Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

Just to shut this kid up:
AUE: FAQ excerpt: Biblical sense of "to know"
know in the biblical sense - definition of know in the biblical sense by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Now do you "know" any more than you did a minute ago? Of course not because you are always right. Now child, run back to your gay lover and leave me alone.

Rotfl! No wonder you were scared to post the link. I provided two scholarly resources and you ignored those to link some guy named Mark Israel? Who the hell is that and please explain how his COMMENTARY trumps the facts I provided from the two sources? This is just another example of you not being able to support your claim. How do you justify your outright dishonesty?

Hey numbnuts, there are no facts to religion, there is simply faith. You have yours and I have mine, and mine says you are wrong, and always will be. Now go away kid you bother me.

Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.
Hey numbnits, there are no facts to religion, there is simply faith. You have yours and I have mine, and mine says you are wrong, and always will be. Now go away kid you bother me.

Don't know how you do it but you managed to embarrass yourself again. You have been shown from two different sources yada doesn't simply mean to have sex and you've ignored everything else about the narrative including the fact scripture states why the destruction happened and that homosexuality was never cited as a reason. Holy shit you are one pathetic fucking excuse of a man.

But at least I am a man, and I don't have to please you. Nice try though. You are dismissed; this conversation is over because neither of us will ever change our own personal believes on this subject. You can understand that I hope.

That is why you are not a man. You let your beliefs trump the facts. I've provided more than enough evidence proving your claim is bullshit and all you can do is squirm and whimper.
Rotfl! No wonder you were scared to post the link. I provided two scholarly resources and you ignored those to link some guy named Mark Israel? Who the hell is that and please explain how his COMMENTARY trumps the facts I provided from the two sources? This is just another example of you not being able to support your claim. How do you justify your outright dishonesty?

Hey numbnuts, there are no facts to religion, there is simply faith. You have yours and I have mine, and mine says you are wrong, and always will be. Now go away kid you bother me.

Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.

How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

That would be the same as saying, "you cant be a Christian and a sinner, you are either one or the other".

Christians are those who follow Christ's teachings.

I can't find anywhere in the NT where Christ condemned homosexuality.

Most of what he said boiled down to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you would yourself.

Perhaps there aren't very many real Christians. :eusa_eh:

Didn't the bible say something about divorce though? Isn't that a sin? Why is it, people forget this...

I say burn all the divorced non sodomites. They are the ones destroying the sanctity of marriage. :eusa_angel:
Just as an aside, I love how the Bible portrays Lot as a righteous man.....even tho he's the type to hand his own daughters over to a mob just so they'd leave HIM alone.

Hey numbnuts, there are no facts to religion, there is simply faith. You have yours and I have mine, and mine says you are wrong, and always will be. Now go away kid you bother me.

Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.

How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

Listen you cock smoking knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded colon jousting sperm burping ozone commando, I ain't coming to anyone's aid.

I'm telling you how much you have fucked up the story and was showing you where you could verify the information, and get the truth for yourself.

Not my fault you're retarded. But then again, what else do you expect from a REMF? Courier? Yeah, just some big bellied asshole packing paper in your poop chute.

Like I said, instead of listening to the bombastic assholes that pass for Christian preachers nowadays, it helps to go to the source so that you can sort it out for yourself.

It's not so much that there's something wrong with Christianity, as much as it is that there is many things wrong with many PEOPLES INTERPRETATION of Christianity.

Might wanna listen if you ever manage to get your head out of your ass.
Just as an aside, I love how the Bible portrays Lot as a righteous man.....even tho he's the type to hand his own daughters over to a mob just so they'd leave HIM alone.


In Lot's culture it was customary to protect your guests at all costs and as I've already stated, his virgin daughters were his greatest source of wealth. Like it or not, women were viewed as property at the time and this was not endemic to Jewish history. His offering all his wealth to protect his guests would have been heard by audiences as a righteous move.
Hey numbnuts, there are no facts to religion, there is simply faith. You have yours and I have mine, and mine says you are wrong, and always will be. Now go away kid you bother me.

Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.

How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

First of all I don't need any help as I've been regularly thumping your dumbass. Second of all, he wasn't coming to CL's aid. He was simply posting information that showed you are fucking clueless. It may help if you stop focusing on me personally so much. Try it.
Just as an aside, I love how the Bible portrays Lot as a righteous man.....even tho he's the type to hand his own daughters over to a mob just so they'd leave HIM alone.


Apparently, you didn't understand the story.

Lot (Abraham's brother), took HIS daughters (his property), to use as payment to the mob outside of his house, so that the mob would leave THE ANGELS alone.

