Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

Tell me Sunni.......Why do you CARE? What is it to you if two men love each other? Why do you CARE!!!??? Do you think YOU are the hand of GOD? Jesus would slap the shit out of you if you came face to face.

The frustration is understandable but it doesn't justify claiming Jesus would slap the shit out of him. Think you know Jesus would do no such thing but that's because unlike us, Jesus was righteous and knew how to communicate infinitely more effective with love.
Jesus sometimes got PO'ed :eek:

Matthew 21:12 "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves".
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Tell me Sunni.......Why do you CARE? What is it to you if two men love each other? Why do you CARE!!!??? Do you think YOU are the hand of GOD? Jesus would slap the shit out of you if you came face to face.

The frustration is understandable but it doesn't justify claiming Jesus would slap the shit out of him. Think you know Jesus would do no such thing but that's because unlike us, Jesus was righteous and knew how to communicate infinitely more effective with love.
Jesus sometimes got PO'ed :eek:

Matthew 21:12 "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves".

I never said he didn't get pissed. I pointed out he never hit anyone and clearly he never condoned it.
All I know is that I've not known a gay man talk so much about the act as Sunni Man has. Draw your own conclusions about that.

It really is quite simple. Sunni Man has clear beliefs on what God says about gays. It is a sin. As such Sunni Man and myself are bound by this understanding and love of our fellow human beings to point it out to those erring. If they refuse, we are to take it to our church leadership, if that person is a memeber of our church. If they are not a member of our church or refuse to change, we are to leave it to God. We did our job.

BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too. Poor little guy just because he has a homophobe father.

Actually the "rules" have been in my favor for some time. You are attampting to take them away. Why would someone who feels they are in the right kill themselves? Do you stop loving people because they have a problem? "Worrying" about just myself and family doesn't work because people like you are out there effecting us. You brought the fight to us. Don't be surprised when we fight back.
Homosexuality or suicide, it makes NO difference.

Either way, the person has a one way ticket straight to hell. :evil:

So if one is guilty of sin that person is going to hell? Are you free of sin? If you say no you are a hypocrite. If you say yes you are a liar.
Homosexuality and suicide are both listed as abominations against God.

Those who commit either act. Have a first class seat to Hell. Period.

And if this is true so be it. As long as they are not harming anyone let them deal with God on their own terms. Interpretations and meanings are easily read differently by different people as made obvious in this thread. The origin of this thread had nothing to do with religion imho but I have to say besides the name calling it has made for some very interesting reading.

The bible has been translated to and from several languages and interpretations can easily be confused.

Example: I showed my friend a sentence on a piece of paper, it said:

I have a blue bird house in my backyard.

I asked him where is the item in question and he answered that it was in my backyard.

I asked next the color of the item and he said blue.

I told him no it's actually green but it's made for blue birds.

This is an extremely simple sentence that can be rightfully interpreted in 2 ways. It is impossible to interpret an extremely complex book like the bible in a way that EVERYONE can agree upon. Therefore we need a tolerence for others' views so long as those views do not inflict damage upon us.

So everyone knows, I am not a fan of homosexuals, just a fan of freedom. I am not a fan of hardcore Christians but I am a fan of them having the freedom to believe as they do. There are times we do have to sacrifice some freedoms but we should always fight to right the wrong that took them so we can get them back
It really is quite simple. Sunni Man has clear beliefs on what God says about gays. It is a sin. As such Sunni Man and myself are bound by this understanding and love of our fellow human beings to point it out to those erring. If they refuse, we are to take it to our church leadership, if that person is a memeber of our church. If they are not a member of our church or refuse to change, we are to leave it to God. We did our job.

BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too. Poor little guy just because he has a homophobe father.

Actually the "rules" have been in my favor for some time. You are attampting to take them away. Why would someone who feels they are in the right kill themselves? Do you stop loving people because they have a problem? "Worrying" about just myself and family doesn't work because people like you are out there effecting us. You brought the fight to us. Don't be surprised when we fight back.

Some gays have committed suicide in part because of hatred coming from bigots like you. People like you go around telling them their very existence is wrong. You have no love and know nothing of God.
So if one is guilty of sin that person is going to hell? Are you free of sin? If you say no you are a hypocrite. If you say yes you are a liar.
Homosexuality and suicide are both listed as abominations against God.

Those who commit either act. Have a first class seat to Hell. Period.

And if this is true so be it. As long as they are not harming anyone let them deal with God on their own terms. Interpretations and meanings are easily read differently by different people as made obvious in this thread. The origin of this thread had nothing to do with religion imho but I have to say besides the name calling it has made for some very interesting reading.

The bible has been translated to and from several languages and interpretations can easily be confused.

