Popular votes, as in true democracy, ruling the day


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Right now, some states are ignoring the constitution and trying to do away with electoral voting. The left loves this idea simply because they believe they are the majority and will always win. Meanwhile, the minority is just screwed. If Trump had won in the areas with millions of illegals voting, the left would be dead set against a true democracy.

Our founders knew that the majority could be an ass. They designed it so that every person has rights and a voice. The government is supposed to be our servant, not our master. The left is slowly turning that around and too many indoctrinated idiots are helping them.

States remain sovereign and do have a democracy. Whoever gets the most votes, wins. Simple. Yet, in Georgia, the majority voted for conservative candidates, who have now passed a new abortion law. The left is having a fit. Disney and Hollywood intend to stop going there to make movies. They want to destroy their economy by shunning them. Well, they are getting a taste of what it's like to be the minority in a democracy. They can't handle the fact that not all of the states are doing what they think they should be doing. Yet, they want the entire country to be doing what they want and could care less about what the minority thinks.

If you don't like one state, you can move to another. Or you can vote to change things. If we become a socialist country due to liberals regaining power, it's likely that the millions of illegals and other liberals who love big government will keep voting for more tax dollars and give up freedom and liberty in the process. On the national level, there is way more to lose because the leftists are willing to shred the constitution and silence the minority forever. I actually believe the majority of CITIZENS don't vote for leftists but those 20 or 30 million + illegals can really tilt the scales when encouraged to illegally cast votes. States can change with each election but if leftists destroy our constitution, we are done.

Our constitution guarantees us things. Speech, religion, owning weapons, and other things are rights, not favors from government.

The left doesn't see it that way. The radical leftists are calling for relinquishing our sovereignty, eliminating all borders and going to a one world socialist government. In other words, a small group will rule the world and our only rights will be whatever they decide to allow.

If any libs or leftists here are upset about Georgia or things going on in other states, imagine being in the minority permanently on a national level.

Disney Threatens to Stop Filming in Georgia If the State Doesn't Keep Killing Babies
I hope that the USSC makes the illegal state's votes ineligible for counting for the president. The Constitution says how votes are to be counted toward electing a president. If the state's population votes are not used, then the Electoral College votes shouldn't count, i.e. the will of that state's voters were not used.
Government used to be a political organ of exclusively males, filling as much time injecting Paternalism as equitable politics, every kind of paternalism. Well anyway, True Democracy may as well been a rally call of the City-States of Greece in Athenian Democracy of the majority casting of stones for war with Persia in Athenian Democracy, and possibly Demagogues being the rule of a singular Pope, for example. Now, if this Ever meant every Body is the crafter of their government, good luck to you! Democracy in Greece , well today its more like the Roman Democracy anyway, but Democracy in Greece is about the Lottery of civil Service, about the Requirement for these legible Citizens to arrive for the vote Or their lottery obligational offices. In the Early Roman Republic, which we have as much or more Imagery, today, the Roman Eagle, the Senate, well you chose a Patrician, that represented your district, who stood on your shoulders, to form Senates and bodies that is some sort of Representative Republic.
If you can’t win, change the rules.

The left sure a fuck wouldn’t be doing this if the roles were reversed.
Right now, some states are ignoring the constitution and trying to do away with electoral voting. The left loves this idea simply because they believe they are the majority and will always win. Meanwhile, the minority is just screwed. If Trump had won in the areas with millions of illegals voting, the left would be dead set against a true democracy.

Our founders knew that the majority could be an ass. They designed it so that every person has rights and a voice. The government is supposed to be our servant, not our master. The left is slowly turning that around and too many indoctrinated idiots are helping them.

States remain sovereign and do have a democracy. Whoever gets the most votes, wins. Simple. Yet, in Georgia, the majority voted for conservative candidates, who have now passed a new abortion law. The left is having a fit. Disney and Hollywood intend to stop going there to make movies. They want to destroy their economy by shunning them. Well, they are getting a taste of what it's like to be the minority in a democracy. They can't handle the fact that not all of the states are doing what they think they should be doing. Yet, they want the entire country to be doing what they want and could care less about what the minority thinks.

