PORKULUS 2013-Cliff deal LOADED with Crony payback


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
I'm soo sick and disgusted with these ASSHOLES who think our wallets and hard earned money are theirs to vote and use as they please. $59 MILLION for algae growers?? Really?? You morons in DC just loaded my 6 yr old daughter with debt to pay off algae growers- never mind we're borrowing that 59 million and paying interest on the interest alone because we're flat broke! Nascar as given tax write off, you know those MILLIONAIRES who go round and round a track for a job and pulling in MULTIL millions in one day?! Oh yes, let's sock it to small business owners but not celebrity millionaires to include all of Hollywood.. How kind of you DOLTS to take money from my paychecks, money I can't afford for you to take, food from my child- to pay off your Hollywood campaign financed friends.. WAKE UP PEOPLE-- This is all BULLSHIT from both sides of the aisle.. They think we're a bunch of SUCKERS .. all they have to do is throw some breadcrumbs on the ground and some of you bark like good dogs lapping it up! We've become their ticket to power- OUR HARD EARNED MONEY , their own personal piggyback for cronyism! -- Oh and lets not forget lining the pockets of RUM producers to the tune of 222 million.

For any of you SNAKES who carry an (R) next to your name and voted for this SHIT BISCUIT- don't ever expect ANY conservative to vote for your sorry ass again.. (TRUE Conservative that is..some of you RINOs are mush brains)

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Oh and for you SHEEPLE- Bahhhhhhhhhhhhh- make certain you go to that ABC article and read the comments from BOTH democrats and republicans.. ALL PISSED OFF-- Just you radical partisan mush brains who bend over and say ahhh when taking it up the behind, stand all alone in your glaring worship.
FOUR (4) TRILLION added to the 16.5 trillion dollar debt... THAT'S 4 TRILLION DOLLARS in one CRONY bill..

America deserves the absolute SLUDGE they voted in.. you wanted it.. YOU GOT IT!
The Republicans caved, again, just like they have for the past 10 years. I'm through with them and through with voting Republican. I'm not blind or stupid enough to vote Democrat, mind you, but just done with voting for so-called Republicans who have no backbone and no morals.
The Republicans caved, again, just like they have for the past 10 years. I'm through with them and through with voting Republican. I'm not blind or stupid enough to vote Democrat, mind you, but just done with voting for so-called Republicans who have no backbone and no morals.

Same here.. But I was done after this election. I finally saw through the partisan haze.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the last-minute fiscal cliff deal reached by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion—a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts.
I'm soo sick and disgusted with these ASSHOLES who think our wallets and hard earned money are theirs to vote and use as they please. $59 MILLION for algae growers?? Really?? You morons in DC just loaded my 6 yr old daughter with debt to pay off algae growers- never mind we're borrowing that 59 million and paying interest on the interest alone because we're flat broke! Nascar as given tax write off, you know those MILLIONAIRES who go round and round a track for a job and pulling in MULTIL millions in one day?! Oh yes, let's sock it to small business owners but not celebrity millionaires to include all of Hollywood.. How kind of you DOLTS to take money from my paychecks, money I can't afford for you to take, food from my child- to pay off your Hollywood campaign financed friends.. WAKE UP PEOPLE-- This is all BULLSHIT from both sides of the aisle.. They think we're a bunch of SUCKERS .. all they have to do is throw some breadcrumbs on the ground and some of you bark like good dogs lapping it up! We've become their ticket to power- OUR HARD EARNED MONEY , their own personal piggyback for cronyism! -- Oh and lets not forget lining the pockets of RUM producers to the tune of 222 million.

For any of you SNAKES who carry an (R) next to your name and voted for this SHIT BISCUIT- don't ever expect ANY conservative to vote for your sorry ass again.. (TRUE Conservative that is..some of you RINOs are mush brains)

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

Conservatives will vote for them, the teaparty, maybe not but they are quickly becoming irrelevant anyway. Boehner tried one last time for them and lost once more. Time for the party to actually become Conservative again. Take the party back from the most extreme among you.

