Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

Sunni's unhealthy obsesion with something he claims to hate is the most telling sign of all that he is, in fact, gay himself.

All I know is that I've not known a gay man talk so much about the act as Sunni Man has. Draw your own conclusions about that.

It really is quite simple. Sunni Man has clear beliefs on what God says about gays. It is a sin. As such Sunni Man and myself are bound by this understanding and love of our fellow human beings to point it out to those erring. If they refuse, we are to take it to our church leadership, if that person is a memeber of our church. If they are not a member of our church or refuse to change, we are to leave it to God. We did our job.
Trouble is though, the self righteous assholes are only interested in 1 way of thinking, and they try to get everyone else to conform to their ways.

Also hilarious is how many of these same people don't want "big govt", unless of course it's enforcing their supposed "righteous" lifestyle/values. Also separation of church and state, unless of course it relates to their religion. So many contradictions.

I think one thing many of is can all agree on is that there are far more important issues to deal with, and this debate is just a waste of taxpayer $. Just give the gays marriage, or otherwise just let the govt handle civil union contracts (hetero & gay) and let the churches have marriage. I don't give a sh*t other than everyone should get what they want so we can move onto more important issues.
No not really I just HATE self rightous homophobes!

Being a homophobe has nothing to do with it. When we look at government and religion separately, there really is no reason to stop same sex marriages or couplings or whatever. I really wish this country would move forward.
What makes two guys packing each other's fudge = our country moving forward?? :doubt:

If somebodys got a dick at yer ass you are gonna move forward!
Sunni's unhealthy obsesion with something he claims to hate is the most telling sign of all that he is, in fact, gay himself.

All I know is that I've not known a gay man talk so much about the act as Sunni Man has. Draw your own conclusions about that.

It really is quite simple. Sunni Man has clear beliefs on what God says about gays. It is a sin. As such Sunni Man and myself are bound by this understanding and love of our fellow human beings to point it out to those erring. If they refuse, we are to take it to our church leadership, if that person is a memeber of our church. If they are not a member of our church or refuse to change, we are to leave it to God. We did our job.

BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too. Poor little guy just because he has a homophobe father.
gee how would Dickless Cheney handle this one, LOL , not the way real wingnuts want, you betcha
BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too.
Homosexuality or suicide, it makes NO difference.

Either way, the person has a one way ticket straight to hell. :evil:
Sunni's unhealthy obsesion with something he claims to hate is the most telling sign of all that he is, in fact, gay himself.

All I know is that I've not known a gay man talk so much about the act as Sunni Man has. Draw your own conclusions about that.

It really is quite simple. Sunni Man has clear beliefs on what God says about gays. It is a sin. As such Sunni Man and myself are bound by this understanding and love of our fellow human beings to point it out to those erring. If they refuse, we are to take it to our church leadership, if that person is a memeber of our church. If they are not a member of our church or refuse to change, we are to leave it to God. We did our job.

No you did not do your job. How can you be so damn selfish to exploit God to justify NOT doing your job? Does your narcissism even allow you to see that?
No not really I just HATE self rightous homophobes!

Being a homophobe has nothing to do with it. When we look at government and religion separately, there really is no reason to stop same sex marriages or couplings or whatever. I really wish this country would move forward.
What makes two guys packing each other's fudge = our country moving forward?? :doubt:

That posts said nothing about sex. Why are you sooooooo obsessed over other guy's dicks and asses that when you see "same sex marriage" all you can think about is anal sex?
What makes two guys packing each other's fudge = our country moving forward?? :doubt:

That is a tough question, you might have to give it a try to find the answer you seek.

So the child molester is telling other people to pack fudge....dude you are one sick puppy but you have already admitted that is runs in your genes.

