Post 2016 election....What are Republicans going to do with the deplorables?

The demise of the Republican Party will someday be pinned to Trump
The demise of the Republican Party will someday be pinned to Trump

Says the man that was gloating about the demise of the REpublican Party long before Trump was a serious player.

And he is too dim to realize that he is completely contradicting himself.

Or a vile liar.
The Problem with the GOP is not Trump
He just exploited an obvious weakness to seize control

The real cause is the rightwing media. They created the Tea Party. They fueled the Deplorables. They fed the beast and showed the beast its prey

The low information Deplorables now hate everyone and trust no one. They are out of control
The Problem with the GOP is not Trump
He just exploited an obvious weakness to seize control

The real cause is the rightwing media. They created the Tea Party. They fueled the Deplorables. They fed the beast and showed the beast its prey

The low information Deplorables now hate everyone and trust no one. They are out of control

The "deplorables" are nothing but good people who's interests run counter to the lib agenda.

Your slander of them is you being a bad person.

The "problem" with the GOP is block voting among minorities and the demographic change engineered by dems to create a Defacto One Party State.

You revealed that you agree with that with your constant gloating about "the next republican president not being born yet."

THe only way you can say that is if you know that NO actions that republicans can take will have any impact on voting patterns.

By adding insult to injury you are doing all that you can to make sure your future Lib Utopia is a Hellhole.
Even FoxNews was aghast at what they had helped to create. When they saw Trump emerge, they did everything in their power to prevent him from winning the GOP nomination

Once he won the nomination, all Fox pundits jumped on the Trump bandwagon
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

It turns out Hillary was being kind when she called Republicans deplorables. Fox News calls them something else

“Like negotiating with terrorists,” Alex Pfeiffer, then a producer on Tucker Carlson’s nightly show, said of the line Fox News had to tread between reporting the news and feeding its audience the conspiracy theories they crave.

“But especially dumb ones. Cousin-fucking types, not Saudi royalty.”


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