Example: I showed my friend a sentence on a piece of paper, it said:

I have a blue bird house in my backyard.

I asked him where is the item in question and he answered that it was in my backyard.

I asked next the color of the item and he said blue.

I told him no it's actually green but it's made for blue birds.

This is an extremely simple sentence that can be rightfully interpreted in 2 ways. It is impossible to interpret an extremely complex book like the bible in a way that EVERYONE can agree upon. Therefore we need a tolerence for others' views so long as those views do not inflict damage upon us.

So everyone knows, I am not a fan of homosexuals, just a fan of freedom. I am not a fan of hardcore Christians but I am a fan of them having the freedom to believe as they do. There are times we do have to sacrifice some freedoms but we should always fight to right the wrong that took them so we can get them back

That's a rough example because with biblical hermeneutics we have a lot more to work with than just one sentence. We have surrounding texts, multiple attestations, oral performance models, anthropology, and linguistics to name a few tools. What is fascinating about Genesis 19 to me is there are several places in the OT that state the reasons for the destruction. These are clearly given and not one cites homosexuality. The real irony is as a Nation we are guilty of many of the same reasons cited but somehow some groups have managed to bury that readily available info to blame gays. In the Lot narrative there isn't any dialogue about seeking sex at all, from anyone. When Lot said his daughters have not known men he was saying "My daughters are virgins." That was not an invitation to sex but only an offer of payment to leave the guests alone. People give muggers their money. Why? Payment to leave them alone. Nothing more, nothing less than what Lot attempted.

The most common problem with interpretations is ignorance of historical culture. Too many Americans try to read the bible through their eyes instead of first learning some basic backdrops. We see this pattern all the time and not just with Genesis 19.
Some gays have committed suicide in part because of hatred coming from bigots like you. People like you go around telling them their very existence is wrong.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.
Some gays have committed suicide in part because of hatred coming from bigots like you. People like you go around telling them their very existence is wrong.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.

You've already proven your dishonesty. Who gives a fuck what you think?
Homosexuality and suicide are both listed as abominations against God.

Those who commit either act. Have a first class seat to Hell. Period.

And if this is true so be it. As long as they are not harming anyone let them deal with God on their own terms. Interpretations and meanings are easily read differently by different people as made obvious in this thread. The origin of this thread had nothing to do with religion imho but I have to say besides the name calling it has made for some very interesting reading.

The bible has been translated to and from several languages and interpretations can easily be confused.

Example: I showed my friend a sentence on a piece of paper, it said:

I have a blue bird house in my backyard.

I asked him where is the item in question and he answered that it was in my backyard.

I asked next the color of the item and he said blue.

I told him no it's actually green but it's made for blue birds.

This is an extremely simple sentence that can be rightfully interpreted in 2 ways. It is impossible to interpret an extremely complex book like the bible in a way that EVERYONE can agree upon. Therefore we need a tolerence for others' views so long as those views do not inflict damage upon us.

So everyone knows, I am not a fan of homosexuals, just a fan of freedom. I am not a fan of hardcore Christians but I am a fan of them having the freedom to believe as they do. There are times we do have to sacrifice some freedoms but we should always fight to right the wrong that took them so we can get them back

That's a rough example because with biblical hermeneutics we have a lot more to work with than just one sentence. We have surrounding texts, multiple attestations, oral performance models, anthropology, and linguistics to name a few tools. What is fascinating about Genesis 19 to me is there are several places in the OT that state the reasons for the destruction. These are clearly given and not one cites homosexuality. The real irony is as a Nation we are guilty of many of the same reasons cited but somehow some groups have managed to bury that readily available info to blame gays. In the Lot narrative there isn't any dialogue about seeking sex at all, from anyone. When Lot said his daughters have not known men he was saying "My daughters are virgins." That was not an invitation to sex but only an offer of payment to leave the guests alone. People give muggers their money. Why? Payment to leave them alone. Nothing more, nothing less than what Lot attempted.

The most common problem with interpretations is ignorance of historical culture. Too many Americans try to read the bible through their eyes instead of first learning some basic backdrops. We see this pattern all the time and not just with Genesis 19.

But they are entitled to their beliefs. If you can teach them better, I am sure you would meet resistance anyway. Some people are just set in their ways and are free to be that way.
And if this is true so be it. As long as they are not harming anyone let them deal with God on their own terms. Interpretations and meanings are easily read differently by different people as made obvious in this thread. The origin of this thread had nothing to do with religion imho but I have to say besides the name calling it has made for some very interesting reading.

The bible has been translated to and from several languages and interpretations can easily be confused.