Sunni accidentally confesses his fantasies then you keep it consistent by confessing yours.
That's it you stupid little faggot. I tried to point out the fact that we disagreed and that we would never agree on this subject. I tried to make you understand that each person could interpret the Bible differently and provided facts to back up the way I saw the subject. You want to make it personal. Well I don't like discussing religion with morons who refuse to accept that in others eyes the way they read the bible may be different. So if we all don't see it as you do we must all be going to hell. Fuck you goat gaybitch. You are back to ignore for plain simple fucking stupidity. AGAIN.

Yes, each person CAN interpret the Bible differently. But see, that's where all the religions get factionalized, because everyone is looking for the differences rather than the similarities.

You, on the other hand, are one of those lobotomized idiots who thinks that their version is the one true version, and continually choose to ignore facts, as you're blissful in your ignorance, and don't want something as messed up as the truth to come in and shatter your illusions.

No wonder you were a courier. All you're capable of is being told how to go from point a to b and back.

I guess a briefcase is the only thing that you understand. Everything else has too many moving parts.

5BE001 look it up, we didn't do just any standard courier missions. But you would never understand.

Have to wonder maybe why anyone cares what I think about my religion especially since i never claimed to be of any particular religion. I was simply arguing the way I read and understood one word in the bible. If you want to follow gay curvelight that's up to you, I could care less.

You were a glorified bike messenger and you couldn't even do that without your dumbass getting the boot.
Sunni's unhealthy obsesion with something he claims to hate is the most telling sign of all that he is, in fact, gay himself.

All I know is that I've not known a gay man talk so much about the act as Sunni Man has. Draw your own conclusions about that.

I don't agree with Sunni on very much, but go back and read curvelights posts, then draw your own conclusions.

It looks like I have a good idea about the narrative in Genesis 19. You guys are so pathetic you think accusing people of being gay is an insult. You dumbasses don't realize it is only you homophobes and closet sausage jockeys that are offended. It's all very simple. You made a claim and got pwned like white on rice so your only reaction was to run like the little coward you have proven yourself to be.
BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too.
Homosexuality or suicide, it makes NO difference.

Either way, the person has a one way ticket straight to hell. :evil:

So if one is guilty of sin that person is going to hell? Are you free of sin? If you say no you are a hypocrite. If you say yes you are a liar. Maybe you should check out the song The Pot by Tool. That song is dedicated to people like you.
Tell me Sunni.......Why do you CARE? What is it to you if two men love each other? Why do you CARE!!!??? Do you think YOU are the hand of GOD? Jesus would slap the shit out of you if you came face to face.

The frustration is understandable but it doesn't justify claiming Jesus would slap the shit out of him. Think you know Jesus would do no such thing but that's because unlike us, Jesus was righteous and knew how to communicate infinitely more effective with love.
BULLSHIT you don't "leave it to god" you try to legislate YOUR moral code on the REST of society. Just worry about YOURSELF and your family and let others live their lives as they wish. Gawd I hope none of you guys wind up with a gay son he will proboly end up killing himself......Awww he's just FUCKED because suicide is a sin too.
Homosexuality or suicide, it makes NO difference.

Either way, the person has a one way ticket straight to hell. :evil:

So if one is guilty of sin that person is going to hell? Are you free of sin? If you say no you are a hypocrite. If you say yes you are a liar.
Homosexuality and suicide are both listed as abominations against God.

Those who commit either act. Have a first class seat to Hell. Period.
Homosexuality or suicide, it makes NO difference.

Either way, the person has a one way ticket straight to hell. :evil:

So if one is guilty of sin that person is going to hell? Are you free of sin? If you say no you are a hypocrite. If you say yes you are a liar.
Homosexuality and suicide are both listed as abominations against God.

Those who commit either act. Have a first class seat to Hell. Period.

Doesn't matter if they are abominations or not. Maybe if you ever read the bible you would know there is only one sin listed as unforgivable. It is neither suicide nor homosexuality. Is there any end to your ignorance about the bible, or arrogance to avoid addressing basic information? I have a feeling your response will send the message there is no end to either.

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