Post 2016 election....What are Republicans going to do with the deplorables?

Real Republicans need to stand up and state the following

1. Hillary does not belong in Jail
2. Obama does not hate America
3. Scientists say Climate Change is happening and I agree with them
4. We need to do something with the 10 million illegals in this country
5. Balancing the budget will require both spending cuts and tax increases
6. American Muslims are peaceful and are needed to fight terror
7. Gay Americans need the same rights as everyone else
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


The alt right, aka the "deplorables" will fade away again as cooler heads eventually prevail. It happened with the Know Nothing party and it will happen with them.

I hope so

The Deplorables will still be there but need to be driven back into the shadows. Real Republicans, and there still are some, need to start telling them to STFU and that goes to the stupid questions they get at rallies, questions from FoxNews commentators and offensive signs and t shirts

It will take a set of balls and I don't think Republicans will go there

Actually, the leaked emails indicate that it is the Clinton supporters who are the ignorant and manipulated ones. They even bragged about how they were leading you to support their elections and re-elections. Perhaps you need to actually read what they said about you?
Real Republicans need to stand up and state the following

1. Hillary does not belong in Jail
2. Obama does not hate America
3. Scientists say Climate Change is happening and I agree with them
4. We need to do something with the 10 million illegals in this country
5. Balancing the budget will require both spending cuts and tax increases
6. American Muslims are peaceful and are needed to fight terror
7. Gay Americans need the same rights as everyone else

Yes, the Washington elitist have brainwashed you really well. You were so easy to create.
Real Republicans need to stand up and state the following

1. Hillary does not belong in Jail
2. Obama does not hate America
3. Scientists say Climate Change is happening and I agree with them
4. We need to do something with the 10 million illegals in this country
5. Balancing the budget will require both spending cuts and tax increases
6. American Muslims are peaceful and are needed to fight terror
7. Gay Americans need the same rights as everyone else

Yes, the Washington elitist have brainwashed you really well. You were so easy to create.

Until Real Republicans can stand up and say these things, they will be owned by the batshit crazy wing of the party who demand complete fealty

Real Republicans need to go back to their historical roots of sensible economic policy instead of a strict No Taxes dogma, they need to embrace science, embrace spending on education and infrastructure, embrace comprehensive energy policies, embrace social equality
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


The alt right, aka the "deplorables" will fade away again as cooler heads eventually prevail. It happened with the Know Nothing party and it will happen with them.

Except that people like RW and HIllary will continue to need to marginalize and vilify those who dare stand against the lib agenda.

After all they CAN'T allow that there are ANY valid complains against the lib agenda, because if they do that, then then might be called on to defend their policies on their merits.

And that terrifies lefties.

So every time someone has the nerve to complain about lefty policies fucking up their lives, the Left will re-invent the "deplorables".
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


The alt right, aka the "deplorables" will fade away again as cooler heads eventually prevail. It happened with the Know Nothing party and it will happen with them.

I hope so

The Deplorables will still be there but need to be driven back into the shadows. Real Republicans, and there still are some, need to start telling them to STFU and that goes to the stupid questions they get at rallies, questions from FoxNews commentators and offensive signs and t shirts

It will take a set of balls and I don't think Republicans will go there

Because wanting to enforce the law and not be the world's bitch on Trade is so vile...

Did you see my thread on the recent World Trade Organization on how the European Union was massively subsidizing Airbus, thus proving Trump right on Trade Policy?

Thus disproving all the Free Traders who claimed that our trade deficits were natural and the result of Fair Competition.

ANd all the lefties who claimed our inability to compete was because our American workers are stupid and lazy.

Meanwhile you lefties just keep vilifying good people who have lost their jobs and are suffering real hardship.
Real Republicans need to stand up and state the following

1. Hillary does not belong in Jail
2. Obama does not hate America
3. Scientists say Climate Change is happening and I agree with them
4. We need to do something with the 10 million illegals in this country
5. Balancing the budget will require both spending cuts and tax increases
6. American Muslims are peaceful and are needed to fight terror
7. Gay Americans need the same rights as everyone else

Yes, the Washington elitist have brainwashed you really well. You were so easy to create.

Until Real Republicans can stand up and say these things, they will be owned by the batshit crazy wing of the party who demand complete fealty

Real Republicans need to go back to their historical roots of sensible economic policy instead of a strict No Taxes dogma, they need to embrace science, embrace spending on education and infrastructure, embrace comprehensive energy policies, embrace social equality

Wanting to deport illegals, and to have a trade policy designed to protect American interests is not bat shit crazy.

That it has been successfully branded as bat shit crazy shows how fucked up America is.
Real Republicans need to stand up and state the following

1. Hillary does not belong in Jail
2. Obama does not hate America
3. Scientists say Climate Change is happening and I agree with them
4. We need to do something with the 10 million illegals in this country
5. Balancing the budget will require both spending cuts and tax increases
6. American Muslims are peaceful and are needed to fight terror
7. Gay Americans need the same rights as everyone else

Yes, the Washington elitist have brainwashed you really well. You were so easy to create.

Until Real Republicans can stand up and say these things, they will be owned by the batshit crazy wing of the party who demand complete fealty

Real Republicans need to go back to their historical roots of sensible economic policy instead of a strict No Taxes dogma, they need to embrace science, embrace spending on education and infrastructure, embrace comprehensive energy policies, embrace social equality

Wanting to deport illegals, and to have a trade policy designed to protect American interests is not bat shit crazy.

That it has been successfully branded as bat shit crazy shows how fucked up America is.