The country has suffered enough at the hands of these money grubbing fools.
I'm soo sick and disgusted with these ASSHOLES who think our wallets and hard earned money are theirs to vote and use as they please. $59 MILLION for algae growers?? Really?? You morons in DC just loaded my 6 yr old daughter with debt to pay off algae growers- never mind we're borrowing that 59 million and paying interest on the interest alone because we're flat broke! Nascar as given tax write off, you know those MILLIONAIRES who go round and round a track for a job and pulling in MULTIL millions in one day?! Oh yes, let's sock it to small business owners but not celebrity millionaires to include all of Hollywood.. How kind of you DOLTS to take money from my paychecks, money I can't afford for you to take, food from my child- to pay off your Hollywood campaign financed friends.. WAKE UP PEOPLE-- This is all BULLSHIT from both sides of the aisle.. They think we're a bunch of SUCKERS .. all they have to do is throw some breadcrumbs on the ground and some of you bark like good dogs lapping it up! We've become their ticket to power- OUR HARD EARNED MONEY , their own personal piggyback for cronyism! -- Oh and lets not forget lining the pockets of RUM producers to the tune of 222 million.

For any of you SNAKES who carry an (R) next to your name and voted for this SHIT BISCUIT- don't ever expect ANY conservative to vote for your sorry ass again.. (TRUE Conservative that is..some of you RINOs are mush brains)

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

I'm soo sick and disgusted with these ASSHOLES who think our wallets and hard earned money are theirs to vote and use as they please. $59 MILLION for algae growers?? Really?? You morons in DC just loaded my 6 yr old daughter with debt to pay off algae growers- never mind we're borrowing that 59 million and paying interest on the interest alone because we're flat broke! Nascar as given tax write off, you know those MILLIONAIRES who go round and round a track for a job and pulling in MULTIL millions in one day?! Oh yes, let's sock it to small business owners but not celebrity millionaires to include all of Hollywood.. How kind of you DOLTS to take money from my paychecks, money I can't afford for you to take, food from my child- to pay off your Hollywood campaign financed friends.. WAKE UP PEOPLE-- This is all BULLSHIT from both sides of the aisle.. They think we're a bunch of SUCKERS .. all they have to do is throw some breadcrumbs on the ground and some of you bark like good dogs lapping it up! We've become their ticket to power- OUR HARD EARNED MONEY , their own personal piggyback for cronyism! -- Oh and lets not forget lining the pockets of RUM producers to the tune of 222 million.

For any of you SNAKES who carry an (R) next to your name and voted for this SHIT BISCUIT- don't ever expect ANY conservative to vote for your sorry ass again.. (TRUE Conservative that is..some of you RINOs are mush brains)

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News


Your worthless input as usual.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the last-minute fiscal cliff deal reached by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion—a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts.

Hope no one is holding their breath for those spending cuts.

The Dems aren't to honorable when it comes to agreements. Ask Reagan and Bush I.

As for whats been done. I'm glad. Hope America is geared up for another four years of what they put back in the WH. Its to bad that those of us who didn't vote for that fuck will have to pay as well.

The Clowns in DC have taken care of themselves but they aren't to concerned with we the people. We the people who provide the money for their cushy, long term, very lucrative jobs.

Wonder what they would say if their SS was robbed and their oh so nice Gov HC benefits took the same hit we are about to take?? Oh wait. I forgot. They are all exempt from Obmacare. Never mind.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the last-minute fiscal cliff deal reached by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion—a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts.

Hope no one is holding their breath for those spending cuts.

The Dems aren't to honorable when it comes to agreements. Ask Reagan and Bush I.

As for whats been done. I'm glad. Hope America is geared up for another four years of what they put back in the WH. Its to bad that those of us who didn't vote for that fuck will have to pay as well.

The Clowns in DC have taken care of themselves but they aren't to concerned with we the people. We the people who provide the money for their cushy, long term, very lucrative jobs.

Wonder what they would say if their SS was robbed and their oh so nice Gov HC benefits took the same hit we are about to take?? Oh wait. I forgot. They are all exempt from Obmacare. Never mind.

There is a huge DISCONNECT now between the RULERZ in DC and the people. We are the subjects of the state good for financing their campaigns to remain in power so they can fly all over the world, take million dollar vacations, own multiple homes- This entire government is corrupt.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the last-minute fiscal cliff deal reached by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion—a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts.

Hope no one is holding their breath for those spending cuts.

The Dems aren't to honorable when it comes to agreements. Ask Reagan and Bush I.

As for whats been done. I'm glad. Hope America is geared up for another four years of what they put back in the WH. Its to bad that those of us who didn't vote for that fuck will have to pay as well.

