Pope to address U.S. Congress

I didn't see him mention Christ at all.

Nope. He didn't. Not a word about Jesus.

But he lionized Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton. He mentioned Merton five times, and Day four times.

Jesus, not once.

That's what clinched it for me. He's a socialist.

Didn't see anything too spectacular in what he said though

It was actually quite eloquent. Socialist to the bone, but eloquent.
It seems odd to me that a man who is supposed to represent Christ doesn't mention him.

That doesn't make him socialist to me. But it doesn't point me to Christ either.
I didn't see him mention Christ at all.

Nope. He didn't. Not a word about Jesus.

But he lionized Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton. He mentioned Merton five times, and Day four times.

Jesus, not once.

That's what clinched it for me. He's a socialist.

Didn't see anything too spectacular in what he said though

It was actually quite eloquent. Socialist to the bone, but eloquent.
Well, if he didn't mention Jesus, maybe he's a Marxist.
It seems odd to me that a man who is supposed to represent Christ doesn't mention him.

That doesn't make him socialist to me. But it doesn't point me to Christ either.
It is his adulation of Merton and Day which is the big tip-off he's a socialist.

They were clearly a huge influence on him when he was a much younger man.

I guess we can expect a spike in their book sales.
Even after reading that through I don't know who Merton is.

He had an audience like that and didnt testify of Christ. I can't understand this.

Bring people to Christ and lives can be changed.

I'm not up on all his speaking events. How often does he mention Christ?
Jesus addresses Congress: "And I say unto to you, feed the poor, clothe the poor, visit those in prison, do unto the least of these my brothers as they are me, do not lay up your treasure on Earth but in heaven, judgement is reserved for my father alone, how ye judge so shall ye be judged, it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to get into my kingdom..."

Conservatives reply: "Go back to Jerusalem you socialist!!" "Stop asking for a handout!!" "You want to help the poor, give them your sandals but don't tell me to give them mine!" "We need to give to the rich so they create jobs for us you ingrate, wtf is wrong with you you commie liberal!" "The Pharoah and his cronies earned every penny they have and we worship them!!" "Go f*&k yourself and the donkey you road in on".

And thus they were exposed not as Christians, but as anti-Christ.
Even after reading that through I don't know who Merton is.
If you were the Pope's age, you'd know exactly who Merton was.

Merton was a big time commie motherfucker socialist peacenik priest of the 60s. Idolized by the Berrigan brothers.

Now you are going to say you have no idea who the Berrigan brothers are...
The 60s were a weird time for the Catholic Church. Vatican II, Viet Nam.

A lot of priests and nuns became political. Radical leftists. Breaking into town halls with draft dodgers and burning draft cards.

Hippie priests started bringing acoustic guitars to Mass, trying to look all Jesus-like and talking like stoners. "Jesus was really cool, man."

Some American priests and nuns even went to Nicaragua and El Salvador during Reagan's time, in support of Castro's puppets, and caused trouble. There was a big to-do when some of the nuns were raped and killed by death squads.

Pope Francis is obviously of this ilk. He would have been a couple decades younger than the Berrigan Brothers and Thomas Merton.

His speech today reveals the young Francis looked up to them during that turbulent period, and that he still adores them.

He's an old school hippie priest.
Francis in 1966:

Matthew 13:15
For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'

Hopefully his message opened some hardened closed off hearts.

I did not see the Pope's address, but I just read the transcript.

That speech removes all doubt from my mind. The Pope is a socialist.
You don't get to use your own definitions without being laughed at.

He is a social democrat, which is far from being a socialist.
Social democrat is another way of saying socialist, dude. The end goal of social democracy is socialism.
I did not see the Pope's address, but I just read the transcript.

That speech removes all doubt from my mind. The Pope is a socialist.
You don't get to use your own definitions without being laughed at.

He is a social democrat, which is far from being a socialist.
Social democrat is another way of saying socialist, dude. The end goal of social democracy is socialism.
According to the nutty far right terms and definition dictionary.

No, a social democrat is not a socialist, but is for a regulated capitalistic society.

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