Pot shops on the run in California

Amy winehouse?

The study, however, could not separate tobacco smokers from marijuana smokers, because all but one of those testing positive for marijuana in the urine also showed signs of nicotine. Still, Barber said to Everyday Health “We know cannabis can cause changes in blood pressure and heart rate that are associated with increased stroke risk. Importantly, it can also cause heart palpitations, [a sign of atrial fibrillation]. And atrial fibrillation is very strongly associated with stroke.”

Read more: Marijuana Linked to Increased Stroke Risk | TIME.com

Heart Attack?
These risks are compounded by other lifestyle conditions that affect heart function, such as such as smoking cigarettes, being overweight, and not participating in physical activity.

All from your links.

Nah, pot had absolutely NOTHING to do with the increased incidents of stroke and heart attack among pot smokers. Nothing at all. The studies are all faked, false. Don't believe a word of it.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.
Nah, pot had absolutely NOTHING to do with the increased incidents of stroke and heart attack among pot smokers. Nothing at all. The studies are all faked, false. Don't believe a word of it.

No where did I say that, as a matter of fact the sections I quoted were to show that it wasn't only marijuana that caused those medical conditions... I'm glad these studies are finally being conducted to prove that weed isn't a holy plant that some state it is but in turn I don't think it should be demonized like it is.
Anything in excess can be harmful to one's health and anybody who thinks that something inhaled isn't detrimental should put the "ganja" down.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.

The laws in Colorado were voted for in November, which means that they probably did not go into effect until the first of the year. You have been posting how bad they have made things there for a couple of months now. That would mean in 3 months, things went to hell in Colorado and they already had the data collected to substantiate it. You are full of shit.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.

Just don't talk to us about banning X-large soft drinks. Studies show that excess sugar is much more lethal than pot.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.

The laws in Colorado were voted for in November, which means that they probably did not go into effect until the first of the year. You have been posting how bad they have made things there for a couple of months now. That would mean in 3 months, things went to hell in Colorado and they already had the data collected to substantiate it. You are full of shit.

I guess that's why I posed links each time.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.

The laws in Colorado were voted for in November, which means that they probably did not go into effect until the first of the year. You have been posting how bad they have made things there for a couple of months now. That would mean in 3 months, things went to hell in Colorado and they already had the data collected to substantiate it. You are full of shit.

I guess that's why I posed links each time.

Any links you would have would be suspect. It is only common sense that this is WAY too short a period of time.
Why are they doing this? :dunno:

We have lived with legal pot for 16 years already. It hasn't been a benefit. It has increased the misery of those who have to live with and/or around addicts.

Banning is getting ready to ban pot too. Many cities in Orange County already have. Lake Forest tossed them out a couple of years ago.

addicts....:lol:.....try other drugs....and in Lake Forrest they were violating the State Ordinances just like they were in LA......and just like they were doing here in Anaheim.....
We have lived with legal pot for 16 years already. It hasn't been a benefit. It has increased the misery of those who have to live with and/or around addicts.

Banning is getting ready to ban pot too. Many cities in Orange County already have. Lake Forest tossed them out a couple of years ago.

Are you in favor of getting rid of stores that sell alcohol? Alcohol is a much bigger problem than pot.

What happened to let the voters decide?

Obviously pot has turned out to be a bigger problem than alcohol. Pot was legalized for medicinal use. An initiative was put on the ballot to legalize it for recreational use. That failed. Pot proponents claimed that in the intervening years, people changed their minds and pot was now acceptable. They were wrong.

lets see you prove that......there are very few things worse than what Alcohol can do to a family...and Pot aint one of them....
I didn't realize legal marijuana was this much of a problem, what are the issues they are having with it?

the stores are violating the State ordinances about where they can be located and some are for profit....so those ones they are telling to close up.....
Petty and nuisance crime. Rise in drug use among minors. Mostly quality of life issues, business and family complaints. Whatever it is, when people have to live up close and personal with pot, they don't like it.

like they havent been since the 70's?......where the hell have you been?....
We have lived with legal pot for 16 years already. It hasn't been a benefit. It has increased the misery of those who have to live with and/or around addicts.

Banning is getting ready to ban pot too. Many cities in Orange County already have. Lake Forest tossed them out a couple of years ago.

