Post 2016 election....What are Republicans going to do with the deplorables?

The Democrats used to be saddled with the Deplorables. They held up civil rights for a hundred years

The Democrats made a choice Do what's right or lose the deplorable vote

The Dems rid themselves of the Deplorables and the Republicans gladly took them

Now, they are stuck with them
BLM is deplorable.

La Raza and Mecha are deplorable.

Anti-white racists have used your party to get what they want for decades, and after Hillary, the black and brown racists will officially run for the party's highest positions.
Spoken like a klansman

You left out the Muslims, Jews and homosexuals
And you wonder why Republicans are consistently more educated than Democrats year after year...
Oh yes...thoroughly educated by FoxNews, Hannity, Drudge and Limbaugh
So did their competition teach you how to deflect everything you are too scared to directly respond to?

Why are Democrats afraid to admit that people who hate white people vote Democrat and greatly benefit the Democratic Party in elections?
Such a drama queen

What about those who hates white peoples <sob>
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


Except that that 20% are in truth, good people with real grievances.

By marginalizing them you are telling those people that they will never have their interests represented again.

A population far larger than the black population is expected to shut the fuck up and learn to like being pissed on.

The GOP isn't going to do anything with them.

As you have been gloating for years, the GOP is about to become irrelevant.

THis will be a defacto ONe Party State.

Your lefty system of demographic change and massive propaganda has made peaceful change impossible.
No those 20% are the same haters we have always had with us

The Deplorables
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


Except that that 20% are in truth, good people with real grievances.

By marginalizing them you are telling those people that they will never have their interests represented again.

A population far larger than the black population is expected to shut the fuck up and learn to like being pissed on.

The GOP isn't going to do anything with them.

As you have been gloating for years, the GOP is about to become irrelevant.

THis will be a defacto ONe Party State.

Your lefty system of demographic change and massive propaganda has made peaceful change impossible.
No those 20% are the same haters we have always had with us

The Deplorables

Nope. Good decent people smeared by assholes.

Vile fucking assholes.
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


Actually what I am seeing are mainstream (aka the majority) getting pretty pissed off. We can only HOPE that these people (the Tea Party anti establishment groupie) get on that election night train to hell with Donald Trump and we never see or hear their ignorant voices again. Remember that 54% of the party did not cast a vote for Trump.

If they hang in the party, the only way they're going to be controlled is with the use of SUPER DELEGATES, and open primaries. No more closed caucus states because that's where they hang out. No more letting them chose candidates, no more politicians playing patty feet with them. Their power has to be taken away, every bit of it.

These people are bat shit crazy and they really should not be involved in politics. These are the people that for decades have lived in a Reich wing media bubble, only watching FOX News, and Reich wing talk radio, whom have filled their veins with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. They have been so brainwashed and dumbed down, it's actually scary that they vote. To prove my point, just go to FOX News Facebook page and read some of these idiots comments. They're everywhere. It actually will give you a headache after a couple of minutes, they're that bad.

Here's one of their favorites getting corned after a caller was able to sneak onto his program.


Cenk manages to fail even when he has a point....

Trump WAS the only one who brought up immigration. It was not a "preposterous thing to say".
I believe the deplorables need to be rounded up,questioned,given one chance
to pledge loyalty to our new Queen and if they refuse they must be banished from the Kingdom....

Hillary laughing.jpg
BLM is deplorable.

La Raza and Mecha are deplorable.

Anti-white racists have used your party to get what they want for decades, and after Hillary, the black and brown racists will officially run for the party's highest positions.
Spoken like a klansman

You left out the Muslims, Jews and homosexuals
And you wonder why Republicans are consistently more educated than Democrats year after year...
Oh yes...thoroughly educated by FoxNews, Hannity, Drudge and Limbaugh
So did their competition teach you how to deflect everything you are too scared to directly respond to?

Why are Democrats afraid to admit that people who hate white people vote Democrat and greatly benefit the Democratic Party in elections?
Such a drama queen

What about those who hates white peoples <sob>

More deflection from the dumbass Democrat shill.

Your media gods are lucky they aren't radio hosts that I can call up and obliterate in front of their audience of millions of people.
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


Except that that 20% are in truth, good people with real grievances.

By marginalizing them you are telling those people that they will never have their interests represented again.

