porn ban NC

. In that middle ground the protection of children should be front and center.

That's up to the parents then to put a parental block on the computer themselves.
. Are they doing it ??? What are the teachers finding out, otherwise when the evidence is found within the students that they aren't ?? How bad does things have to get before actions are taken to stop a huge problem going on in society ?? Just wondering how laws or actions are taken, and why they are ultimately taken.

Sorry, but every school I have ever been to (spent time going to them from 1999 until 2002 because of recruiting) have had internet filters on their systems.

Nope, kids aren't going to school just to watch porn.
The very kind of response that makes you leftist losers. Who said kids are going to school to watch porn ? No one, but I told a story my nephew told about his experience on the subject once when he went to school. Somehow I think they got around the filters (hacked maybe), as these young people today are way on smarter now than we were back in the day.

Well, if they hacked the system and got onto an adult site, then it's not the schools fault, it's your nephew's, because the school had systems in place to prevent it.
. Made me wonder how bad it was happening. No one cares about the kids today, and they don't need to try and act like they do... The me, me, me generation has been upon us for quite sometime now.
Agree, but nothing wrong with government helping the parents if they want it. There is a huge difference in the government helping and forcing issues. Everyone understands this.
Helping, yes, but oppressing others, no. It's that line between having the freedom to swing one's fist and the point of another person's nose.
Google censored internet content for the communist government of China and the left cheered.

Again .................................................................... Link?
Now moonbat needs a link that Google is run by leftists.
Go play on the video games board and leave the adults alone.

So you don't have one? YET ANOTHER claim pulled out of your ass then?
Good god how big is that thing?
Google censored internet content for the communist government of China and the left cheered.

Again .................................................................... Link?
Now moonbat needs a link that Google is run by leftists.
Go play on the video games board and leave the adults alone.

So you don't have one? YET ANOTHER claim pulled out of your ass then?
Good god how big is that thing?
Shitforbrains requires a link that Google is run by leftists!
Go play your video games and leave the adults alone.
The argument is, that the so-called porn sites were really a kind of on line catalog for sex trafficking.

Is it still freedom of speech if the product advertised is an unwilling human sex slave?
Is it still freedom of speech if the product advertised is an unwilling human sex slave?

Isn't this like condemning all Moslems because some are terrorists?

No. Not all porn sites advertise sex slaves for sale. Does the purveyor of porn have a free speech right when the product advertised is an unwilling sex slave?

Surely you can answer that. Do you think that merely being an unwilling sex slave is not enough to remove the freedom of speech?
Do you think that merely being an unwilling sex slave is not enough to remove the freedom of speech?

Of course I don't. Who would? If porn sites are advertising sex slaves for sale or if suspected of harboring slaves then go after them and leave our freedom alone.
The argument is, that the so-called porn sites were really a kind of on line catalog for sex trafficking.

Is it still freedom of speech if the product advertised is an unwilling human sex slave?

And that's an absurd argument. Has anyone ever even heard of a porn site advertising sex slaves?

On the other hand at least twenty years ago, whenever it was that e-mail started to spread as a thing, I remember getting a particular piece of spam, and it wasn't the only one, offering to sell me Thai girls on two price levels "fucked" and "unfucked". I specifically remember that because (a) it was the most offensive spam I ever got, (b) it was the first time I had ever seen the word "unfucked" and (c) I fired off a few angry emails to authorities to try to trace it.

Spam has gotten beaten back since then but that's a far more credible source for human trafficking than porn sites, which are big money makers and steer clear of shit like that. Why don't they insist on devices that block Spam instead? You know, actually target a source rather than this non sequitur Puritan bullshit?
The likelihood that damaging our 1st Amendment rights in SC to stop illegal activity in the United States, is zero. I suggest the FBI do their job instead.
Parents and schools can add blocks on their computers not the whole population of a state.
People will buy out of
state and sellers will be hurt

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app

The entire thing is so stupid, it doesn't even warrant comment. But we're living in incredibly bizarre and stupid times.

This topic has been passed around the state for some three years and now they want to push it?
The GOP in NC is acting like a statist Big Government fascist party.

It is, but there's no such "porn ban" in this state. The OP made it up, and it's absurd.

No fan of porn............ but NC has gone too far

Bill bans commuters sold from accessing porn. Computers must have porn block and a fine by customers who try to remove it from computers.

what happened to common sense middle ground and free speech???

Don't porn sites already have blocks on them now and require ID and pay? Now computers have to block them? A lot of people will be buying out of state or online. What purpose are they achieving? What next, blocks on wifi and cable to prevent access to sites? What will they block after porn?

slippery slop

legally it should fail in US-SC
They don't want anyone viewing the raunchy photos of the new First LAdy

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