Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

Genesis 19 is a great example why Christians are often mocked. Many make claims that are clearly without merit so if they are going to be dishonest about their own book when it doesn't support their views when is it possible they can be trusted to be honest?

Christians will always be mocked by fags and their supporters.

That's because sodomites refuse to believe what the Bible says about them and their perverted lifestyle.

Tens of millions of true Christians know exactly what Genesis 19 says about homosexuality.

Just because you and your homo buddies want to twist verses of the Bible to accommodate their nasty lifestyle.

Still doesn't change the bibilical TRUTH about the vile practice of sodomy.

Tens of millions of people also knew the earth was flat....didn't make them right.
According to CurveLight; he is the only person who knows the Bible.

Everyone else is either wrong or dishonest. :doubt:

Can you show where I said that or is this another example of you putting words in someone's mouth to fill the void of a legitimate argument from you?
I would suggest Roman's Chapter 1 & 2 on Homosexuality, Sin, Judgement, and impartiality. Just a thought.
I would suggest Roman's Chapter 1 & 2 on Homosexuality, Sin, Judgement, and impartiality. Just a thought.

That's a different argument. The debate has been centered around the claim homosexuals were a reason for S+G's destruction. There is nothing to support that and we are given reasons why the destruction occurred.
Some gays have committed suicide in part because of hatred coming from bigots like you. People like you go around telling them their very existence is wrong.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.

I'll remember this the next time you try to claim it's a choice.
It really is quite simple. Sunni Man has clear beliefs on what God says about gays. It is a sin. As such Sunni Man and myself are bound by this understanding and love of our fellow human beings to point it out to those erring. If they refuse, we are to take it to our church leadership, if that person is a memeber of our church. If they are not a member of our church or refuse to change, we are to leave it to God. We did our job.

BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too. Poor little guy just because he has a homophobe father.

Actually the "rules" have been in my favor for some time. You are attampting to take them away. Why would someone who feels they are in the right kill themselves? Do you stop loving people because they have a problem? "Worrying" about just myself and family doesn't work because people like you are out there effecting us. You brought the fight to us. Don't be surprised when we fight back.

Gawd you are a fucking asshole. People like me!!!??? You mean TOLERANT people? I'm a straight man who doesn't really give a f what other people do and "WE" brought the fight to YOU!!!??? How fucking stupid are you? There IS no "fight" if you keep your nose out of other people's asses!
Some gays have committed suicide in part because of hatred coming from bigots like you. People like you go around telling them their very existence is wrong.
Homos commit suicide because they are living a sick and perverted lifestyle.

Living such a demented way eventually causes various forms of mental illness.

Many end their lives, rather than to continue in their nasty and degrading lifestyle.

They have no one else to blame but themselves.

I'll remember this the next time you try to claim it's a choice.
Homosexuality, raping, child molesting, committing suicide, murdering, are ALL choices.

Sick choices, but still a choice. :doubt:
BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too. Poor little guy just because he has a homophobe father.

Actually the "rules" have been in my favor for some time. You are attampting to take them away. Why would someone who feels they are in the right kill themselves? Do you stop loving people because they have a problem? "Worrying" about just myself and family doesn't work because people like you are out there effecting us. You brought the fight to us. Don't be surprised when we fight back.

Gawd you are a fucking asshole. People like me!!!??? You mean TOLERANT people? I'm a straight man who doesn't really give a f what other people do and "WE" brought the fight to YOU!!!??? How fucking stupid are you? There IS no "fight" if you keep your nose out of other people's asses!

Your pushing an agenda Cold Fusion. I'm just pushing back. Seems like you are sticking your nose in my business and that of gays too. Take your own advice.
I would suggest Roman's Chapter 1 & 2 on Homosexuality, Sin, Judgement, and impartiality. Just a thought.

That's a different argument. The debate has been centered around the claim homosexuals were a reason for S+G's destruction. There is nothing to support that and we are given reasons why the destruction occurred.

The argument is centered on "Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now." Neither are You the moderator.

Roman's Chapter 1 describes Man's lust for man, as a punishment. Chapter 2 goes on into hypocritical judgement, reward according to cause and effect, and God being non partial in judgement.

For what would you have Sodom destroyed, attempted gang rape or sodomy?

I think You are better off putting your bet on Sin is Sin, be it Homosexuality, Theft, Lying, Lust, Infidelity, whatever. Reflect on that. Stop throwing stones, at others, and rediscover Atonement and Reconciliation. Hint... Hint...
Free will allows you a path straight to Hell. Not all will be saved. That is a sad thing. I could just let you wander down the path or I can point some things out and hope you accept a new path. It is not out of hate, but concern. Clearly, you are not ready or willing to hear this, so be it. Still, I will not sit idly by when you attemp to spread your message.

No, good intentions with no actions lead you to hell. Free will allows you to overcome your animal nature, so that you can follow your higher or "God" nature.