The Deplorables go beyond illegals. They hate all immigrants. They seethe when they stand in line behind a bunch of Mexicans speaking Spanish at the grocery store, they rage when they have to "Press 1 for English", they glare when they see a Muslim woman in a hijab

These are the 20% "Deplorables" that Hillary spoke of. The coalition Trump used to get the GOP nomination
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


I think the GOP wanted Hillary elected, so Trump was simply a tool to make that happen.

The old guard is alive and well. Nothing has changed.
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


I think the GOP wanted Hillary elected, so Trump was simply a tool to make that happen.

The old guard is alive and well. Nothing has changed.

I have heard that conspiracy theory. But can't imagine a worse candidate if you want the other side elected

Reminds me of "The Producers" and Springtime for Hitler
Real Republicans need to stand up and state the following

1. Hillary does not belong in Jail
2. Obama does not hate America
3. Scientists say Climate Change is happening and I agree with them
4. We need to do something with the 10 million illegals in this country
5. Balancing the budget will require both spending cuts and tax increases
6. American Muslims are peaceful and are needed to fight terror
7. Gay Americans need the same rights as everyone else

Yes, the Washington elitist have brainwashed you really well. You were so easy to create.

Until Real Republicans can stand up and say these things, they will be owned by the batshit crazy wing of the party who demand complete fealty

Real Republicans need to go back to their historical roots of sensible economic policy instead of a strict No Taxes dogma, they need to embrace science, embrace spending on education and infrastructure, embrace comprehensive energy policies, embrace social equality

Wanting to deport illegals, and to have a trade policy designed to protect American interests is not bat shit crazy.

That it has been successfully branded as bat shit crazy shows how fucked up America is.

The Deplorables go beyond illegals. They hate all immigrants. They seethe when they stand in line behind a bunch of Mexicans speaking Spanish at the grocery store, they rage when they have to "Press 1 for English", they glare when they see a Muslim woman in a hijab

These are the 20% "Deplorables" that Hillary spoke of. The coalition Trump used to get the GOP nomination

Disagreeing with a liberal about Immigration Policy is not being deplorable, nor is it "seething with hatred".

It is not "bat shit crazy" to realize that there are costs and problems associated with high levels of immigration.

It is quite vile, or "Deplorable" to smear good people with vile names, just because they disagree with you on policy.

Your self serving assumption that everyone that disagrees with you, does so for evul reasons is the result of YOUR lack of empathy, not ours.

And this will not be the last time that good people disagree with liberals on policy.

And every single time, you lefties will vilify anyone that opposes your agenda as some for of "deplorable".

What was the last issue that you considered the opposition to your agenda to be valid and not motivated by Evulness or Stupidity?
Post 2016 election....What are Republicans going to do with the deplorables?

Hopefully beat them in the election....

You ARE talking about...

The pathologically-lying, sexually assaulting/sexually harassing/raping/adulterous/pedophile Clintons who demonized and enabled Bill's victims, allied themselves with / armed terrorists, needlessly sacrificed 4 Americans, perjured herself, broke multiple laws, endangered national security, engaged in criminal pay-to-play....

The Democrats who have been exposed in their own e-mails as being racist, sexist, Catholic-mocking, Anti-Semitic Homophobes....

The deplorables are the ones who forced the GOP to select Trump over candidates who could have actually beaten Hillary....Candidates like Kasich, Rubio and Bush

In 2020, they will be back
They will force Republicans to take an unelectable Ted Cruz and ensure another easy Clinton victory

you are so full of shit. amazingly stupid thread premise.

first of all, if one of the other republicans had won the primaries the dems and the media would be doing the exact same things to him or her----------and you would be backing them with your foolish partisan rantings.

your credibility on this board is below zero.
There is nothing to be done with the Deplorables. We are here to break whatever you build.

The deplorables are the ones who forced the GOP to select Trump over candidates who could have actually beaten Hillary....Candidates like Kasich, Rubio and Bush

In 2020, they will be back
They will force Republicans to take an unelectable Ted Cruz and ensure another easy Clinton victory

you are so full of shit. amazingly stupid thread premise.

first of all, if one of the other republicans had won the primaries the dems and the media would be doing the exact same things to him or her----------and you would be backing them with your foolish partisan rantings.

your credibility on this board is below zero.

Of course Democrats would have run negative ads against Kasich, Bush and Rubio
But the ads would be over their positions on immigration, the economy and foreign policy

Against Trump and the deplorables, they get to run ads on his vile statements about women, his disdain for Mexicans and his mocking of the handicapped
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

I think you don't know what deplorable means.
The deplorables are the ones who forced the GOP to select Trump over candidates who could have actually beaten Hillary....Candidates like Kasich, Rubio and Bush

In 2020, they will be back
They will force Republicans to take an unelectable Ted Cruz and ensure another easy Clinton victory

you are so full of shit. amazingly stupid thread premise.

first of all, if one of the other republicans had won the primaries the dems and the media would be doing the exact same things to him or her----------and you would be backing them with your foolish partisan rantings.

your credibility on this board is below zero.

Of course Democrats would have run negative ads against Kasich, Bush and Rubio
But the ads would be over their positions on immigration, the economy and foreign policy

Against Trump and the deplorables, they get to run ads on his vile statements about women, his disdain for Mexicans and his mocking of the handicapped


McCain was the darling of your lefties.

Until he was a possible threat to your agenda.

Suddenly you all discovered, like flipping a switch, that he was a Racist and a HOt Head, and this and that.

Now that he is back to his old hobby of bashing fellow Republicans, you lefties like him again.
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

I think you don't know what deplorable means.

Same thing every descriptive word that can be spun to sound bad means to a Democrat.

Something to smear your enemies with.

NOte the complete lack of any mention of truthfulness or accuracy. That was not an accident.
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

I think you don't know what deplorable means.

Pretty sure I do
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

I think you don't know what deplorable means.

Pretty sure I do


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