It's getting abused foresure. However, it was supposed to be for medical purposes. As a person who watched my mother suffer through chemo treatments, I can tell you pot is a miracle drug when it comes to treating cancer patients on chemo. All the bullshit other drugs did dick. It wasn't until my brother and I begged her to smoke pot did her misery end. The nausea gone, upset stomach gone, head ache gone, appetiate BACK and she finally had energy to move around. It was a miracle drug!

It just doesn't work that way for everyone and there is synthetic pot that provides medicinal effects without the high.
doesnt work as well.....
Long time drunks, long time potheads, one dies of cirrhosis, the other dies of stroke and heart attacks.

really?......i know guys who are pretty dam athletic who smoke some every day.....you sure you dont mean Tobacco?....
Yes indeed, look at the death rate among users of alcohol verses pot.

It would be 0 deaths from pot.

Amy Winehouse died of cannibis poisoning.

Amy Winehouse suffers from marijuana poisoning? | Entertainment News

How many pot users died of a stroke?

Marijuana Linked to Increased Stroke Risk | TIME.com

Or had a heart attack?

Study: Pot Increases Heart Attack Risks - ABC News

for every one of those you can get a counter.....

Marijuana Smoking Doesn't Kill

This is not dying from smoking pot.

Why is it that when you talk about pot in Colorado, you live in Colorado, but when you talk about pot in California, you live in California?

I have relatives in Colorado. I do not live there, although I once did. I do pay attention to what goes on in Colorado. I live in Los Angeles California and one would think that a rat shithole like LA would be the last place on earth that would pass laws against marijuana interests. That would be like San Francisco passing laws against sodomy. But, in fact, marijuana has been so detrimental, even Los Angeles had to stir itself.

it aint because of health reasons....why dont you be honest?....for once...
It just doesn't work that way for everyone and there is synthetic pot that provides medicinal effects without the high.

Hardly has the synthetic proved to be as affective as the real deal. God doesn't make mistakes, end hemp and MJ prohibition now. He gave it to us to use.

Like belladonna, jimson weed, turpentine, arsenic. Ricin is made from the innocent little castor bean. God doesn't make mistakes. People make mistakes and ingesting poisons is one of those mistakes.

God made pot in order for people to get high. That's why she made it a weed and a fast grower.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.

you ever been around people who smoke Pot Katz?.....just pot....no drinkers,cig smokers or other drugs.....just Pot.....

Unfortunately yes. Many. At one time I really didn't think it was bad at all. Then I learned. As the evidence of misery mounted I could not hide any more. Hundreds if not thousands of addicts crossed my desk. Each one worse than the last.
Pot heads will grasp at any straw to make voter backlash not happen. Anything at all.

you ever been around people who smoke Pot Katz?.....just pot....no drinkers,cig smokers or other drugs.....just Pot.....

Unfortunately yes. Many. At one time I really didn't think it was bad at all. Then I learned. As the evidence of misery mounted I could not hide any more. Hundreds if not thousands of addicts crossed my desk. Each one worse than the last.

and its all because of smoking pot?.....they are not doing anything else in abundance?....i was around pot smokers for 30 years.....and the only ones who had any problems were the ones who drank to much,did speed,coke or some other stronger chemicals at the same time as doing Pot......but the ones who just toked up .....were just fine,held jobs....good marriages.....good health....even today......unless the person was a Pot abuser, i think you are full of it Katz....
you ever been around people who smoke Pot Katz?.....just pot....no drinkers,cig smokers or other drugs.....just Pot.....

Unfortunately yes. Many. At one time I really didn't think it was bad at all. Then I learned. As the evidence of misery mounted I could not hide any more. Hundreds if not thousands of addicts crossed my desk. Each one worse than the last.

and its all because of smoking pot?.....they are not doing anything else in abundance?....i was around pot smokers for 30 years.....and the only ones who had any problems were the ones who drank to much,did speed,coke or some other stronger chemicals at the same time as doing Pot......but the ones who just toked up .....were just fine,held jobs....good marriages.....good health....even today......unless the person was a Pot abuser, i think you are full of it Katz....

No. Just pot.

There has to be a reason why cities who welcomed pot are now getting rid of them. Los Angeles would certainly be big enough and permissive enough to want the revenue. Yet can't shut them fast enough. Torrance, Lake Forest, Banning, Beaumont just a few all welcomed pot shops and now ban them. Why? A sudden mass screening of Reefer Madness perhaps? The fact is unassailabe. Once a community lives with legal pot they get to not like it. Most probably some locales will end up as magnets for users and others will ban it entirely.

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