Post 2016 election....What are Republicans going to do with the deplorables?

Hillary stated it as "half of Trumps supporters belong in a basket of deplorables" With about 40% of the electorate, half of the Trump voters would represent 20% of the population

This is the same 20% that joined the Tea Party, The 20% who are comprised of racists, survivalists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists and any other hate group

In 2008, Obama described them as "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

Gun nuts, religious fundamentalists, those who are anti-immigrant and anti-trade.....The very topics that Trump rode to a GOP nomination

The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

I wouldn't worry about what the GOP will do with them, Hillary will probably have Homeland security declare them all terrorist threats, and have them put on the terrorist watch list.

After that, their 2nd amendment rights will be revoked. If you know them, they will do the rest themselves. Once they are listed, the cops will come for their arms. After a few incidents, they will probably decide to ban together, and all hell will break loose.


Should that happen, libs and progs EVERYWHERE will cheer on the arrests.
Wonder what RW will say if Trump wins the election??

Should be an interesting melt down don't you think. LOL

The election is turning into a runaway for Hillary and will only get worse for Trump

What will the GOP autopsy of their defeat reveal?

The autopsy from 2012 revealed they need to do a better job in attracting women and Hispanics, And the Deplorables forced Trump on them

The 2016 autopsy will reveal that the Republicans have ceded control over their party to the Deplorables and the future of the party looks grim
The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

They will be controlled only by being ostracized and ignored. This is why so many Republicans have declined to vote for Trump. That's step one: act to deny the would-be "Deplorable in Chief" from ascending to the Presidency. The next step will be to commence on the "civil war" within the GOP to determine a winner. That battle may result in the U.S. becoming a three-party (or more) nation rather than a largely two-party nation. That'll be fine and each group will be then able to air, advocate and advance it's views without having to worry about what the "other half" of the party wants or thinks.
Wonder what RW will say if Trump wins the election??

Should be an interesting melt down don't you think. LOL

The election is turning into a runaway for Hillary and will only get worse for Trump

What will the GOP autopsy of their defeat reveal?

The autopsy from 2012 revealed they need to do a better job in attracting women and Hispanics, And the Deplorables forced Trump on them

The 2016 autopsy will reveal that the Republicans have ceded control over their party to the Deplorables and the future of the party looks grim

Good to know you have a crystal ball that actually works and you just absolutely know who the next POTUS will be.

Me?? I'll wait till the next day after the election to see who won.

I sure hope it isn't Hillary because the country sure doesn't need any more stupid, careless and incompetent.

Oh and I'm sure Dewey was surprised to find out that he lost especially since the newspapers said he won. LOL
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This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out. But who takes Trump's place is an abject mystery, since he's not a conservative.

Ryan will try to hold on to any dignity that still remains in the party. We'll see if there's any support for that.

Pence will somehow decide that his name and reputation are not stained by this and will try to rally the Christian Conservatives.

Gonna be pretty interesting.

Trump is the result of the people becoming fed up with the GOP establishments lies and inaction. The GOP hacks and RINO's are arrogant enough to think if Trump loses everything will be hunky dory but that's just not going to happen.
This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out. But who takes Trump's place is an abject mystery, since he's not a conservative.

Ryan will try to hold on to any dignity that still remains in the party. We'll see if there's any support for that.

Pence will somehow decide that his name and reputation are not stained by this and will try to rally the Christian Conservatives.

Gonna be pretty interesting.

Trump is the result of the people becoming fed up with the GOP establishments lies and inaction. The GOP hacks and RINO's are arrogant enough to think if Trump loses everything will be hunky dory but that's just not going to happen.
Yeah, you could be right.

It's a little tough to see from the outside which element of the party really has the most control right now.

This really needs to get worked out quickly.
Wonder what RW will say if Trump wins the election??

Should be an interesting melt down don't you think. LOL

The election is turning into a runaway for Hillary and will only get worse for Trump

What will the GOP autopsy of their defeat reveal?

