
Since the Roman Church totally misconstrues what 'communion' as described by Jesus even means, it is hardly a punishment to be denied it by that organization.

A 'true Christian' has communion every meal. Read what Jesus said.
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Pelosi, Waxman, Ted Kennedy, etc., etc., etc.
All claim to be Catholics - yet take part in "Gay Pride" parades.
Those assholes need to get to confession, stat.

Waxman? LOL The pope is not going to give Waxman communion? LOL Waxman is Jewish!!!


Henry Waxman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's with the large red text? Are you so insecure that you need to make sure everyone sees your drivel?

How very.... well... liberal of you. :lol:

Quite amazing in this day and age people follow a religion that has men in dresses with pointee hats who "think" by mumbling some magic words over crackers and wine it becomes human.

The theophagy (god eating) of course did not come first from the Catholics but had occurred throughout pagan religions long before Christianity. The notion that eating another living human being lies at the belief of absorbing his nature into his own, thus becoming, in some sense, more godlike, similar to the even more primitive belief that eating one's enemies makes one more powerful.

Eating that wafer and drinking the wine in Church actually means truly and really eating human meat and blood. In fact, it's the entire body: eyes, brains, gall bladder, spleen, etc. Everything. According to the Council of Trent, if you deny the Transubstantiation, then you are accursed (anathema). You will also get to spend eternity in hell.

So how does transubstantiation actually work; what process does the Church use to transform bread and wine into human flesh and blood (and guts, etc.)? Apparently this remains a deep Church secret. However, we do know that the priests make verbal incantations, pass smoking incense about, and pray a lot during a rite they call "Offertory" (Offertorium). Apparently the actual transformation occurs during the Prayer of Consecration, by which the bread and wine cease to be bread and wine, and are converted into the flesh and blood of Christ. At just what miraculous moment during the prayer it turns into human flesh, I haven't a clue and I suspect the priests don't either. Apparently Jesus does the actual conversion, but I haven't discovered the method of how the priests know when this occurs or what test procedures they use to insure that Jesus made the transubstantiation (what if Jesus got lazy that day or just decided, enough is enough?).

In any case, by the time the priest places the wafer into your mouth, you can rest assured that you are actually eating Christ's meat. (It tastes like chicken.)

Bon appetit!
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