Pope to address U.S. Congress

Personally I like the Pope and Change. The navy will be receiving him on the Pope deck. You can collect all 12 of the Pope bottle caps from Pepsi. When one of the Republican scumbags stands-up while the Pope is giving his speech and yells 'you lie', you can shrug and say 'Pope Goes the Weasel', and yell 'that's not aPope'riate'.

And yes, those were not very Punny. Its early and I haven't finished my Pope'tarts yet. :bye1:
Personally I like the Pope and Change. The navy will be receiving him on the Pope deck. You can collect all 12 of the Pope bottle caps from Pepsi. When one of the Republican scumbags stands-up while the Pope is giving his speech and yells 'you lie', you can shrug and say 'Pope Goes the Weasel', and yell 'that's not aPope'riate'.

And yes, those were not very Punny. Its early and I haven't finished my Pope'tarts yet. :bye1:
Well it's just four days now and he'll be talking to our elected representatives. Wonder what he's planning to say?
The question is: Who invited him?

Why is that the question?

So I can know how to feel about it.

I do not understand.

I support the Pope speaking there because he is a major world figure and the spiritual leader of millions of Americans.

He has the status to speak and to be heard.

I have no fear of the religious people engaging in politics.

Based on many of his messages in the past, I am skeptical of WHAT he has to say.

That is how I feel about it, and how I got there.
As someone already stated what about the separation of church and state that the liberals always espouse?
You supported Kim Davis, did you not? And you are complainging and whing. Rather hypocritical of you, yea.
Will Kim Davis be addressing Congress about gay marriage?
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.
So I take it you don't believe in abortion
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.
So I take it you don't believe in abortion

Take it however you like.
So, climate issues, gay marriage and opportunities for the poor. Pretty much the line up I expected. And for those of you LGBT bloggers who said I'm never right about my predictions, I predicted years ago that the Pope would be addressing the US on the eve of this next election year, calling in the fold on at least one of the issues I just mentioned.

So, bite me.
Everyone looks REALLY subdued and nervous in the Congress and the Supremes...never seen that group of shameful idiots so humbled.
"But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place."

The far right and the far left, particularly atheists there, should read the above and take it to heart.
I didn't see him mention Christ at all.

Didn't see anything too spectacular in what he said though

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