Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

Curve, your on ignore. Once you go there, you don't come back. I saw you quoted in another person's post and replied to them.

I did that for the third time since being on this board. I like the 3 strike laws, Curvelight is history. Nothing but a memory, one I will eventually forget.
Curve, your on ignore. Once you go there, you don't come back. I saw you quoted in another person's post and replied to them.

I did that for the third time since being on this board. I like the 3 strike laws, Curvelight is history. Nothing but a memory, one I will eventually forget.

The only one I would consider delisting is Cold Fusion38. Seems like he has made an intelligent comment once or twice. I'll reconsider in a month or two.
Why were they hit with blindness? Did you somehow miss the reasons given for the destruction in Ezekiel? Absolutely nothing about homosexuality was stated there or any other verse. Jude simply refers to the two angels. The "strange flesh" is talking about the angels and not homosexuality. It doesn't say anything about homosexuality either. Yes, you are guilty of rewriting scripture to include homosexuality when it is clear it is never given as a reason. So with all the verses in the OT that state why the destruction happened you ignore those, try to add homosexuality, then reference Jude where once again, homosexuality is not mentioned. What else you got?

The strange flesh wasn't about angels jackass, it was because they were men in their eyes, even after Lot offered his daughters the sodomites still wanted the men. Jude furthermore mentions sexual immorality, the sodomites didn't know the "men" were angels, thus they said "bright out the *MEN* that we may know them."

The author of Jude knew they were angels, thus the "strange flesh" is not a sexual reference. If you had studied this narrative at all you would know visitors to S+G were often beaten, robbed, and killed just for being foreign. Why do you insist on ignoring readily available info just to try and force homosexuality into the story?

The author of Jude mentioned angels and strange flesh both in the same epistle so how could strange flesh mean angels? Curvelight you're proving yourself to be an even more stupid troll than Shogun.

Homosexuality is unequivocally condemned by the Bible, no place in the Bible does God or Jesus embrace homosexual couples as "loving couples", no place in the Bible are homosexual marriages perceived nor embraced as loving by God or Christ, nor are Christians told to tolerate acts of sin, you have it all backwards.
Curve, your on ignore. Once you go there, you don't come back. I saw you quoted in another person's post and replied to them.

I did that for the third time since being on this board. I like the 3 strike laws, Curvelight is history. Nothing but a memory, one I will eventually forget.

The only one I would consider delisting is Cold Fusion38. Seems like he has made an intelligent comment once or twice. I'll reconsider in a month or two.

Gosh thaks that means the world to me. LOL. I guess I'll say thanks since that would be the decent thing to do.
The strange flesh wasn't about angels jackass, it was because they were men in their eyes, even after Lot offered his daughters the sodomites still wanted the men. Jude furthermore mentions sexual immorality, the sodomites didn't know the "men" were angels, thus they said "bright out the *MEN* that we may know them."

The author of Jude knew they were angels, thus the "strange flesh" is not a sexual reference. If you had studied this narrative at all you would know visitors to S+G were often beaten, robbed, and killed just for being foreign. Why do you insist on ignoring readily available info just to try and force homosexuality into the story?

The author of Jude mentioned angels and strange flesh both in the same epistle so how could strange flesh mean angels? Curvelight you're proving yourself to be an even more stupid troll than Shogun.

Homosexuality is unequivocally condemned by the Bible, no place in the Bible does God or Jesus embrace homosexual couples as "loving couples", no place in the Bible are homosexual marriages perceived nor embraced as loving by God or Christ, nor are Christians told to tolerate acts of sin, you have it all backwards.

The first part is nonsensical because synonyms exist. If someone used the words "fat" and "obese" in the same letter would you say obese cannot be the same as fat?

Even if the term is not referring to angels that does not provide exclusive rights to your homosexual claim because the greek sarkos heteras means flesh of a different kind. It's speaking of non human flesh which could refer to the offspring of angels and women, as described in Genesis, or animals. The major problem for your position is not just the greek but also the fact sarkos heteras is never used to describe homosexuals. You have no corroboration nor verification it means homosexuality. You are injecting that with the purest form of arbitrary editing.