Example: I showed my friend a sentence on a piece of paper, it said:

I have a blue bird house in my backyard.

I asked him where is the item in question and he answered that it was in my backyard.

I asked next the color of the item and he said blue.

I told him no it's actually green but it's made for blue birds.

This is an extremely simple sentence that can be rightfully interpreted in 2 ways. It is impossible to interpret an extremely complex book like the bible in a way that EVERYONE can agree upon. Therefore we need a tolerence for others' views so long as those views do not inflict damage upon us.

So everyone knows, I am not a fan of homosexuals, just a fan of freedom. I am not a fan of hardcore Christians but I am a fan of them having the freedom to believe as they do. There are times we do have to sacrifice some freedoms but we should always fight to right the wrong that took them so we can get them back

That's a rough example because with biblical hermeneutics we have a lot more to work with than just one sentence. We have surrounding texts, multiple attestations, oral performance models, anthropology, and linguistics to name a few tools. What is fascinating about Genesis 19 to me is there are several places in the OT that state the reasons for the destruction. These are clearly given and not one cites homosexuality. The real irony is as a Nation we are guilty of many of the same reasons cited but somehow some groups have managed to bury that readily available info to blame gays. In the Lot narrative there isn't any dialogue about seeking sex at all, from anyone. When Lot said his daughters have not known men he was saying "My daughters are virgins." That was not an invitation to sex but only an offer of payment to leave the guests alone. People give muggers their money. Why? Payment to leave them alone. Nothing more, nothing less than what Lot attempted.

The most common problem with interpretations is ignorance of historical culture. Too many Americans try to read the bible through their eyes instead of first learning some basic backdrops. We see this pattern all the time and not just with Genesis 19.

But they are entitled to their beliefs. If you can teach them better, I am sure you would meet resistance anyway. Some people are just set in their ways and are free to be that way.

It doesn't matter if one is an asshole or the nicest guy. People who refuse to be honest will be loyal to their active ignorance regardless. They are entitled to their beliefs but what they are not entitled to is being dishonest while simultaneously claiming they know what they are talking about. Much of biblical interpretation is not theologically centered but when they fail to support their views on social politics they always fall back on the bullshit of "Well that is my faith." Basically it's a pattern of recycled deception. They start off claiming their view is based on facts but when those facts are examine and shown to be lacking in support of their claims they always change up to saying it's just their faith.

Genesis 19 is a great example why Christians are often mocked. Many make claims that are clearly without merit so if they are going to be dishonest about their own book when it doesn't support their views when is it possible they can be trusted to be honest?
Genesis 19 is a great example why Christians are often mocked. Many make claims that are clearly without merit so if they are going to be dishonest about their own book when it doesn't support their views when is it possible they can be trusted to be honest?

Christians will always be mocked by fags and their supporters.

That's because sodomites refuse to believe what the Bible says about them and their perverted lifestyle.

Tens of millions of true Christians know exactly what Genesis 19 says about homosexuality.

Just because you and your homo buddies want to twist verses of the Bible to accommodate their nasty lifestyle.

Still doesn't change the bibilical TRUTH about the vile practice of sodomy.
Free will allows you a path straight to Hell. Not all will be saved. That is a sad thing. I could just let you wander down the path or I can point some things out and hope you accept a new path. It is not out of hate, but concern. Clearly, you are not ready or willing to hear this, so be it. Still, I will not sit idly by when you attemp to spread your message.
Genesis 19 is a great example why Christians are often mocked. Many make claims that are clearly without merit so if they are going to be dishonest about their own book when it doesn't support their views when is it possible they can be trusted to be honest?

Christians will always be mocked by fags and their supporters.

That's because sodomites refuse to believe what the Bible says about them and their perverted lifestyle.

Tens of millions of true Christians know exactly what Genesis 19 says about homosexuality.

Just because you and your homo buddies want to twist verses of the Bible to accommodate their nasty lifestyle.

Still doesn't change the bibilical TRUTH about the vile practice of sodomy.

I'm sorry, aren't you the asshole that keeps editing my posts to ignore information you can't address? Yeah, that's why you get mocked because you plea piety but practice dishonesty.
Free will allows you a path straight to Hell. Not all will be saved. That is a sad thing. I could just let you wander down the path or I can point some things out and hope you accept a new path. It is not out of hate, but concern. Clearly, you are not ready or willing to hear this, so be it. Still, I will not sit idly by when you attemp to spread your message.

The reason you talk about hell so much is because that is exactly where your heart resides. Misery loves company.
BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too.
Homosexuality or suicide, it makes NO difference.

Either way, the person has a one way ticket straight to hell. :evil:

Same if you eat shellfish....food of the damned....and abomination :eusa_whistle:

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