Possible suicide Mission!! Plot Locked out of the Cockpit Germanwings Crash in France


Andreas Lubitz, co-pilot, 28 yrs old
They do, but according to the French investigators this wasn't.
Did it ever occur to some people that sometimes, accidents just happen?

Statistically, there are one or two plane crashes a year, out of many, many thousands of flights.

NO, it is as of yet inconclusive.

Seems pretty clear now

It was no "accident"

Second time it has happened (maybe more). Have to see what rule changes come about regarding being alone in the cockpit
There was already a rule that there had to be two people in the cockpit at all times. If one pilot left, a flight attendant must enter the cockpit while he is away.
Perhaps the co-pilot killed the flight attendant.
They do, but according to the French investigators this wasn't.
Did it ever occur to some people that sometimes, accidents just happen?

Statistically, there are one or two plane crashes a year, out of many, many thousands of flights.

NO, it is as of yet inconclusive.

Seems pretty clear now

It was no "accident"

Second time it has happened (maybe more). Have to see what rule changes come about regarding being alone in the cockpit
There was already a rule that there had to be two people in the cockpit at all times. If one pilot left, a flight attendant must enter the cockpit while he is away.
Perhaps the co-pilot killed the flight attendant.

That rule is enforced in the US. Not in Europe.
They do, but according to the French investigators this wasn't.
Did it ever occur to some people that sometimes, accidents just happen?

Statistically, there are one or two plane crashes a year, out of many, many thousands of flights.

NO, it is as of yet inconclusive.

Seems pretty clear now

It was no "accident"

Second time it has happened (maybe more). Have to see what rule changes come about regarding being alone in the cockpit

This would have never happened with a U.S. airlines, as we do not allow anyone to ever be alone in the cockpit of an airliner.
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

French prosecutor Co-pilot wanted to destroy plane

I stand corrected, had not seen the information yet.

Wow, tragic.
A change to the cockpit doors needs to be implemented (i.e., a special key, etc.) so that if one of the cockpit crew leaves the cockpit to use a restroom, or for some other reason, he or she can return. This change to cockpit doors should begin as soon as possible to possibly avert another such incident.
Crazies and terrorists will find a way around any safeguard.

That said, a flight attendant could have been in that cabin at no cost.
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

French prosecutor Co-pilot wanted to destroy plane

I stand corrected, had not seen the information yet.

Wow, tragic.

What are they saying in Europe?
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

French prosecutor Co-pilot wanted to destroy plane

I stand corrected, had not seen the information yet.

Wow, tragic.

What are they saying in Europe?


From the one link I just posted, the co-pilot was from Montabaur, between Bonn/Cologne and Frankfurt am Main.


"Alles weiß man noch nicht vom Hergang des Unglücks. Sicher scheint bisher, dass Lubitz allein im Cockpit war, und absichtlich den Sinkflug einleitete. Das ergibt sich aus den Ermittlungen der Behörden in Frankreich. Sie beziehen sich dabei auf Auswertungen des Stimmrekorders. Aus den Aufnahmen soll hervorgehen, dass einer der Piloten vor dem Sinkflug das Cockpit verlassen und anschließend vergeblich versucht habe, die Tür zu öffnen, um wieder ins Cockpit zu kommen. Auf dem gefundenen Stimmrekorder sei zu hören, wie sich die Tür erst öffnet und dann wieder schließt, gefolgt von Klopfen an der Tür. Der Pilot versuchte schließlich auch die Tür einzutreten, vergebens.

Daraufhin wurde im Cockpit der Sinkflug eingeleitet, und zwar absichtlich durch das Drehen eines Knopfes. Der Sinkflug dauerte acht Minuten lang. Lubitz reagierte nicht auf den Piloten vor der Cockpittür oder auf Funksprüche, gelebt hat er aber bis zum Absturz.

Einen terroristischen Hintergrund schließen die Ermittler aus. Die Frage nach dem Warum bleibt. Die Motive des 28-Jährigen sind unklar."


"We still don't know how it all happened. But it is sure that Lubitz was alone in the cockpit and deliberately put the plane in a "Sinkflug", according to french investigators based on their evaluation of the voice-recorder. Based on the recording, one of the two pilots left the cockpit and tried in vain to get the door (to the cockpit) opened again. From the recording, it can be heard how the door first opens, then closes, followed by knocking on the door to get back in. The pilot also tried to kick in the door.

Immediately following this, the plane was put on a steep descent, deliberately, through the turn of one single control. The descent lasted 8 minutes. Lubitz did not respond to the pilot standing on the other side of the cockpit door nor did he respond to the radio transmissions coming in, but he lived until impact.

The investigators are saying that this had no terrorist background. But the question as to WHY remains. The 28 year-old's motives are unclear."
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

French prosecutor Co-pilot wanted to destroy plane

I stand corrected, had not seen the information yet.

Wow, tragic.

What are they saying in Europe?
The French prosecutor, who did the press conference, ruled out terrorism.
No he didn't. He said they had to complete the investigation. He dudn't even know the name until later in his news conference.

He did say he was not a known terrorist.
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

French prosecutor Co-pilot wanted to destroy plane

I stand corrected, had not seen the information yet.

Wow, tragic.

What are they saying in Europe?
The French prosecutor, who did the press conference, ruled out terrorism.
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What were the names of the pilots? Is there some reason they don't want the names released? Was either of them named mohammed?
Why fly into mountains and not a target? Reminds me of the plane that disappeared. I hate not knowing. No suicide note? No tape of what they said before going down? No mayday?

Good point. I'm starting to think the pilot had a heart attack or some other medical emergency.
According to FAA rules there is supposed to be two crewman in the cockpit at all times just for this reason.
No he didn't. He said they had to complete the investigation. He dudn't even know the name until later in his news conference.
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor said Thursday.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps.

It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said.

French prosecutor Co-pilot wanted to destroy plane

I stand corrected, had not seen the information yet.

Wow, tragic.

What are they saying in Europe?
The French prosecutor, who did the press conference, ruled out terrorism.

I would say, as I already wrote in my thread, as: wait and see. It may take up to five weeks to get all of the information. The authorities, as far as I know, are only working based on information from 1 black box, it appears that the other is yet to be found. I never ruled hanky-pank out, I just said that at the time, the authorities were ruling out terrorism, and they still are.

Flags are hanging at half-mast today (Trauerflagge) in Germany. People in the German Bundestag broke out into tears more than once. Vigils are being held in many cities in Germany.
There was a reason airlines once had three qualified pilots up front.

Then one could go take a leak and have two there in case one had a sudden heart attack or stroke and died.

But that cost too much money.

I thought they were still required to have two in the cockpit at all times?

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