Using something of yours as a way to save others? Actually, in many places, that is kinda considered noble, like when people sacrifice themselves in order that others may live.

Ever heard of Flight 93? It was by their action to sacrifice themselves, their lovers and their children (throw their daughters to the crowd so to speak), in order that others (i.e. the angels), may live.

How is that NOT righteous?
That would be the same as saying, "you cant be a Christian and a sinner, you are either one or the other".

Christians are those who follow Christ's teachings.

I can't find anywhere in the NT where Christ condemned homosexuality.

Most of what he said boiled down to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you would yourself.

Perhaps there aren't very many real Christians. :eusa_eh:

Didn't the bible say something about divorce though? Isn't that a sin? Why is it, people forget this...

I say burn all the divorced non sodomites. They are the ones destroying the sanctity of marriage. :eusa_angel:

You're confusing sins with abomonations. For example: Divorce is a sin but eating shellfish is an abomination :eek:
Wait a minute...........exactly WHERE in the OT does it say that divorce is a "sin"?

Furthermore, the Jews are God's Chosen People, yet they have procedures in their systems of law, and have HAD it there since Biblical times, which is the procedure for divorce.

No, it's not a "sin". It's the twisted up "christians" who are screaming it's a sin.

But, they generally only do it when they're screaming about the institution that they're trying to save, yet destroy a bit more of it every day..........

Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.

How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

Listen you cock smoking knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded colon jousting sperm burping ozone commando, I ain't coming to anyone's aid.

I'm telling you how much you have fucked up the story and was showing you where you could verify the information, and get the truth for yourself.

Not my fault you're retarded. But then again, what else do you expect from a REMF? Courier? Yeah, just some big bellied asshole packing paper in your poop chute.

Like I said, instead of listening to the bombastic assholes that pass for Christian preachers nowadays, it helps to go to the source so that you can sort it out for yourself.

It's not so much that there's something wrong with Christianity, as much as it is that there is many things wrong with many PEOPLES INTERPRETATION of Christianity.

Might wanna listen if you ever manage to get your head out of your ass.

Look here dumb ass, you interpret the Bible your way, the rest of us will interpret it our way. Now run along and play.
Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.

How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

First of all I don't need any help as I've been regularly thumping your dumbass. Second of all, he wasn't coming to CL's aid. He was simply posting information that showed you are fucking clueless. It may help if you stop focusing on me personally so much. Try it.

I thought i dismissed you? Don't take a hint well do you.
How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

Listen you cock smoking knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded colon jousting sperm burping ozone commando, I ain't coming to anyone's aid.

I'm telling you how much you have fucked up the story and was showing you where you could verify the information, and get the truth for yourself.

Not my fault you're retarded. But then again, what else do you expect from a REMF? Courier? Yeah, just some big bellied asshole packing paper in your poop chute.

Like I said, instead of listening to the bombastic assholes that pass for Christian preachers nowadays, it helps to go to the source so that you can sort it out for yourself.

It's not so much that there's something wrong with Christianity, as much as it is that there is many things wrong with many PEOPLES INTERPRETATION of Christianity.

Might wanna listen if you ever manage to get your head out of your ass.

Look here dumb ass, you interpret the Bible your way, the rest of us will interpret it our way. Now run along and play.

Iow, don't reveal your illusions, dishonesty, and fantasies. That's why you're so fucking weed mincing sad. You make claims you cannot support, ignore the facts that prove you are incorrect, then simply stomp your little feet in a classic two year old temper tantrum. Why don't you stick to the children's forums?
Listen you pansified pussy assed pissant with the intelligence of a flea, there are several things you're missing here.........

First, it's a HEBREW (say it with me kiddies), as well as JEWISH listing of THEIR (not your) history.

It also helps to have a JEWISH SCHOLAR teach you the backstory.

First, Abraham was talking to God about stuff, and God told Abraham that He was going to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham then told Him that his brother Lot was living there. God told him that he still had to destroy it, so Abraham started to negotiate for the city. He started by asking God that if there were 50 righteous people in there, would He spare it? God said yes, and Abraham then started to negotiate it down.

The number ended up being 5.

God then told Abraham that He would send in 3 angels to guide Lot and his family out of the city before it would be destroyed. One of the angels was called away for something else.

The remaining 2 went over to the city, and Lot was sitting at the gates (he liked to greet travelers and offer them hospitality).

The people of the city saw them come in, and immediately knew they were angels. It's not so much about the homosexuality (as most angels don't really have a specific gender), as it is about the fact that the people of the city were wicked, and they did that to others whenever they happened by.