The Clowns in DC have taken care of themselves but they aren't to concerned with we the people. We the people who provide the money for their cushy, long term, very lucrative jobs.

Wonder what they would say if their SS was robbed and their oh so nice Gov HC benefits took the same hit we are about to take?? Oh wait. I forgot. They are all exempt from Obmacare. Never mind.

There is a huge DISCONNECT now between the RULERZ in DC and the people. We are the subjects of the state good for financing their campaigns to remain in power so they can fly all over the world, take million dollar vacations, own multiple homes- This entire government is corrupt.

The free shitters don't care as long as they're living off the teat! This is our problem as we're now a fucking welfare state.

Brainless fucks are trading in liberty for government.
IF you're going to spend trillions of dollars why not direct some of it for cures for diseases? Something useful instead of BS and pork.

What a waste.

Curing Cancer, Heart disease, ect would make life so much better in the long term. Pisses me off that r@d and science is going to be cut for the useless. It always seems that the most useful stuff is killed under this president.

Why not get out of the middle east and keep our future weapon systems?
Why not Spend the aid on our people instead of Eygpt, pakistan, etc?

Not only is the spending getting stupid...What really gets on my nerves is how it is being spent. Goddamnit. We could lead the world in science, techonology for the next 30 years if we used our resources right.
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I love this bill. Government subsidies for NASCAR racetracks & Hollywood. It doesn't get much better than that.

I'm soo sick and disgusted with these ASSHOLES who think our wallets and hard earned money are theirs to vote and use as they please. $59 MILLION for algae growers?? Really?? You morons in DC just loaded my 6 yr old daughter with debt to pay off algae growers- never mind we're borrowing that 59 million and paying interest on the interest alone because we're flat broke! Nascar as given tax write off, you know those MILLIONAIRES who go round and round a track for a job and pulling in MULTIL millions in one day?! Oh yes, let's sock it to small business owners but not celebrity millionaires to include all of Hollywood.. How kind of you DOLTS to take money from my paychecks, money I can't afford for you to take, food from my child- to pay off your Hollywood campaign financed friends.. WAKE UP PEOPLE-- This is all BULLSHIT from both sides of the aisle.. They think we're a bunch of SUCKERS .. all they have to do is throw some breadcrumbs on the ground and some of you bark like good dogs lapping it up! We've become their ticket to power- OUR HARD EARNED MONEY , their own personal piggyback for cronyism! -- Oh and lets not forget lining the pockets of RUM producers to the tune of 222 million.

For any of you SNAKES who carry an (R) next to your name and voted for this SHIT BISCUIT- don't ever expect ANY conservative to vote for your sorry ass again.. (TRUE Conservative that is..some of you RINOs are mush brains)

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

Most of that shit is going to republican districts. How do you think they bought those votes???
I'm soo sick and disgusted with these ASSHOLES who think our wallets and hard earned money are theirs to vote and use as they please. $59 MILLION for algae growers?? Really?? You morons in DC just loaded my 6 yr old daughter with debt to pay off algae growers- never mind we're borrowing that 59 million and paying interest on the interest alone because we're flat broke! Nascar as given tax write off, you know those MILLIONAIRES who go round and round a track for a job and pulling in MULTIL millions in one day?! Oh yes, let's sock it to small business owners but not celebrity millionaires to include all of Hollywood.. How kind of you DOLTS to take money from my paychecks, money I can't afford for you to take, food from my child- to pay off your Hollywood campaign financed friends.. WAKE UP PEOPLE-- This is all BULLSHIT from both sides of the aisle.. They think we're a bunch of SUCKERS .. all they have to do is throw some breadcrumbs on the ground and some of you bark like good dogs lapping it up! We've become their ticket to power- OUR HARD EARNED MONEY , their own personal piggyback for cronyism! -- Oh and lets not forget lining the pockets of RUM producers to the tune of 222 million.

For any of you SNAKES who carry an (R) next to your name and voted for this SHIT BISCUIT- don't ever expect ANY conservative to vote for your sorry ass again.. (TRUE Conservative that is..some of you RINOs are mush brains)

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

Most of that shit is going to republican districts. How do you think they bought those votes???

You have a point as some of this goes to nascar. Why do they need a break?
Cuts are coming, but not for blackmail. Brainwashed debt cultists, you don't get spending cuts in EVERY bill- a recipe for disfunction and screwing up the economy. Change the channel, dupes.

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