If you don't like one state, you can move to another. Or you can vote to change things. If we become a socialist country due to liberals regaining power, it's likely that the millions of illegals and other liberals who love big government will keep voting for more tax dollars and give up freedom and liberty in the process. On the national level, there is way more to lose because the leftists are willing to shred the constitution and silence the minority forever. I actually believe the majority of CITIZENS don't vote for leftists but those 20 or 30 million + illegals can really tilt the scales when encouraged to illegally cast votes. States can change with each election but if leftists destroy our constitution, we are done.

Our constitution guarantees us things. Speech, religion, owning weapons, and other things are rights, not favors from government.

The left doesn't see it that way. The radical leftists are calling for relinquishing our sovereignty, eliminating all borders and going to a one world socialist government. In other words, a small group will rule the world and our only rights will be whatever they decide to allow.

If any libs or leftists here are upset about Georgia or things going on in other states, imagine being in the minority permanently on a national level.

Disney Threatens to Stop Filming in Georgia If the State Doesn't Keep Killing Babies
Left want America turned into shitholes like LA and SF.
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This new headline totally confuses me anyway. What would anti-Abortion in Georgia have to do with Georgia? It is indeed, limiting its citizens. We're not going to talk about limiting each other , are we, as where one's rights end the others begin, in this context as a democracy question? Illegal immigrants are Latin American and Catholic which is the Biggest Campaign Contributor to Anti-Abortion we Could Imagine, there are No Other Huge Anti_Abortion people than the Catholic Church! You made a strange link. State Sovereignty threatened by Supporting immigrants, making a Catholic sort of stand.

Sorry this monologue, I can't help but recall George Wallace spewing every single quote on state sovereignty and Confederacy over 200 years, and somehow all that intellect to me, seemed totally anti-intellectual! You could say John Knox chaired the Alabama Constitution. You could say the Saltire of Scotland inspired the Alabama flag like the Stainless Banner. You could say as the judges did that the Races were placed as God intended them to be placed with each other. And you know, 90% of the populace would go, awww, that's nice. Would a wee Anglo-Saxon lass be willing to share a bonnia Auld Lang Syne free o' the carpetbaggers? A little weird but nice. ya.
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The Left thought they had planted enough anchor babies to win a national election...they found out they were wrong so it’s back to drawing board to find another below board angle.
That’s all they have.
Right now, some states are ignoring the constitution and trying to do away with electoral voting. The left loves this idea simply because they believe they are the majority and will always win. Meanwhile, the minority is just screwed. If Trump had won in the areas with millions of illegals voting, the left would be dead set against a true democracy.

Our founders knew that the majority could be an ass. They designed it so that every person has rights and a voice. The government is supposed to be our servant, not our master. The left is slowly turning that around and too many indoctrinated idiots are helping them.

States remain sovereign and do have a democracy. Whoever gets the most votes, wins. Simple. Yet, in Georgia, the majority voted for conservative candidates, who have now passed a new abortion law. The left is having a fit. Disney and Hollywood intend to stop going there to make movies. They want to destroy their economy by shunning them. Well, they are getting a taste of what it's like to be the minority in a democracy. They can't handle the fact that not all of the states are doing what they think they should be doing. Yet, they want the entire country to be doing what they want and could care less about what the minority thinks.

If you don't like one state, you can move to another. Or you can vote to change things. If we become a socialist country due to liberals regaining power, it's likely that the millions of illegals and other liberals who love big government will keep voting for more tax dollars and give up freedom and liberty in the process. On the national level, there is way more to lose because the leftists are willing to shred the constitution and silence the minority forever. I actually believe the majority of CITIZENS don't vote for leftists but those 20 or 30 million + illegals can really tilt the scales when encouraged to illegally cast votes. States can change with each election but if leftists destroy our constitution, we are done.

Our constitution guarantees us things. Speech, religion, owning weapons, and other things are rights, not favors from government.

The left doesn't see it that way. The radical leftists are calling for relinquishing our sovereignty, eliminating all borders and going to a one world socialist government. In other words, a small group will rule the world and our only rights will be whatever they decide to allow.

If any libs or leftists here are upset about Georgia or things going on in other states, imagine being in the minority permanently on a national level.

Disney Threatens to Stop Filming in Georgia If the State Doesn't Keep Killing Babies
Left want America turned into shitholes like LA and SF.

It makes basically no difference, the Republican, and Democrat elites have both let in a ton of Illegal Mexicans.
What percent are working unskilled jobs, free to visit family in Mexico every single day? Nobody gets into this border problem, like Mexican and American relations were so Horrible that the politically charged movements of these citizenries need a Wall?

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