Here are some basic exhibits being brushed aside to claim your homosexual position:

1. If sex played a role in the Gen. 19 narrative then the crime was rape and not homosexuality.

2. We are told why the destruction happened as found in Ezekiel and not once is homosexuality ever mentioned.

3. Genesis was written about 1420BC but the idea homosexuality was a reason did not become a part of biblical interpretation until the 16th century. That means for the first three thousand years of Genesis there was no claim homosexuality played a role.

4. S+G had a history of horrid attacks on foreigners and this is not found only in the OT. There are fairly contemporary sources that point this out and in those narratives homosexuality is never mentioned. There is one example of a female visitor being stripped, tied up, covered with honey, and allowed to die from bee stings. That would seem to fall into the "inhospitality" category.

You also accidentally revealed how your agenda against gays is blinding you from decent dialogue. This debate is not about the status of homosexuality. We are not debating if it is a sin or not. You, and your camp, utterly fail to understand that pointing out homosexuality was not a reason for the destruction is not the same as defending homosexuality. It's defending an honest assessment of available information. It doesn't matter how much hatred for gays you have in your heart because that bigotry does not carry a valid poetic license granting you the right to blame gays for any type of destruction. There are Christians who are dead set against homosexuality but are still honest enough to admit there is no viable evidence homosexuality played a role.
Leviticus Chapter 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

The Holy Bible

I'll see your Leviticus and raise you Truth.........

Book of Leviticus
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For the Christian metal band, see Leviticus (band).
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Leviticus (Greek: Λευιτικός, "relating to the Levites") or Vayikra (Hebrew: ויקרא‎, literally "and He called") is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah/Pentateuch.

Leviticus contains laws and priestly rituals, but in a wider sense is about the working out of God's covenant with Israel set out in Genesis and Exodus – what is seen in the Torah as the consequences of entering into a special relationship with God (specifically, Yahweh). These consequences are set out in terms of community relationships and behaviour.

The first 16 chapters and the last chapter make up the Priestly Code, with rules for ritual cleanliness, sin-offerings, and the Day of Atonement, including Chapter 12 which mandates male circumcision. Chapters 17-26 contain the Holiness Code, including the injunction in chapter 19 to "love one's neighbor as oneself" (the Great Commandment). The book is largely concerned with "abominations", largely dietary and sexual restrictions. The rules are generally addressed to the Israelites, except for the prohibition in chapter 20 against sacrificing children to Moloch, which applies equally to "the strangers that sojourn in Israel."

According to tradition, Moses authored Leviticus[1] as well as the other four books of the Torah [2]. However, modern biblical scholars believe Leviticus to be almost entirely from the priestly source (P), marked by emphasis on priestly concerns, composed c 550-400 BC, and incorporated into the Torah c 400 BC.[3]

That's from Wikipedia.

Now, my question is, what are Christians (i.e. non Jews), doing using a manual that was written and commissioned by Moses SPECIFICALLY as a manual for the rites and the requirements as well as regulations of the running of the Temple?

Do Christians follow Catholic mass? Do Christians follow the tenants and the Bible of 7th Day Adventists? Mormons?

What about following the requirements to be a Taoist priest or a Shaolin?

In other words, it's not against homosexuality, it's a law for the PRIESTS OF THE TEMPLE OF ISRAEL to follow.

Not Christians, nor is it to be used as a way to persecute others for being different.
Lets deconstruct the entire pro-homosexual argument, homosexuals claim that homosexual couples and relationships have always been around and are universally everywhere in the world, there isn't a place in the world where homosexuality doesn't exist, past and present.

