Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

In there, Thomas was taken for a tour of hell by an angel. He asked the angel if everyone stays there forever and he was told no, everyone eventually gets out.

But, not to tell anyone yet. It was a secret.
So the truth of Hell is a secret????

But yet, Thomas wrote a book about the secret for everyone to read??

But the book is called the "Lost Gospel of Thomas".

If it's a "Lost" book. How do people find it to read it ??? :lol: :cuckoo:

You know, if you would spend more time watching stuff like History Channel, Science Channel, Nat Geo, and the like instead of all that gay pedophilia that you like to stroke off to, you might hear of things like this as well.

Yep, and you can learn about the lizard man on Animal Planet too. Must be true, it was on TV right Sailor? Duh. Get back to me quick, because Discovery says the world ends in December 2012.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.

I'll remember this the next time you try to claim it's a choice.
Homosexuality, raping, child molesting, committing suicide, murdering, are ALL choices.

Sick choices, but still a choice. :doubt:

So is loving, marriage, commitment, raising a family....

interesting how you focus on the negative.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.

I'll remember this the next time you try to claim it's a choice.
Homosexuality, raping, child molesting, committing suicide, murdering, are ALL choices.

Sick choices, but still a choice. :doubt:

So you believe people commit suicide because they're homosexual yet they can also choose not to be :cuckoo:
So the truth of Hell is a secret????

But yet, Thomas wrote a book about the secret for everyone to read??

But the book is called the "Lost Gospel of Thomas".

If it's a "Lost" book. How do people find it to read it ??? :lol: :cuckoo:

You know, if you would spend more time watching stuff like History Channel, Science Channel, Nat Geo, and the like instead of all that gay pedophilia that you like to stroke off to, you might hear of things like this as well.

Yep, and you can learn about the lizard man on Animal Planet too. Must be true, it was on TV right Sailor? Duh. Get back to me quick, because Discovery says the world ends in December 2012.

When Thomas wrote it the majority (about 92%) of the population was illiterate so in the strict sense the answer is no he didn't write it for everyone to read. He wrote it to pass on information that fought against the collaboration of the Roman Imperial Cult and the corrupt Jewish leadership.

It was lost in the sense it was not included in the Canon and there are various reasons why. The reason it was a secret at the time is because it was extremely dangerous to challenge the status quo. Galileo is a good example of persecution for challenging a church.

There are several lost Gospels.
Alternate Gospels and Forgotten Doctrines of Jesus Christ

I don't know why many Christians choose to ignore them because they provide valuable information.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.

I'll remember this the next time you try to claim it's a choice.
Homosexuality, raping, child molesting, committing suicide, murdering, are ALL choices.

Sick choices, but still a choice. :doubt:

That's a poor list of comparisons. Homosexuality is not an action. But it's nice to see the consistent and relentless desire to demonize gays as much as possible by trying to categorize them with rapists, pedophiles, and murderers. Thank you for demonstrating the need to bear false witness to justify your hate.
I don't know why many Christians choose to ignore them because they provide valuable information.
Because they are NOT part of the Bible and their authenticity is suspect. :doubt:

Their authenticity is not a major question as many experts from related fields have verified the ages and origins of the gospels. As for saying they are not part of the Bible, that excuse doesn't make much sense. Would you ignore the operating manual of a chainsaw on the basis it is not in the bible? Helpful texts do not have to be in the bible to be valuable. Which reminds me, the three largest Christian groups in the world use 3 different bibles. How do you decide which bible is the "correct" one?
I don't know why many Christians choose to ignore them because they provide valuable information.
Because they are NOT part of the Bible and their authenticity is suspect. :doubt:

The decision about what to include in the "Bible" was primarily political and had little to do with "authenticity". There were hundreds of creeds and sects and a lot of fighting amongst them for control of the religion and what it's message should be and how Christ was to be portrayed.
But it's nice to see the consistent and relentless desire to demonize gays as much as possible by trying to categorize them with rapists, pedophiles, and murderers.
They are listed together because they are all perversions

And there is no difference between homos, rapist, or child molesters. :doubt:

Just because you want to equate yourself with rapists and and pedophiles that does not grant you the license to extrapolate such a self destructive mentality onto others.
But it's nice to see the consistent and relentless desire to demonize gays as much as possible by trying to categorize them with rapists, pedophiles, and murderers.
They are listed together because they are all perversions

And there is no difference between homos, rapist, or child molesters. :doubt:

And there is no difference between you and Hitler.

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