Not all will be saved? Well, if you go outside of the KJV Bible (it's heavily edited), and check out some of the gnostic texts, as well as others, you'll come across the lost Gospel of Thomas.

In there, Thomas was taken for a tour of hell by an angel. He asked the angel if everyone stays there forever and he was told no, everyone eventually gets out.

But, not to tell anyone yet. It was a secret.

Incidentally, hell is a Catholic creation, as the Jews (of which Yeshua is one), have no real place like that.

Theirs is much different. It's a place of burning, but, it's more like getting a radiation bath on your way into a clean room of NASA.

It's really amazing to see how much Christians choose to ignore about their own religion.

And, think about this............according to the Torah, our souls are small pieces of God Himself that He carved out from under His Throne of Glory, and placed into our body.

That means you're a small piece of God, and others are as well.

Why would God possibly hate Himself? I think the problem arises when people see something that causes them discomfort, so, as a way to overcome that, they try to eliminate it.

Racists, homophobes, etc............they try to play God so that they can control things.

Only trouble is, they've got that relationship reversed. They aren't God as much as they are a small piece of Him.

Think of it this way.........your big toe is a part of you, but, it's not you, because if you separate it from the body, it won't grow another you.

Your body may grow back a toe however, and, if not, it will adjust and be okay without you.

That is one of the reasons why so many Christians today freak me out. They're busy trying to separate themselves from the rest of humanity, because they don't think the rest of humanity is worthy of them.

The reality is, they're not really worthy of the rest of humanity, because their views are so limited.
In there, Thomas was taken for a tour of hell by an angel. He asked the angel if everyone stays there forever and he was told no, everyone eventually gets out.

But, not to tell anyone yet. It was a secret.
So the truth of Hell is a secret????

But yet, Thomas wrote a book about the secret for everyone to read??

But the book is called the "Lost Gospel of Thomas".

If it's a "Lost" book. How do people find it to read it ??? :lol: :cuckoo:
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Actually the "rules" have been in my favor for some time. You are attampting to take them away. Why would someone who feels they are in the right kill themselves? Do you stop loving people because they have a problem? "Worrying" about just myself and family doesn't work because people like you are out there effecting us. You brought the fight to us. Don't be surprised when we fight back.

Gawd you are a fucking asshole. People like me!!!??? You mean TOLERANT people? I'm a straight man who doesn't really give a f what other people do and "WE" brought the fight to YOU!!!??? How fucking stupid are you? There IS no "fight" if you keep your nose out of other people's asses!

Your pushing an agenda Cold Fusion. I'm just pushing back. Seems like you are sticking your nose in my business and that of gays too. Take your own advice.

Could your response be any more IGNORANT?
And it's a mystery to the Europeans why their birth rate is steadily declining. :cuckoo:

So once gay marriage is legal all us heteros will turn gay?:eek:

No.... just the weak minded ones like 52nd st. That's why all the protest. He knows that once it's legal to get poked in the butt and married to another man he won't be able to resist.
Gawd you are a fucking asshole. People like me!!!??? You mean TOLERANT people? I'm a straight man who doesn't really give a f what other people do and "WE" brought the fight to YOU!!!??? How fucking stupid are you? There IS no "fight" if you keep your nose out of other people's asses!

Your pushing an agenda Cold Fusion. I'm just pushing back. Seems like you are sticking your nose in my business and that of gays too. Take your own advice.

Could your response be any more IGNORANT?

As a general rule, tolerant people don't usually call others assholes and ignorant or stupid. Far be it from me to shatter your self image of a tolerant intelligent person on the bridge of the starship Enterprise. :popcorn:
Your pushing an agenda Cold Fusion. I'm just pushing back. Seems like you are sticking your nose in my business and that of gays too. Take your own advice.

Could your response be any more IGNORANT?

As a general rule, tolerant people don't usually call others assholes and ignorant or stupid. Far be it from me to shatter your self image of a tolerant intelligent person on the bridge of the starship Enterprise. :popcorn:

Yeah well I didn't start the name calling did I? Besides calling someone who IS ignorant ignorant is just stating the FACTS! Oh and you ARE an ASSHOLE. One more thing compared to YOU I am the most tolerant entity in the galaxy!
In there, Thomas was taken for a tour of hell by an angel. He asked the angel if everyone stays there forever and he was told no, everyone eventually gets out.

But, not to tell anyone yet. It was a secret.
So the truth of Hell is a secret????

But yet, Thomas wrote a book about the secret for everyone to read??

But the book is called the "Lost Gospel of Thomas".

If it's a "Lost" book. How do people find it to read it ??? :lol: :cuckoo:

You know, if you would spend more time watching stuff like History Channel, Science Channel, Nat Geo, and the like instead of all that gay pedophilia that you like to stroke off to, you might hear of things like this as well.

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