They also claim that God isn't against homosexuality. If all of this is the case, why isn't there a single instance in the Bible of two men and or two women getting married? Why is there no verse written in the Bible that says two people of the sex who love each other is ok and tolerable? Why is homosexuality and or homosexual acts and sex seen as an abomination in both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible? Is it the Bible thats wrong or the people who speak what the Bible says are wrong? Homosexuals like to always claim that religious people who do not accept their abnormal, sexually perverted lifestyle are not following the Bible because they supposedly are not "loving" their neighbor, but since when does accepting a sinful lifestyle amount to truly loving someone and why do homosexuals continue ignore the fact that their own vile and perverse actions are not God like and un-Christian?

To point out to homosexuals that their lifestyle is wrong is not hate , but a form of rebuke and those who do not rebuke them and instead support them likewise also bear the sin of homosexuals for it is written:

Leviticus 19:17

17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart: thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not bear sin because of him.

Nuff said!!
Bikerfailure still drumming up the same old stupid arguments about Christians and the Old Testament, let the Bass explain something to Bikerfailure, no, let Bikerfailure read for himself.

1 Corinthians 10:1-11

1Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;

2And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

3And did all eat the same spiritual meat;

4And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

5But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

6Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

7Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.

8Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.

9Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.

10Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.

11Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

The things written in the Old testament are not off limits to Christians of the New Testament church, the Old Testament are examples to us of things we should not do, lest we partake of the same fate as those who did disobey God and perish.
Lets deconstruct the entire pro-homosexual argument, homosexuals claim that homosexual couples and relationships have always been around and are universally everywhere in the world, there isn't a place in the world where homosexuality doesn't exist, past and present.

They also claim that God isn't against homosexuality. If all of this is the case, why isn't there a single instance in the Bible of two men and or two women getting married? Why is there no verse written in the Bible that says two people of the sex who love each other is ok and tolerable? Why is homosexuality and or homosexual acts and sex seen as an abomination in both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible? Is it the Bible thats wrong or the people who speak what the Bible says are wrong? Homosexuals like to always claim that religious people who do not accept their abnormal, sexually perverted lifestyle are not following the Bible because they supposedly are not "loving" their neighbor, but since when does accepting a sinful lifestyle amount to truly loving someone and why do homosexuals continue ignore the fact that their own vile and perverse actions are not God like and un-Christian?

To point out to homosexuals that their lifestyle is wrong is not hate , but a form of rebuke and those who do not rebuke them and instead support them likewise also bear the sin of homosexuals for it is written:

Leviticus 19:17

17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart: thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not bear sin because of him.

Nuff said!!


David and Jonathan

There is an extensive and very sympathetic description of a same-sex relationship in the Bible, the story of David and Jonathan, e.g.: 1 Samuel 18:1-5, 1 Samuel 19:1-7, 1 Samuel 20:30-42, 2 Samuel 1:25-6. While their bond is described as non-sexual, it is difficult to characterize it as purely one of friendship.

Jonathan was the son of Saul, David's nemesis. Their souls are described as 'knit together'. David and Jonathan 'made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.' The word convenant is significant, because in the Tanach this word always implies a formal legal agreement. To mark this convenant, Jonathan literally gives David the clothes off of his back, as well as other gifts such as weapons.

Later in the narrative, Jonathan successfully intercedes with Saul to spare David's life. At their last meeing, 1 Samuel 20:41, they are described as kissing one another and weeping together. David's grief at Jonathan's death is profound and moving. In Davids lament for Jonathan he describes their friendship as '(sur)passing the love of women'. This elegy, 2 Samuel 1:18-27. known as 'the Bow,' is one of the most beloved passages in the Hebrew Bible.

This narrative far outweighs the two trivial aspersions against same-sex love in Leviticus. The bigots who use the Bible to assault gays are apparently blind to it.

LGBT Texts
David and Jonathan

David and Jonathan were not homosexuals engaged in a same sex relationship, homos like to project this myth but the Bible makes clear through reading that David and Jonathan were not a same sex couple, they were two very close knit friends, very much like brothers, why are you quoting sites written by homos that misinterpret scripture?
Yo, fucktard, you asked if there was one instance in the Bible of 2 people of the same gender getting married.

I showed you where David and Jonathan had a FORMALLY RECOGNIZED same sex union.

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