Think of it as going into a Hell's Angels clubhouse in California. If you're not one of them, they will use and abuse you as they see fit, up until you're in the hospital, morgue or pregnant, and, it doesn't really matter what your gender is.

It was then that the angels told Lot they had to boogie.

Like I said, it helps to go to the people who actually wrote the book for the understanding, rather than just cherry picking stuff so that you can beat others over the head with it.

By the way, the program where I learned that? It's on God's Learning Channel on cable, and the name of the program is "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".

Good stuff.

How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

First of all I don't need any help as I've been regularly thumping your dumbass. Second of all, he wasn't coming to CL's aid. He was simply posting information that showed you are fucking clueless. It may help if you stop focusing on me personally so much. Try it.

Your wish has been granted. You are now on ignore. In my world, that is a permanent position.
How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

First of all I don't need any help as I've been regularly thumping your dumbass. Second of all, he wasn't coming to CL's aid. He was simply posting information that showed you are fucking clueless. It may help if you stop focusing on me personally so much. Try it.

I thought i dismissed you? Don't take a hint well do you.

Stop whining you little ****. Either address the facts or take your old lumpy lazy piece of shit rejected from the Army punk ass back to bed where you belong.
How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

First of all I don't need any help as I've been regularly thumping your dumbass. Second of all, he wasn't coming to CL's aid. He was simply posting information that showed you are fucking clueless. It may help if you stop focusing on me personally so much. Try it.

Your wish has been granted. You are now on ignore. In my world, that is a permanent position.

thanks for sharing
How christian like for you to come to curvelights aid and attack another instead. Go watch your television dickweed.

First of all I don't need any help as I've been regularly thumping your dumbass. Second of all, he wasn't coming to CL's aid. He was simply posting information that showed you are fucking clueless. It may help if you stop focusing on me personally so much. Try it.

Your wish has been granted. You are now on ignore. In my world, that is a permanent position.

I'm always flattered when homophobes are threatened so deeply they have to put me on ignore. I consider that a compliment, so thank you.
Listen you cock smoking knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded colon jousting sperm burping ozone commando, I ain't coming to anyone's aid.

I'm telling you how much you have fucked up the story and was showing you where you could verify the information, and get the truth for yourself.

Not my fault you're retarded. But then again, what else do you expect from a REMF? Courier? Yeah, just some big bellied asshole packing paper in your poop chute.

Like I said, instead of listening to the bombastic assholes that pass for Christian preachers nowadays, it helps to go to the source so that you can sort it out for yourself.

It's not so much that there's something wrong with Christianity, as much as it is that there is many things wrong with many PEOPLES INTERPRETATION of Christianity.

Might wanna listen if you ever manage to get your head out of your ass.

Look here dumb ass, you interpret the Bible your way, the rest of us will interpret it our way. Now run along and play.

Iow, don't reveal your illusions, dishonesty, and fantasies. That's why you're so fucking weed mincing sad. You make claims you cannot support, ignore the facts that prove you are incorrect, then simply stomp your little feet in a classic two year old temper tantrum. Why don't you stick to the children's forums?

That's it you stupid little faggot. I tried to point out the fact that we disagreed and that we would never agree on this subject. I tried to make you understand that each person could interpret the Bible differently and provided facts to back up the way I saw the subject. You want to make it personal. Well I don't like discussing religion with morons who refuse to accept that in others eyes the way they read the bible may be different. So if we all don't see it as you do we must all be going to hell. Fuck you goat gaybitch. You are back to ignore for plain simple fucking stupidity. AGAIN.
Look here dumb ass, you interpret the Bible your way, the rest of us will interpret it our way. Now run along and play.

Iow, don't reveal your illusions, dishonesty, and fantasies. That's why you're so fucking weed mincing sad. You make claims you cannot support, ignore the facts that prove you are incorrect, then simply stomp your little feet in a classic two year old temper tantrum. Why don't you stick to the children's forums?

That's it you stupid little faggot. I tried to point out the fact that we disagreed and that we would never agree on this subject. I tried to make you understand that each person could interpret the Bible differently and provided facts to back up the way I saw the subject. You want to make it personal. Well I don't like discussing religion with morons who refuse to accept that in others eyes the way they read the bible may be different. So if we all don't see it as you do we must all be going to hell. Fuck you goat gaybitch. You are back to ignore for plain simple fucking stupidity. AGAIN.

Rotfl! Clean the other pacifier. Ollie just lost the one he was chomping on! Poor fella. It must be hell making claims you can't support, putting words in others mouths to try and hide that, and ignoring all the facts that show you're flat out fucking wrong.

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