A population far larger than the black population is expected to shut the fuck up and learn to like being pissed on.

The GOP isn't going to do anything with them.

As you have been gloating for years, the GOP is about to become irrelevant.

THis will be a defacto ONe Party State.

Your lefty system of demographic change and massive propaganda has made peaceful change impossible.
No those 20% are the same haters we have always had with us

The Deplorables
Such a drama queen

"What about those evil white racists?"

I believe the deplorables need to be rounded up,questioned,given one chance
to pledge loyalty to our new Queen and if they refuse they must be banished from the Kingdom....

View attachment 93073

I wouldn't mind the banishment part, especially from politics. Look at what they wrote for their 2016 platform. How they were able to take over the reins in the Republican party is astounding.

They're not only dumb, they're fucking stubborn too. They're the worst of the worst. You can show a Trump supporter all kinds of links and they won't believe any of them, because it didn't come from Briebart or the Drudge report.

I have two or three on one Republican Facebook board, that actually still believe that Trump is going to win--LOL

And this IGNORANCE all started right here. (living in a secluded reich wing media bubble.)
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Which is the reason why for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
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The lib Joy Butthurt on The Distorted View called her a tramp yesterday.

Not a peep from the women libbers or one lib news outlet...libs and progs get duped again.
Why do you take Joy so seriously? I dont...she's a Drumpf - like blowhard.

It's understandable. You folks even give bill Clinton a pass on rape.
The lib Joy Butthurt on The Distorted View called her a tramp yesterday.

Not a peep from the women libbers or one lib news outlet...libs and progs get duped again.
Why do you take Joy so seriously? I dont...she's a Drumpf - like blowhard.
I take nothing a LWNJ says seriously.

Just pointing out the double standard, which I would guess you are incapable to seeing.
So you equate yourself with Black Racists??? Interesting.
Black racists vote Democrat.

Pretty much always have.

Most black racists are self-hating conservatives.
That literally made sense to no one but you.

That's an occasional consequence of having superior insight.
Or being a dumbass.

Unless you want to clarify and flat out say you don't believe black people can be racist to look even more stupid than you already are.

Stick to emoticons. That's your upper limit.
Black racists vote Democrat.

Pretty much always have.

Most black racists are self-hating conservatives.
That literally made sense to no one but you.

That's an occasional consequence of having superior insight.
Or being a dumbass.

Unless you want to clarify and flat out say you don't believe black people can be racist to look even more stupid than you already are.

Stick to emoticons. That's your upper limit.
At least all my posts are comprehensible to anyone who isn't a retard.
Most black racists are self-hating conservatives.
That literally made sense to no one but you.

That's an occasional consequence of having superior insight.
Or being a dumbass.

Unless you want to clarify and flat out say you don't believe black people can be racist to look even more stupid than you already are.

Stick to emoticons. That's your upper limit.
At least all my posts are comprehensible to anyone who isn't a retard.

waaa waaa
I believe the deplorables need to be rounded up,questioned,given one chance
to pledge loyalty to our new Queen and if they refuse they must be banished from the Kingdom....

View attachment 93073

Actually, Hillary may go along with her ISIS friends and cut their heads off, especially if they are Christian.

After the hatred she expressed toward Catholics, she's ready to start loading the boats now.
I believe the deplorables need to be rounded up,questioned,given one chance
to pledge loyalty to our new Queen and if they refuse they must be banished from the Kingdom....

View attachment 93073

Actually, Hillary may go along with her ISIS friends and cut their heads off, especially if they are Christian.

After the hatred she expressed toward Catholics, she's ready to start loading the boats now.

The Pope doesn't agree

Trump goes to war with the pope
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


The alt right, aka the "deplorables" will fade away again as cooler heads eventually prevail. It happened with the Know Nothing party and it will happen with them.
Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them


The alt right, aka the "deplorables" will fade away again as cooler heads eventually prevail. It happened with the Know Nothing party and it will happen with them.

I hope so

The Deplorables will still be there but need to be driven back into the shadows. Real Republicans, and there still are some, need to start telling them to STFU and that goes to the stupid questions they get at rallies, questions from FoxNews commentators and offensive signs and t shirts

It will take a set of balls and I don't think Republicans will go there

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