Pope: States Have Right To Regulate Immigration Flows And Defend Borders & Identity


May 29, 2010
The Pope is right. Do you agree? He says this ....At the same time, States have the right to regulate migration flows and to defend their own frontiers, always guaranteeing the respect due to the dignity of each and every human person. Immigrants, moreover, have the duty to integrate into the host Country, respecting its laws and its national identity....

Does that mean that the Roman Catholic Church will support our right to defend and preserve our Euro-American culture? (via returning to a more sane immigration policy rather than the free-for-all we have now, and moving back toward assimilation of immigrants rather than multiculturalism)

Does that mean that they will defend our right to expel muslims and La Raza types who refuse to integrate, and who work tirelessly to conquer all or part of our country? And to deport all illegals? I want to see Obamas response to this.

Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2011, Benedect XVI, 27 September 2010

"The Church recognizes this right in every human person, in its dual aspect of the possibility to leave one’s country and the possibility to enter another country to look for better conditions of life" (Message for World Day of Migration 2001, 3; cf. John XXIII, Encyclical Mater et Magistra, 30; Paul VI, Encyclical Octogesima adveniens, 17). At the same time, States have the right to regulate migration flows and to defend their own frontiers, always guaranteeing the respect due to the dignity of each and every human person. Immigrants, moreover, have the duty to integrate into the host Country, respecting its laws and its national identity. "The challenge is to combine the welcome due to every human being, especially when in need, with a reckoning of what is necessary for both the local inhabitants and the new arrivals to live a dignified and peaceful life".

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