The autopsy from 2012 revealed they need to do a better job in attracting women and Hispanics, And the Deplorables forced Trump on them

The 2016 autopsy will reveal that the Republicans have ceded control over their party to the Deplorables and the future of the party looks grim
Either that, or autopsy will show it was a con job by the Clintons the entire time. :lmao:

This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out. But who takes Trump's place is an abject mystery, since he's not a conservative.

Ryan will try to hold on to any dignity that still remains in the party. We'll see if there's any support for that.

Pence will somehow decide that his name and reputation are not stained by this and will try to rally the Christian Conservatives.

Gonna be pretty interesting.

Trump is the result of the people becoming fed up with the GOP establishments lies and inaction. The GOP hacks and RINO's are arrogant enough to think if Trump loses everything will be hunky dory but that's just not going to happen.
Yeah, you could be right.

It's a little tough to see from the outside which element of the party really has the most control right now.

This really needs to get worked out quickly.

The GOP leadership and establishment hacks are in charge, they have rigged congress in such a way that a handful of people hold all the power. We send our representatives to congress but they are hogtied. And if they dare oppose the leadership they are shoved aside and leadership pours money into the next primary to get rid of them and replace them with a GOP leadership shill who represents the GOP leadership not the constituents in that district.
The GOP is now controlled by these deplorables who are fed their orders daily by FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh and rightwing hate sites. Mainstream Republicans are now terrified of them and have no way of controlling them

They will be controlled only by being ostracized and ignored. This is why so many Republicans have declined to vote for Trump. That's step one: act to deny the would-be "Deplorable in Chief" from ascending to the Presidency. The next step will be to commence on the "civil war" within the GOP to determine a winner. That battle may result in the U.S. becoming a three-party (or more) nation rather than a largely two-party nation. That'll be fine and each group will be then able to air, advocate and advance it's views without having to worry about what the "other half" of the party wants or thinks.

John McCain tried to reign them in during the 2008 election. In response to the Obama is Arab lady, McCain responded that Obama is a good man, a family man who he happened to disagree on the issues. Palin listened and just snickered as she encouraged her crowds to spout any hate they wished

It is the beginning of when the Deplorables took over the GOP
This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out. But who takes Trump's place is an abject mystery, since he's not a conservative.

Ryan will try to hold on to any dignity that still remains in the party. We'll see if there's any support for that.

Pence will somehow decide that his name and reputation are not stained by this and will try to rally the Christian Conservatives.

Gonna be pretty interesting.

Trump is the result of the people becoming fed up with the GOP establishments lies and inaction. The GOP hacks and RINO's are arrogant enough to think if Trump loses everything will be hunky dory but that's just not going to happen.

Looks like we have a war

The GOP establishment is trashed as RINOs because they can't repeal Obamacare, can't impeach the President, can't stop gay marriage, can't accomplish anything at all because they are not allowed to negotiate with the Democrats

Meanwhile, the Deplorables sit on the sidelines and steam because they demand an agenda that nobody is capable of delivering
This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out.

I think nazi wannabe Hannity is in for the biggest shock of his life.
What Republican party...the only way they were going to survive was to support Trump.....they are not interested in doing that so if Trump loses, there will be no viable Republican party...I will be donating money to defeat paul ryan, and republican who helped hilary destroy the country....I will also change my party affiliation from Republican to Independent......
This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out.

I think nazi wannabe Hannity is in for the biggest shock of his life.

Nazis were national socialists....they were left wing and if you compare them to American political parties they would be democrats today....Hannity is a Conservative.....the exact opposite of a nazi....
This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out.

I think nazi wannabe Hannity is in for the biggest shock of his life.

I love how Paul Ryan is now too liberal for these Deplorables
The post 2016 battle for the heart and soul of the Republican party will tear the party apart

But if the real republicans are able to discard the Deplorables they will take a big hit at first but emerge as a stronger party that can appeal to moderates
This will certainly be the question going forward.

Hannity says that the old GOP is dead, and that Ryan and the rest of the (insert current adjective here) are on their way out.

I think nazi wannabe Hannity is in for the biggest shock of his life.

Nazis were national socialists....they were left wing
Nope. Wrong. Idiot.
He probably thinks Saddams Republican Guard were Republicans too

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